meter, 29.72; light swell. IXXVI. No. ' 121. . 1. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1937 AY m UP 'FORT TO RUNMINES Called Out In Two Mines And Two Others May Become Involved This Veck NCOUVER, May 20: The amlttee for Industrial Organi- on making Its second incursion British Columbia's thirty- lion dollar mining Industry ef- ed strikes In two mines and are pared to demand recognition fits members in two other pro- ties'. ess than two months after the fited Mine Workers of America, I, O. affiliate, won bargaining bts for a thousand members In rile, another C. I. O. branch has Bed strikes in the rich Cariboo irict, demanding recognition for rly four hundred workers there Imembers of the International Mill and Smeltermen's Hon, Strikes closed the Island untaln Gold Mines Ltd. where ; men walked out and at the iriboo Gold Quartz Mining Co. nt. WpIIs uhprp . . 9M mon nt.lf f - - w v au - anwhlle the Nanalmo coal mln- thave called a mass meeting for Sunday when they will de- Sr.d recognition of the United ce Workers of America. Efforts also planned at nearby Cum-land to gain the same recognl- for the coal miners there. ORE PAY DEMANDED Cent Per Day Increase If Sought by Island Mountain Employees IanC'OUVEU, 26: Sonu May A . . ... iu employees or the islam, puntain minu are demanding a fcrea.-fi in pay of 50e per d Irl U'lll .,. .... utl'ilr.. It fy Iv V. Guernsey, inanarn bthp mi Hit twin Intirnfitml Tlinl & v V) HMO liivminivui S nov bvintr paid at the rate or, fcft and $5.25 per day. I ecognition Of !C. 1. 0. Demanded naimo and Cumberland Coal Mine WoiKirs Will Seek New Agreement on Wages and Working Conditions ANA1MO, Mav 2G: Coal Ijne workers of Nanaimo, wl o wently became affiliated with M United Mine Workers of Ar- gia, allied with the Committee industrial Organization, wi'l nd recognition bv Ihe mine janitors of the new union and ev agreement rutrurdlni? waL'cs id workiiiit conditions, It is an-Ifunced, Siiniliar demands are expected In V hv the jmberland miners. rommissioner lOf Army in This Dominion Named P'ONDon, May 2G: Cornmis- ner Georgo L. Carpenter, now B charge of Salvation Arhv work I South America, will become irritorial commander of the Salmon Army for Cunuda in sue-ion to Commissioner John tMillan wl,0 hus been transfel-1,1 "i London as chief of staff, : ' iiniiounced at Army liead-uiteri here. SKA BISCUIT WINS Bp,. BAY Tll MEADOWS, - , Cal.. 1 May J 20:- l wuu me nay Meaaows fcce P- one of WILL FLY ATLANTIC Flying Jloats Heady for Experimental Trips Across Ocean NEW YORK, May 26: Twc flying boats arc now poised at New York and at Bermuda in readiness for experimental flights preliminary to inauguration of IransAtlantic commercial air ser vices. The Geneva Clipper of the Pan-American Airways will gc from here with a British machine from Bermuda. G Men at Juneau Are Established Branch of Federal Bureau of Investigation Is Opened at Alaska Capital JUNEAU, May 2G : A federal Bureau of Investigation branch is being opened here. One of tit principal functions of the "C men here will be to keep a check on suspicious characters coming from the south. Recovering From Their Injuries nil- Four Ilailway Workers Getting Dctler Following Smash Which Killed Two Others REVELSTOKE, May 26: (CP) FaurwaywprJarrecoyeii mg nere irom injuries sustained, in an accident Saturday on the Canadian Pacific Railway 25 miles east of here when two other workers were killed. Dan "Fernie" McDonald, one of 10 men riding on a speeder when it was struck by v locomotive, hospital here. a' preparations were being made for the holding of an inquest into the death of his brother, Rory McDonald, who was killed almost Instantly In the crash. Ten other men escaped Injury by Jumping from the speeder before the collision, DISCUSS CARNIVAL Junior Chamber Defers Decision In Connection With Fall Event-Suspends Meetings The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce held its regular monthly dinner meeting at the Knox Hotel last night. It was the final meeting pending a suspension for the summer months during which time the executive will handle such business as arises. Plans are being made for a dinner dance for members, wives and lady friends In June. At last night's meeting, over which President G. L. Rorle presided. Steve Prudhomme gave a brief talk on the Canadian postal ! service based on his experiences