r OATE MISSION, Dec. 23: urriage tool; place on Wed-; 8 WITHERS, Dec. 23: Olof Har.r afternoon last at Sklde- son, M- P ieft smithers on Tues- Ml slon United Church of , . d t enroute to Ramloom Mildred Agnes Jones Russ, ' nf Mr and Mrs. William 10 'JClm Jonathan Pollard, son of Hanson and nls daughter, id Mrs. Thomas Pollard. Rev. t pP. Sutherland. Mr. Hanso ' Dects to make a short triD to 117 4 1 Y lUTi For Girls- boxes, Hankies In boxes, Iloslelry, Scarf s.Etc. For Boys Mrs. otte United Church, off Ida-' land- Oregon, after i-he Christmas jnonaay ana to return nunn Deiore i leaving for Ottawa to attend the Dally News is an A. B. C. session of the House of Parliament which opens on January 27. Let us solve your gift problems. Visit our store, vou will imd a well assorted stock ol merchandise orvw5allv cnTocfpfl fnr vifi nnrnnvoc nnrl will havp . - .. A . , . " it J nO QUIftU)l 111 IL'Cllllg SUIIILUIIIIK iui nuv memocr oi me lamuy. We Offer The Following Few Suggestions For Ladies Charming iilk House Coats, Quilted Satin Dressing Gowns, Silk Sets, Pyjama Sets, Velvasuede Gowns, Gloves, Hosiery. Scarves. ForMen- Ties In gilt boxes. Scarfs, Suspender and Garter Sets. Initialed Boxed Hankies, Pure Linen, Sox, Armbands, Etc. npit? ttiih rajth Pnuches. Knife and Comb Sets, Ties, Sus penders, boxed. Belts, Belt and Knife Sets, Boxed Hankies, etc. Fancy Stationery, Boxed Hankies in Great Array. Toiletries, i Dolls, Toys, Crat kers, Xmas Wrappings, Etc. OppCOOOOOPOPPOOPPOOOOOfi 00H3POPPPOHOCHKH3KPPP! OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK-STARTING WEDNESDAY PlYonc 9 T)iird and Fulton g It"'! - - . . ftV tOtr te, tEl XBk tt Sj. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Give a Christmas Gift That Keeps on Giying-It Gives Pleasure and Comfort PULL UP CHAIRS- 12.50 y Walnut G QG S WE LL C II A I H With reclining 36.50 . . back, double cushions.Special BOUDOIR CIIAIK- $5.50 For bedroom QH) CHESTERFIELD $30.00 LliAIKS PPPPdWOPiJPPPOPOPPPWW0 .... 327 THIRD AVENUE "via to :sa va -lei Aa Wk i REGAL SHOP 3 a Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs f From f. Toys of Alt Descriptions ' From , s? Cortlcelll Hose-(Boxed fot Chrlstmas) The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 for Best HouseHold Coal MRS. Cr E. BLACK TERRACE Miss Marlorle enney. who Is teaching at Fraser Lake, Is sperid. :- " . . ' . . . " v i . l. mg me unnsimas nouays whi, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.! .Kenney. Miss Lorraine Kenney is home from Prince Rupert where she Is laiung a course at qi. juacio Convent business colege. There were two Christmas cele brations in Terrace on Monday night. The Oddfellows provided one of these eyents with Mr, Harrj Kirn?, as Fnther Christmas, a . Vio DontofnctQl flslnn thp Christ-1 II is 25P I 5c I 75c to REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchanf Block PHONE 658 Q. C. CITY last weeK at vuetru viiuiiuttc. BROTHERHOOD pi JN SESSION Delegates to Recer Convention At Bella Bella rreseiu, nepons, m Iazeiton HAZELTON. Dec. 23: Vice President Charles Patsy -"J and Sec Smithers Woman jja-Long Illness Before Her Death Rimert ifist week last week follow 1 .i cmi fiMTTHERS. Dec. 23'. The deat'i pepurred n the Bulkley Valley Dis trict Hospital at smitners on aw tiv nffprnnnn at 5 o'clock of Mrs. E. .Smith Arnoia pi smiuiers. irv Arnold had been suffering for piany months and had taken lonp tfeatments in yancouver. ruu w treatments she was greawy uu. pryed for some time put Jt pnlt spn-ed to delay me iinai puiwrnc Mrs. Arnold was the