i,toy May 21. Tea for every Taste "SALAD A IMione 18 TEA TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. SOS P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Pork & Beans 23 oz. nr Llbby's, 2 tins Spaghetti l's tails Qp Llbby's. per tin Fruit Cocktail l's 9Ap tails, Libby's, tin ... Ginger Snaps Christie's Fresh & crisp w XII per lb, Head Lettuce Large "1 tip and firm, 2 for Pears- -Polly Prim 9p 2's squat, 2 tins . Tomato Soup O 3 tins Brawn lledlund's, English Style o per tin Catsup Llbby's 4 per bottle Llk, Small White Onions nn Llbby's, party Jar Chili Con Came A Llbby's IOV2 oz. tin Pickles 15 oz., Libby's -j 17 C Home Style Castile Soap Kirk's, "f 7p large bars, 3 for .. Fresh Tomatoes ffp per lb. AO I, Prompt Delivery Service Boat and Mail Orders Keceive Prompt and Careful Attention D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 TOMORROW (Saturday) Last Day for Reduction of 20 Percent on All New Reds we have in Stock Used Goods Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 Wc Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dance, Moose Hall, May 24. George Red path sails tonight on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte City. Confetti Carnival Dance, Moose Hall, Monday 24th. Snappy music. Good eats. 10 till 2 .(11! Chief and Mrs. M. G McKay and daughter of Kitselaa have left the Skeena River village for Carlisle Cannery where they will spend the summer. The Tories say they will cut in two the number of provincial electoral districts. Will Mr. Evitt, if elected, vote to abolish this riding or will he try the medicine on the other fellow's dog? tf. City Commissioner W. J. Al der will be in session as a city council tomorrow morning. Busi ness will include the introduction of a bylaw to fix penalities on delinquent taxes and to authorize the exchange of outstanding debentures for bonds of new issue. Krnest Love of Stewart, Conservative candidate for Atlin in the forthcoming provincial elec tion, after touring Atlin and other points in the northern part of the riding, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and will proceed north on the Calala Sunday evening. Abolition of one half of the Provincial Hidings as advocated by the Tories will pul absolute control in the hands of Vancouver. Pattullo increased the number of ridings in the north in or der to curb the power of the south. r" tf. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeenr. and W. "M. Brown, will sail on the Prince John tonight foi Queen Charlotte Island points tc speak on behalf of the candidature of Premier T. D. Pattullc in the provincial election. The will speak Saturday night at Mas- sett; Sunday at Port ClemenW and Tlell. and Monday at Queer Chartotte V-ity and Skidegate . the fumes. A physician's formula that has benefited sufferers Your neartst Drug Store nas u, for over 60 years. Try it You'll be more than pleas ed with the Quickness with which it relieves Asthma and Hay Fever, preventing needless suffering. You simply inhale I ASTHMA I RELIEF II .00 per tin, trial size !5c Alio obtainable in cigarette form. . Nonlirop awl Lyman Limited j Entahllalird 18M Toronto. Canada Announcements C. Y. S. Spring Frolic, Oddfellows Hall, May 21. Olrl Guide Tea. Mrs. J. R. Mori- son's, May 22. Catholic tea, Mrs. George Nlc-kcrson's, May 26. Orange spring Hall, May 27. sale, Oddfellows' High School basketball tea, Oddfellows' Hall, May 29. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. D. C. McRae's, June 2. Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall. June 18. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water ..... Prince. Rupert, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE 0AILYNW6 PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 Hear Ernest Love, Conservative candidate for Atlin, over CFPR 6:40 this evening. 1118) Henry Skinner sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroule to Cranbrook. Pattullo has had 40 yeara of administrative experience and study in the science of government and has risen to the office of Premier. Will you reject him and elect a novice? tf. Sister Mary Rosalind, Roman Catholic nun from Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Vicloria. Frank M. Burns, collector" of customs, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday af ternoon returning south alter a trio to "Whitehorse on official duties. Maurice S. Whittier, assistant collector of customs for Alaslui at Juneau, arid Mrs'. Whittier were passsngers aboard the Prin cess Louise yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. R. L. Maitland K.C., a former member of the Tolmie government and Conservative candidate for Vancouver-Point Grey in the provincial election, will be here to address a public meeting next Wednesday night. Haakon Godager and Hans Ja-cobsen, for durnkenness, were each fined $25, with option of seven days' imprisonment, by Magistrate MeClymont in citj police court this morning. Both are serving time. Ed. Hensley of Log Cabin in the Atlin district arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from the north and leaves on this evening's train for Burns Lake to visit his farm before proceeding to Vancouver The central committee of the recent Coronation Day celebration held a meeting llist night to receive final reports on the big day. The financial statement showed a substantial balance on the right side. Certain donations will be made. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Surf Point Mine; Ole Olsen, Terrace; W. G. Black, Ketchikan; C. Emanuelson and Charles Lilja, city; Peter Carrigan, Hazelton; J. L. McEwen, Smithers; Miss F. McLaren, Terrace; Miss E. L. Dannhauer, Copper City; George Nelson and Mrs. Ed Larsen, Inverness. Royal Thomas Young Arrandale; J. L. Webster, Vancouver. Prince Rupert A. S. Martin, Fairbanks; Ed. Hensley, Log Cabin; W. E. Walk-er, Naas; Mr. and Mrs. S. R Donaldson, Port Essington; Miss J. Hallett, Prince George; T. G. Garrett and II. L. Gray, Van couver; Thomas A. Quigley, Anyox; T. Smith, Stewart; Nora H. Knife, Port Simpson; H. L. McKenney, Terrace. Central T. A. Faith, Dawson; P. V. Engel, Victoria; D. Mackenzie and S. Nelson, city; II. Hokan-son, Edmontrn; Alf Stov, J. Granstrom, O. Isakson, E. Mer rill, Decker Lake; B. Watson and N. Hardy, Camrose, Alta.; II . Jack and T. McKenzie, Hedley; O. Hunt, C.N.R. ; A. Moen and Gus Tough, Burns Lake; Francis G. Wojc k, Port Arthur, Ont. TRAPPERS ago. Will guarantee top market prices for Beaver and Muskrat. Other, furs at value. FRANK LOCKWOOD Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box ZOO LAM) ACT Form No. 13 FORM OP NOTICE CKlar Land District IHstMct or Atlin TAKE NOTICE t Fred Aekls anC Charles Otxtl wider of All hi, B. C occupation Mlnm. Intend to apply lor permission to purchase th following described lands'; Cotnmonaing at a post located two milt south of Ooldeu. Oat on Taetth La Ice. North West Comer poet, around runa 20 chain from thla post In '.southern direction then 30 chains eat. Uvea 30 chains north, then 30 chains wesCto leva! poet of beginning FRED N. ACtfJJES CHARLES OBERLANDER. Dated AprU etb, 1037. mT m Mrs. David Scott and daughter are leaving on this evening's train for Montreal where they will embark May 28 on the Athenia for a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. Mrs. tS. Volk of Barrett Rock sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroute to New York where she will em bark June 1G on the Acquitania for London, England. Mrs. Volk's husband died here a few months When Pattullo took office he I found One Million Dollars in un paid and dishonored cheques of the Conservative administration. Prom this abyss of financial discredit Pattullo has raised provincial credit to the highest point in its history. Let him carry on. tf. COTssiFlEll FOR SALE FOR SALE Several tables, cheap,. May Dally News. chairs and be seen at WE Offer one of the best revenue bearing properties In first class condition at a ridiculously low price. Collart & McCaffery Ltd., Third Ave. (119) COAL Nanalmo-WelUngton for furnace arid heater. Alberta Egg-sootleae, lor the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. , (tf) FURNISH Your home with brand new factory samples. G6 piece three room groups $184 Ideal for the working man; extra high grade groups $232; 10-plecej onesieriieia groups oa.ou; suit tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers $2J)5; dressers $9.95; beds complete $13.95. Terms if desired. Here is an opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mail Order House, 8th Floor, Bekins Bldg., Vancouver. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT 5 room house, 7th Ave. Apply to W. H. Sherman, 7th Ave. (tf) FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd. (tf) HOUSE FOR RENT West view, 7 rooms and sun room, furnace, basement, fine view of harbor, good garden. Pullen, Dally News. FOR RENT-Slx rooms flat, fully modern, centrally located, $25 per month. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. WANTED (119) HYDROQRAPHER, Grade 1, Department of Mines and Resources, Victoria, B.C. $1800 per annum. Open to residents of British Columbia. To assist In mak-Ine surveys of shore lines and sea, lake and river bottoms; university graduation In engineering; two years of practical ex perience in field surveying, preferably hydrographlc. Good physical condition. Apply on forms obtainable at post offices In the cities and larger towns of British Columbia, to Secretary, Civil Ser vice Commission, Ottawa, not later than June 10. 1037. (118) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver, Make the 2-Sheet Test! Next time you wash, give the Anal rinse to one sheet in plain water, and to another in water that has a swish or two of Reckitt's ltlue! Hang the sheets to dry side by side. You'll soon see how much whiter Reckitt's Blue makes your white things when added to the Ust rime water. Reckitt's BLUE Out of the blue comes the whitest wash . A complete cosmetic ensemble for every type subtly blended to harmonize with your complexion and costume ADRIENNE Once you try this smart way to charm and see the finished perfection it gives, you will never again be satisfied with . yesterday's, antiquated make-up v methods. Ask For ADRIENNE SCIENTIFICALLY HARMONIZED COSMETICS Now on Display OrmesLtd. "2htt Pioneer Driuzpiats The KeriU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. UU 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 YM. Due Vancouver, Thursday poo. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 IMVL Due Vancouver, Monday a jn.- If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert" Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568