PAOE TWO DAILY EDITION Phone 18 THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEJf ---Managing-Editor ' ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Peas Royal City 2 tins tins 25c 27c P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store Where You Can Shop With Confidence Salmon Fancy Pinks tails. 3 tins. Pineapple Barco sliced, per tlrr Corn Ensign, choice quality. 2 tins Split Peas 3 lbs.. Heinz Soups Cream of Green Pea. 2 tins Plums Malkln's Beet, fancy. 2 25c 10c 25c 19c 19c 1 lb. Fort Garry Tea; thenware Teapot both for Plum Jam Empress 4's, per tin 1.00 1 Ear- 89c 3 Cashmere Bouquet Soap; l Bottle Perfume Qin all for 1 head Celery medium, 1 head Lettuce, 1 lb. Tomatoes No: 1 hothouse all for Rhubarb Fresh 7 lbs. 39c 25c 46c Prompt Delivery Service Boat and. Mail Orders Receive Prompt and , Careful Attention U2 .25 Friday May 28, 1937 The Political Prospect The political prospect as indicated from many sources is that the Liberal party under Hon. T. D. Pattullo will be returned to power at the election next Tuesday. The real fight seems to be as to whether the Conservatives or the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation will be the official opposition. The indications also point to the election of Mr. Pattullo in Prince Rupert. Word received from the Islands is that the Premier will get more than half of the vote there, that he will get a good majority in the city and that the other outlying points will give at least a plurality. In view of the fact that Mr. Pattullo will still be Premier after the election, it would be suicidal for his home constituency to defeat him. He could have been elected in a dozen places in the south but he trusted Prince Rupert and he believes Prince Rupert trusts him in spite of the speeches of wily politicians who distort the truth and make things seem like what they are not. Prince Rupert people would hate themselves if they sent a travelling musician to represent Prince Rupert in Victoria while the Premier represented some southern constituency. We do not think this can happen but can we afford to take chances? Cut Down Costs If by any chance the Conservatives should take the place of the Liberals at Victoria, as some few people predict, they are pledged to cut down expenditures and in what easier way could it be done than by shutting down the work on the highway east of Prince Rupert? We sug The Letter Box THE POLITICAL LSUE distributive machinery and the flow of nurchasinir nowpr anH goods which governments, undoi pressure of events, are already steering in their direction The fundamental problems of the day are the relations of wealth and labor, dignity and justice. It is of paramount importance that the activities of production shall not be at the mercy of insatiable appetites, that the regime of distribution shall not be in the hands of trusts, stock exchanges or sinirle individuals but co-ordinated be tween the rights and needs of the state and the collectivity of the citizens. If democracy is to survive this is its inescapable gest that, if the people of Prince Rupert want work to I worn The trend of political evoiuti continue, they vote for Hon. T. D. Pattullo, the man who .the world over ha8 definitely si Jr. 1 I 1.11 J 1 1 T I I 1 11 11.. . . ' is pieugeu lu secure a ueuer ueai irom uie dominion SO pa"iea le 010 idea of bociaii that more money will be available for opening ud the Dro-tIn the cradle of Socialism an vince by means of highways. " What Rockefeller Did John D. Rockefeller was a pioneer in co-operation and he proved to the world that huge corporations can be successful in business. In doing this he proved that, if necessary, large industries might be carried on successfully by governments as long as they were conducted on purely business lines. Rockefeller's idea was that it was useless to try to help people. What the mass of the people needed was to be taught to help themselves. He said: "There is no feeling in the world, I think, to be compared with self-reliance. Do not sacrifice that for anything else." And again: "If the people can be educated to help themselves, we strike at the roots of many of the evils of the world." In giving away part of his vast fortune, Mr. Rockefeller made himself ill studying methods and schemes for giving without pauperizing the recipients. A small part of this money is being used in paying the costs of the university extension lectures from which Prince Rupert benefitted jast winier. Some of Rockefeller's sayings have survived. Here are one or two of them: "Do not grow old before your time. Maintain an interest in life and in all living things." "Live within your means. One of the swiftest toboggans I know is for a young man just starting in life to run into debt" "I believe in man and the brotherhood of man and am confident everything will come out for the good of all in the end." ihe average