oaugiuer o mas Tree and eatberlng f yp.unR Mr; anA 'Mrs. Thomas McDonald, i lt-iii lit- wiiA riiiitriicu Tvbt m uv ' gram of musical numbers. fn'rmerlv of Telkwa but lately of Burnaby, and she was one pf the nioneer residents of Telkwa and Smithers, Besides her nusDana sne leaves a son and daughter Jack Chapman and Mrs. Reg. Collison nf smithers and also her father i ir onri Kra .larr Haan ana .j nntar at Hnrtwnv nnn a family have gone to Vancouver W number of brothers and sister j . , n 1 . . n l .1 1 A n t, e' I.. . . j 1 nmnn or ispena ine nrfsuu nvuuaj. . i inrougrioui wie yiunn.c, iuu"6 I 1 these beine Mrs. Sidney Robinson Fmest Unwln returned to Prlncf 1 ', vt'rs inlarence Goodacre, both , ' : ..:..t. i frlpll 1 , r'. i frnm tip - I United Church on Tuesday aner- Peter Haan has left via Prince nnnn : . t-.IVT-r Rupert for Vancouver- wnence in. will m?M?r VP Caiuornia to spenu the winter. Bulkley Valley Christmas concerts were hejd or ir Mil J Thursday. Friday and Saturday ol WeaUier IflHU Skidegate and Sandspit respepuye. Disappeared Af- ly. Skidegate Mission always has ter Two Warm Weeks Its Christmas tree enxervaiuuicm on Christmas tye wnen om- gMITHERS,. Dec. 23: - The Claus attends in person to distrl- weather throughout thls distric bute gifts to the children. snrincrlike for two weeks " . innst 'and', as a result, the snoy; Weather has been ery. pusni be ly disappearing . i!and unsettled unsettled on on the: the: Queen Queen Char-H nar- - hlut - about all all vanished vanished W 5' ilotte Islands during the past week interspersed Boxed Vest and tantle Sets. Nightgowns ahd'Pylama? in gift' m,0T s- I with bright sunshiny days would rriTfT1! TVI A son was still a long way off but lit i OJlUUjyM the o?a res display"1? Christ l mas guuus ui prwif I firm the hopes of ' the chM.dren tna Rev. ,Bish9P-Bla.lerMl"J Santa Slaus will soon be climbing urday for a few days hpilday in e chimneys. Hazelton before the Christmas, services begin in his own. church. Ht will return .to Kitsegukja at the end of .the week. The Christmas concert which is orrofurpri flnnnallv fnr the child ren ;pf .the Public School was held In the Capitol Theatre here on Wednesday and Thursday nighty and the theatre was lined ior potr. shows. It was a credit to hoth the childr ren arid to the teachers who ha.- trained them, and the patrons en joyed the c6ncert very much. IN Till: MTKKME C'Ol'KT Of BKITISlI coi.ijiniA In 'the Mallei- of Ihr -AdinlnMratloii Act" anil hit the Matler of the ltate of l'hlllp Juflim Leonatd Deceased Intf-tate I TAKE PIUllVH inC oy orucr v retarv Charles P. Clifford, M a Hift;r. wi e. Fisner xjie xna uaj m meeting of the Hazelton urancn oi 1n.niitra,tor pf the estat of mup nf RrlflKM l.-t.nu. .r vmiaivI rlAMH find all ear uie "",c . . .. . .nortsltls hartng claims agalott ithe said presented tneir reports i Columbia, hi,hv ruiri to furnish .i Tlrnhprrirrid c.onven-l,-. lion in Bella Bella, i-resioent wj.- L1nba''to thi Charles Clifford .conduced wei.-y -e are requ'red o pay. the amount meeting as a. result Sn'X waxt '""'" branch secured more, members, i . qS1ia Atuniaistrator botn men ana ,wUCii. - Wt rrimber. A Mnses Jones of Bkeena uros5mKti,- D"3,--v Robert Harris oi ruvwiuis tiu . Af ...UL 4Via rAnrSrf. tit thfM - v uunu t r L, VhV mnrle SDeecheS.Jlii Uie Matter of the "AdmlnMrallon riving assurmicc- mu iv - .na do their best to swdrembrinelU.?1 JiSLut1 Ders 111 ucv uii .;"- . 1, -jAKlt JJOTICE Uiat uy pravr m f After the business sefsiqn , pi rnvwr.-.v- "-"fiS; V.iiS ..