oe See Se ae Bitiewtn aca The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. SusBscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Weenmenay, ome. 13 _ = scboete Epmion. HOW TO PUT SECOND AVENUE IN SHAPE. is the widest street in the downtewn dis- It has also the easiest grade. Theoretically it should be Prince Rupert's best street. Unfortunately, for over a year it has been put out of business. There is luck in odd num- bers, and some of the aldermen have steadfastly done all they could to divert traffic from Second avenue to Third. Even a proposal to build a stairway from Second avenue to Rupert road was objected to. Although many thousands of dollars have been spent by the property holders of Second avenue to improve their street, it is not yet fit for traffic. This is a re- proach that the Council should try and wipe out before the end of the year. The present is an excellent time to put the road in or- der, while so much city equipment is already on the spot to assist in the moving of an old building owned by the Chair- man the Board of Public Works. Instructions have already been issued to the City Engineer to have the boulders broken up by the city staff, and the road placed in order to enable the building to be moved along. AJ) it requires is for the Council and the citizens to join in a unjted movement to get the build- ing moved and incidentally the road will be placed in order. Having now got the building shored up on timber be- longing the ready for being hauled along a wooden road bed made of city lumber, by a wire hawser belonging to the city, why should not the steam roller belonging to the city and the rock crusher belonging to the city be brought into use. This would not only help to get the boulders broken econom- ically, and supply power to haul the building along, but it would also gratify the property owners of Second avenue, who at present are under a wrong conception as to the reason why the rock crusher and the steam roller are not allowed to visit there. Having marshaled all the City Hall forces on the spot, it would be a simple matter to direct the moving of the building. With all hands below at the ropes and the Civic Commodore pacing the poop, sending down wireless signals to the caval- cade beneath, it would be possible to quickly remove the pres- ent obstruction from Second avenue and place the road bed in condition before the comes. Second avenue trict. of to city, SnOW Jon eroveneenst teteneneneReHSSHSHSt Honest Oysters For Our Customers Spotthe ‘‘Sealshipticase’’ idee. Frizzell’s MEAT MARKET And ask for Free Copy of ‘‘Mark Twain’s Oy- ster Story,’’ contain- ing delicious recipes. SEAL sup OysTER system We sell “Sealshipt” Oysters SOUTH momw ALK.CON™ . . Fresh From the Sea. . . . ~APPETISING AS OUR OTHER SPECIALTIES, ASK FOR “BROOKFIELD” Butter, Eggs and Sausages THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY Cambridge Sausages, Fresh Poultry, Turkeys, Chickens and Green Vegetables O —THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICE— FRIZZELL’S bec Avenue “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A HARE: FIRST:—“‘CATCH YOUR HARE BBBIOS |G GSES To produce good d pointing you must ‘‘first catch your good printer, ou can’t get good printing from a poor printer, even if he work with never so good an equipment. If he lacks the ‘‘knack,’’ the trained taste, the single-minded fondness for his work which real printers have, he will do poor printing for you. If he has all of these, and in addition to them ade- quale modern equipment, your printing will have istinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty. As this office produces good printing you may infer the presence of a good printer—who is ‘‘catchable.’’ FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘‘NEWS JOB’”’ ~ Third Avenue Daily News Building PHONE 98 ew Ox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors The New Knox Hotel is run on the European plan. First-class servies. All the Latest Modern Improvements. - BEDS Me U Pi FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT Department of the Naval Service RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. | Sealed tenders, addressed to the under- |} signed, enaorsed “Tender for Dwelling H e’ and accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender will be received up to noon on ~ecember Bist, 1911, f Government Wire- dwelling houses at the Rupert, Cape Lazc less Stations at Prince and Point Grey Plans and specifications may be seen at} tue following places: The Government Wireless Stations at} Point Grey, Cape Lazo and Digby Island, | Prince Rupert. The Postom Va J Nanaimo and Pri Rupert se of the District Su Gove ronment Wirel Service wepartment of the aval Service Unauthorized publication of Wil not receive payment. G. J. Deputy Minister of the Department of the Ottawa, November 29th, Naval Service, Naval Service 1911 DESBAHATsS, | } LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. Take notice that I, James Z | of Vancouver, B. C., occupation engineer- | ing student, intend to apply for permission | to purchase the following described lands: | Commencing at a post planted 52 chains | east of Naas River and 40 chains south of |} pre-emption No. 397 SEE thence 40 | 40 chains south, thence 52 chains s chains north, thence 24 chains west, ther Naas Rive 40 chains south, following the j east; thence 52 chains east to. point of commencement; containing 160 acres, more or less. | J. Z. ZULLERTON RK. H. Stewart, Agent Dated Prince Rupert, Dec. 11, 1911 Pub. Dec. 13 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | Range 5 Take notice that I, Abraham H. Barber, of Prince Rupert, B. ¢ pation miner intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of a smal eee about twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2 chains east of the northwes yrne et of Lot 1323, Range 5, (Coast District Porcher Island, thence following the shore line 4 northeasterly direction about twe 20) chains to the north end of the isl thence In a southwesterly direction al ng the shore line abo twenty 2 chains to the point of commencement, being island containing about more or less. forty 40) acr ABKAHAM H. BARBER Dated Dec. 6th, 1911 Pub. Dec. 13. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that I, Dagobert Aurio Nanaimo, B. C., to apply for permission following described lands Commencing at a post planted at southeast corner of Lot 4484, thence 40 chains, thence west 4 chains, north 40 chains, thence east 40 occupation miner, | to purchase the south thence chains to following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east boundary and about five (5 chains | from the southeast corner of Lot 4484, ) thence north 60 chains, thence east 30} chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west | 30 chains to point of commencement, con- taluing 180 acres, more or less. PAUL CURTISS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. } 31, 1911. | Dec. 9. | | to purchase the Dated Oct, Pub Skeena Land Districs District of Coast, ange 5. Take notice that I, Michas Beganis, cook, of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- | mission to purchase the folicwing de- | scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the; north side of Williams Creek, where the | Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. Ry, crosses Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains | from the creek shore, thence south 30 | chains, thence east 40 Chains, thence north | $0 chains, thence west 40 chains to point) of commencement, containing 120 acres, | more or less. MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct. 31, 1941. Pub. Dec. 9, Skeena Land District District of Coast, ange. 5. Take notice that Samuel Beliltees, | gardener, of Victoria, Nott nd to apply for permission to purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing at a post Planted on the north side of Williams Creek, about ten! chains back from the creek bank, and| about fifty chains southeast from where | the Kitimat branch of the G. T. P. right- | of-way crosses Williams Creek, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 160 acres, more or less ‘SAMUEL BEILTEES. Fred BE, Cowei, Agent. Dated Oct. 31, 1911. Pub. Dec, 9 Skeena Land District— District Range 5. Take notice that I, Louts Caleris, driver of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- mission toe purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 ¢hains, thence north 80 ‘chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 320 acres, more or less, LOUIS CALERIS of Coast, Fred E, Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, 31, 1911, Pub, Dec, 9. Skeena Land gg eal nae of Coast, e Take notice that I yous Aretraciis, car- penter, of Victoria, b: ntend to apply ‘or permission to faahcniti the following described lands; | Commencing at a post planted about one | and one-half miles northeast from intake of Trout River, on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about five (5) chains back from the waterfront, thence south | 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to) point of commencement, containing 640] acres, more or less, JOHN ARGIRACLIS. | ed . Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, Dee, 31, 1011 Pub, 9. Inlet } discussed several | portance Zullerton, | jot C. E. B. | Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. ' missioner o! the | boo! THE DAILY NEWS ISLAND NEWS ITEMS Jottings From Growing Centres on the Queen Charlottes. The pre-empt held a meeti which w fore the Governn A billiard roor atest addition to the b the townsite of the Na - rees Company. A pla atior |has been greatly Mas- sett Mrs. Henry M: s h at Skidegate was mt gretted by all who knew the wife of the interpret hardy | prospector of the gate vil- lage. A large nu f friends attended the funs h took jplace at the ec the Skidegate Reserve A light fall of ecurred on the island on \ ber 9th, but it passed ott i short time. The cold wave w t 1used so much discomfort the South |}Goast was scarcely felt on the island. Board of Works Chairman. i Alderman Hilditch was an in- | terested listener during the cross-examination of the City Engineer by Mr. W. E. Williams | this morning. Steamship Notes. The G. T. P. steamer Prince Albert arrived overnight towing the North Bend with coal cargo. COAL NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Queen vennens Take notice that thirty days from date, I, E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occu A tion | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- missioner of for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted one mile north of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 10, marked C. EB. B. Coal Lease No. 15, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | east 80 chains to place of commencement * Dated a pe igh. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, C. = Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows Commencing at a post planted two miles north Coal Lease No. 10, marked N. E. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 16, thence south 80 chains, thence weat 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains tu place of com- mencement. Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 23. s«eena Land District— District of Queen Ch ne tt Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C., by ee intend to apply to the Chief Com- bookheeper, licence to prospect for missioner of Lands for a coal and petrolerm on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Coal Lease No. 4468 marked C. E. B. | Coal Lease No. 28, thence north 80 chains, thence west 50 chains, thencs south 80 chains, thence east 50 chains to point of commencement covering all foreshore Tiahn Paint. Dated Sept. 12, 1911. Cc. E. BAINTER Pub. Oct 7. 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of ¢om- mencement. T. BRODERICE Locator Dated Sept. 12, “oi . BE Bainter, Agent Pub. Sept. 23. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte | | Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Y chiel Com- | | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for | coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | | land on Graham Island described as follows: (eeamenns at a post planted five miles east of Coal Lease No. 4476, marked C. E. 8. W. corner of Coal Lease No. 3, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, | thence south 80 chains to place of commencement. ated Sept. H, 1911. C. B Pub Sept. 23. | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Queen Charlotie | ‘Take notice that thirty da i date, 1, C. Bainter of Prince Rupert, | bookkeeper, intend to apply ‘to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence ae prompest for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island deseribed as follows: Commencing at a post planted five miles oe of Coal Lease No. 4476, marked C. EB. B. 8. thence south 80 chains % Dated Sept. 11, 1911. Pub. Sept. 23 . E. BAINTER, Locator | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T Broderick of Prince Kupert, B. C., by occupation bank manager, intend to apply to ‘the Chief Com- Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of nd on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing st, &@ post planted two miles north oa C. E Lease No. 21, marked 8. E corner of A. T. B, Conl Lease ‘No. 27, thence west 80 chains, thence coatene 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to place of SEAS ENON,“ . T. BRODERICK, Locator Dated 4 Bont, 12, iit . BE Bainter, Agent, Pub. Sept. 23. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, BC C., by oecupation tookkeeper, intend to Paes to the Chief Com- talssioner Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing A LY = vg planted five miles east of Coal Lease ie marked C. E. Bainter’s N. E. corner eet ree fe No, 9, thence seuth 80 vhains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, snenes east 80 chains to place of com- menceme! ioe Bent, ple 1911, C. BE, BAINTER, Locator u Skeena Land Diatrict— District of Queen Charlotte ‘Take notice that thirty days fron ore I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, I ic occupation kkeeper, intend to appl o 4 Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospens for coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commenein, at @ post planted two miles north of C, E, B, Coal Lease No 17, marked N. E. corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 28 thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- mencement. C. E, BAINTER, Locator point of commencement, containing 160 acres, more or less. | DAGOBERT AURIOL, Skeena Land District— District of Queen Charlotte red E. Cowell, Agent | ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, A. T Date Nov. 10th, 1911. | Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation | Pub. Dec. 9. bank manager, intend to apply to the Chief Com- | | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for | Skeena Land District—District of Cosst, | [284 So'G/eham island daseribed as follows: Hange 5. i | Take notice that I, Theodore Nichalis PO nex ay Ooo * peas eee ae een poe driver, of Victoria, B. C., Can., intend t0 | corner A. T. B. Coal Lanse N ‘2 thence north apply for permission to purchase the fol- 80 chains, thence east 80 ae thence south 80 1oHsas described lands chains, thence west 80 chains to place of com ommencing at a post planted at the | meneement. southwest corner of Lot No. 2287, thence } T. BRODERIC K, Locator east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, | Dsted Sept. 12, oh, . E. Bainter Agent thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 | pub, Sept. 23. : chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north | 80 chains to point of commencement, con- | | SAIS 58 108 THE SDORE. res ALIS | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Queen Charlotte Fred E. Cowell Agent | Take notice that thirty days from date, I, A. T. | Dated Oct. 31, 1911. ’ | Broderick of Prince Rupert, B. C., by oecupation | Pub. Dec. 9.’ ? | bank manager, intend to apply to ‘the Chief Com- j . oie | missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of | skeena Land District—District of Coast, | land on Graham Island deseribed as follows Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk | Commencing at a post pinated two miles north of Victoria, intend to apply for permission | of C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 20, marked 8. E. | corner A. T. B. Coal Lease No. 26, thence north | BAINTER, Loeator | C., by sua} | | | corner Coal Lease No. 4, thence west 80 eee j | thence nosth 80 chains, thence east 60 chains, | place of commencement. | | Dated Sept, 12, 1911, Pub, Sept, 23, The Best Procurable. Absolutely pure erences Pe ee GREENER’s “British Empire” GUN Here’s the w best gun--a Gre er Hammertl: at a price the reach of sportsmer all the Gres features, hitting, far st ing, lasting we there’s no thing bet- ter; price $63 Catalog pt Finest Cafe ir B.C. European Plan. —_————— FREE 5 oh " esis +++ ay W. W. GREENER | LYNCH BROS. |)" Eds : General Merchandise - - Largest Stock it oS. COMPANY h (. ltd ene es ee eA The new stee! | eamer Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. « {Sitters hoa ti “Camosun” ies naprinsigeinpchotsestiaalash agave gittindy “tbe bd SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE ee eee vo, ri arriving Tuesday morning, ” For Stewart C rrival amue aryison 0 from Van e night. Real Estate and Stock Brokers Northbound, lea Vancous APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED ver Wednesd p.m, a eee ; E Steerage Fare $6.00 Prince Rupert - and - Stewart ia 1 Chine ae ele suring safe ; of collisio YR gaa | Agent. When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the , ro eet a > > CARLTON HOTEL ' The One Best Bu Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. | Hot and Cold Water in each room. CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Vancouver, B.C. wan SECTION : ONE 5 | Lots 27 and 2 8rd Ave St A PAAAIAPPARPP PAP POH OOO It is the nearest business sohegs to Prince Rupert. It’s fees are within reach Its tuition is It Is The Trained Man or Woman Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! To fit your son or daughter for a business them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College career you must give Our shorthand course includes tuition in The Ben Pitman System of Shorthand va Real Estate and Renta : Mouldings | | Price $20,000 ee 0. M. Helgerson, Ltd. Offices rson Block } ———<$<———= Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd Lumber A large st ing lumber lumber ‘ made at short Our prices of everyone. 3 ~8 E et- wees os personal, and develops the E aes and Le Call o1 individuality of the pupil. Coramercial Arithmetic Room and board is cheap Office Routine in Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling | FI are away from the distrac- Typewriting - tions of the larger cities Penmunship Cor Centre St. and st Ave. =e reppe oe Fp) RE a a —= OLA 13 ROLES (EOE as in Cae las y . AVIS —_—____— ———________——. M D AV IS HOUSE It It May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You F eer ‘4 NS a eneral Mach } Car ventering. A Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand ee Ge : Ungines, Gas | cessories carried j Wharf THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE '3 ~~~" C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. ’ enide dietitian te te ee 3a emerson eet rm ARR! aa Sram a THE ) } ™ Royal Hote |{ Cor, Third Avenue and $'s\! PALE ‘ | “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest; Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8560, =e Moderate Prices, - Vancouver, B.C. The Finest Ro The best equil and stear . Hot and ¢ Dining reer restaurant | Corley & Burgess, Props ~ $ eermmteree= ——ee SMITH & MALLETT betboeSinthee epes S eO e Subscribe For The Daily News = = = THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, 5tea” Sheet Metal W Office: 8rd Ave. Phone 174 bet 2nd Ave