PAGE FOUR TAK'A PEG O' JOHN BECC IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY KV Hi This advertlsfmen is not published or displayed hy h Liquor Control Board or by Uie Government of British Columbia The Central Hotel KOO.MS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK I Buddy Baer Wins Fight Defeated Jack London of England In Ten Kosnd Hour. LONDON, May 20: Duddj Baer. brother of the former world's heavyweight boxing cham pion, won a ten round decision! over Jack London of England here Monday night. Baer weighed '244 pounds and London, 20. London was down, for a nine count ir the first round. Taking Charge Of I Playground Work Harry Gordon Cooper Coming Here From Vancouver as David Bell's Successor Harry Gordon Cooper of Vancouver has been appointed physical director of the Gyro Club's supervised playground activities in Prince Rupert for the coming summer and will take over direction of the provincial government physical education an drecreational centre In the fall. He is due to arrive here on June 9. David Bell, who has been in charge of the work for the past year, will be leaving on Thursday night of next week for TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES American League Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 6; Detroit 0, New York 7. St. Louis 9, Boston 11. Chicago 6. Washington 5. National League New York 6, Cincinnati 3. Philadelohla 6, Chicaeo 1. Bropklyn-Pittsburg, rain. NAVY WINS Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve won last night's Stuart Shield senior football fixture, defeating Canadian Legion by a score of 2 to 1. MEMORIES When Mr. Maitland addresses us tonight he will tell us what a wicked man Mr. Pattullo Is; he will tell us of his extravagance; of the Westminster Bridge; of work and wages; and he will, with pleasant words and witty anecdote promise that If we will but elect Mr. Evltt, Dr. Patterson will practice such, strict economy. Oh! If we could only forget! If we could only forget that Dr. Patterson was Dr. Tolmie's right hand man in Vancouverl If we could only forget that Mr. Maitland was a member of Dr Tolmie's cabinet! If we could only forget that Premier Bennett honestly tried a policy of work and wages to relieve the unemployed and gave $3,000,000 to the.Tolmle government as a starter! If we could only forget that out of that $3,000,000, $2,500000 was spent In Tory graft upon camp equipment so that only $500,000 of it was available for wages! If we could only forget the bath tubs and the mattresses! If we could only forget that Mr. Bennett, in despair at such corruption, was driven, against his will and better judgment to direct relief, the curse and blight of our prei j it social economy! If wc could only forget! But alas! "Memory, the warder of the brain! , "Lulled In the countless chambers of the brain, "Our thoughts are linked by many a hidden chain; "Awake but one, and lo, what myriads arise! "Each stamps Its image as the other flies!" No, Mr. Maitland, we fear that we cannot give you another chance so soon. The tragedy of your last government Is still too painfully fresh in our memories. tu eaPiS' after four years more 01 increased prosperity under he Pattullo government, the healing hand of time may obliterate the wound, and soften the memory. But please do not ask US yet. We fear the Patterson-Maltland set-up is only the old crowd with a new coat or paint. of TOmirlCe 15 V'lCe 01 Patterson' but the hand ls the hand To Salmon Trollers Messrs. Woodsworth and Telford, leaders of the C. C F advocate votes for Orientals. How long do you suppose It' will be 1 .Bet. V0,e before tney obtal" troers' licences and dominate trolling as they now. do gill-netting? You know Japanese contractors supply Jap labor in a block as required. . Will they not also supply Japanese votes in a block where Japanese interests demand It? You know that Japan is claiming the right to fish in international waters off British Columbia. What will happen here, If the Japanese have the franchise, when we are called upon to vote on the question of allowing Japanese encroachment upon our fishing grounds? H j"!? lllte raceS are "ot allowcd Urc franchise in Japan. wh Why should we give the Japs the vote here? Japan admits the races will never mix. You must admit them to be rlgW. Are you prepared to give them equal rights with yourselves In your fish-ing and fraternal organizations? will you accept them In your If, as Mr. Woodsworth says, we are to assimilate them. Think this matter over carefully before you vote C. C. F. GREAT CARL WINSAGAIN New York Giants' Pitching Star Wins Twenty-Third League Game on Monday NEW YORK, May 26: (CP) The great Carl Hubbell pitched his twenty-third straight victory Monday as the New York Giants won a close six to five decision over the National League leading Pittsburg Pirates at Pittsburg. The Pirates lost again to Brooklyn in a series opener yesterday but aie still ensconced In first place although their lead has been reduced to two full games. The Giants moved Into second place above the idle St. Louis Cardinals yesterday by downing Cincinnati Reds. The Chicago Cubs won from the Phillies and are still In foiirth place. The Brooklyn Dodgers are now leading the se cond division with the Boston Bees in fifth place. The Reds have fallen into the cellar. In the American League New York is also cutting quite a figure, the .Yankees, playing at their sta dium yesterday, defeating Detroit to Improve their hojd on first place with a lead of one game and a half over the Philadelphia Ath letics who lost to the Cleveland In dians at Shibe Park. The Detroit Tigers have fallen back Into fourth place, below the