SPORT KS LOSE OSEGAME it on Short End After 13- Strugele With Detroit Land 8, Philadelphia 7. bit 5, New York 4 (13 Ins.). fouis-Boston, rain. IN RACES IT SIMPSON fclen Took Two Prizes In jjng Hudson Hay Trophy Port Simpson Monday Port Simpson Victoria 1;he quatfe races Monday, Roy liT Sluvs won the Hudson lophy with the Evelyn V I Johnson outboard motor fchnny Pierce took the cruis- and the Allen Cup trophy lis boat Aussie. sday wag ideal for the races peat interest was taken in oceedings. There was a full m of snorts anu games were carried out undet id conditions. E. McMillan of Cassiar won llioard motorboat race and liyansh crew of the Steel took the Indian canoe race, Jng Port Simpson which "on this event for seven straight. re was a dance in the eve- pen the trophies were pre all except that for the fames, the finals of which played Tuesday. In the foot final, Aiyansh won by de- Kitkatla being unable to i team on account of nlay laving been Injured at the puiion Day celebration in N Itunerl In tVi snfttmll f Metlakatla beat Kitkatla by re Of C to R Tho hnaehall iresulted In a win for Port AVERAGES IN BOWLS Are Announced he leadershtn of thf Ynn- 1(17- Mnran in a rnmnriinn lie iiui buiiitr. j iicii vie iatv. riirv i n.i the Tigers In third place Six Five Taxi French, lG82; the Athiettcs. Schriabcr, 17J14; Lindsay,1 1G4; yeague the New 5nrub3all, 144; Joy, 155; Scott, 148; Tjpther victory Todd, 157'2. iiicinnatl and Printers R. Franks, 150; Vance, irfsburg Pirates, 155; O. Franks, 137; McCallum, Dodgers, was further Moose Royer, 1402; F. Morrl- one and a half games. , son, 152V2; Foster. 140: Stiles. 158: uav a uik wucuc suuics. National League 8, St. Louis 7. pom o, umcinnaii i, Helphla 11, Chicago 2. American League Ego 1, Washington 2. Qunderson, 170. 1 Armour Salvage D. Qurvlch, 151; F. Comadina, 147; J. Coma-'dlna, 153; Asemlssen, 1552; Ar- mour, 142. Commercial League Gyro Club Bulger, 154; Large, 144VZ; Brocklesby, 132; Morris, 144; Roaf, 140; Balagno, 148. Rupert Motors Taylor," 151'; Saunders, 162; V. Houston, 157; Robertson, 1352; Herman, 143V2; D. Houston, 154. I Biological Station Freeman; 139; Pugsley, 112; Rlddell, 134i2; Stamford, 128; Sunderland, 116; Cade. 139; Carter. 118. Balllngers Rutter, 154; Bijou, 135M,; West, 146Va; Smith. 142V2; Haudenschlld, 137; Rushed, 144; Dickens, 143. Rupert Butchers J. Jack, 150 V2; L. Astoria, 133; A. Ross, 145V2; Mc Lean; 134 Vzl A. Astoria. 145. McMeekins Armstrong, ' 127; Menzles, 139V2; McLeod, 142V2; McMeekln, 143 V2; Hlbbard, 155. Baseball Standings (Including yesterday's ganres) National League W. L. Pittsburg 19 10 New York 20 13 St. Louis 17 13 Chicago 1C 16 Brooklyn 14 15 Boston 13 16 Philadelphia 13 19 Cincinnati 10 20 American League New York Cleveland .... Philadelphia Detroit Boston Chicago Washington St. Louis .18 ...15 . .15 ....17 ....13 .13 ...14 .... 9 11 10 13 14 ia 16 18 19 Pet: .655 .606 .567 .500 .483 .448 .406 .333 .621 .600 338 .548 .500 .448 .438 .321 ' VANDINKS WIN Vandlnks defeated Royal Cana dian Naval Volunteer Reserve by a score of 4 to 2 in the Stuart Be rt A t LI a, . 1 llvilv Oiiiiu iwuvwut. r mienc l;iui over Aiy-:ni.u,f nleht- 17 to 15. fce were an estimated 1500 present not only from P' Kut)trt lint from Oiini.ll "tte Islands and Skeena and other points along the Including almost the entire ! of Kitkatla. Junior Football W D L FA T holiday. The edict was THE DAILY NEWS USK HAS SMITHERS EMPIRE DAY BIG DAY DOLLS UP; CELEBRATED AIL Terrace, Attends Celebration Coronation Day Inspired Every-1 KITZEGUKLA, May 28; En); 5tikrtvery from Flood to Decorate remises pre Day ,n Kitzegukla was cele;' Complete I SMITHERS, May 28: Never in brated with a community picnic. ; 'the history of Smithera had therL-Young and old gathered on the i TERRACE, May 27: Victoria been guch a flpiendid and whole- recreation grounds in the fore-Day passed off quitely at Ter- hearted Bcheme of decoration for noon- Chief Cookson, who is still race. There is a reason for this an holiday or event as that dis-hale and hearty in spite of his in the unwritten law which d- ninvpfi 5n this town on Coronation "early . 80 years, heralded tho crees that all Terrace shall go tD pay- ,day by riding through the streets Individual Itecords For Past Season Usk to celebrate that especial Main Street, between the Can- n suitable array obeyed to adjan National Railways depot Children's foot wee sma hours. i display and many laudatory ro- A good deal of Credit is due marks were henrd for the staff to the inhabitants of Usk for the ' which worked under J. G. Steph-almost, complete repair of the ruin 'ens, the chairman of the commit-which was their lot in the flo'.d tee, in producing such a fine of last summer. A visitor to Usk decorative effect. tocia) .would scarcely believe it to j AH the business houses of Main be the same place, where housesjstreet were decorated as well and had floated around pr vanished altogetlrer -and- where a hutre chaos of driftwood had floated on to the gardens and streets. FINALS IN BADMINTON; j of POUT SIMPSON, May 28: The port Essington badminton team defeated the Port Simpson team in a hard fought tournament at the Port Simpson Athletic Club hall. Roth teams showed remarkable skill and speed. Howard Starr was the outstanding player m t ' : i 1 . . . r e ior cHsmgion iiu mioses nuss ior Simpson. .Score's were.: Ladies' Doubles Lydia Hayward and Martha Henry beat Josephine Spalding and urace bpalding, l5-o. Martha Henry and Edna Henry beat Rosa Spalding and Irene Wesley, 15-2. Men's Doubles Herbert Green and Moses Ross beat Herbert Spalding and George Douglas, 15-5. Howard Starr " and William Spalding beat Dick Johnson and Vincent Wales. 15-0. Vincent Wales and Moses Ross beat Shlgito Kameda and Peter Spalding, 15-10. William Spalding and Howard Starr beat Moses Ross, and Cecil Ross. 15-2. .; Mixed Doubles . Rosa Spalding and William Spalding beat Edward Scott and Martha Henry, 15-9. Irene Wesley and Howard Start beat Lydia Hayward and Dick Johnson, 15-4. Edna Henry and Vincent Wales beat Rosa Spalding and Howard Starr, 15-6. Grace Spalding and Howard Starr beat Martha Henry ard Moses Ross, 15-C. Josephine Bolton apd Shigeto Kameda beat Lydia Hayward and Simon Auckland, 15-1. Martha Henry and Moses Ror beat Irene Wesley and William High School ...4 0 1 20 10, u-u. Borden -.3 1 2 17 10 71 Umpire. Howard Spencer. jtootl, i l 5 14 25 Scorekeeper, Edward Bolton. k k k 3 STRR RVE A iptcltl quality old rye of Ant flavor, thoroughly matured in ctV. nmi sioo IIUUI I 13 oz. 25 OZ. 40 OZ. AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED iff ' m m m m m TMi advertisement li not published or displayed by Ke Uqnof Pontrol Board or by .The Government of British Columbia. m the Canadian Legion building, un der the supervision of Lt. Col. U. L. Gale, presented a fine appearance. Residences throughout the lown were decorated with bunting and there was not any more material in the way of flags or bunting to be had in Smithers, the large stock brought in by many the stores having been all used There was a large gathering In Essington Heats Simpson in Hardifown for the Coronation festivi- Fought Tournament ties, the celebration being one of the finest ever staged in the his- nry of the town. races were run mcnt by his interest and activity This was followed by a football game in which the young men showed great skill and gave much I District News I Mrs. Henry Frank who are now living in retirement at Terrace, Will Robinson Is building a residence on Park Av,enue. Mr. arid Mrs. Robinson plan to move into (it in a few weeks from their present home, "Birch Tree Farm," at KITSEGUKLA pleasure to respective boosters as' each one took his or her side. Last week Mr. And Mrs. Peter. Prizes were later distributed to . Brown surprised a white - bear the successful competitors among while travelling between Skeena the children. These were donated.! Crossing and Carnaby. As the.y by Chief Cookson. Peter Brown had no gun the bear was allowed assisted by Matthias Wfesley, made to retain its freedom, the awards. ' . 1 Speeches of appreciation and! Many local sportsmen report a thanks closed the day. J. Wesley good run of spring salmon now in and Chief Cookson thanked all the Skeena River. Recently Sam who had assisted in any way in Sampare caught six in one day. making such a delightful time possible. . Rev. Bishop Black was a visitor Although many of the people to Hazelton for ihe Victoria Day, are away, some already being at Holiday. He left on Saturday and the canneries and others visiting returned on Monday. While in at Kitwanga and Hazelton, those Iluzelton he preached for Rev. t home had a good and happy W. D. Moore, who was attending day. United Church Conferecne. Duf- .,..-,anfc-t.'ibW. .amtiiy. : iAPAQ1ujjFIVE i - -f" . . Ing .fels stay he was the .- guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Newick. ' .' , i. Mrs,-Fanny Wright and family left last. Saturday for North Pa- mpnp , ' j ci fic Cannery. Mrs. Arthur How- ICiKRAlC jaidiand famijy iefton Tuesday. auaiwwu .. . ,jTheywill remain foi-thifishing Wilfrid Dumas has left for Stewart where he expects to locate. v Captain. Gerald A. jBarry, the .inspector of Indian Schools, visi- Floyd Frank is building a fine ttr, JCksegukla on Wednesday and modern residence on- his :land at BPent the forenoon examining the Kltsumkalum. The rankrothars children, He 'was accompanied by , are continuing the farm 'which- in S. Malllnson,' the acting Indian the course of years has become one Agent, who attended to businet, of the local show places. The pio- connected with his department. the full and the Terrace crowd and tfce Government Office, was off and 2ame played until a de- neering work was done by Mr.and Averages lor the nasi season in enjoyed witnessinsr the victory of fl hi nnW htt, .v Av and licious lunch was served picnic vnn, am vity len ana commercial Ten Pin lerrace uaseoau ciub over tnc hv niirht strings f f .iirs r-msspil iye Dy t"e mcmuers ui uie uni- m fnoe Pirwa nil t rm tha t - .4 i ... i ii. 1 i ij f 1 u ...... u tj:, i ,t of a 5 to 4 score alter a City Leaua matters up when it came to do-(frequent intervals and at night I During the afternoon Softball struggle with Detroit Power Corporation Smith, 179; lading the championship in soft- there were as many red, white (between the girls and men was the Yankee Stadium yes- Dcnald, 157; Klnslor, 16a; Ander-lba11- the Usk girls winning. jnnd blue colored lights as there iP'ayed. Grandfathers and fathers m i . rvriH mi iiiinuiix ifiiiK vi.n ax' k'ncom tit t i ico i ri o m:i v n rv - in t rnmr n ncn ..... ft i j ii'iiiii mhimii inn v miio wu ri viiiiiii' ' - - - " - " CI " " "tlU iftJ i'J UOJ, I .11 i . v,vwW m,,umw ivitxiiiuii. xovv9t w. lo-." iumicms jiuu i :uany neon.e came in irom itip, i"""" IpMpk nt Rhlhp Pnrlf nnrl mflHInn 10- Pr.ioi.rn1A ten, r uancinu was the order until the 'country at nisrht to witness the seP" wesicy causea great amuse- Be wlss, Bead in want ads. The Old ReliabU HUDSON'S BAY DEMERARA RUM nVonVtt (Eompang. INCOOPOKATIO MAY IB7a This advertisement Is not pub-Hsned or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, 1 0h$&iS! gANBMjlccjroj STANDS FOR gj IHE LARGEST SELLING BOTTLED BEER IN WESTERN CANADA ! "'"mR. Sow yOU n loin tht tfiovundt who tltttdy Uow mJ tnjoy lh Kiptrief qmliUt of tSii (mom bf. Bitwtd "fjSffBLBBHH& hi tccoNMAct wltb tht (otnuU ol the HOUSE OF LETHBRIDGE, Iuiom Iw o t qutittr ol nh.ty, OLD STYLE SMflHB BEER tnbodtai ll lh Intit chiitmnt of tht Utonuiltf't tit You'll tjitt . . . It'i tht tmoolhnt. bnjltrt, moil BM$!$KKM&?!lm&. Hliilylni btti you htvt ttf UtUd. Thlt wptil ottf k tnllteU tl itjultr plct. PHONE Cl Tor frw E&miuMMSkt homt dtllvtiy. aiiaVStBlHBllllBaaHt "IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S MADE BETTER ME$$MaEEBm CAPILANO SKEWING CO LTD., VANCOUVER, S C. atBanHailllBHK ail union LAioua jaiiinHaiHBiiiiiiKSJpc SI Ja ; h 0A. jmM-if- BBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BBIbvBpB