X FITNESS WINS TV a BEAT"'6 WHAT uaT A 00 Keep Up Your Home IT PAYS TO PAINT AMI) REPAIR.' . For best paint values and Bound ..rose t imm. i ti AT mow TO fHL FIT HEJirs aIonl the !et taking energy-food yon rver put in your mouth Kellogg' Bran Fbke. Cmp . . . flavorful ... and full of nourishment. Try a IiohI of Bran Flake for lireakfart with milk or cream and w-e hai a difference it make in the way you feel. Start the day right . . . help keep you regular and healthy. J? IT-.11 . TI r- . P ' 4 "ran riake are" ready to nerve. Al-way oven-cri.p. At all grocer. Marie Ity Kellogg in London, Ontario. BRAN FLAKES IN THE GOLDEN YEUOW PACKAGE I advice consult GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone311 , McBrideSt. inmsrasin inuia nivtaiai a acnaxiciza an xmmvm J LOCAL NEWS NOTES rVT'BBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBlM c4?ti wits, wairxary. & r. nijwira fr e&2 & ii rrj afii SSecfaaa rfa-if. Hi T. W. Irri .J aa iw icte- j la wvfmytr far fcrirf tsp I C X Hoa. after lea aaarnMe. t Uafc. Be will .Tar a ealy ta & a- Mr tte 5 amctj? ianuaiaa aartt. ,fei afeu. i xrvxmm aarf rr4t far ft. escsW f tb Palcri.TkM Mir MZWn SMC SX MMKi KmKise SanMvr. fa&ta. wt. .mt laaal lairfrn bw a fd Vt. vnmtt macimm af f.i n m T nil , iMtdiw i4 tarutvt ft. tr wan y ate 1 ti mii T for EWTT tea 8yJ Ga aalte Faiioe OTfxcrx - jt, "r .r Ik UMm xwaaaL .mmmf TlwraU tiat ky at? Gaawrr- C Haafc Anhar Xu-X4(, rn rw wiii exnH IM a liaeral fjOMr af Hataa. as4 Mr t w-t nn jwprr mat. 1 1 ( lasi rTt vat tr EITT. th ftfa k nMff. is t&f ad w-, Cwt mm mtfvrab mm&s. irzvri , ITZ m tike dtv 744kt anHkf I Shwrj Frimeff f tM rity e bjt aigfet 'M PMm Grt jCce Fr Wteatfe for Vwimu eae, LW 7 J" HOTEL ARRIVALS Ctral Ht ti rw KqNt at tbzimm dmf? C ?wrirtia. Vai Brii- .J3 forprt that U jb jJani Yaaa-i" ' Pr, BnrvSer Witter J. p atlH VaaaHrrjT Cmvtam. r ta a. w J vir F I i! e ii.r af tl Sa!- e PjCJEL Vat Jar FAITT 5 T H. Gd. Vta- ,rztimx Arar fr N&r Briti far Prise B-feaaw: g. K. Kirkaa. K-u. s as a TMJI ta Eazwsta aad; I iw vr , iji c. 'Wiaaiper. arrfred is the ty o M CitwaJ af tbe rtsdl Ur ,1 !" Hwraar ea tot Fn&eM UraMK P" vcaarai MaaaKal a9 ta-iw,rnii, T JT f G. G. M.t-i.t-t tK. ewme of tUBitnalari uni:r liberal 25c 25c 14c 18c: 22c 25c 28c 28c 1ST ORADE BUTTER Hare yoo tried our cream 25c h pint. You can whip It. But it can't be beat. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Ouaranteed FAMOUS ED80N ALBERTA COAL BULK1.EY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY FI10NE: SB and 658 .and Five; recitation hv 'fm5f R'IT- Benaer, Oaklaad; Coire H Jr W beaMfartrs. at WaarHL I'M' ti Prie Adelaide fior Vauacaavcr earoate ta Traa- Ia prtiArztUai for tie - rIIe Saaltariae; ta Uk a i&ta!H& UmirpAitr aatMe r Ceaaral Hoanital far dkteticr. tnay be aW u. cai aanriiva I 5 " M i" mrB tto th bailKr.v v- . -a !:r mT Irwrbt lw Terrace ta f aa elation W ter "f' f? "r" bo broAdtau that nirhl -- it paaJ by S. A. w iq-j t 1 r. Tri- t . f Three; son "Rinr the Blle of fxmdon," Grade Two and Thre; onjr, The British Grenadiers.' trades Six, Seven and Ei?hl. and f-od Save the King.-The following poem, was written Mr. "William Era erteciallr for the oec&kn : The King Hk not a!on the might of pride aad place. Of pageantry the pomp of ancient days. With ihrer trumpet --clarion , round the world j The glorious flag unfurled; Deep in our hart, by generoui, I knightly deed, iVart, quiet courage in the Ero- pireV need, I He shall be King Indeed' I" Announcements High School basketball tea, Odd-lellovtf Hall, May 28. Presbyterian Missionary Mrs. D. -C. McRae's, June 2. Tea, i Queen Mary tea, Mrs. Brass's, June 8. Parent Teachers Tea, Oddfellow' Hall. June 18. UNI) ACT lirfm No. IS FORM Or NOTICE Cawlar Und IMnlrlct DUtrtet of Atlln TAKE NOTICE bt Pred AcKlt nt! Clwrle Otxrrlknder erf AUln, E. C. oc-nipailoo XUtr, Intend to apply for pwmlwlon to purchae the foltowln" Conirnei icing t a post located two mllta outh of OoUUm Oatt on Tafftb Lak. Korth VltrA Omar Pt.. Oroiind runa 20 chains from this post la :outhern direction then 20 chain aV vriwi m cnaltM nucWi. then 20 chain wrt. to legal poet erf Wlonlng rllED N. ACEXOJ ClIAItLES OBEKLANDER. Datd Ajwll 6th, 1037, C.X.E.: W. TL McCallaa. BilW ar 3ffl; Jaaa D. Vosptr. eity. Saverr WilHaai IL Haaen. Jap Islet sos aad A. PalUst,AUj Islet; B. Tyw aad Joaa Bekrik. city; Lee Adler. Hazettoa; Ceore Eeaodry. Moatreal; Berawe Wair. EeattT Sak.: Mr. F G. Lafrdoe.Ft a&d K. vVanon, baHhert. Visitors at the Rotary Club lcn- LSeaV Conunaafitr IL Khrf ikJ r- A- MaeCaHoni. Tbey will i chen yealentay to hear the address assistant director of naval r-.re'jrr- to " e'?