therein. There was also an autobiographical talk by Al Newman. There was some discussion as to the advisability of holding a carnival in the fall, decision on the matter being left to the executive.' At the suggestion of the Prince! Rupert Japanese Association, it, was decided to appoint a special committee to assist the entertain-. ment committee in connection with j the visit late in June of the Japan- j ese merchant training ship Kaiwo . Maru. DOLLAR INNKW YORK NEW .YORK, May 20: -- The r'..., iH;ii. i-lnsiwl at a lire- 'uui,uui(lll -'"" -L , -. mium 'of on n the California turf foreign exchange market yester-psics, on Saturday. ,!. Today's Weathei (8 AM.) Tomorrow's Tides f,inH four miles rjer hour: ham. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER B. C. MINING Made Desperate Effort to Elude Police Officers SOUTH TACOMA, May 20: (CP) The shooting of Vernon "Blackic" Campbell, who with Gordon Faw-cett, escaped from Okalla Prison last month after a sensational the civi Hist providing grants tc break which brought on a govern- the Boyal Family, The list on thi ment Investigation, occurred after occasion made no provision foi police caught up with him yester-,thc Duke of Windsor. The Labor-day following the robbing of a'ites, while making no suggestioi Seattle hotel of about $10. Camp- ' of a republic, expressed the belief bell made a desperate break for that the total of ?..Q00.000 is ex freedom from the officers but cessive and could be, reduced, wrecked his car and fell under ; bullets, from the revolvers of four ' officers. Bus Strike Ends Today I LONDON, May 26: (CP) . Settlement of the strike of 25,000 bus drivers and con- ' ductors was announced to- night. The men return to work on 5000 busses Prldav after almost a month's stoppage. 4 . Today's Weather lUovenuiituit t Hazelton Cloudy, calm, .17. Smithers Cloudy, calm, mild Burns Lake Bright, windy, 42. Terrace Cloudy, , south, wind, V Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, CO. Alice Arm Cloudy, southwest wind, 50. . Stewart Cloudy, south wind, 48. Victoria Cloudy, southwest vind, 14 miles per hour; baro-neter, 0.10. - Eslevan Cloudy, northwest wind, 20 miles per hour; baro meter, I50.M. Prince George Clear south wind, 12 miles per hour: baro- meter, 29.8C. Alert Bay Clear, calm, baro- meter, ttO.H; temperature, 52; se.i smooth. Bull Harbor Overcast, southeast wind, '4 miles per hour; barometer, I10.08; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, rain southwest wind, It miles per hour; ;ea smooth. Langara Island Overcast southwest wind, G miles per hour, barometer, 30.00; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 48; sea smooth. SPOUT Railway Sabotage Led to Executions Official Explanation Made In Connection With Latest Russian Killings MOSCOW, May 26: (CP) Eleven persons reported yesterday to have been executed at Khabarovsk In Siberia were put to death after having been convicted on specific charges of sabotage against the trans-Siberian Railway, It was explained here. May Search For Kingsford-Smith HOLLYWOOD, May 26.: A friend here of Sir Charles KlngK-' ford-Smith, missing for over a year while on a flight from England to Australia, is organizing an expedition to search for hint in the Malay jungle in the belief" that he may.stlll-be alive. CIVIL LIST CRITICIZED Labor Members of Parliament Feci That $3,000,000 Is Too Much for Royalty LONDON ,May 2G: Laboi members of Parliament criticized Heavy Holiday Motoif Traffic Over Eleven Thousand Cars With 33.000 People Cross New Westminster Bridge NEW WESTMINSTER, May 2: There was an enormous traff'.' in Victoria Day across the Inter- national boundary Hne south of ,1cr,e- 11 is estimated that 11,500 cars- carrying :)5,000 persons, ctossed the New Westminster bridge. UUU LiUIC Tf llld Historic Horse Race Saturday TORONTO, May 26; (C?) H. C. UaidV&.Gold. , LVre.wwejLth5ifie yen; Tv-clshth running of' the -..historic Khn's Plate race here Saturday half a lensth ahead of Cease Fire, owned by H. R. Bain, and a leneth and a half ahead of Silver Jubilee of the Parkwood Stables. Sitdown Strike In Mine Ended Settlement of Illinios Dispute Over Sharing of Work (JILLKSPIE. III., May 20: The sitdown strike of five hundred miners in the mine of the Superior Coal Co. here has broken up The mqn had gone on strike ;n protest at the throwing out oi work of 300 employees in anothel