ay, May ", moi fcameea. M1 flO THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TiniEB WOMEN'S Armory Dance SESSION Victoria Day 1 niinon ni.., w a iini,u Us Two Hundred Persons at Party b ' aw vvon I . A. Annual Mettlnrs Here Monday wm Krllo"C,8 R'cc Krispies cost 80 vi De , , v , rallv delicious. And no cmp they rattle in milk or cream. , Toasted rice bubbles, ready lo erve. Easily digested. Extra rood with fruit or honey added. At grocers everywhere. Served ,y restaurants. A Mother Goose ilory panel on' every package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guar- - A HAL I RICE KRISPIES. M W I III 'I I I L IP" I I Jt crackle in - SPECIAL Introductory Offer Pint Tin "61" Quick Drying Enamel fvnm Mimpp nf nnlnrV rpo nripp Han yjrvk4 wyv-w w. w w v 1 j wg jj ww ........... T.l r?: T L nn n.vir:i r imii iriin (bristles set in rubber), reg. price ,25c Total value 60c f or lO c Family Watch for the valuable coupon that will be delivered at your home We carry everything needed for your painting requirements, whether it's a whole house or just a small chair. We shall be pleased to give information & suggestions on any painting problem Kaien Hardware Company Telephone 3 3 HEAT HOTPLATES KcKiilar Price $7.00. While they last $4.55 Only rnts n month) Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. BUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. , CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church held Its Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The opening service was held in St. Andrew's Cathedral with Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx D.D., Bishop of Caledonia, officiating, assisted by J in the chair. The address of wel- nomp was flvpn hv Mrs Rirrhnll splendid work of Miss Lenox of the ! Japanese Mission, Mrs. W. E. Tucker as Dorcas secretary and Mrs. ' McCoskrle, one of the earliest ' workers in the diocese. Weather Forecast (Furnished thrown, the courtesy oi he Dominion Meteomloclrnl nurran a victoria and Prince Rupert. ThU lore-mitt li compiled from observation taken at 8 a-m. today and cover the 31 hour nertod ending 5 vm umnrrowV General Synopsis Pressure remains moderately high on thi coast with rain falling in the Prince Hupert district while fine weather continues over the in terior. Prince Hupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate lo fresh variable winrH cloudy, cool with rairi. West Coast of Vancouver IslandFresh to strong northwest winds, clear. .ii i ...... About 200 persons were present at the Victoria Day dance held twentyslxth annual meeting on; Monday night in the Armory by warrant oincer, non-cumiiuaiiuucu officers and men of the 102nd. Bat tery with permission of Lieut. Col S. D. Johnston, officer command inc. The affair proved one of much eniovmcnt to all present. Music 1 : . . j ... Very Rev; Dean J. B. Gibson. : was "v nnn" b n - Preacher was Rev. J. E. Birchell of ana uunner nnwu mwu w PMpr's Roni r-nv,. rrnr,iKt .-ns master of ceremonies. Spotlight A J I.nnrntpr OanCCS "Were a ieavuic. jut oct -i- fu .1 .wv,,was attractively decoratca. ine sessions followed Mrs. C. V. Evltt. actlnc president, committee In charge consisted of Battery Sergeant . Major James Hadden, Battery Quartermaster and Hinch-j Sergeant S. P. Woodside. Semant responded to by Mrs. liffe of Terrace 1 J. A. Teng, Sergeant Alex Mitchell: Routine tola0" T- A McWaters and Gun business was attended A raner nn latest, mlsslnnnrv npws'ner NelSOn Alien. from -Miss Phepie. vice-president of rwui w,u'c",'"u Western Canada' was read by the,Party in the "lcers mess t6,cele-presldent. brate the promotions Capt. A. A vivid and Interesting ', rrnnrt report nt of the ho nnmininn Dominion ,nn,i annual was ns G. Rlx and Lieut. J. T. Harvey. , given by Miss R. M. Davles. As a loyal tribute to the Corona- ( lVIrinca Virfftria " an of of King King George George VI and on mo-1 iUUUJC m itlon Hon of Mrs. G. A. Rlx, the Na- tlonal Anthem was sung. , Tea was served by members ot 'St. Andrew's branch. The hall was prettily decorated by Mrs. Waddington with flowers , sent by Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. j The meetings were brought to a' Day Dance Very Some two hundred persons wjert in auenuance ai an enjojaui close by the Bishop of Caledonia j Victoria Day dance Monday night who appealed to the members to'j 4Ko Mnw Hnll. ThP affai'i rededlcate themselves to God and kept up from 10 ,,.m. until 2 a.irt then their service would be spon- with excellent music by Mrs. J: taneous and fruitful. After the Benediction all united Morrison. W. B. McCallum, AI bert Stiles and Joe Ratchford MASSETT h Enjoyable Event He Carlo's Orchestra and Jin) Bacon as master of ceremonies in singing the Doxology and the ; Distribution of confetti and ser- meeting adjourned. ! pontine lent to the ireneral mcr A reception was held by Bishop rimenl. Delicious refreshment ind Mrs. Rlx in their home adjoin- wcre 8erved with Mrs. Joe Pvatcl. ing the Cathedral to all members ford and Mrs. W. B. McCnllum lr of the Woman's Auxiliary, A large charge. number attended. ! The committee consisted ol List of officers elected for the. Cecil Morrison, chairman, Johnn ensuing year are as follows. Honorary President, Mrs. G. A. Rlx. President, Miss R. M. Davles. First vice-president, Mrs. C. V. Evltt. Seconds vice-president;. iMrs. T. Andrew. Corresponding secretary, Miss N. Bird. Recording secretary, Mrs. G. P. Tinker. Treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Asplnall. Dorcas secretary, Mrs. A. H. Waddington. United Thank-offering secretary, Mrs. F. A, MacCallum. Girls' secretary, Mrs. A. E. Par-low. Juniors' secretary. Mrs. C. J. Nor-rlngton. Little Helpers' secretary, Mrs. W. H. Tobey. Educational secretary. Mrs. J. E. Birchall. Living Message, secretary, Mrs. J.I G. Johns. i Prayer Partner secretary, Mrs. W. J. Greer. Delegates to Dominion annual1 convention, Mrs. Champion, Miss ' 1 Lang, Mrs. Holtby and Mrs. Tobey. Special mention was made of the , On May J) there Ayerc Hpecinl services in the Massett Anglican Church with Lav Readers Alfred 'Adams and William Mathews in .charge. In the morning (here wai a Coronation service and in the evening Mother's Day was ob, served. The Coronation Day sportit in Massett were featured by a sofp ball fame between OJd and New Massett At the end of the fourtK inninir the score stood 6 to 1 it .i favor nf New Massett which the (i iblew ud as Old Massett scored 1 . twenty-two runs in the next lour jinnings A memorial service was recent ly held .following the improve-, mciits to thy Old Massett ceme. lery. Bouquets and wreaths wer! placed on all the graves which had also beep adorned with white shells. Reduced Fares FOR King's Birthday JUNE 9th Single Fare and One-Quarter (or Round Trip between all stations in Cand Goins from June I, to J p.m.,Jyn9 Returninj, ttsvc dtitlnstlsn until mldnljht, June 10 SLEEPING AND PARLOR CAR PRIVILEGES AT USUAL RATES Similar low fare! for Dominion Day AK Apntjffult pniltulmt MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 12th Anniversary Sale Tea Wagons "Gibbards" Solid Walnut, Sale $24.50 Coffee Table, Solid Walnut, Sale Price 415.00 Tea Tables, Solid Walnut, Sale Price ..$13.50 Phone 775 1 1 ru. - "V. y-S - BH Mil V Silk Curtain Nets Ass't'd patts., 4 yds. . . KiLK j Cream Curtain Nets Ass't'd pat- Curved End Curtain Rods 2 for Pillow Slips 40 inch, excellent value, 5 for See Our Windows $1.00 25c $1.00 We Close at 8 1 IhWHil n Miii a PTAaWTrTU ft 'ilMMi i MJ a;i Month End Specials WALLACES SATURDAY and MONDAY Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose Mercury Brand, values fiO Vei t" to $1.00, pair Women's Cotton Hose Greys and 31.00 Watson Quality Vest & Bloomers kta:1.. $1.00 Girls' Panties & Bloomers M Aft-Lace trim, 3 pairs .... Boys' Lastex Top Cotton Rib Hose-Assorted mixtures CM Aft 3 pairs tjxvv Sport Sox ass't'd colors, lastex tops, Ladies' and children's, CM AA 4 pairs Suede Taffeta Slips Peach or white, lace trim (QC each Cotton 'Broadcloth Slips Lace trim rhite...; $1.00 Fabric Gloves White or CM ftft colors, 3 pairs i.VV Women's Cotton House Frocks-Tub fast prints 9tSc each Feather Pillows Art ticking covers, each Striped Turkish Towels CM ftft UJU 22x45, 4 for Homespun Drapery 46 CM ftft inches wide, 3 yards . A,uv Shadow Cloths 32 inches C ftft wide, 3 yards ?J.'VV Broadcloths In six C-fl ftft shades, 4 yards pJ.VV Jap Crepes Ass't'd C-fl ftft colors, 8 yards t?JL.VV Damask Table Cloths Colored $1-00 Hand Embroidered Bridge Sets cloths with napkins Hand Embroidered Pillow Slips er quality $.1,00. Brocaded Rayon White CM ftft' and colors, 4 yards . . VV Unbleached Sheeting 72 CM A A inches wide, 3 yards . . v Foundation Garments Corsets Cor-solettes, girdles etc. JJJOO each Dress Skirts Corduroys, CM Ag crepes, etc Ladies' Crepe or Figured Dimity 2!:ifcs-.. $1.00 Boy's Pullover Sweaters V neck and zipper fastened " 7C a each Wools Ass't'd colors, broken lines, values to 25c 10C clearing at, ball p.m. Saturdays Phone 9