Cleveland Indians. The Boston Red Sox continued a winning streak by scoring a 4 to 2 victory over St. Louis Browns and have passed both the Washington senators and the White Sox to move into leadership of the second division. Hank Greenberg of the Detroit Tigers on Saturday at Boston clouted out a 500-foot home run. one of the longest circuit clouts on record, but the Red Sox nevertheless won the game. Singles Bowling About to Start The Canadian National II tion Lawn Bowling Club RinjjlH competition will open as soon as weather permits with first round as follows: F. Rogers V. S. King; Geo. Hill vs. O. v. Wilkinson; F. WaN ton vs. J. Bulger: L. Arrnll vs. I. J. Little; J. H. McLeod vs. D. C, Borland; It. K. James vs. A. T. I'arkin; I-rank Dibb vs. R. R. Benson; I). McPhee vs. J. Preece; F. Vickers vs. V. I). Vance; T. McMeekin v. V. L. Coatrs? l)nn Crerar vs. V. II. Tobev: .1. Rn-w vs. A. McDonald; A. H. Nichols vs. II. XV, Birch:-!. S. Irvin.. v (J. P Tililifr. A A.-.. ... w . t ... v. im.i 3, m H. W. Murray: II. T. Cross vs. .1 Campbell. PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine vour buiidliiM. uvi estimates on all repairs and plans drawn free of charge. Phone Black im or drop me a card, general delivery. A. II. McPhcrson Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. THE DAILY NEWS MICKEY COCHRANE SKULL FRACTURED; CONDITION SERIOUS 1 ! NEW YORK, May 26: Struck on the right temple by a pitched ball during jester- day's game with the New . York Yankees at the Yankee Stadium, Mickey Cochrane, , playing manager of the De- 1 trolt Tigers, sustained a frac- tured skull. From hospital last night his condition was re- ported to be serious. HIGH WINS IN SOCCER Defeated Harden Street by fi to 1 Score, on Saturday Saturday's Junior League foot ball game resulted in a win by C goals to 1 for King Edward High Schoolmer Borden Streel School. An accident to Dill in the first few minutes of the tram' necessitated Ilorden playinjr with ten men. Holkestad scored fou ifoals for High, and Kihara and Ilaker added one each. Alan SmiMi I was responsible for Borden's Ion ' tally. Andy Home was referee and teams were: - High School Long; Scherk Bussey; Husoy. Cook, Barton; K hara, Bussanich. Holkestad. Judge Baker. Borden Street Man; McLeod Bird: G. Smith, Nelson, Fonp;; Hodgkinson, Bill, Schubert, A. Smith, Wong. Catholic Tea Is Being Held Today This afternoon the ladles of the Catholic Church are holding a tea at the home of Mrs. G. W. Nicker-son on Fifth Avenue West. The rooms are decorated with spring flower's and the tea table with apple blossoms most artistically arranged. Guests are being received' by Mrs. Nlckerson and Mrs. M. P. McCaf fery while the pourers are Mrs. J. F. Ritchie and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck. , Cashier of the event ls Mrs. Charles Balagno, who also has charge of a raffle. Home cooking Is being sold by Mrs. Arthur Murray and Mrs. P. J. McCormlck while servlteurs are Mesdames R. L. Moore, J. L. Blaln, C. II. Hankin-son and Louis Amadio. Tonight & Thursday Last Complete Show, 8;20 The Host Play of (he Year and The Stars Who Made it Great mGES;E"IT,I ... ; as much, a P"1 f thc P'ar the title as Mio," sworn to avenge his martyred father. MARCO . . . who captured New York's heart as "Mirianne" tJ lYi JuAR!otVI'vn,,n,, 'ronv h""c M whom "?iVonmfl5 ' un',rfe"le ... as the assassin kill jouJovc" ' ' ' SaVage' Sinist"' ,,c cou,d not Maxwell Andanon'i GrAntAit Play -. . with the players who T ft jnaae u IKO IA0IO f.CTUIl Dir,;pib, AIM Unttll. hndro S. Btrmtn rVoSU (At 7:00 & 9:28) (See It from the start) ADDED COMEDY HIT The "Cuckoos" Are in Darkest Egypt! Wheeler and Wolsey in' "Mummy's Boys" (At 8:20 Once Only) A piano. fft . VW to the stuM R attention of a Vi&'S tuning can tan flonrcrn P it, .. Member Hano ' Technicians Lfc' t British ffiSS J'honeBlue oneB.ue 389 T IL 389g,ll I Will L'll;irrmto WP markets , Beaver and Other furs at value FRANK LOCKWnnn Phone Itln.- ''UUD THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest PinH Salmon Packed by the only ulnon canning company with in ill the year round payroll la Prince Rupert SAVES CARBON SCRAPES SAVES GASOLINE SAVES OIL DRAINS r v p SAVES MOTOR REPAIRS ifoutmum 4 WAYS ! It Is 100 Pure paraffin-base. Gives you bettor lubrication ft&tf freedom from carbon knocksl riRST,Trieon motor oil Mvei on rarbon Kripti and other upl?p expend ciuf d by carbon, It ftually'fMm out carbon at you mr... forms so little new carbon that fid carbon deposits burn, peel off, and blow out the exhaust. Thus it stops carbon knocks, gives smoother, more efficient operation. StCOND,rTriton saves on gasoline be-cause it allows toruct, advanced setting of spark-without carbon "ping." You get maximum power and efficiency from your motor ttra mileage from every tankful of gasoline. THIRD Triton saves on oil because it has extreme resistance to "breaking down" under operating conditions. It is life, full-bodied lubricant long after most oils are worn out. You can run Triton longer ilh safety, FOURTH, Triton saves on motor wesr. Scores of truck and automobile fleet or erators, who keep accurate cost records, report Triton lengthens the time between overhauls, minimizes repair work, means fewer valve grinds, longer engine life. WHY TRITON DOES All THISl Triton has these unusual qualities br cause it is Propane-Solvent refined, PURG paraffin-base, 1005 PURE fubri-cant free from harmful carbon snd sludge-forming, non-lubricating materU' Try Triton next time you buy oil. Enjoy better-running car. Save money' Over 500 stations in Western Cansdi H Triton. UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. lUD 0 PURE PdRnFFBM