-PAGE SIX & u S 8 If B If 1 If w B 1 if If If If if if if For Every Person On THIRD AVENUE Your List You will find a suitable gift of exceptional value. Our numerous lines are from all the leading markets of the world. Our aim is to give you the best possible value for your money, and courteous service. We have an exceptionally large ranee of diamond jewelry. Diamond Mounted Watches and Watches of all the leading makes including a new S5.00 Special Jewelled Watch for Boys or Girls. STERLING SILVER. FLATWEAR and HOLLOW ARE IX VARIOUS DESIGNS A new line of Ladies' English Handbags, just received A new- You will find Compacts in the latest desi, ns. and wonderful range of Ladies IN OUR BASEMENT STORE a wonderful assortment of Dinner ware. Crystal, Cut Glass, Brass and Copper, Baggage, and hundreds of useful novelties. We Invite You to Visit Our Store and Shop in Comfort. You Will Be Well Repaid in Your Christmas Purchases MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist WE BUY USED FURNITURE Hours From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ELIO'S More PEP More POWER Better Motor Performance! THE "KING" TESTER That is what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Testfr, which is the last word In equipment for diagnosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a 6low motor and a PEPPY one Is only a matter of minor and Inexpensive adjustments. It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of line," but it does take special equipment to locate the trouble so that itcan be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and it eliminates all GUESS WORK. Bring your cat m and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT 8 a V TS a TUB DAILT JtlWt H Ymac TVoo Ic I Held Last Eve The annual Sunday School Christmas Tree entertainment of First Presbyterian Church took place last night in the church parlors, drawing out a goodly number of children as well as quite a few parents. The children presented an interesting prog ram after which Santa Claus arrived on the scene to assist in the distributing of books, gifts, sweets and oranges. rm wutiti e. 1svey was ui cuaigc ui eS the evening's proceedings, assisted by the Sunday School teachers. The program Included recitations by jfc Jean CaWenrood. Jackie Finlayson and Andrew Owens, songs by Denny is Prendegast, Barbara Teng. Molly, Frew. Ken BrockUesby and Bonnie ?2 Perkins, piano so!os by Pat Carson. p 'Viola Pendegast and Pat McCly-! mont. Iriih dance by Beatrice Rlt- chie and Bemke Eastwood and vk-lln duet by Jack Eastwood and Bill Hunter. Acconipanlsts were Mr. - Davey, Mrs. IS. J. Smith and Miss Nellie Lawrence. p Kitkatla Twins l Died Suddenly J $ Sir. and Mrs. Percy Temple Los Their Eight Month Old Sons S44gt!C4g- of each other last w j trie i win sons oi ix. sine and Used FURNITURE Dressers From . Chest of Drawers From Folding up Wall Bed-In solid oak , Dining Room Round Table From, up Wash Stands From Reconditioned Singer Sewing In first class condition From Hand Washing Machine From, up 23-JeweI Waltham Watch Diamond Tie Pin Guaranteed genuine 6-tube Victor Battery Radio With all new tubes Gratnophon From $6.00 S5.00 S15.00 S4.00 S2.00 Machine 820.00 S7.00 S20.00 825.00 820.00 85.00 New FURNITURE Wagons 824.75 Magazine Tables Qm " Each t Axmjnster Mats Size 27x54. G (f Each, up OTt.UU Reversible Wool Rugs In colors blue, green rose, mauve. Suitable for bedroom. QJ A A Size 25x43. Each p'l.UU Axminster Seamless Rugs Size j5 QQ Beds In all sizes with cable spring and cotton feltmattress. Spring Filled Mattress In all sizes 830.00 and 837.00 TOYS 82.00 820.00 GIFT BOXES Of the finest chocolates made at prices to suit every purse. Your choice will be held till Xmas with no deposit required. Come in and look It over. MUSSALLEM'S Confectionery Store "(lOVEKNMKN T I.KjtOlt ACT" Nutlrr of Application for H-rr I.lcrnre NOTICE U hereby ven that on the Thirty-First day-oX December next, the undersigned Intend to apply for .. licence In respect of the premises, bv ln part a the building known !s Port Clements Hotel, situate upon the landi described sut Lots No. 7, 8 and 0. Block 47, District Lot 748. Plan 1079, In the Prliice Rupert Land Rcltra. tlon District in the province of Brl tlsh Columbia, for the aale of beer by the glaM or the bottle for consumption on Uie premises or elsewhere. Dated thl 3rd day of December. AD. 1037. ADAM PYPER, Applicant. I KITKATLA, , Dec 23: The leaths occurred within twenty-four eek of Mrs. Percy Temple of Kitkatla. They were eight months of age and succumbed after being stricken suddenly. Another child of the village is ill with what is believed to bf; i similar complaint. HAH SILVER NKW YORK: TP! Bar "I er 'as unchanged at 44ic per ' ne o-nf" on the New York met-1 ' al market today. ! 