1 I Stewart, who is an englneei it M ml 1 23, 1937. PAOl THRU December flay, THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Hall Xmas Eve. (298) Lht- s train, due from the east Vciock, was reported tWi pg to be on time. . III.. Tt t ..U A I I . .1 I Pti(l-in.na E.. to the Prince Rupert Ro- bub at Its regular weekly lun- ; today President w. k. mc- l as In the chair. il tonight on the Prince Ru- knr Vancouver enroute to Los ft,... where she will spend a Fh's holiday In the hope that b-.ange will be of benefit to ner tamers of the Canada Steam (Lines plying on the Orea' and daughter. Miss H.Stew arrived in the city from Tor- ton Tuesday night's train and on the Prince Rupert to the round trip to Anyox and tort and thence through to louver this evening. Hotel Arrivals Royal j Whiting and L. Sen, city. Prince Rupert i Bennett, Vancouver. Central . and Mrs. J. Brentzren, Port yson; r uren, cj iviaguuaaeu I ilealy and S. Qrotlln, city. i Knox It. L. Clark, Georgetown. Not Too Late Wti Have a Photo Taken For Christmas Gifts KENTON STUDIO B jra Avenue Fresh Local Raw And 4 I. 12? VAtENTIN DAIRY rilONE C57 t I k :r 1 .a 11 8 KinrmoD Cards New Year's Eve. Hall. Dance, Moosi tf. Prank fitpvonc nf tVin Pent.nl TTn- some timers' -sUll confined to his room. James Patrick Downev arrived in the city yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver, where he is attendine University of British Columbia, and left on last evening's train for Smithcrs to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home. Anxiety Felt For Local Fisherman John Jarkson Missing Since Lcav ing for Winter Harbor a Couple of Months Ago Some anxiety is felt In regard to John Jackson who left the city a couple of months ago for Winter Harbor in the vicinity of Wales Island to engage in crab fishing and who has not been seen since. It is said that he had been having trouble with the engine of his boat before he left. Jackson was fifty- four years of age and had been lo cated out of Prince Rupert for four teen or fifteen years, being en jaged in fishing. He has a wife and family in Michigan. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree Decembci 27. C.Y.S. Holiday Dance Dec. Oddfellows' Hall. 29. Tags, Seals, Gift Wrappings There are over 300 boxes of Christmas Cards containing 12. box. Bach card Is different, some are 15, 18 and 21 cards to ribbon tied, all are smart and attractively designed. Priced from 33c. 73c. $1.00, SU3 and $1.50 per Box Individual cards priced from 2 for 5c. 10c, 15c, 20o & .15c each CELloPHANI: and TINSLL IllUUON iid. nrppn. uold or silver Gay Christmas lyings, !0c tiandVsilALS-Finc assortment of tags.ahd seals-add "Tusi the right touch to your parcels. wrapping paper that will (JUT WKAPPINOS-Fancy gift give your package that drcsed-up look. Rnsfi "Cowan & Latia Moose Christmas Tree Is Enjoyed Was Centre of Attractions For Many Children Last Night-Program and Santa Claus , The Moose Hall was the centre of attractions for manv children 28th, Norkap Christmas Tree December i Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay U nce, DecembeLai,, v i. j . C.Y.C. Dance, Catholic Hall, January 7. " "' Get Ready for Christmas Festivities Children's Party Dresses Ladies' Evening Dresses Beautiful Silk Lingerie Be Sure You See These Before Purchasing Your Outfits Drygoods and Novelty Shop last night when the lodge's annual Christmas' Tree entertainment was held. The affair, in which both the men's and women's lodges collaborated, was enjoyable to all and successful. There was an excellent program, arranged by A. K. Nelson, which included a violin solo by Ralph Morin, accompanied by Mrs. J. a. Black; ventriloqulstlc acts by Joe Ratchford and Willie McCarthy and a Christmas fable by Miss Winnie Cameron. After the program, Santa Clans (William McCallum) arrived on the ne scene scene and ana there inere was was distribu , mas and New Year holiday season. 