(.Vw Sprvlliember. A. D. 1937, I was appoUitert mecung, icncoi.t." rimiivWtrflitM- of ithe eUite 01 iaj bv the ladles of the slsternooa. j jane swaj Catholic Whist Tourney Success Affair pra.nliied A.t Jftr&p. Father Champagne .e.tw 550.60 fc-aln decAsed, and U t.e. atatnr maimii nsinHL uie oqj u sUte are hereby required to fumlh I Bam. Dixroerly vertned. to me on before the 18Uh dy of Jn.uary, A. p. 11838. and ir quired to pay ithe amount I of Ihelr indemeoneas w iikj NORMAN A. wn, I lk " 1 1 1 ' Prince Rupert, B C., Dated December lth, 1937. LAND ACT Xottce of InlrriUo,!! to Apply ft ' ' 1 r " Land Rcorsinu T . , In In Prince Prince Rupert Rupert turnd Inuul K TERRACE. Dec. 23 The Catholic outrtat ,of British fAfluntbU. sj l.U blst tourr J J community brought huubiii. , . t ' B Pass, south OI Xmas Concert At Kitzegukla KITZEOUKLA. December 26 The Christmas school concert on Frl- lay night was a huge success. In he United Church the parents and teachers gathered for the annual treat. William Milton was chalrr nan and waiter wesiey assisted ai he orean. Mrs. Ed. Wesley did goodi aim .im: T.ltnri ' tn uuuom u iw . i.-- namenv to 'iabji .-t This has been a successiu "J0 " xikioSci -Siat rrank Waterman ot of entertaining evenings ior Rupert. B. o, oocupaition umet: nihc mrst sprAndlintnnda to aoulr for a lease of the fol past uircc .. e-v iSBcttbeXl lands :-U of a CP0 and third prizes respectively yere JZ?tzi es fet htn p Fred Iall and ' jlRocit marked ,01. won by Fred goheen, ju otqvs j, Cretlen. The tournament netted eSiiin)Mlnrf fct post pitted " funds. At tne ,COcuvw . '- eT tnenoe BOO feet south-exDressed the appreciation of tne weAt toenoa goo fdot Northwest: thence people to Rev. ramer vnauij)u6iic(ji - - for arrariKlna the.event'anAxarry-j'' ? frank waterman, ' ' Uig It DUt d rw.eir. ' " 1 Datl October 4. I9i7. 1 I ..1 ,1 ! rv ryA orMtl(HnO'' Service in piuviuui& auu ;he Christmas pageant. A good prpgram was prpr ided. consisting "of recltati tnrnle an'H RfUlM. Hart -ong?, acvipii songo r y-bfy entitled "The Babe pi oetnienem, A Very attfactlye riumber w hv nine rjrimarv children under the: (supervision of Mrs. Walter Wesley. nnHmr the pvenine tne local hnnri rendered a number of selec tlpns and the United Church choir ang two anthems. Also tne gra-Juated' students gave a -very Inter- jstine action song. Santa Claus provided plenty oi iin and credit is due to Peter Rrown for the Dart he played so A-ell, dressed in rus new equipment, , Under the auspices oi tne ua. Hies- Aid and the Home League re rreshments wefe seryed tp parents. :hlldren and .an the visitors,. vrxrY, child received a present panaserciiici aim 6 UA w-. j . the candy being tne gut oi uxc j.utj lian Department tnrougn uapmiu n. n Mortimer. Indian Agent. The evening's entertainment came to a , close about midnight. t van act Notice of Inlftitlon t Apply Lrmt . Tn ' Prince Rupert . land gooordltig DUtrlct of British Columbia, and ! ite on Zayaa lUuvd on the N. W. point on west plde of Zya on a yitl W'i, AramzazU Point; .1 Take notice that Frank Wa.terma.n of Prince Rupert, B. C. occupation Ulnef Intends to pply for a Jea of tut fal ' lowing .described lands: 11 of the ree, off Aramzazu Point. , Commencing at a port ' planted w the Jilgh graefiy point on ' the South Bide of the reef thence 1800 feet Northeast; thence 1500 feet Northwest ( thence 1800 feet Southwest; xnen.n' 1500 feet Southeast and containing SJ. acres, more or less .' IX THE SM'REME rO.I RT OF llUlUMI CPUMJUA IX I'ltOBATE In Hie Matter ,f the "AdiilnlsltiUJon Act" Anil In the Matter of the Estate Of Ernst TAKE NOTICE thai .by order, of Ha lienor, W. E. Fisher, the lth day ol December. A. D. 1937. I was appoimea Administrator of the eetate of Ernst Gylleowplti, deceased, and all partlei having claims against the said -estate are hereby requires i? ranw .jwju. ...rm ,n rvm All mr hpfoTTB .he xatn aay oi juiuhj . f-.v. Jes Indebted "to tne . estate arc required to pay the- aaouat their lndebteanesa to me iw""" NORMAN a via 11,. nrrlMal ArtTninlstirabor; Hyde Transfer Phone 580 bt Prince. Rupert. B.tt -. Dated the 14th day of December,, AD, ; Purniture Slovin: fad StQfftgp Transfer and Delivery Quick Service Jasper Coal Bulkley VlJey Coal lurtip, Egg, ISnt, Sjack Cedar, Birch,- Jackpine WPDD Card Tables and Chajrs For Rent 315 SECOND AVE. X0 and SHOP, FL' RJOCKERS ..,.. WAGONS -j-r SLEipiIS x STEERING SLEDS .... AEROPLANE CONSTRUCTOR year . TABLE TENNIS SETS POE FT7 tiBceaiber 28, 1937. . - " r , ' " " 1 . : l : : nii. y.fl .,!,,. .J' -- - 1)1C T UllHtU Tmi-si 111 Tm News of Northern districts 1 n ii ii TO VISIT PORTLAND flMM iuiui Bof rd r by th Goyernment o( pntish Colmbif Here's Cheer For Christmas Shoppers nn? ic' nVifl avr rpfitrrlno Phrltmns aift for fflrls. Lnree and L&ALk3 uv v v vr" ( t d o w - .i , ' - - ." . '..'., . . i l I 41 small. Too many nere to describe in aetan dui we nave mew from dainty little 4olls in Sets pf six for only 2,0c to the big and beautiful natural iize dolls priced very low at 2'.25' and $3.00. DOLL CARRIAGES Best English perambulator type at $ 1.00, SC0.9 $3.i$ $2.50, $4.75 ani "M kC0c, 75c,'$l.(ip, ' $P0 and $2.?? .n J met m r ptAfV vaip 6.ta SETS The: boys' ioy of th,e . $1.00, $U0, $20 and $4.00 35c, 65c, $150, $L50 and up See Our Collection of Games for Everyone jpXCANO Tlnkertoy. Tootsletoy, Beadwprk sets. Musical Toys, Toy Sewing Machin.eSrTeiephOAes, wisnes, jjaqcks ana www MECJ1ANICAL Cars, Aeroplanes, Trains. Something Here ior tveryune rut an ojra SPECIAL LOW PRICES on RUBBER BALLS Large sizes, bright 65c, 85c and $U5 WALT DISNEY, MICKEY MOUSfJ ANNUALS Four kinds, Each 50c and - : ""T fiiinn nnnvs r.nro kIp nlcture books, well bound r nrt sure to nlease ll- 25c, 35c, 50c and up nnvc nH r.ini.s CLASSICS A number of different series com- v.r4cinr thp hpst of chlidrens literature ... ... t5c 15c, 60c, 75c "r J' '"" "1 . ..1... ;.. $1.40 BIG LITTLE BOOKS Very popular this year .Each 15c 1 At TJjis Season of. Goodwill We Extend to Everyone Our pest Wishes For A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. ZarelU, Proprietor ,-A HOME AWAY FROM HOME? Kates 11.00 n 30 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kujwrt, B.C. rtwu 2 .0. Box 1 UNION COAL; 'to PLEASE EVEBB0ijt 8atUfactloQ Guaranteed famous tUson Alberta Coat Bulkley Valley Coal Vancouver. Island Coat Prince Rupert Eeei PHONX; 68 and t(8 STEAMSHIPS SPPCIAJ, WINTER pXCUnSJON RATF TO yANCOUVKR FROM PRINCE RUPERT FJtOM PORT SIMPSON ms9 RETURN. RETURN. All meals and Berth Included; Reduced Rates' to Vancouver also "apply from Intermediate pojnk Special Tickets on Sale Between November Isf, J937 and f ebrvjry 28th, 1938," Inclusive Good to jReturn up to Mvch 31, 1938. Children Half "Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert.: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CAT ALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 0:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets and Reservation from Prince Rupert Aient A. W. NEWMAN T Third Ave., Phone 568 If Convenient Pease Purchase Tickets at Office . r is s U ; 11 !.j w u fi ft r I I k i Ml I 6 1 i! ! Si i ii