0 lS o o i ti ,o s g o g o o i a a o o a o o o a P o o o a g o o o o a a o a g o o o o 0 O o 0 0 o 0 O 0 0 0 o a a 0 o o o g 0 o o 1 0 o 0 0 o a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Tucks Inlet and Port Edward reduction plants have both closed idown for the Christmas and New ! Year holiday, season and may reopen next month, depending upon i conditions prevailing then. Both I plants have been busy for several I weeks manufacturing oil from her-i ring which had been running in Prince Rupert Harbor and other local waters. Capt. Larry Thomson, who came north from loco as pilot for the Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Albertollte, which sailed from here early this morning for Port San Luis, California, will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to The Swedish freighter Olof Berg Is due in Prince Rupert on Tuesdaj ot next week to load a full cargo of train from the local elevator for the United Kingdom or Continent It will be the second grain ship to load here within a week. Naas River Mail Carrier Has Bad Trip Up Stream Ice piling up before a strong north . wind around the mouth ol the Naas River has been hampering Walter McMillan, mall carrier Df the upper Naas, and his crew, from getUng up the river on their eturn trip from Kincolith but they are hoping to get home before Christmas with over ninety sacks of mail which they have to carry over the ice. Dan Matheson, who arrived in the city on the Catala Tuesday afternoon from Anyox, sailed by the Prir.ee Rupert yesterday afternoon on his return there. Here It Is MAKE A SPLASH With Your Christmas Party It's New! Just Arrived Today Cresta Blanca Ready Mixtures Authentic Drinks. in Twenty Seconds NO FUSS NO 'MUSS NO BOTHER Now, with the aid of Cresta Rlanca Ready Mixtures, you can tcrve authentic drinks on -a moments notice. With the aid of these mixtures you are assured of smoothly b!nded. uniform, delicious drink. ' Cresta Blanca Ready Mixtures Now in Stock arc-Tom Collins Hot Buttered Rum. Whiskey Sour Old Fashioned Cin Fiz Dry Martini Singapore Slinc Manhattan Price Per 8-ouncc Bottle 50c Christmas CANDY SPECIALS Friday Only Mackintosh's Gaiety Toffee Special, lb. ... 25c Sharp's Coronation Toffee Special, per tin 4gc Cream Almonds Special, per lb, J9c Special Gum Assortment Per lb 23c Pearl Peanuts Special, per lb. 25c Tirulygood Wrapped Caramels Special, per lb. 25c Jelly Beans Special, pelb, jgc ORMES LTD. o o o a o I o 2 S o o o o o o o o o 2 o o o How Chef Got Glasses Back rrain Cook's Artificial Optics Wen found Hanging On Tree VANCOUVER. December 23 (Ca-ladlan Pressi B. V. Anderson hef on a Canadian National tralr Ktween Vancouver and Edmonton 'hlle leaning out of a window or. 'the train, had his glasses btowt ff by a gust of wind. He was cer-ain they would have been broken "n the rocks but decided to send a wire telling the section crew of h! toss. Soon a wire came back, advising Anderson that the glasses had been found hanging on a Vancouctr Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec. 23: CP Wheat was tradln? at $1 31 4 on the Vancouver market yesterday Let of Lamb Lb. T-none Sirloin Hoist Lb. ... 25c 25c 22c 22c ST TIMp Comnlrt. cVH Zane l'ork, Lamb or Vwl Chops Nabob Colfre Lb. No. 1 r.utlcr 3 lbs. L'srs Ora, 3 lbs. j "Forlorn R.. J Urryc'rr PLUS The Great Ga!, With Akin. . Cominr ivm.. . JJ "TUP r. "Wtl '-riROHi CANDl TSTir:5 I.O.Il v n I f.r"Jf I TirkH , i. . Infl Place Friday Xitht DEMERS Closing Out Sale Christmas Gift Suggestions Hankies, Compacts, Coats, Knitted Wear, Skirts, Scarves, Ski Pants and Sets, Gloves, Dresses, Shoes, Slippers, Slacks, Blouses, Lingerie, Hosiery, ,M robes, Cards and Calendars. The above at real bargain prices, come and look and compare. Selvig's Xmas Specials1 Turkey A Grade Koasting Chicken Milk Fed Lb Ducks Lb. t.c- of I'ork Lb. Leg of 35c - 30c 25c 25c "25c 37c 81.(10 $1,00 rggs-Ora..-: C 3 doz . Hams-Shm 35C Premlu'r. I '1 MiikAii b! 4,35 Case Oanon?s Clioco latcs K-W Apple- D( Fancy Box 81.00 82.29 Have Vou Kvcr Tried a Buffalo Koast? If NotTry One, We Have It Also big supply of Candy, Nuts, Oranges, (irapes. Uniftl Can'r Ansjovis, round and boneless, Caffclblter, Ilatbrcad, Goatchtf I'hone 765 a . r Hi Canadian trv r SR racitic l TMvH fw Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental TransWfi To Vancouver via (lrn I'alU anil IVav 1'OrtS Princess Adelaide every Friday. 10 p.m TO VANCOUVER DIItKCT-PKINCESS NORAII Dec 9th, 20th. Jan. 3rd, 17th, 31st WINTEK EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER S32.00 Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th. 1938 Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service u t . Ticket's and Reservations from , 'I .v..i..M. . If you lose anything, try n classified ad.