-T twro ntfM: &T Sa)or J. O. Bycroft, district tsrrts tor Canada vttb headonar- . " imilltarj intelligence officer and ven a wjuyz, armed k tho it U w.. 1 1 A L tut, vukxz iot mmiary c- on Tuesday eight's train from tte r " C Ldj il No. II. toctoded Lieat Cotn- eas m the coscae aT an olfleial Did xr wukt Htune. usent. L. H. tea toar and sailed last night DOrCieil Otreet ' fT' ?t Rn Stcart' on the Prince Rnoert for r3- Ucu T Harrey. L 6. Hope. ol 0ts cr the local p, . t,.. c.., P-r-r Marsh, nacian javal Volnnteer Reserre. atbrinr incloded the sinzine off wmtoS the topographical surrey chonn. -Land of Freedom:-' 01 the Rava: rani . -xrf irj j. rorceat Dibr Island ;"The Mapl Leap by Grade. Fnm 8wUts CotUge Rolls Per lb. ZC The best obtainable KTrn vrrn Short Ribs 2 lbs Brisket 2 lbs Pot Roast per lb. Oven Roast per lb Prime Rib 'per lb. Swifts BK00KFIELD EGGS A" Orade Large. In cartona, only doz. Ayrshire Bacon per lb. Diamond A Bacon per lb Grade I ClAssiFlED FOR SALE FOR SALE Small gas pleasure boat. Must be sold not later than June 1. Phone Black 202. 125 FOR SALE Cheap, used electric washer. A bargain. McRae Bros. 1 127) COAL Nanalmo-Wellln gton fox furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-! Bootless, for the kitchen range. Albert Ai McCaflery, Phone lie "J! un, FURNISH Your home with brand' new factory samples. 6 piece three room groups $184 Ideal! for the working man; extra high grade groups $222; 10-pIece: Chesterfield groups $59.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables with! drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95; beds complete $135. Terms ili desired. Here Is an opportunity j of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage.' Write today. Julius Shore, Mall; Order House. 8th Floor. nHn! Bldg, Vancouver. (tf) FOR RENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modem apartments. Phone Red 444. (125) FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd- (tf) WANTED WANTED Olrl for general house-work. Phone Blue 936. (124) PERSONAL OENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Oranvllle, Vancouver BECAX3E EV3 04. mrml aaM-t -a BECAUSE EKO ccar pcodao. BECU.sE ENC ai&i. BICLSE-fae Wje , ESO ha facta rscecsasf frr Tcf ntxy mace defease jifts: 1 a;5 ffcmartr axi ts r-sod feet!-. frit J; fyc. Take ENO and ocy )io BaaBBBBBBBBBaanBBHBBBaBBaa OKU Jig. HI for 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Svaaen JeiTe Praee Rrpen T-Tirr T-S-S. CATALA EVERT TTtSEAT. 1 J rJt D YxreooTcr. Ttaralij- - TAS. CAEDEXA FRIDAT. 11 rL Da Vtcosntr, Ucalay a. IX caTtnieat p2eas ymrthaM tictcU it fj. Fertt teloRra.Uos rtgarttor restrrxtwtu tr- - -A. W. "EWMAX, rriaee Kcptrt Acat. Thiri Ait ttant sa D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVIL Phone Green 916 7 DAYS ONLY REDUCTION of 20 on all C0NG0LEUM and LINOLEUM We have in stock STARTS MAY 25th USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refr rotors, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hoe. 30' & Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ ' good nu Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Bs. Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encydope& Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of KnowV.t TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery' utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. We Buy Everything ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 Wc Sell Every1 CALL GREEN 91C D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B-C- Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.