PAGE1 TWO Shipmates for ever A man and a boat once joined together are not to be parted. There's something about a wet, slanting deck : : : the flash of the sun on the taut, trim-bellied sail ... the kick and pull of the tiller that settles in a man's heart, and he can't forget. The scudding white caps, the fresh breeze in his face and the satisfaction of a freshly-filled pipe of Old Churn mild and fragrant, Virginia Flake. It's something to remember; '-'There is no other tobacco just like Old Chum". fiBBl MX. tia The system that ' t . i . matcn you Signt- If your preference is for a mild yet rich tobacco, and if fragrance means anything to you, just try Old Chum you'll get SSlsssijnMw A tobacco just szssmr LJike Old Chum A LEAVE NOTCHING UN KNOWN J WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS Jfackand Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES You know-by seeing inside the shoes on the child's foot you exemin the quality of the shoes. Solid aualitv throughout flexible comfortable and smart in style. sure of cortfet "Arunua, a I tlftra AIM II fitting BAREFOOT SANDALS $1.65 to $3.00 Family shoe site ltD. The Home of Good Shoes MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE ? 12th Anniversary Sale Tea Wagons "Gibbards" Solid Walnut, Sale 824.50 Coffee Table, Solid Walnut, Sale Price $15.00 Tea Tables, Solid Walnut, Sale Price $13.50 Phone 775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJ5.8. C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PM. . . Due Vactouver, Monday aon. II convenient pleat purchase tickets at office. - Further Information regarding reservations and tickets' from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Acent, Third Ave. I'lione S68 Hotel Arrivals Central N. Carlson, Arild Ilise, J. Hunter, A. Vilvang anil A. Mikelson. city; F. J. Hipps; L. Sandberg,-H. Closter and II. Baum, Uillmor; Cud Lambert, P. J. Rolls, J. Mc-Rae, Ivor Johnson and C- Stevens,' C. N.K.; T. Johnson, Vancouver; D. Dacre, Haysport; P. P. Pav-alise, Stewart; Jules Perreault, Smithera; J. B, Armstrong, Edmonton. 1 Knox ' M. L. Clark, Georgetown; S. Morrison, A. Knufsttrl and N. Davidson, Prince Rupert; It. Martin, Winnipeg; Capt. arid Mrs. W Drybury, Vancouver; Ev Marlow, Seattle. I Prince Rupert j J. F. Ellis jr. and V. C. Bell. 'Claxtorl; A. Atfree, Edith" Little 'and Mary Olseft, Terrace; C. Winfbn Thompson, V. H. Dawson H. L. Gray, E. C. W. Dobbin, C. It. Dobbin, F. J. Yeandle, Mr and Mrs. R. H. Gurd, G. A. Don "nally, D. J. Muir, W. Gerald Thompson, R. Bazett, J. Dermotf and George E. Bradshaw, Van couver; G. F. Tough, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Keiser and son, In verness; D. W- Webster, Major J. R. Rycroft and Sergeant J. Mid-'dleton, Vicloria; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shapiro, Chicago H. W. Chambers, Klemtu; J. L. McEwen and D. McNT. Lowe, Smithen.; Mrs. P. H. King, Inverness; Mrs .'Larson, Bear Lake, N.W.T.; R. W. Hale, Edmonton; Miss II. G. Wilmot, Moncton, N.B.; Mrs. James J. Mullen, Juneau", Alaska; Mrs. E. Marks, Crandall. Man.; A. H. Lund, Victoria; II. A. S. West, K. G. Francis and Lieut Commander IL Kingsley, Ottawa; J E. Allen, Prince George; C Reinertson, Vanderhoof; A. Watt, C.N.R.; J. J. Gibson, Kingston, Ont.; D. Wales, M. Siquor, Ely, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. A. Keichel, Adelaide, Australia. ( Royal " J. Arseneau, Tom Olson, George Olsen, Ellen Hasbrouck and daughters, E. A. Olsen and Mrs.' P. Redsour, city; Mr. and Mrs William T. Benner, Oakland; T. R. Kelly, Copper River; A. Mil-,lar and J. Helherington, Smi- thers; Mr. and Mrs. R. McCul loch, Terrace; Edwin Johnson, Sunnyside; K. Miyake, N. Naka- mura, S. Fukukawa. J. D. Suth erland and W. G. Rremner, Van couver; R. Douglas, Vancouver A. II. Vick, Inverness; A. Krist-manson, North Pacific; R. An-gier, Premier; Don Newquist and Paul Stamros and L.. M. Larson, Ketchikan. Savoy 1 J. A. Young, Victoria; J. Tel ford and P. Collison, Vancouver; A. Kihara, Skeena River; Val-tino Farew, Prince Rupert; Alex Summers, Smithera; Jack Oaks, Telkwa; J. Bekvik, A. Christian-sen, H. Stein and B. Hamer, city; Wallace and Rex Dudoward, Port Simpson; August Kintula, I n n v uvu7wt j v" 1... Olill 1 Municapl Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held its regular intercessionaj service at First Baptist Church Sunday morning. There was a good attendance, under learlprRhin nf .Mrs. I). Orchard McLeod, to heat a patriotic address by Rev. Dr. r . W. Dafoe. Mrs. William Braes and Mrs. S. V. Cox were standard bearers. , Mrs. Harry Zeffert and child tof Stewart, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north. I I.ANIJ ACT i lorm n'o. 13 1 FORM civ Nfmnj Canlar IjiikI DUtrirt District of Allln . TAKE NOTICE that Fred AcklM and Charles Oberlander or Atlln. B. C, occupation Miners, Intend to tpply for parmlMlon to purchase the following Commencing at a post located two oi uoiaen uaie on Tkglh Lake. North Wt oomw Prvrf nrmmrf runa 20 chain from thla post la a southern direction then 20 chains east, then 20 chains north, then 20 chain west, to legal post of beginning FRED N. ACKLE8 I ClfAnrira nmmr iuhvti Dated April 6th. 1937. Phone 18 P. O. Box 575 MUSSALLEIVTS ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Boat and out of town orders receive careful attention THE DAILY NEWS TODAY'S STOCKS t Courtesy 8. D. Jonniton Co) Vancouver B. C. Nickel' 2i. Big iitssoufl. .45. Bralome, 7.00. B. R. Con., .64 a-Aztec, .0SI'2. Cariboo1 Quartt, 1.58. Dentonia,- .17r Dunwell, .03. Golcohda, .09 Vi. Minto, .17. Falrview Arhalg, Noble Five; .06 Vi; Pioneer, 4.05. Porter Idaho, .05 Premier, 2.70; Reeves McDbrtald : ' " Reno, .87. Salmon Gold; .08. fl : Taylor Bridge; .06. f '' Vayslde, .03. Hedley Amalg, .Q5A. Premier Border, .02't. Silbak Premier, 2.50. Congress, .05. Silver Crest, ,06'. Home Gold, .03. Grandvlew, ,W2. Indian, .02. Quesnel Quartz, .09. Oils A. P. Con,. .32i'2. 1 Calmont, .58. ' iit. C. Si E., 2.45. Freehold, .09 '4. Hargal, .18. McDougall Segur, .20., Mercury, .30. ".' Okalta, 1.37, Pacalta, .13. United, 42. Weymarn, .10. Toronto Beattie, 1.25. Central Patricia, 3.20. God's Lake. .53. Lee-Gold, .03. Little Long Lac, 5.60. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.25. Plfckie Crow, 6.40. Red Lake Gold Shore, .50. San Antonio, 1.55. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.65. Smelter Gold, .03'2. McLeod Cockshutt. 2.25. Oklend, .17. Mosher, .38. Gllbec, .0234. Madsen Red Lake, .77. Stadacona, 1.53. Frontier Red Lake. .16. Francoeur, .78. Manitoba it Eastern, .03 V. Moneta Porcupine, 1.42. Bouscadlllac, .45. Rubec, .032. Bailor, .03. Bankfield, 1.10. East Malartlc 1.20. Preston East Dome, 1.07. Hutchison Lake, .18. Dawson White, .14. McQuaig Red Lake, .15. Rajah Red Lake, .20. Aldermac, 1.09. Ksrr Addison, 2.60. j Uchl Gold, .79. Martin Bird, .83. Try a Dally News classified ad. Guitar Recital j Presentation To Was Picturesque! Pioneer Printer Delightful Affair Saturday After-j noon by Miss Currfe's Pupils j Hawaiian lois worn by the added a picturesque touch to Miss iec &Uurdav. At the conclusion of the i. muron, faster S. navies. Hawaiian Cluitar solo, "Aloha Oe" Liliuokani). "When The O-i iran Tlayed at Twilight" iopu- lar), Master Murray PhilHpson. Spanish fiuitar solo. "Court iMelody" (Jacobs). "JinKlft Bells" (rierpont), .Miss Isabel Cay. Hawaiian fiuitar solo, "Dreamy Day Waltz" Iiurke),.Masler Nick Pavlikis. j Spanish fiuitar solo, "Hnme'v (fierman Folk Son,'), "The Broken ! Rinj?" ffierman Folk Sonp), Master Spencer Davies. ".My Old Kentucky Home" Fo,i.' tori "ForKet Me Not," Hawaiian ' (iiiitar Club. WIIIFI'LETS C. N. R. RteamCr Prince Bu-' Jperf, Capt. F.dward Mabbs, arriv-led in port on lime at 10 o'clock Ithis morninir from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o clock this afternoori for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. j The Indian Department's cruiser Naskeena is due back today or tomorrow from Pnrt Si mnann j where it has been over the holi- uay season with Dominion Constable A. J. Walkinson. Charles F. Kemp, pioneer local printer, who Is to leave here to-; morrow night with Mrs. Kemp to I take up residence In Vancouver, an hnnnrprf hv fife nnnlmpo. ss Kliiabeth Kliiabeth fume's fume's Rintar Rintar "J V'V ital at First United Church he, Prlnce Typographical ...1. 1...! ... Hnlon Union yesterday 'afternoon afternoon wh when was was made made of of a a mdm dainty refreshments were Ptesentatlon tseftedV Ihe students actinR as handsome pen and pencil set. H. O Iserviteurs. Miss Josephine fiay KennJ;dy; Pfesldeht of the Typo-aetl a n. imhor !,. graphical grapnicai Union, union, was was in In the the chali ehair The program was as follow": ndthe Presentation was made by "i!ih. Hrrnnluhr frirrilirtL' s- D- Macdonald who exnressed ei,!..l ltt!it.i.t.1t 'IllH.r...!!,.. Vnr, danKo" .1. Smith), Hawaiian i fiuitar tui. Spanish, fiuitar solo, "Sleepy Ryes" UloKim Jf- Hazel Mas- tin. Snanish Guitar diiot "I.nnL'. Lom? Ako" (T. H. Bayly), Miss 'I i: I HI III sentiments slon extending heartv for the future. Mr KemlT mtr-ti proprtate reply Cash DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A camn fnr o cation. Meals provided e cooking. Picnic, (;p0nalt m nton, nshlng and liSj Miles of wonderful b2 Terms mode. at, AddJ particulars to San5an Klver. Near Mas Sl Carrv FINK FOODS AT I.OWKK COST i Many Flowers Soap-- Colfee-Cha p ;e & nm 4 bars St l facecloth JL' Sanborn, l-lo. :itl OiC Qrapemit Fiakes- - itchup uu. 0n. pkt 14-oz. bome ZUC Soap-Pearl White or Royal fceda Bl::- ;! m " v, Crown -jj qp loaded Afi 3 bars lar?e pkg. ZilC ORANGE SPECIAL Srtall Size Meulam sie Z. 23c 3 65c 30g ? 88c Jara--Hed Plum 7p Crabmcat Q, r n Empress Brand, 4's O iv Wands, "s Corned B2ef-El 1(0 Tea-Blue Ribbon ien Rancho. l's JLVC 1s 4dl Shortsnlng-Swlft's Honey-Nabob Jewel. 2 lbs. 12.02, Jaf IDC Canteloupes Arriving -j Op New Potatoes- Offp Friday, each 16t Shafter Whites, 5 lbs. We Ifave Tefrace Asparapus Arrlylnf on Every Train Phone 179 We Deliver Mary writes: "We have bought an Electric RANGE fill and the improvement in my cooking is astonishing!" That's just the way you'll feel about electric cooking and the way you'll write to your friends about it. For no matter how good a cooic you are, Electric Cooking will make you a better one. It gives you perfect, even heat at the snap of a switch. It retains all the flavour and nourishment of every dish. You'll cook better tasting mials with far less trouble . . . and you'll save real money on your, housekeeping bills for electricity is the cheapest form of fuel you can use. Ask about our small down payment and easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited