THE DAILY NEWS STOCK RIGHT Headquart- ers for Santa Claus. Come one, come all ---- whatever you want---- we have it. PRICES RIGHT McRae Heke. Limited . Everything for the Office es OHOHOHSHENGHSRSHENOHSH SS zs 3 Pet Goods JUST ARRIVED f chocolates in fancy baskets and boxes also a full line oi CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS AND CRACKERS Choice New Season’s Fruit and Nuts SEE OUR WINDOW A large assortment o ~ ‘Williams & McMeekin — Helgerson Block Phone ~ SoH OLStIOU SSH eHet OSH eHetiel eenaneneE THREE DAY CURE FOR DRINK HABIT Appeals to the Business and Professional Man, the Banker, and Man in all the Higher Walks of Life BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM of the poison by tem of elimination, leaving the in the condition that before tasting liquor, as the effect of alcohol col appe- JesYoy AMI | ; When a man’s time is worth a rapid sys- a great deal more to him than the cost of a drink habit cure he is not going to drag along for twenty-eight to forty-two days taking a treatment when drinker he was so far be e! may icerned—all . ee ee ee ee | utility tand } department | least | the this year cannot |} Williams home la worthy cost —THEY NE ee EXTEND WIRELESS STATION New Euildings Contemplated and Increase of Staff Proposed. Island with In o bring Digb wireless rder statio the I ther having a and working shifts of proposes some range f both night ators, the add at two to the staff] at the Digby Island station, and to provide for the ine of istaff and equipment necessary new buildings will be ected at wirt station. Frame buildings, such as those in existence there, are and work will start shortly. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT tions wide day opere to operators rease er ‘less already planned, them on Death of Musike Radjovich In-) quired Into at Inquest. heuring wolikt little was available in con- death of Musike After evi- dence there nection with the anes the young Montene- grin who died in the hospital from a gunshot wound c aused by his own rifle, the Ce night returned ital death.’ the time rone jury a verdict ot Der the last “accider eased was alone at fatal shot was fired. Christmas Candy. al shipment b Keeley’s especi e surpassed omptted the Hospita drug Meekil sho i Besides he efu minimun +f The Ladies’ Rupert sale c boo Auxiliary Gener by Prin a Orme’ & Me A copy Rupert Cause, = store at s grocer’ ever} Iping nece store uld be In us 8 a ‘ 1 sity is obtaine at A Friend in Need. giving Xmas Faecal your feet sd to considera efforts Just call and make presents They ym for during the on Scott, a selection t are tnelr past Froud | don’ entitle faithfu year. & Co. tite gone—and he a new for drink man, he can get in three days without hypodermic inject and be with every comfort a cure ions surrounded of hk A PERFECT CURE. inter odic ate aril who eatment consists of nal administration of remedy, tonic in that removes the liquor in very The inte tr ymmie a! harmless action, for w hours. DRUG HABIT CURED. The eal il tres i Ing a and the has to 1Ke! drink j ARCTIC STUDIO Fresh FLOWERS by the ss. Prince Rupert today 8rd pre7s 9 Butler saw Build’g PHONE GREEN 336 | \ institute addictions Call, giv- Vancouver drug ihe aist ith uniform or phi ful and eal ulraliz- hol in the i THE NEAL INSTITUTE 1250 Broadway W., Vancouver, EB. C. Phone Bayview 686 success. for booklet, information. Ilé ne Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Persona! Bonds Policies Prepared Direct Mack Realty & Insurance || COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals Christmas Needfuls for Holiday Enjoyment Ebony Hand Mirrors Manicure Sets C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggist The RExaAWl Store nm. Military Brushes Perfumes Travelling Cases Toilet Waters FOR SALE Block 33 Sec. Price $575.00 es Sa Re ** 1100.00 37 eX] 1400, 00 WITH THREE-ROOMED HOUSE 16 Block 16 Sec. 2 Price 1050.00 $401.35 cash 61-62 “' 12 ate *“ pr.2200.00 775.00 ‘* PETER McLACHLAN Third Avenue REAL ESTATE TIMBER MINES 19 7 LO 12 1-3 cash 1-8 * 1-3 Lot ‘ =e --WATCH THE BIG FURNITUE STORE FOR CHRISTMAS GOODS We have received them in great quantities and will display something far exceeding any other attempt in Prince Rupert. GRAND DISPLAY OF.... WE ARE COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Entrance Third Door from Sixth F. Ww. HART Street on Second Avenue , Hart Block LL AL NL RL ANN ONG NMOL al NMOL al EOL el — > Learn to Dance KING’ DANCING ACADEMY We refund your money if we do teach you to dance for the price of one ticket. Wednesdays and Saturdays in Sons of England Hall; at & p.m LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED iL nartiemoeestia’ =| { i i i not et es et ct ee pe eee The Jewelery Store UMBRELLA | GIFT AN IDEAL i CHRISTMAS _ You will find it an altogether superior article. . . Haven’t you noticed it?.. It costs more, but look at what you are getting—not the lacking in the market at a cheap price, but the very best money ean buy... Suit Case Um- brellas and lots of them-—A new shipment just in, WOULDN'T YOU LIKE 10 SEE THEM? - THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS. Winciicinniaicectnm eis eatecd 3 l i i i j i ! ( t}| i Hy i | if ee 18 s |) gE WIL oe. a ~~ a ee MARRY dersigned up | 6t L REPAY A CAR Pereethnertnsemermerteerneoep For Rent somseemermmermncomnseces: ears met ere { For Rent—T'wo roomed ca freshly papered and clea H F. McRae & Co. RENT Furnished nl locat ty Phone w mm best a | ! Insurance eee ees serene OUR Companies mg — settlements. We Insurance. The Mook ‘Re alt memes eee eee Wanted |! t and ju lass ¢ ar surance Cx Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore tf first of January. 5 or State terms to Wanted to rent or lease by 6 room modern house, close in Box 89. Maternity nurse open for engagement. Apply Box 2159 News. tf Wanted Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 2% Red vf Why remain lonely? The Ideal Introduction Club leads to happiness. A) strictly private, high-class, up-to-date medium for properly tntre ducing riny, | marriageable people f any nationality, religion, age, or financial ore mn. Many people waiting, rich anc I Particulars free Plain, sealed env 10} I. C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. ( i Lost and Found | Rupert FOUND—2 Small Keys. Inquireat News Office 225-tf et me me eee Real Estate Block Box 582 for Sale in Sectio “Ave Apply Mixe Razict City eh { j Stenographer eee wants Cor- tf f wide experience “Stenographer,”’ 662 Eastern steno: d r, BC m—rap sy ee Water Notice Alfred Christian Garde n Mining Engineer, give notice that on the 4 #11, Lintend to apply to t his office nd use two cubic n unnamed strearr t Skeena Division, Tyee Station, G.T.P. Ry » taken from the stream about e its outlet, and is to be used ping power fo ora quary situated at the f said creek, along the Railway «rade ALFRED CHRISTIAN none 28th, 1911 of the Dated Noy Tenders Wanted be received by the un- to Dec. 15, 1911, for 60 j tons of coal (mine run). Delivered in 5 ton lots as required. The lowest or any tender sarily accepted. P. R. GEN. Tenders will not neces- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ived by the under 18th Decem w be rece fonday and forms t the office of the any tender not necessarily EARNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk MAHLON DAVIS, City Engineer WM Shoes.. JOHN CURR CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “srorace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, OFFICE-H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 64 REF ¢ RUPERT Prices reasonable. -~-IN SECTION TWO— oe a SNAP $525 Each || Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 28, Section 5 G.R.NADEN COMPANY Limited, Prince Rupert, B.C, THE ATHENS —- New Barber Shop Try us once and you will h always come back DENNIS SVORONOS 122 Gth Street TRY THE “NEWS” WANT|/| AD. WAY OF FINDING “The News” Classified Ads. -=Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== - “ a JOKING all ing p be f Prince Rupert, oc- | in Prince | | HOSPITAL ASSOC. | City | . ne View Corner | he ot Cees, =a FOR SALE~62 LOTS IN SECTION TWo Many of auction prices, the and buying of leisurely choice, your really greater One good a beautiful, level £1,060;a fine double reputation that Representative in all WESTENHAVER BRO: Third St. them offs and with the eee are } selection th chane { lot on Grahan ' OVER— lot, 5O0-f : corner j lo such Engage Probationere. yur listings » be en suranes its branches “‘Hospitel General | rs are the Two | bati ia i for tal engaged before always busy, Rupert it once Dy training at the and probably two more long. The though patients, Phon it ita with Prinee the serves a wide ying and the train omised probationers should | tinre as district, thorough City Clerk Unwell. Mr. W. D. Vance, City Clerk, is taking Mr A.} duties at present far as Mr. Woods is con- house, indisposed. Christmas Giving assistant E than one article here suitable fo compe! your There is more ing that will the Wo as pe fined to the ods inspection and assure ssible, Loewe, B. B. B.’s own make; G. B. D. specia Peterson patent, meer- schaum and calabash, cigar cases, cigarette cases, ciga: holders, cigarette holders, pipe racks, smoking sets, tobacco jars, ash trays, si|- ver match boxes, etc. \mas tf orders now for Pipes and Wark's. Leave flowers The Prince Rupert Arrives. At 10 a. m. the G. T. P. steamer Prince Rupert arrived with mail, freight and list rather Captalir starb Smokers’ Sundries a passenger usual mn made a as usual, pas slender than Johnso landing more Barney yard an uneventful south a Christmas Cigars in Gift Boxes $1.00 Up and reported from the age All of the Leading Tobaccos, Cigars a Cigarettes, both imported and domest Mrs the Young passengers morning Young Princes and by Judge were this McCutcheon south this morning Rupert —STORE WITH RED FRONT H. B. Campbell Pree oPaere MISH from the R arrived STOUT OLD SHIP Wrecked Carrondelet Will Hang Together for Some Time. SseS3553 salve the let have without impossible t to heavy It is be- saly will time to larronde made cae aemmeemes THE wmsemer cree Geo. D. Tite’ s STORE ~~~" shows the way to furnish your home with qua ‘ked bar ( fa been result, it being the wreek owing as break her ed’ by Captain Gordon, expert, that the hulk together for long ue absolutely reach st ing over be ee | age hold a For Christmas Gifts what is more substantial a fortable Chair, Rocker or Settee. A choice Dining Room Furniture, Buffets, Chin Dining Tables and Chairs—leather s NSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE NOTICES {N THE NEWS WE BUY EVERYTHING We Pay Highest Prices for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber Boots, Solder, Dross and Bottles Wicker Chairs and Rockers from $5.50 to $8.50 Eeru I rin ir Rope Madras and 5 Lace Curtains, latest designs, ‘ sstastsctatasess Large range Tapestry Curtains, ment Cloths, SHES For Good Values in Carpets and Rugs all sizes, Now is Yo 2 ROPLOPROPRS, ° se D. TITE - The Home Furnisher THIRD AVENUE, PHONI SOSSESSESESES ESSE ESS, Prince Rupert Gash Store 735 THIRD AVE. Rat S ES 22 e zsyes aS MADE AND| ie »ATRED | | au ‘ Your Home! It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the princi The news is well edited, its news columns are C! The advertising columns of the ea in all parts of the world. some. It is a paper yon need in your home. you in n touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money — PLS FE As c CZ py « In Commercial Printing we have a large stock of —PHAARGAGHHHS™ BAAABAAA BOAAg A eee . > Letterheads Stock Certificates Bill Heads Price Lists Memorandum Forms Commercial Cards NERS Eat iG Articles of Associatio! Illustrated Pamphlet { l We handle Blank Ledger / Forms for Loose Leaf System ls i He | | | .| : + ces ott et We = tact yr Car is, For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Car For any kind of printing from ihe humble Ti Ave PHONE 98 Invitations and Dance Programmes. to the highest grades of multi-color - printing cons consult the * os News + ee PHONE 98 = is t é | } } | oe