I A3E FOUR T3otdeuS ST. CHARLES MILK THE BETTER IK KADI AT LI) EVAPORATED MILK PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye 11 PINxK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. listen to this - - "With consistency, a great soul has simply nothing to-do. Speaki what you think today- and to- morrow what tomorrow thinks, though it contradict everything you said today." You can agree with Emerson, or you can argue with him. Many folk do both. But listen to this twentv vears ago Albert & McCaffery's coal was tn best available. It i the best today. There'f consistency for you! What twenty years ago thought, today does not contradict. Nor will tomorrow, for when better coal can be got, we shall have it. Today, Albert & McCaffery's coal is not only the best available, but it is prepared in the best manner possible, all carefully screened and sorted in their yard. It is the most economical, for besides giving you the most heat for" the least money it lasts! Next time you need coal, Just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanaimo-Wel-lington for furnace and heater. For the kitchen range, ask for Egg size Balkan Minehead Alberta sootless. It's trade name Is "Inferno" it's hot! And it lasts, too. You deserve the best! G0LDBL00M THE OLD KELIAIILE Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to me and cash will be wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more thairany body else. Don't delay market is liable to change. Sustains Frost (fa Bites Coming In On Mission -Boat Rev. William Selder of the United Church mission boat Udal is In hospital here suffering from frostbites sustained during an arduous trip here from Queen Charlotte City this week to attend Prince Ru-oert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada. Mrs. Selder is here with her husband. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 rilONE 95 Specials DEEP "set-. 50c Rump Roast of Beef 1 ftn per lb IDC Short Ribs 3 lbs 4Dl Hamburger qc 3 lbs. 31 Prime Rib Roll "ICo per lb XOU Round Steak' cn- 3 lbs OUC Sirloin Tip- a q per lb,. JLOC .. VEAL Rump Roast of Veal -f Q per lb 101 20c Veal Stew. 1 Ho per lb J.UL Veal Chops OA per lb Leg of Pork Ifio per lb. JLOL Premium Roasting Chicken nsn each jl 1 01 Leg of Mutton "tQn per lb.'....'! J. 01 Pork Hocks m m per lb. 1UC Spare Ribs , 2 lbs. &OC THi DAILY NBWS Friday, February ia , IS CANDID ECONOMIST (Continued, rrom rage 1) that the west was turning out, some forty thousarfd boys and girls annually for whom the problem! was to find jobs. Between 1900 and 1915 the boys and girls from the east could more west to assist In building up the country. Today the situation was changed. There were no new fields to move to. Boys and girls had to make their livelihood in the provinces where they were born and brought up. They must ! sciences, learn how to live in un derstanding one with the other j and endeavor to embrace oppor-: tunities as they arose. I Speaking of Immigration, Dean (Clement suggested a balance be-j tween the city and farm population. If there was to be Immigration, it should be to the farms which could always be counted upon to. provide I surplus population for the cities. It should also be remembered that the complexion of the immigration today would be the complexion of the general population later. Prosperous Agriculture The necessity of a prosperous ag- ricultural industry for a prosperous Canada was stressed by Dean Clement. Wheat was one of th big Canada. That was why food policies of the countries abroad were of such importance to Canada. It had needed four consecutive wheat 1 failures In Canada, a failure in the Argentine and the change of Russia from a wheat exporting to a wheat Importing country to restore $1 a bushel wheat price. There was , also a tendency to a drop In world produced if world crops were restored to what was formerly considered normal. This was not a very bright picture for the Canadian wheat farmer. It appeared necessary that crops should be converted. There was much the same si tuation in regard to world sugar production. Java and Cuba had formerly been the chief producers of sugar. As they ;had dpne with wheat, many other countries in tent on economic nationalism, self sufficiency and preparation war were SIIOUTINO MADE ILLEGAL FOHMBY. Eng., Feb. 19: (CP)-The Secretary of State has confirmed a bylaw of the Lancashire County Council prohibiting "shouting or otherwise making loud noises In jK-venu .urban unii rural t 1 IPASTOR IS DEPARTING Rev. C. D. Clarke and Rev. Evan Baker Are to Leave North, It is Announced . It was announced at the sessions of Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada here this week that Rev. C. D Clarke, who has been pastor of First United Church here for five work out their livelihoods now miyearSi and Rev. Evan Baker, who their own communities. The onlyjhas jn charge at Anyox and suggestion the dean could offer was StWart for some years, had asked to study social and economic ;fQr transfers from this Presbytery New assignments will probably be announced at the sessions of British Columbia Conference in May. Mary Astor Is Wedded Again Well Known Screen Actress Marries Young Mexican, Four Years Her Junior ( HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 19: Mary Astor, screen actress, yesterday admitted her elopemant to Yuma, Arizona, and marriage to Manuel del Campo, scion of a prominent Mexico City family. The marriage was at first denied, MlssiAstor ex- factors In the economic life of plaining that It had been Intended; to keep It a secret on account of the death of del Campo's father. After the marriage Miss Astor returned here while del Campo wnt to Mexico for the funeral. He will be here in about thirty days. Miss Astor gave her age as thirty years, del Campo's as twenty six. The couple met In December at the home of Ruth Chatterton. del I wheat production. Three hundred ! Campo having come here to study ; million bushels too much would be101" the movies. It is Miss Astor's third marriage. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Edward Mabb3, was at Ocean Falls on Tuesday of thU week loading paper, having made a special call at the paper town on her for southward voyage from Prince Ru pert io ""V"" Vancouver via tne Queen now. developing .their own sugar pToducitidhj AlHhls went , ""liU,'M- "ltUms to bfeak the world equilibrium. Onrf country could not be expected td buy without selling. One country ' could not be impoverished without eventually affecting the others. Purchasing: Power Dean Clement then discussed the trend toward decreased purchasing power. There had been a tendency for a comparatively few families to accumulate a large part of the wealth of the country at the expense of the others. In 1929 the average family Income In Canada was $2590 but 16,000 families had an income of $100,000 or more. If this general Income could be restored, people could once again spend more on food, clothing, personal effects, houses, etc. There would be benefit all around. The price level must be restored and this included the price level for the farmers' products. The income of the farms of .Canada today was $600,000,000 less than It had been In 1926. "Could this $600,000,000 be restored, it would mean an increased purchasing power to balance the 1,200,000 persons In the Dominion now on relief a net average of $500. Dean Clement Justified the destruction, if necessary, of food In order to stabilize prices. Human values were to him more Important than commodity values, it was better, he thought, to destroy food than to discharge labor or lower wages. w, i'. Lyons presided over the! meeting. Tonight Dean Clement will give a discourse of particular Interest to wives and mothers. His subject will be "Rural and Urban British Columbia, a Discussion of Educational, Social and Economic Problems." He will deal with little day to day problems Incidental to food, shelter, work and play. C. P, R.-.!ean5ee Princess-: Adelaide,, Capt; S. K. Gray, is due ' in port at 5:15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn on her return to Vancouver anr waypclnts. Mctorshlp Eskimo was in port fh's m?rnn.:r from Ketchikan with one carload of frozen fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. Man in the Moon By the by, l we only had a city council they could pass a byla abolishing the snow. According to -a youthful oracle etiquette Is the noise you don't make when eating soup. The world's greatest water power s said to be a woman's tears. Both rivers and men become crooked by following the line of least resistance. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zardi: Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FIIOM HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Itooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Hupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 HILARIOUS FILM HERE "Three Men on a Horse" With Cast Headed by Frank Mcllugh And Joan Blonilell "Three Men on a Horse," fllml- zation of the stage hit which Is now in Us second year on Broadway, comes to the Capitol Theatre here as the week-end feature offering with Frank McHugh and Joan Blondell In the starring roles and a supporting cast which Includes1 such favorites as Guy Kibbee, Ca'rol ; Hughes and Allen 'Jenkins. i "Three Men on a Horse" is the side-splitting story of a meek little writer of greeting card verses who has the wlerd gift of picking winners In horse races. Three gamesters learn of his uncanny ability. Imprison him and proceed to enrich themselves on his tips. A city wide search is Instituted and uproarious complications then ensue There is as merry a mix-up as ever set an audience chortling. The picture version Is said to be little changed from the stage play. Of course It Has been possible 'to! put In many scenes which the stage presentation could not have and this makes it all the more interesting and amusing. Alexander House Bought by Tinker Sale of Fifth Avenue East Residen tial Property is Announced Today Dr. H. L. Alexander, who is leaving the city next week to establish In Vancouver, has sold his residence on Fifth Avenue to G. P. Tinker, it was announced today. Mr. and Mrs. Tinker will take occupancy towards the end of the month. KEEP THE BREATH SWEET THE THROAT MOIST Pleasant, Soothing iOfSt 2St TONIOI1T and SATl'IUm Last Complete Show at 8:jj MEET GOOFY "OIWIN" Verdant writer of Mother1, Day Verse who became th, Poet Laureate of C,alloPin. C.als and Phoney Ponies' PLUS Zane Grey's "KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED' with KOISEUT KENT 'At 8:33 Once Only TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. oj 2 EASY WASHERS The Washer that does the CLEANEST WASH for the LEAST money EASY . on the clothes EASY EASY on the housewife May he purchased on monthly payments 6 Chesterfield Suites Chesterfield, in splendid condition Priced at .!9tIi4L VACUUM CUP WASHERS $103.25, $169.00 GYRAT0R WASHERS $65.00, $86.50 oMtaSm.Jk FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE continues 1 $40 Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites Kitchen Suites MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE ph . Priori llniwrl. lift