Today's Weather (tJLM.) Prince Rupert Raining, north wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 30.03; sea choppy. Tom orrow s es High .. 3:01 a.m. 19.8 ft. 16:11 p.m. 17.6 ft. . . Low 9:53 ajrt. 3.6 It. 22:03 pin. 8.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVI., No. 123. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1937 PRICE; 5 CENTS Two Hundred Die in Valencia Neville Chamberlain New Premier of Britain BRITISH SHIP IS VICTIM seven Members of crew Killed And drum of fortune in the Irish HospitalsSweepstake on the Eight injured in incident English Derby to be run at Epsom next Wednesday. Ev-. " ery ticketholder drawing a horse will receive $2,330 re-Rebel Advance 4 gardless of whether the horse runs or not. The lucky Ca- Is Continuing : Town of Lcmona, Eight Miles From Bilbao, Taken by Insurgents VALENCIA, May 28: (CPJThe British merchantman Cadin was sunk during a heavy bombardment of Valencia by Insurgent planes today Seven members of the crew are dead and eight are wounded. An aerial torpedo crashed into the bridge of the Cadin and spread death among the crew, blasting a hole In the hull and causing the craft to fettle fast. Another British trade ship, the Pinzon, was hit by a bomb but no one was wounded. It is estimated that the bombardment of Valencia killed two; hundred persons. HENDAYE, France, May 28: (CP) The Insurgent advance towards Bilbao, according to a communique from Salamanca, headquarters of the insurgents, has carried the northern offensive to Le-mona. elzht miles southeast of the beseiged provincial capital. With all an attack on three sides of Bilbao Is now on. General Mola, Insurgent commander-in-chief, is expected momentarily to order a final concentrated assault. Loyalists Recognized GENEVA, May 28: The League of Nations yesterday recognized the loyalist government as the only constituted authority in Spain. TO ASCEND MOUNTAINS New England Mountaineers Again Coming to Alaska This Year j BOSTON, May 23: (CP l Four American Alpinists, under direction of the veteran Alaska cx-plorer, Bradford Washburn, have announced plans for the climbing in June of the 17,030-foot Mount Luscanla in southwest Yukon Territory. Supplies are already cached at Walsh Glacier near the foot of the mountain. It Is also planned to climb nearby Mount Steele before, the end of July. j Others In the party, which is j financed by the New England Mu- j scum of Natural History of Boston f and Harvard University Institute of Geographical Exploration, are Rus-; sell Dow of Woodsvllle. N.H.; Ro-j bert H. Bates of Philadelphia, and Norman Bright of Sunnyvale. Cal.' Robert Reeve of Valdez will act as pilot in a special plane. Members of the Alpinist party mentioned above are well known In Prince Rupert through visits here in the past while travelling to and, from Alaska, Company Union Is Absorbed By That of Miners LONDON, May 28: (CP) Under the provisional union merger agreement which resulted In the averting of a national coal mine strike yesterday, -the Nottingham Industrial Union, sponsored by the nine owners, will be absorbed by, the Nottinghamshire Miners' As-j ' soclatlon. Here They Are! Is In This Lucky Sweeps For DUBLIN, May 28: (CP) Three Canadians drew on favorites in the initial drawings from thi rnllimr American Navy Ships Coming 4 Tire United States naval vessels Fox, Lieut. Commander C. L. Surran, and Brooks, Lieut. Commander W. W- Cons, will visit Prince Rupert June 18-21 in the course of a naval reserve training cruise, according to advice received officially by City Commis- sloner W, J. Alder. Late Telegraphs MEXICAN DISASTER MEXICO CITY Hundreds of rescue workers and frantic rela- lives, hampered by mounting waters, 'dug- into- wreckeddwcil? ings and piles of rock and mud in Tlalpujahua Jn search of further victims of an avalanche whicii crashed into the mining town yesterday, causing one of Mexico's worst disasters. Unconfirmed reports say that fully five hundrel were killed as a result of a dam giving away. QUINTS ARE THREE CALLANOEIt Three years old but unexcitfd about it, the Diounc quintuplets awoke today ready for their bowls of oatmeal, unaware of the world offering cake and ice cr:am. The parents, Mr, and Mrs. Oliva Dionne, were invited to a birthday party but did not attend, paying a private visit instead. MAX