PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS I J PLAYING OF EGG PRICE SPORT CHAT if BASKETBALL1 IS WEAKER Spokane Clippers, scoring ft 5 tc lloop League of Four or Five Few Changes In Trends On Itetail I victory Pacific over Coast Portland Hockey Buckaroos League m in Teams Getting Under Way at .Market Largely Made Un of Portland Sunday night, the twoj At Kitkatla Staple Articles Just Now third place teams are now tied for ( ThP. hnvP ive been oeen ,ew rPw c chances In only one game or two poinw w- KITKATLA, December 29: Un- Vancouver Ll0S and Seat- Season' der the auspices of the Excelsloi; on " -- 'tie Sea Hawk, who are tied for the Club, a basketball league, which it ,e; ni leadership. leadership. Greetings FAMILY SHOE S TORE LTD. ... . . The Home of Good Shoes . , STEVE KING Everything in Gents' Furnishings THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alternoon, Except Sunday, Dy Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avtnue H.- F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor , SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly penoa. paid In advatce $5.C0 Paid In advance, per week 12 Paid In advance, per month 50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance .... By mall to all other countries, per year . Advertising and Circulation Telephone Si News Department Telepbor.: 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY KDi'fiON 3.00 9.00 Tuesday, December 28, 1937. EASTERN TROUBLES ized in Kitkatla. The organization ' . ... , .... i . now. Choice turkeys are selling ru inf hp ipnrrnp trnt. mirier urnv nr. . ,Club last week with the president, I bu,tter ,mark(f are steady. ot Is Weak. ;Mtth TIlll In ,h rhntr Tt will eSSS be the first time that basketball has been played in Kitkatla but al' I the local athletes are keen for It, Ed. Innls, as secretary, are prominent in connection with the basket " ball organization. The village hall Is having necessary alterations made to fit it for basketball. Play Is expected to commence at once. Bowling Leagues Suspended Until After New Year ) Activities of the various city bowl,-jlng leagues have been suspended ; for the Christmas and New Yea! t holiday season. The trundlers will ' Pure, , swing into action again early In ' January on their second half Sched ules. Ladies' Music Club Visits Hospital Patients Entertained jtonday Alternoon With Singing of Carols On Monday afternoon members of the Ladles Music Club visited the I Prince Rupert General Hospital ) where they entertained the patients ! by singing Christmas carols. Other items on the program Included a Down jn the central provinces of Ontario and Quebec lpiano duet b Mrs-J-c-GUker and there mere 'is is much mucn sur -stir afoot aioot. In in Ontario untano, Prpmipr rremiei Hpnhurn nepouin, 'Mr3, Garflld McKlnley; vocal solos by Mrs R G Large Mrs Garfield pulled up by a recent general election victory, has made a McKihiey and j. e. Davey. Mrs. c. contract with the Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power e. cuiien was generally in charge of Company to purchase power which, it is said, is not at tne program after which tea was c.:,i,.4.i.. u r .i t i served served to to the the members members of of the the club B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A Large, cartoned, doz ... .35 Norman Lewis, as chairman, and Local, hew laid, doz. 40 Apples Spltzenbergs, fancy wrapped $2.50 Yellow Newtons, fancy wrap ped $2.50 Rome Beauties $2.25 Fruit Lemons, Doz. 45c to 50 Jap Oranges, box 9n Oranges, doz. 15c to .50 Grapefruit, Cal., 3 for 10 Grapes, Emperors, 2 lbs .25 Bananas, lb .12 & Avacados, each 20 Pomegranates, each 05 and .10 Cranberries, lb 30 Butter Fancy, cartoned, lb 45 No. 2 Creamery, lb. 38 No. 1 Creamery, lb 40 Lard lb 20 Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25 B. C. Potatoes, 8 lbs 25 B. C. Onions, 5 lbs 25 Walla Walla Span. Onions 4 lbs. .25 Garlic, Imported, per lb. - .35 Cauliflower, Cal., 20c. to .25 'n , . , , 1 bv Miss Jean Harrison R.N. in the I "ne uai nops . aDie to iorce tne nanus 01 tne leuerai government to allow NurSes' Home iBarley :. 2.3c a good deal of this power to be resold in the United States. The necessary authority has been refused. Mr. Hepburn nn D J is threatening to hold up the program of the federal gov-: 1 arill DOard ernment which includes a change in the British North, 11 VJ America Act, to allow them to carry out their unemploy-! iieanngS Will ment insurance and other policies. ! T Ti l 1 CL il Premier Duplessis seems to have joined forces with Mr. i e 1161(1 Dnortiy Hepburn and the political struggle'is still going on. At! this distance it is not easy to see what will be the outcome, j Ottawa, December 29; cana-The federal government, it is suggested, is anxious tojdian Press)--Two hearings win be conclude a treaty with the United States for the building 6ft of a deep sea route from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic! win have to do with oil production SO that ocean going Vessels might go right Up to Fort Wil-i in the Turner Valley of Alberta Ham and Chicago. This project would involve the gener-!and tne other with general tariff ation of power which it is claimed the present companies ma erf; could easily supply. 11 1 - q, j While the west is not interested particularly in thej dOCKey OiandttlgS St. Lawrence peep Waterways scheme or in the power j proDiems.oi untarlo ang Quebec, it is interested in the Vancouver 7 2 5 29 29 10 change in the British North America Act to allow of the eattle 6 4 5 30 27 to ui unci iwtiiL incuiiv-c ii-t uiui j. ui jtioDiii wiuj' Spokane "6 2 5 20 23 that reason we are anxious that the political squabbles nt; Ottawa shall be settled. ! KMMwa THE SMALL TOWN LIFE j In a large city people often do not know their next door neighbors. In a: town the size of Prince Rupert people usually know their neighbors and often almost half t the people of the city are known to a great many personally. We live more or less of a village life. j This village life has its advantages and disadvantages, j While it lends itself to village gossip and petty scandal-j mongenng it also means that in time of trouble or difficulty people find themselves surrounded by a host of. friends. On the whole, the advantages are as great, if not greater, than the disadvantages. IV Till: M HtKMF, t'Ol UT OK nUITIll imilMIIIA IV PHOIJATK In the Mailer nf the "AdmlnMrntlnn AM" And In the Matter of the Entate Of Margaret Jnne' Snaln. Defended. InteMute TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor. W. E. riaher, the 17th (lay tt December, A, D 1037, I wa appolntel ectata are. required to. pay ithe amount of their lndwedncns to me forthwith. NOPMAN A. WATT, Official Admlnislrater, , Prince Rupert, B C,, Du,td Daoember lth, 1937. IX TUB MTKKMF. rOI'KT W ISKITIMI (Ol.l.MltIA III the Mutter of (lie "AdniliiMrutlixi nil In the Matter of the t:tate of Philip -lumen Leonard Deceived I nl estate TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honcr, W. E. Planer, the 22nd day of Deawnber, A D. 1937, I waa appointed administrator of the estate of Philip Administrator of the estate of Mar. i James Leonard. decee-d, and all oar IT'j-w. Jab Bwaln, tleceaed. and til! ! tlea ftavlrw clalma agalnM the cald es rxtrtiea having clalma against the sold I tate are liereby required to furolVi estate we hereby renulml to Ittrnl I Mne, properly verified, to ine on r mane, properly verified, to me on nr before the 22ini day ot JamKify, A. D. nerore the. lttta day or Jinuary, A, D. ivus, ana ail parties indebted to the 1038. and all ' ipartiea indebted to the estste are required to pay the amount of their indebted n to me forthwith NORMAM A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B C. Dd tlits 22nd day of December. A. O. 1937 reed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs. 1.35 Wheat . 2.73 Bran ; 1.95 Middlings 2.40 Shorts .' 2.05 clubl0ats -....... 2.40 14 Are You Going to The NEW YEAR'S If So Get Your at BALL? Tuxedo and Accessories WILLIAM F. STONE Clothes of Distinction 20 Laying Mash 2.75 Oyster Shell 1.35 Meatk Turkeys, lb 35 Fowl, No. 1, lb t 25 Roasting Chicken, lb 3D Ham, first grade, lb ,3f Bacon, side sliced, best grade 45 Pork, shoulder, lb. . 2b Pork, loin, lb 35 Pork, leg, lb 30 Pork, dry salt, lb 25 Veal, loin, lb 25 Veal, shoulder, lb., 12c to 15 Beef, pot roast, lb., 12c to 15 Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to 10 Beef, roast prime rib, lb, Lamb, shoulder, lb 20 Lamb, leg, lb 30 Lamb chops, lb .30 Fish 15 8moked Kippers, lb 15c, and .20 Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. .30 Don Budge, United States ace, put up a disappointing TJ-je I irauan net luua j in an exhibition maicn wmi nur in the EnRllsh League, First Dlvl slon. football standing with a three point margin over Leeds Vancouver Reps Beat Victoria rarsiey, ouncn un B.C. Carrots, G lbs 2oI Hour Bunch Carrote .05 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 2.70 B. C. Beets, 6 lbs. 25 Second Patent 2.40 B. C. Tomatoes, lb. 21 1 Pastry flour, 10 lbs 65 Cal. Lettuce, 2 for 1 Green Cabbage, lb ,05 Celery, head, 10c to 25 Squash, lb . 08 Brussels Sprouts, lb .10 Score of 8 to 3 in .McKechnle Cup Football Game on Boxing Day VICTORIA, Dec. 29: (CP Vancouver Rens defeated Victoria by a score of 8 to 3 In McKechnle Cup football here on Boxing Day The game was played on a muddj field. Vancouver Reps are In t'te lead in the standing with University of British Columbia In second place and Victoria third. Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 40 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb .45 Almonds, shelled, lb 65 Dried rrniu White Figs, lb. .12 31ack Cooking Figs, lb. 10 Dales oulk. lb.. 8c to ,1" California fancy table, lb. 30 Lemon and Orange Peel XI Citron peel .35 Prunes, 30-40. lb 15 Prunes, 40-50, 2 lbs 25 Prunes, 60-70, lb. 11 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .14 Raisins. Cal.. seedless lb 1. Currants, lb .15 I.AM! ACT NnlliF of Inlfnllon to Apply to Imt In rrlnc Rtipm l&rA Recording Utatrlot of British Columbia, and ltu-ftte Bat of Prince Lehoo IsUnd In Hudson Bay Pas, touth of Dund&t Island 4 oonnplcuoui white rock a;' hih (marked on chart). Take notice that Frank Waterman ot Prince Rupert B. C.. cncupoitlon Miner Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land: all of a con-apleuou whit rock 83 feet hth ana ISa surrounding (Rock marked on chart). RommCTiclr.i at a pout planted oa ft grassy rock 200 feet 8. E of N, W oorner on Northeast aide thence 800. feet Northeast and containing Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Furniture Moving and Storage Transfer and Delivery Quick Service Jasper Coal Bulkley Valley Coal Lump, Egg, Nut, Slack Cedar, Dirch, Jackplne WOOD Card Tables and Chairs For Rent 315 SECOND AVE. nan Beef Steak, lb., 25c to .30 feet Southeast; thence 800 feet outh- untiut: ouu iri noruiweei; inence ni-irn, tuure or FRANK WATERMAN, Dated October 4, 1937, U Tills advertisement Is not published or dlspluyed by the I w Control Board or by the Government ot British Colu-nhi , on uoninea von nuu :..,v9itf u9itfitfii WMt, many, uucige was m-mcii u . p ( -j score of 6-1, G-3. ine general con census of opinion was that thi; American was not trying very hard Brentford, defeating Manchester bv a score of two to nothing Sat urday and a;.,aln by a score of two to one Monday, remained on top We thank you for your good will durinp the past and we sincerely wish you Good Health and Happiness During 1938 MacKENZlE'S FURNITII More pEP More POWER Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That Is what you will have after wc have eone over your car with our "KINO" Tester, which Is the last word In equipmeu f .rdi-i-nosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY w Is only a matter of minor and Inexpensive, adjustments. It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of Jlne but It ion take special equipment to locate the trouble so that It can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and It ellmlnitw all GUESS WORK. Bring your car m and get PEP tor the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. The Central Hotel Fresh Local Haw And uooms ami cakk j Pasteurized Milk For Beif Uphold Coal ! VALENTIN DAIRY MRS. C. K. BLACK j rilONF- 57 t HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. I.AM) ACt NofWe of Intention to Apply to I.eai Land In Prince Rvijwrt iAha Heocrdlng DUtrlct of Brltlah Columbia, and Hu-ate on Zayas Uland on the N, W. point on weat aide erf Zayaa on a reef off Aramzazu Point. ToJte notloe tha rrank Waterman ot Prince Rupert. B. C, ooaupatlon Miner Intenda to apply for 4 leane of the following dencrtbed londi: mi ox uio ree off Aranuianu Point, 'Cwnnwaclng at a pott planted or the htgh grtMf n,nl em the BouMi , . th ithence 1800 feet l.10" 1500 North wSt 1600 feet BouUiat and oiUlttlll 89 ocrea, mere or lesa rnHK WATERMAN Try a Dally htm want-ad. , iu At" And f lit In the Matter of Ihr UI' Inttri (iti tlyiie" iii.ii?.. "' - a , m order "j TAKE NOTICE U W wdJ OecemW, A. D. 1937. I - -JT J of tlw are hVbj wulrel to ror verified m onA. p. properly the' l&lh eu.y of J" vfftfv ffJ ted Indeb ami all partlea mre required to JJ1-their lndeWdnea U) B , NORMAN A WAnW, ' CWflcl! AdJWft, Dat! the Mth day of rwo" 1037.