5 5S rift n 9 I 32 JONES Family Market Phone 937 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Phone 683 Christmas Specials BEF.F g-lb. POT ROAST 5Qg g lbs. SHORT RIBS 25C lbs. SHOULDER STEAK lbs. ROUND STEAK g lbs. SIRLOIN STEAK g PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb - SIRLOIN TIP Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb T-BONE ROAST Per lb MUTTON LEO of MUTTON Per lb. 6 lbs. SHOULDER MUTTON lbs. MUTTON CHOPS 2 W4 mil. CM m I? : Nativity Pageant , At United Church Impressive Reproduction of Holy 25c 50c 50c 15c 18c 15c 50c I 20c 75c 35c FRESH KILLED POULTRY ROASTING CHICKEN Per lb. BOIL CHICKEN Per lb GRADE 'A' TURKEYS Per lb. DUCKS Per lb GEESE Per lb. Besncr Block UMcA. '"ZlJZ . lJ 30c 25c 35c 25c 25c Event Was Presented on Sunday " ; Morning Congregation and Sunday School united at mornlne service In First United Church on Sunday for the annual White Gift Service which was featured by a paegeant deplc- ine impressively the Nativity. The naceant was under the direction' ol Wilfrid Hicks and the characters of the Holy occasion of ,Christ'si birth were partrayed by the Misses Helen Green, Betty Wilkinson, Bet- ty Soles, Betty Barker and Isabel i Macdonald and Elmore Hankinson,; Hazen Hankinson, George Greenwood, Jack Davis, Malcolm Wilding and Maurice Davey. The Junior rhnlr. under direction of Miss l f asslsted After the tlon of gifts with serving of ice M mad cream. by the donors, Glllis Royer PJJ a-, at., ana o. p. conneiiy. ....," t n .Trknn. the Mrs. William Bussey. regent of ' the Women of the Moose, was )n pasur, was m uie pu.v. ceneral charee. assisted by Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. W. J. Lineham ( and Richard Long. j Ralph Skinner arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, where he is attending the Univer sity of British Columbia, and left on last evening's train for his home at Usk to spend the Christ 7 MUSCATEL and PMBL mm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. Christmas Cards For The Old Country Sec our large assortment of local view photo CMstmas cards and calendars.; They are appreciated by relatives and friends. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING is GROTTO Cigar Store Retail and Wholesale Tobacconists Xmas Stock Larger and Rcttcr Than Ever SPECIAL BARGAINS Xmas Box Chocolates and Novelties Big Reduction on Smokers' Sundries Set Special Set Pouch and Pipe 8 .00 II JiWWWWWJrt!fflm .--n-.: For A 1 Man Pajamas s Broadcloth, Lustrenes and Silk and Jf $2.00 to $5.00 Silk Scarves Dress Whites and Heavy Figured patterns. $15Q to $375 Neckties Silks, Wools and Saxonys. Each 50c, $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 Christmas Something Smart for Him to Wear A gift from our store is doubly welcome to a man because it represents style and quality. Here are a few suggestions: ENGLISH WOOL UOBES-Plain 1095 l 822.00 v v colors and checks SILK ROBES-In dark brown and navy V- ...A..;...:.-: COCKTAIL JACKETS-Wool flannel, smartly cut, belted HOUSE JACKETS From 9.50 nd $13.50 m.VXl. & xtftV Vt'wSf &Z 1 $8.00 $7.75 t0 $12.95 m SHIRTS, GLOVES, SPATS, HANDKERCHIEFS, BELTS At Various Prices- Watts & Nickerson .506 THIRD AVENUE Phone 315 HELLO EVEYBODY! 1 More Shopping Days till Xmas Need AnyA In Your WW Third Avenue and Fifth Street Assistance Shopping? How about a Coat? A Dress? A Hat? A pair of Shoes? Hcse, Lingerie, Houscdrcss, Waists, Skirts, etc.? Everyone appreciates something to wear. Do Your Stopping For Your Christmas Shopping At Annette Ladies Wear Co. Third Avenue and Fifth Street i i 1 V i !!! 4 t I i i i4! li' M i II 1 it h i r ii! R! i l it ' s ! i I 1 I ii I I I I