nit which had been closed down Im- l-pn.llr Thl'ro wuu uuitli.mnnt . of "f It: the dispute a1' C , sharing work. CANADIAN COLD PRICK -MONTREAL, MV 20: The Canadian gold price was down lc yesterday at ?31.C8 per fine ounce WINNIPEG WHEAT LP J WINNIPEG, May 26: Wheat was up Ve to Vic per bushel on 1 Late Telegraphs FORD PLANT STRIKE RICHMOND, Cal A strike has been called at the Ford assembly plant here and pickets have been placed by the United Automobile Workers of America. The Union president said that only two votes had been cast against the walkout. The Union Is a Committee for Industrial Organization affiliate, JULIANA EXPECTING AMSTERDAM Crown Princess i Juliana of the Netherlands is reported ! to be expecting the birth 1 of an heir-presumptive to the Throne. No official confirmation is available but the report of an impending royal birth has circulated since the Crown Princess ceased playing tennis a month ago. RESIGNING FRIDAY LONDON Premier Baldwin is expected to resign Friday, Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain succeeding him. Voting Place Here Changed , Provincial Election Will Take Place At Corner of Scond Avenue And Sixth Street ' Instead of at the Metropole Hall, ae previously announced, it has now been decided to- use McCut-Icheon's former druar store pre mises at the corner of Second Avenue and Sixth Street as the provincial election polling place here. A -h-rie ha? been . made from the M-t-onole Tnll to eliminate the! "r?!tv 0f tno voters; haviriz to! -'hib stair. Th" Pnttuljo commit-1 ro5m?itarebtJn.(iiKved-elseT vhcre. To Check Up On Social Credit Major Dou;las to Send Two Ex- pcrts to Alberta Before Coming Himself LONDON, May 26: (CP I The mission of G. L. MacLaghan to obtain the services of Major C. H. Douglas, father of Social Credit, to help introduce a "genuine Social Credit scheme' 'in Alberta has borne fruit with the announcement that the Scottish economist would send two colleagues to Alberta. One will be G. F. Powell, director of the Social Credit move ment, and another probably man, , ! 1 ' . . ... a cnanerea accountant. Tney will report, on tne political situation In the province as a preliminary to a nossible visit by Major Douelas himself. Halibut Sales American Tuscan, 13,000, 8.3c and fx: i;00th. tne Winnipeg market Saturday, Canudian May future closing at $1.33'4. , fakln, 28.000, 7.5c and He, Cold .Storage. VANCOUVER. May 26: (CP Viking, 13,000, 7.8c and 5c, At-Wheat was quoted at $1.20 on lin. the Vancouver market Saturday. I Atli. 0,000, 7.5c and 5c, Pacific ATTENTION Citizens of Prince Rupert Hiding R. L. Maitland K. C. Will speak on the real issues of the election In support- of the Conservative candidate G. V. Evitt Mr. Evltt will also speak . MOOSR HALL, WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M. The meeting will be broadcast over CFPR. No one should miss this meeting. ' EVERYBODY WELCOME High Low :r7rv: lanaaanow Doing Part i LONDON, May 26: By the j steps it Is now taking to im- prove its own defences, Can- ada Is acknowledged to be making a substantial contrl- button to Imperial defence and will, not be expected to participate in any other way In the EmDire defence nro- gram. This is the view that appears to be generally felt In Imperial conference quarters here. 4 STRIKE IS NOW ENDEDj French Industrial Trouble Terml-1 nates After Premfer Blum Intervenes MARSEILLES, France, May 26: ! 1CP1-A general seamen's strike spread over France yesterday blocking the way for tourists at the opening of the Paris Exposition by closing colonial ocean lanes and stalling even the great liner Jfor-mandle, but was reported ended last nlcht followlner Premlpr Rlnm's intervention. With thlrtv shins nnrti5nells dropped Into the streets of 2030 workers tied up at Le Havre ; alone, other branches of labor took up the strike weapon to win quick acceptance of their demands. The seamen want a forty hour week, pensions and other changes in working conditions. Federation Gets Ready to Battle , With John Lewis CINCINNATI, Ohio, May 26: Two hundred craft union renre- ntatives. under the American Federation, of Labor, are meelinu here to discuss plans for a wa against -John L. Lewis' Committee for Industrial Organization. A war chest will be raised. British Columbia To Present Case Premier Pattullo Does Not Think It Advisable to Make Joint Representations with Alberta , 1 ft ( nuiumn May 2?: British Columbia A will will tirnunnt tiu nun ca8c separately to the federal commission on taxation relations li.twon th linmini,,., .i inces, Premier T. D. Pattullo said yesterday. The Premier does not consider it efficacious that British Columbia and Alberta should present their cases jointly as proposed by Hon. Solon Lowe, provincial treasurer of Alberta. Two Little Girls Lost Three Days PELLY. Saskatchewan, May 2G:' Widespread search Ins been instituted for Iwo young girls nged nine and seven who have' Wen missing for three days from I .n So.XrSu ?i ineir home here. As time passes,! victoria stud Priwe Rupert. This for misgivings increase as to tho'r i i14" f compiled from obf,vtion t 'en at 3 a.m. today and covert Um 31 "V" hour period endlne 5 vomnrrowi.' ARRIVES MY PLANE , risen over the coast and rain has T In a seaplane piloted by R. L. been general in Northern British (Ginger) Cootc, R. L. Maitland K. Columbia while fine warm weath-C. of Vancouver arrived In the cltv ,.niin t r - ,at 11 .... o'clock this morning from; Ocean Falls. He addressed the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at lun cheon today and will speak at puoiic meeting this evening on behalf of C. V. Evltt, Conservative candidate in the provincial election. Mr. Maitland will leave tomorrow morning on his return flight south. ....... .. 1:55 a.m. 20 ft. 14:53 p.m. 18.2 ft. ...... .. 8:41 a.m. 2.9 It. 20:42 p.m. 7.9 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS LANDING REFUGEE CHILDREN Four Thousand Reach England-Execution of Germans Postponed Truce Abandoned Fierce Firhtlnir Continues UehMs Winning at Bilbao and. Loyal- ists Around Madrid. INSURGENTS ADVANCE II END A YE, May ,26: . (CP) A new insurgent advance is reported to have shoved General Emilio Mola's front lines within eight miles of Bilbao. Insurgent air raiders are reported io have brought down a French passenger plane at Sopelana, nine miles northwest of here, wrecklngUhe craft and Injuring the. pilot, 'the passengers being unhurt. - T vrr-v- r am. t nr 1 n auf May m' i-ur UMUU uue wiuorcii refugees from . the Bilbao section, have been landed at Southampton. They were accompanied by two hundred adults and thirty priests. They are being, placed temporarily In a camp near Southampton, Spanish Insurgent machine gun a French m&ee near the frontl 11 h reported. A U-year old boy was injured. It Is expected there will be an official protest by France. More than eight hundred Basques are reported to have been .slaughtered as fire from aircraft destroyed trenches and military positions around Bilbao. In the Madrid area loyalists are reported to have launched surprise 4g)tack. roalclnW,extendTpvad. ' vances and occupying seycral towns. A British freighter was reported yesterday to have been bombecf at Almerla and badly damaged. The Basque government In Spain has agreed to postpone the execution of two German aviators who were captured a few days ago, it Is announced. Great Britain and France had requested that the executions be deferred pending peace negotiations. Italy, according to information in well-informed quarters, Is opposed to an armistice or truce In the Spanish civil war at this time. The Franco-British truce plan has been definitely abandoned, it Is reported from Geneva and .hopes for an armistice to facilitate the withdrawal of foreign volunteers are now extremely faint, an authoritative British spokesman says. Rome is expected to turn in a negative answer to Britain's proposal or an answer so hedged by reservations that It would be negative In effect. Berlin, at first sym-oathetlc. is now reported ready to support Italy. Hostile reaction is reported at Moscow. Valencia and Salamanca have unmlstakeably ex? pressed opposition to any truce proposal. General Francisco Franco, commander-in-chief of the Spanish Insurgents, yesterday announced his definite rejection or the British proposal for an armistice. "It must be either unconditional surrender or war without quarter," he declared. Weather Forecast i Ceneral Synopsis Pressure had ,w winiiiiM uvci nie miciiur 1 1 this province. Prince Kupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Moder- aate to fresh south and west winds, cloudy and cool with showers. West Coast of Vancouver IslandModerate to fresh north ard west winds, fair and riot mUeh change, in temperature. m