i:Llt WINS LONDON Max Ilacr, formerly world's heavyweight boxing champion, knocked out Ben Foord of South Africa in the ntnlh round of a bout here last night. Today's Weather (Oovertmn-nt riazeltoiv Cloudy, calm, fi(). Smithers Cloudy, calm, cool. Durns Lake Clear, calm, 37. Terrace' Part cloudy, calm, 48 Aiyansh Cloudy, windy, 50. Anyox Cloudy, calm, CO. Victoria Cloudy, southweht wind; barometer, '10.00, Kstevan " Clear, nurthwcsl wind; barometer, 30.Q4. Prince George Calm and clear, barometer, 20.80. Vancouver Lum. and clear, 2jjG. Triple Island Part cloudy west wind, 10- miles per hour; light chop. Lnngara bland Cloudy, houui west wind, C miles per hour; bar-,,n.fPi UO.OC: temperature, 44; light chop. . , Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, .'50.12; .temperature, 45; ea smooth. L. B. Jones, Canadian National tniirfav ntrpnt at Skaeway, was i Kin nuiu d aboard the Princess a nassenger - . . . . . i i Iulse this n through to Skagway to wend the summer. As usual, he has been In Vancouver for the winter. Your Number Ticket List Of Derby Next Week? , uauian u.Keis are: On Cash B6x (seven to one) "Discovery and Omaha," with tic-ist IN-3C520. On Perifox (17 to 25-"Tatters," iN-47225; "Just Another Dive," iQ-23841. On Foray (non-starter) "Con-teror," RJ-21578. On Rhokana .non-starter) "Co-cnation," ZO-32386; "Two Old :onl;s," LQ-10224. On Flying Spray (non-starter) Zomc to Elcome," BW-60933. On Blunderbuss (non-starter) Honeymoon," CH-78256, On Frank Hals (200 to one) 'Lucky." BH-70861. ' On Scabbard (non-starter) Desoto." BH-56256. - On Koelac (non-starter)- Too Mset." CH-40350. On Midday Sun (100 to seven) 'Hopg," MM-50662. On Salsalvo (non starter) "Pickler." CE-40161. On Sandsprite (100 to 15)- "Lucky Thirteen," QN-22149. On Pherozshah (non-starter) "June Bonanza," BA-56081. On Mr. Grundy (non-starter) "Joshua," BB-64484. QnJtE14arlnon-starter) "Rain In the Face." ER-27739. On Prince Memrion (non-starter) -"Treume." BN-43855; "Faith, ot needed. He questlone2 the and Charity," PC-07371. Hope abllit of voters to thmk for them. . JS 5f!, "n;Stailer) Four" selves in connection with his dis-'LIQ-44909; Lucky tribution of social credit literature On All Pasha (non-starter) "Bunnle." BQ-55930. On Davy Doolittle (non-starter) "Faught a Ballauah." ZK-M223. On Alarm . Bell (non-starter) "Good Hope." MK-23529; "Tough Roe," CB-45889. On Le Bambino (33 to ope) "Mon Jour." MT-48713. On Settling Day (non-starter) "Journey's End," ZR-57387; "Nix," NP-35406. Minister Pays Smithers Visit Hon. A. Wells Gray Assists U. T. Kcnney in His Campaign . SMITHERS, May 28: Hon. A. Wells Gray, minister of lands, pass ed through Smithers on Friday on his way to Hazelton where he and E. T. Kenney held a meeting on Friday night lh htc interests of Mr. Kenney in the election campaign. They returned to Smithers after the conclusion of the meeting and Mr. . Grey continued on his way south Saturday. Dr. Stanley Of Hazelton Dies t ter of Canada who 'said that under . ' a democracy "credit must be na-ilcmalns Here Iast Night Enroute tlonal." Liberalism believed that To Vancouver For Interment i credlt was a matter of public con-- I cern. The present campaign on the The remains of Dr. Gordon Ed- part of social credit was more or ward Stanley, assistant medical less of an educational campaign, superintendent of the Hazelton Sweden had a system of controlled Hospital, who .passed away at capitalism that worked. Capitalism, Hazelton oil Monday after an 111- he suggested, must be controlled, ness of two or three weeks, were in conclusion the speaker re- here from train to boat last night enroute to Vancouver where interment will be made. Dr. Stanley was 31 years of age and was a graduate of the University of Alberta. He stating that most people were an-had come from Jasper to Hazelton xlous for a change. If they wanted two years ago. Mrs. A. S. B. Stan- ley, mother of deceased, was ac- companylng the body south. C0LTHURST IS HEARD Less Than Half a Hundred Turned Out to Hear Social Credit Expounded and McGerr Criticized -A. An interesting political address was given last evening at the Moose Hallf by Captain Jjhn Bowen-Colthurst, Social Credit candidate for this riding in the slderable length with Socl.l Credit matters, thWbein? in strm- contrast with his speech at the previous mcetin when he spent half the time criticizing th? work of the first minister of the crown in British Columbia. On this occasion he devoted only a brief part cf his time to the premier but more to G. G. McGeer and his proposed visit to, Princt' Rupert next Monday. The Captafn also devoted considerable time to the Daily News, claiming that he had been mis- t-Piwt.pri at fh r.minc mo.tinrr nartir.ul.irlv In thr stntpmnt thit he had belabored the prime mlnls- ter whoai he had mentioned dozens 0f times. He'sald that this critl- cism was not aimed at the premier personally. Us was against principles and n6t men. He had not belabored Mr'. Pattullo. Unfortunately less than half a hundred people were present to hear his denial. At the close Capt. Colthurst apologized If he had hurt anyone's feelings. MrrColtrturstrsta ted that there were 18,000. people on relief In this nrnvlnfp and nskerf If a rhano-p urne and suggested that probably some of the pamphlets reachsd the waste paper basket. Control of Credit .The speaker stated that they were out to get back control or credit from people who had unlaw- fully taken it. He was opposed to the reduction of the number of members, of the legislature, ex- plaining that any reduction meant that the Deoolc would tre less re- presented. Big finance aimed at less representation but democracy at more. Mr. Colthurst asked wjiat was the use of producing goods if there was no moiwy with which to buy. He quoted the head of the Bank of Canada to show that increase of business must be followed by in crease of the amount of money in circulation. He partly agreed with the C. C, F. in their policy but dis- a-jresd with Mr. Connell who said that money was a Dominion prero gatlve. He looked upon the Com munlsts as very worthy persons but he did not like the Independents whom he "characterized as "mugwumps." He said that if ihs election had been longer delayed the Social Credit party would have had more candidates in the field. While Mr. Colthurst did not attempt to explain the workings of social credit, he admitted that there an incentive to work and that goods must be sold at a profit. He quoted the prime mlnls- viewed the political situation in British Columbia to try to show that the Liberal party would be beaten In the coming election, things to go on in the present way they would support the present i system. , , LONDON. May 28 Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin presented his resignation to the King today whereupon Rt Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, assumed the Premiership. In addition to the r2signatlon of Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald as Lord President of the Council, which was ann junced today, other important cabinet changes Include appointment of Home Secretary Sir Joan Simon as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Privy Council Visccunt Halifax as Lord President of the Council and First Lord of the Admiralty Sir Samuel Hoare as Home Secretary. The resignation of Sir Alfred Duff Casper as Secretary of War is expend "-hortly. ResUnatlon- of Stanley Baldwin marks the conclusion of 29 years of Parliamentary service and It was exactly 14 years today since he was elected Conservative leader, succeeding the late Andrew Bonar Law. He was presented tonight with Knighthood of the Carte;, highe-t dlstinctlcn in the gift of the crown. (Pictured above Is Chamberlain with a hand In the budget box, out of whl:h recently came a gigantic headache for the British people, in the form of a big tax Increase. The box has a history all Its own. It was carried by Chamberlain- .father. "Old Joe" Chamberlain, when he was chancellor, and by uncounted holders of the office before him. Scuffed and battered as It Is, it holds the key to Britain's new rearmament program, for its latest contents comprised budgetary recommendations to pay for British preparedness.) CONDITIONS UNCHANGED Auto Bus Workers in London Return to Work Under Same Terms Gain Nothing' LONDON, May 28: (CP) The central strike committee of Lon- . , . . i I,.. an aui DUS worsers, reiucuuiuy accepting the call by the executive council of the Transport and Gen- eral Workers' Union to return to 'Prk today placed the full blame " the council for failure of the campaign for a seven fcnd a half nour aa" The committee issued a plea to the strikers to resist "any attempt to weaken solidarity" after the resumption of work. According to the terms of settlement, the strikers return to work under the sanrs conditions as in the past pending a new agreement. Helium Gas Is Essential ment from which she seemed to Can be no Return to Explosive Durlng the past day 0r so, Inflationary Material. Says .; j10weveri her condiUon took a ser-Dr. Hugo Eckener ; ious tum and yesterday the worst WASHINGTON. D.C., May 28: : No matter what the findings may be of ths inquiries into the disaster recently to the great Oerman dirigible Hlndcnburg, a change must be made td the use of the safe helium gas for dirigibles, declares Dr. Hugo Eekener, the famous air-hlp designer. . . Dr. Eckener (s here to arrange, if nosslble. for a sunply to Germany of helium gas which is available only from the United States. Dr. Eckener Is also proposing that United States and Germany, co-operate In a trans-Atlantic commercial dirigible service, each nation to operate two airships larger than the Hlndenburg. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES American League St. Louis 5, Detroit 0. Washington 0, Boston 7. Philadelphia at New York, post- poned on account of threatening weather, double-header tomorrow. . ' j . , . 7 1.1 Relief dhows Big Decrease! The total amount of relief dispersed from the City Hall here during the month of May this year was $3,465.35, a sub- stantlal decrease from $4, 687.25 In the same month last year. It was announced today by City Commissioner W. J. Alder. PASSING OF MRS. WARD Highly Esteemed rionccr Woman Removed Unexpectedly By Death Mrs. Marie Ward, wife of Hubert Ward and highly esteemed plonser woman of this city, passed away at 3 o'clock this morning In the Prince Rupert General Hospital following a brief illness. About a week ago Mrs. Ward received surgical .treat? was feared. Mrs. Ward, who was born in England and came to British Columbia when a small girl, had resided In Prince Rupe;t since 1908. She had a host of friends and was beloved by all who knew her. Her passing will be deeply regretted and to the bereaved sincere sym - pathy will be extenaed. In addition to the widower. Mrs. Ward is survived by two children a son, Harry, and a daughter, Suzanne. She also leaves to mourn her loss her mother, Mrs. L, A. Green of Vancouver, who is at present In the city; a brother, Alban Green, captain of the Vancouver commercial befrt Pride of the West, who Is alsd here, and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Slee of Duncan, Vancouver Island, and Mrs. Harold Corke of Vancouver. With arrangements in the hands of B. C. Undertakers, the funeral will take place Monday, Mrs. Ward was a devout member and an active, worker of the Roman Catholic Church. ' 1 STRIKE IN HIGH GEAR Tie-up of Steel Industry in United States Now Appears Imminent YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 23: (CP) The steel workers' rganlz-. Ing committee yesterday threw! huge strike .machinery into high' gear against thirty-seven plants of ! three leadjng Independent .steel; producers of the United States who-employ one-seventh' of the Indus- try's workers. Picket lines have been formed; around the sprawling properties of' the Republic Steel Corporation, the Inland Steel Corporation and -the-Youngstown Sheet and Tube .Co, n Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and New York as the strike becomes effective. The Committee for Industrial Organization last night requested the intervention of President franklin D. Roosevelt in the steel strike by bringing together em ployers and strikers. A compromise offer of the companies was rejected yesterday. Halibut Sales Summary American 15,000 pounds, 8c and 6c and 8.1c and 6c. Canadian 56,700 pounds, 7c and 5c to 7.4c and 5c. American Eleanor. 9,000, 8.1c and Gc, Cold Storage. Wabash. C.000, 8c and 6c, Cold . Storage Canadian Ingrid H., 6,700, 7.2c and 5c. At- iln. Sallda. 11,500, 7.4c and 5c, Booth. Melville, 18.000, 7c and 5c. Pacific. Atta Boy. 4.000, 7.2c and 5c, Atlln. Morning Glory, 2,000, 7.2c and 5c, Atlin. Pair of Jacks, 14500, 7c and 5c, iCdld Btoragei F. M. Crosby sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. BAR SILVER NEW YORK (CP)-Bar sliver was unchanged at 45c per ounce on the New York metal market