s. !IF I Saturday, January 9, 1537 PADE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS If 1! iff v. sti 5fii I; m ri fig. is Iv Here's Simple Way to Curb a Cold Tu Quick-Acting, Quick-Dissolving "ASPIRIN" Tablets with a Glass of Water The modern way to curb a cold is this: Two "Aspirin" tablets the moment you feel a cold coming on. Then re- cat, if necessary, according to instructions iu t he box. At the same time, if you have a sore throat, crush ind dissolve thrre "Aspirin" tablets in one-third glass of water. And gargle with this mixture twice. The "Aspirin" you take internally will act to combat fever, cold pains' and the cold itself. The gargle will net as a medicinal gargle to provide almost instant relief from rawness anil pain. It is really marvelous; for it acts like a local anesthetic on the irritate! membrane of your throat. Try this way. Your doctor, we know, will endorse it. For it is ALL FURS 25 Percent Off Before stock-taking DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! Come in and see G01DBL0GM The Old Reliable COAL TO FLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSOX ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. i quick, effective and ends the taking of strong medicines for a cold. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get ASPIRIN TRADEMARK REG. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central E. II. Carlson, E. Kvlck and E. , Enroth, Oonu River. ! Knox 1 S. Balcombe, Vancouver. Try a Dally News classified ad in Tin: MTiii:ii; romr or imrnsii ! roi.r.Miti.x IS I'KOItATK ' III the Mailer of the ".Xrimlnittrutlon Act" " I Ami , In I h- Matter of the IMiite of ISrrnard V. Thornton, lecoaetl Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Ilaict, W. E. Fisher, the 5th day o; January. A, D. 1937. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Bernard y. Thornton, deceased, and all parties having claims agaln&t the Bald estate tiro hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the Gth day of February, A. D. 1937. and all parties Indebted to the estate art required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to tne forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prlnoe Rupert, B. C. Tiairvl this Kt.1i Hav nt .lannarv A n 1 1937. FREE TROUSERS Free trousers or lO' r discount for Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlin Clothes during the month of January only, and 10 discount offered on - House of Stone Clothes. Quality, Style,' Fit, Satisfaction Guaranteed I IMP Tl HP i l.iiivj - i lie i aiior I 817 Second Ave. Phone G19 "TILLIE THE TOILER" I'M GOING TO crry poumd amd SEE IF -THEV PICKED UP MX SHEEP DOS By AMy CHANCH .ACTIVITY OF DOAJtD (Contlnuea irom Pane I) bla health insurance legislation, revision of the British Columbia Securities Act, $100 exemption customs legislation for tourists, l debt legislation and repudiation of ' contacts Alberta were, studied and the findings and recommenda-i tlons of the chamber submitted to the proper authorities. "Representations were made for permission to export livestock from the Interior to Yukon and Alaska points. "Representations; to the transportation companies for Interchangeable round trip, tickets on coastal steamships. "Recommendation for permanently fixing Thanksgiving Day on a. Monday. ( 1 "A recommendation was made that a B. C. man be appointed on the directorate of the Canadian National Railways. I "A recommendation to the federal government that a northern man be appointed to the present senate vacancy in order that the north of the province have repre sentation on that body, "The above are a few of the many items of business all affecting the welfare of Prince Rupert and dis-i trlct which were taken up by your ! chamber and I have reason to be lieve that many of them vitally affecting our future prosperity will become actual facts in the not distant future. Delegations "During the, year your chamber was ably represented at the annual convention of the. Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. held at Quasnel by J. J. Little and P. Lakle. Both these gentlemen were active and made their presence felt at that convention so I much so that Mr. Little, your pre sident-elect, was elected president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. and the 1937 con ventlon of that association will be held In Prince Rupert. "John Dybhavn and J. W. Nl- cholls attended the International Port Day at Vancouver as our delegates and reminded the Vancouver people that Prince Rupert has i harbor which even they might envy. "Olof Hanson, MP., and O. W. Nickerson visited Ottawa and Mon treal on behalf of your chamber interviewing the cabinet ministers and S. J. Hungerford on matters of importance relating to this port and, while the time is not oppor tune to divulge the complete nature of the business discussed, I have hopes that my successor In office will have the pleasant duty of announcing before many months are past that their visit to the east has produced important results which will Increase the local payroll and give employment toitp various representations which an additional number of our citl - zens. Valuable Co-operation "It is not within the scope of this report to enumerate all the activities of the chamber which have only been made possible through the whole-hearted support and co-operation accorded by the secretary, council, members and committees and I wish at this time to express my appreciation for the consistent assistance rendered to me by the secretary and all the members who have taken an active Waterfront Whiffs Local Man Loses Boat at Raker Inlet-Two Trolling Vessels Under Construction at Oona River Chris Jensen of Prince Rupert, who is mining mica at Baker Inlet, Grenville Channel for the Northern Shipping Co., lost his gasboat Sonny at the first of this week when it drifted inshore and was wrecked. The engine and rigging were saved but the hull was a total loss. Chris has now purchased the hull Sterling from Walter Davis of Oona River and will lnstal in it theT . . salvaged engine a 6 h.p. Automa-'ipi I T f tic. Up to last May the Sonny, a; nUIllbS DOWIl Ull 28-foot vessel, belonged to Bert: Hanson of Oona River. Two trolling boats are at present ; under construction at Oona River, j Senior Chamber of Commerce Will Porcher Island one a 34-footer be-1 Have Nothing to Do With Pro-Ing built by Ole Wicks for Ed. Tei-! posal of Vancouver Man gen and which will be equipped, with a 15 h.p. Eastern Standard: rhe Prince RUpert Chamber of gas engine and the other a 33-foot , commerce last night added Its vessel which Emil Carlson is build- stamp of disapproval to a tourist ln8- routine Dlan devised by Gordon j Hon. George S. Pearson, com-1 mlssloner of fisheries for British I Columbia, advised the Prince Ru- pert Chamber of Commerce in a communication read at last night's meeting that the threatened in- vasion of Canadian territorial waters by Japanese fishing vessels had been taken up at Ottawa and was being considered by the fed-, terior country, eral authorities. Mr. Pearson's com-1 Capt. W. P. Armour, who moved municatlon was in reply to repre-1 disapproval of the plan, declared sentatlons made to him by the that It would cost as much to Chamber. President W. M. Black-' build a highway from Bella Coola stock said that representations to Chllcotln as It would to complete were also being made to the Bri- the Skeena River Highway. The ' tlsh government advocating the plan to him seemed most unsound, prohibiting of the landing of any j He moved that Prince Rupert's fish caught contrary to the regu- highway be given first cons!d,cra-latlons of the International Fish-1 tion. The motion was passed with erics Commission, Dominion Constable A, J. Wat-klnson made a trip to Port Slmp-ixm yesterday with the departmental cruiser ! Naskeena to receive nominations for the 1937 village council. He will bz going to Port Simpson again on Monday to conduct the election. feeling that I have gained In j friendship and which is better than honor or glory. "I wish to thank these gentlemen ' for the trouble they have gone to. in preparing reports to which I1 have conferred. I also wish toj thank Commissioner Alder for the i assistance which he extended to me during my year of office and for the consideration which he gave we placed before him. "May I suggest that you present who are not members give serious i consideration to joining the cham-1 ber. It deserves your support, it; works for the good of all, and everyone should do his part to shoulder the burden and to work for the good of our people, our city and our province." It Pays to Ruy From MUSSALLEM'S It's a Dog's - IF "THAT'S PROBABLy part In the affairs of your chamber wlth j0ur prlces are always rlght during the past year. While thejthe markets and we sell for less, duties of demand president tlmejMalI or pnone your order and save and attention any one In Prince mEE QIFT coUpoNS for a Din-Rupert who has this honor con- ner Set and Rogers Siiverware. f erred upon him will find the post , Prince Rupert, B.C. a pleasant one because of the able ' . assistance which is always avail- M T C C A I CWC able and always willingly given "I O O O A JLi Li Ei IT! O and I shall always look back upon PiWTrVTlflV CTADC my year In office with the most LLUIX U1Y1 1 Oi UiL pleasant of recollections and the "THE I OKAY. MAC ffcU CAM YOUR HIND THAT DOS .DROP CAJE.-Ta "THE HOUSE TH EMEMlMa (3feT MACw.1 HOPG OfH He Found his FOR uo3 Tourist Route Gropp of Vancouver which would take visitors from Victoria up Van- couver Island to Campbell River, thence by steamer to Bella Coola and by road to Chllcotln and thence back to Vancouver: The Junior Chamber of Commerce has already; disapproved of the plan which would entirely cut off Prince Rupert and the central In '.considerable enthusiasm. The meeting heard a report from a special committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce on the pro Ject. This committee was In accord with any plan to develop tourist business but it also stressed the prime Importance of the Skeena River Highway over any other. Further, as matters stood today, there were the facilities to handle auto- mobiles from Vancouver to Prince Rupert and by rail to the interior. TRAPPERS and DEALERS I have a large order for mink, marten and all varieties of fur We Guarantee TWENTY PERCENT MORE than you can get anywhere else No. 1 Marten $60. Mink, Interior $23 Mink, coast $12 to $16 We are In the market for ' everything Ship your goods now, We cannot tell how long these prices will last. We wire you your money GOLDBLOOM THE OLD RELIABLE Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Life For Tillie J-k IVHEU- IF HE I r'cSZ,-) HA'SW'T IT'S m 1 gonna m . 1 1 '-ft aL. ft Ml -Sii Children's Story Hour Resumed Enthusiasm Displayed by Laree Group This Morning The first Story Hour of the New Year was attended this morning by a large group of enthusiastic children. In keeping with the season, New Year resolution were discus sed and two adopted for the group. A resume of the serial story "The Runaway Road" preceded the relating of chapter three by Mrs. J. T. Mandy, the suspense of the end ing leaving a thrill of anticipation for continuation. Ideals worthy of pursuit in 1937 were Incorporated in the telling of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" and "The Knights of the Silver Shield" by Dr. Mandy and, through the humor of the story, "The Three Sillies" narrated by Mrs. Mandy. Next Saturday's program will be for children between the ages of four and eight and will be conducted by Mrs. F. E. Robertson and Mrs. P. H. Llnzey. Oriental Trip Is Called Off The Canadian Chamber of Commerce advised the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce In a communication last night that, owing to unsettled conditions in the Orient at present, a tour of the Far East which had been planned for this year had been postponed. CHURCH mm mm m FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Kcv. W. I). Grant llollingworth Organist: .Mrs. E. J. Smith SUNDAY. JANUARY 10 Special Preacher: Rev, J. W: Stevenson M.A., B.D., Ph.D. at both services, 11 a.m, and 7:30 p.m, EVERYONE IS WELCOME For You . . . Hours of enjoyment that you may have from jjood books join the library. Only 75c for all the reading you can do for a whole month. HERE AR ESOME OF THE LATEST: "Level Crossing" Bottome "Great Laughter" Hirst "White Velvet" Rohmer "Fighting Angel" Buck "Crocus" , .Neil Bell "Honourable Estate" Brittain "Yan and Yin" . .' Hobart "Rich Man Poor Man" .Fairbanks "The Gay Crusader" , Connor "Crime at Guildford" .Crofts "Devereaux Court Mystery" Burton "Conspirators in Capri" Maddock "Lord of Terror" Horler "The Last Enemy" Strong "Men Are Such Fools" Baldwin "Sally" , Metcalfe and many others. New books added every week right from the publishers JOIN NOW This is Reading Time m kcJD Id n i eoocTT GRIEF L C Knovaubut tup TOUMG THAT MOT NEVAJ YOUR nc i-i LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show, 9:19 e? THE Wm OCIVU D HAVIUANO jHgfm At 7:23 & 9:42 News and .. 'Jti tit ONE UNTIL MIME .J W LTV I - !,' lit i im-it r ttw i i-. . ii i - Cartoon Coming Monday NINO MARTINI in "The Gay Desperado" TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you sec Frank Lockwood P. 0. Rox 200 NOTICES By Westover MAN SAIC5 He HOM FELT, -SO ME TAIP TUir.