zealot, eBlhlisod-'n by the two newcomers in the political field, C.C.F. and Social Credit, thinks that they are the long sought new magical light? which will cure our social ills. The C.C.F. Is a half-baked variety of popular Socialism and Marxism. The laler was experimented with in Russia during the past twenty years and resulted not in Socialism but a capsized form of it, namely State Capitalism. C.C.F. and Social Credit b? long to the variety of sentimental policies known under various names such as "Republic of Plato," The City of the Sun," of "Campnella;" Sir Thomas Moore's "Utopia; Robert Owen's "Industrialism," etc. What then? First of all, our cardinal problem is not one of production or change of ownership of the means of production What the people are concerned with Is not the static legal principle of titles of mills, factories. mines, railroads etc., but in the CHANGED ALL THAT Edilor, Daily News: on sup- sm. en tirely new philosophy is born. The masses have ceased to think in terms of class. They think in terms of national solidity and social justice. In the great republic to the south of us, labor has never as sumed Ihe aspect of class politics and, under the wise and humane leadership of President Roosevelt, labor of hand and brain will soon cease to be a class fact and assume the expression of national power. The concept that the state is responsible for national welfare is a generally accepted fact. Events will soon force the stale to become the centre of a living reamy and establish the mobile equilibrium between production, prices, profits, wages. Wheat Boards, Marketing Acts. Teonle's Banks etc. Labor, wealth and technique are one and indivisible, the future of civilization demands their full co-operation. Together they will usher the industrial civilization but the highway is not the class appeal but true democracy. OBSERVER. A Conservative article asks what Pattullo has done for Prince Rupert. Those of us who remember the hundreds of men and women who paraded in our streets escorted by the police under the last Tory government about five yearB ago know quite well that Pattullo has changed all that and, although we are not yot completely out of the depths, we know that it is 100 percent better than it was then. These same Tories led by Tolmie's old lieutenant, Dr. Patterson, are now asking us to put them back in power. They must think we have short memories. "OLD PARADER" Pilot E. C. W. Dobbin was here at the first of the week with his Air i ravel and Transport Wacot seaplane, having on board three Japanese timbermen from Van-i couver K. Mivake. N. NnVnmnw. ana o. ruKawa. Mrs. W. W. Noonan, wife of the station agent at Endako, was a passenger arriving from the Interior on last night's train and sailing on the Prince George for Vancouver. acn tne most people In city and district with an advertisement In the Dally News. i THE DAILY NEW6 Friday Mas 28. Smithers Couple j CEREMONY Wedded Saturdayj AT QSLAND Miss Bertha Chapman Becomes Bride of Reginald Collison ' SMITHERS. May 28: A very pretty wedding was solemnized In the United Church at Smithers Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock when Miss Bertha Chapman became the bride pi Reginald J. Collison of Smithers. Rev. L. J. Hales performed the ceremony and the church was filled with the many friends of the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs.' Collison left later in the afternoon by motor for a honeymoon trip through Southern BrlUsh Columbia and will return In about two weeks. The bride was head stenographer at the government offices in Smi thers whet she had been em ployed for nine years and is the daughter of Mrs. E. S. Arnold of Smithers. Mr. Collison ts a popular member of the Smithers Lumber Yard firm and is one of the younger business ' men of the town. Both young people are very well known thrcughont.thcjBulkley Valley and their many friends will wish them many long, and happy years of wedded-life. Aubrey Ivarsoiv arrived ,ln the city on the Princd' George last night from Premier to spsnd a month or so here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ivarson. Man in the Moon The election campaign Ls on and nobody seems to be worrying so far. Jake says he's going to vote C. C. F. so he can join the dictatorship of the proletariat He says he no tices all the members of the C. C. F. want to be dictators. j Dugald was out walking with Janet the other evening and she said: "I love ye Dugald, I love ye so much 111 givte "ye anything ye like." Dugald thought- 4t ever and decided the most useful thing she had was a bicycle so that's why Dugald how rides a woman's bike. A speaker who had been asked to make his after-dinner remarks as brief as possible, rose and said: "I have been asked to propose the toast of our guest, and I have been told that the less said the better." "I turned the way I signalled," said the lady, indignantly. "I know It," retorted the man, "that's what fooled me." It ls understood the tax collector is talking of collecting amusement tax from some of the political speakers. If there is not good government in this province during the next term it will not be for lack of legislative candidates. Prince Rupert seems to always get the small end. There are a good many similar 'constituencies with five candidates yet this city can boast only four, Louis Lebourdals has been keeping the Cariboo in the public eye for a number- of years through his old-time stories and now they say , ViO lo I j . ...... 1 u hj uc rcwaraea Dy maKing him member for the riding. Jake declares election stories in Prince Rupert are Just as old as those in the Cariboo. NOBODY ENJOYS TAKING MEDICINE! Yet most people at some time suffer from; common" constipation. Why not correct this' condition the natural way by including a ready-to-cat cereal with your daily meals instead of taking weakening pills and drugs? Kellogg's All-Bran adds the "bulk" the average -Bystem needs. In the body, All-Bran 'absorbs twice fts' weight in water, forming a soft, spongdike -mass which gently cleansts the intestines. Kellogg's All-Bran also furnishes vitamin B to tone up the intestines and iron for the blood. Just eat two tablespoonfuls a day, as a cereal with milk or eream, or cooked into apjietizlng muffins, breads, etc. Three times daily in severe cases. ' All-Bran is sold at all grocers. Made and guarauiedjBZ .Kellogg in London. ers for the afternoon. F. Krist-manson, in his native Icelandic, and Mrs, S. Yamanaka, in Jap- :anese. spoke eloquently on "Cor- ' nation Day to Canadians." j After the presentation nf Coro- natron medals to the children, Coronation Day "Fittingly" CclK-Mtfie ceremony was-concluded by bra ted at Village all singing "God Save the Kins." ' j Hostesses for the afUrnoou OSLAND, May 28: Coronation 'were Mrs. 0. Olcfsou and Mrs. Day in Osiand was appropriatelyj. Jonsson. Refreshments were celebrated by the planting of a donated by the various. ladies. The Royal oak seedling which had. table Was. eharrolngly graced by MV.I D Let your next SUIT He Tailored Bv l evonsmre CO m m. Crnt A Snni Uti Gltmfidilirh M m I and llliiW-(;U!lrt Jtitttiltrrl, f -- ' Ilufflown and d ' Values That Lead the Field in Made-to-Measure Clothes WIDE RANGE OF PATTERNS IN IMPORTED WOOLEN TWEEDS AND WORSTEDS Satisfaction and Fit Guaranteed 25.00 10 $34.00 LEAVE NOTHING pat. tia The system that mattes you sight-sure of correct fitting. A KfcAL OL0SCX)TCH IN ANEW This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. WATTS & NICKERS0N Men's & lioys' Clothiers Phone 345 458 Third Ave. UNKNOWNJ WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS Jack.and Jfi U V.. I wu Know oy teeing you ete.Dinc the HEALTH SHOES iniid the shoes on the chilli fnni quality of the ihoci. Solid aualitv throughout flexible comfortable and (mart in style. OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS $1.65 to $3.00 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes I been presented to the pettlementtu bouquet of fuschia and maiden-4 ' 'jy the Department of Agriculture! hair fern. for the orcaslon I This very enjoyable afternoon The ceremony was opened by ( was humorously climaxed by the '.he school children singing "0 I entrance of "Nannie." one of thr Canada." During the planiing of : settlement's well known quadruple seedling in the school grounds fds. who took it into her head to by Mrs. R. Sakamoto, the child ioin the gathering in the school- ren, who had groued themselves' Have YOU a PiANo. A piano, to be kr ., condition so tha, fcood the. musician J& un.timun oi u p. ct iwicr a year tuning "call US : tit pr lood - George C, Walker Member Piano TViie , .,. house and test the qunlltv of I he' Minne nine 729 j0 h, ,M about, sang 'The Maple Leaf." table decoration. Miss Beatrice Webb, acting as 1 ;hairmun, introduced the speak- Try a Dally News want-ad. GRANTS PROCURABLE Win jjsh: . British C,. rnone mue 389 2t2 th t) vvm TRAPPERS guarantee top market nri. lor leaver and Uuskrat Other Turs at tulut, FRANK LOCKWnnn DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A camp for an enjoyable fa-cation. Meals provided Good cooking. Picnics, cpeu air had-mlnton, fishing and hunting. Miles of wonderful beach. Tferaos moderate. Apply for particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sansan River, Near Massett, B. C. PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine your buildings, give estimates on all repairs and plan drawn free of charge Phone Blad 442 or drop me a card, general delivery. A. II. McPherson THE SEAL ' QUALITY 7 '"' vt GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelL' Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op n Rooms Hoi & Cold Water Prince Hupcrt B.C rhne 281 P.O. Rx Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE.