i m mi 1C 'ffN i 1 1 PAQR TWO Runners DAILY EDITION Specials Ladies' White, Blue and Fawn T-Straps, Cuban Heels, Rubber Soles 4 OtZ Regular $1.95, at Ladies' Brown Runners, Crepe and Qs Rubber Soles vo" Child's T-Strap Runners, White, Brown and HtZ Fawn Colors, Sizes 5 to 10 MissesT-Strap Runners QEi Highest Quality Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rttlNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advai.ce , For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week ... $5.00 .10 Monday, July 12, 1937 SIT DOWN STRIKE In France there was a sit-down strike recently. Proprietors of hotels were recently asked to reduce the number of working hours to a point which they considered is dangerous to the success of their business. They closed their hotels and sat down to await the time when their employees assumed a more reasonable attitude. INTERESTING QUALIFICATION President Rosevelt believes in women taking an active part in politics and he has shown that he believes it by making a woman secretary of labor in his cabinet. Secretary Perkins has shown much ability in the difficult position she holds. But, and there is usually a "but," Mr. Roosevelt does not think the country is ready for a lady president, at any rate not until the present incumbent of the office is Rooseveltian. He thinks women have brains and executive ability but lack recuperative powers. They must be able to lay down the job and forget it while they take a vacation and recuperate. This he thinks can only be done if they learn to fish. They must be able to tie a fly, make a cast and land a shiny trout. Also they must be able to bait .the hook with worms. This is the final quali fication which most women cannot pass, They balk at the worms and until they can bait a hook and like doing it they cannot hope to succeed to the presidential chair, development and progress of his community, no matter how. diligently he may labor to build up his home country, no matter how loyally he supports a friend in politics. extols the virtues of a famous native son, stretches the truth to praise a local prima-donna-to-be, or gently lays a metaphorical wreath on the grave of a departed, he seldom hears a "Thank you." Rarely does ?;ivone say, "Well done." Almost never does he hear, "We appreciated that." But let him make a slip. ... J4 THEY DESERVE IT I am confident that all newspaper editors wil go to heaven, says W. Earle Dye in the Rotarian Magazine. No matter how eloquently the editor may boost for the ALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying CANADIAN FISH & GOLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Members of the Prince Rupert Branch of the Navy League of Can yesterday. The trip was In the nature of a picnic outing and, In spite nf the rather wet afternoon, the outing proved Interesting and enjoyable to all. Transportation was provided by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s packer Chief Legale, Capt. Harold Casperson. On arrival at the Island, the camp, headquarters In the old quarantine hospital were Inspected by all after which the boys paraded for Inspection by R. M. Winslow, under Lieut. O. H. Greenwood, commanding officer and Sub. Lieut. Jce Landrey, president of the local branch of the Navy League. Mr. Winslow spoke briefly as also did Monday, July 12, 1S37 NEWS THE DAILY . 'SPORT' CNRA Tennis Tourney Starts Several Games I'layed as Tourna-mint dels Under Way At Week-end The results of the Canadian National Recreation Association tennis club annual tournament which commenced over the weekend were: Mrs. West and Miss E. Riveit defeated Mrs. Miller and Mrs. R. Morrison, G-3, 6-2. Mrs. E. M. West defeated Miss A. Kach, C-3, 6-1. Miss E. Rivett defeated Mis L. Blitch, 6-4, 6-1. Mrs. L. Blitch and Don Blaki Defeated Mr. and Mrs. Davis, C-4, G-4. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison defeated Miss A. Kach and W. Blitch, 6-2, 6-1. F. M. Davis defeated S. Jur- main, 6-4, 6-3. R. Morrison defeated F. Summers, 6-2, 6-8, 6-2. CAMP IS K. SPORT CHAT Add novel golf matches. Ted Hook did nine holes in par figures on a. course at Sydney, Australia, by moonlight. Playing in a four-ball match, one ball was lost but four were found. Australia defeated England bv 31 runs in the first women's test cricket game to be played in England. The tourists scored 300 and 102 against the borne team's 204 and 167. It's the old story. Aberdeen's touring pro footballers hae shown themselves far superior to South Africans amateurs in positional play, ball control and anticipation.; , i . Invention of a Dutch golfer, golf clubs with heads made of specially prepared beech wood, requiring neither lead nor any weight to distribute the balano. are winning favor in England. , J. L. Coleman, Olympic marathon runner, ran from Maritzburg 1 rinfrf,r,f tto Durban, South Africa, in six VINI I H I I hours, 23 minutes, beating by Navy League Picnic Yesterday Afternoon Proved Interesting and Enjoyable Outing one minute a record of Arthui Newton which has stood since 1D25. C. S. Nayudu scored the century ever seen in the Gymkhana Club's grounds in London, reaching the 100-mark ada and parents and friends of the in 39 minutp, iip nl run, members of the local Sea Cadets his strokes including five sixes who are at present in annual camp anij j5 fours visited the boys at Dodge Island Here's concentration for you. A Capetown golfer r in the rough played an excellent iron shot to the green and looking up discovered he had cut the head off an 18. inchlsnake. In spite of a wet season anil difficulties in regard to the state of the ground, Bradford North ern, English Rugby League club showed a profit of more thnn $5,000 at the end of the season Southern Rhodesia beat its own record for the overseas full range .303 postal shoot under Bislev conditions. Scorn nt' 1.120 T, H Johnson, a former presldentjwas seven better than last year's oi me league, wno is revisiting me imark. city. The Cadet Corps bugle band then played a few selections. After lunch there was community singing and a program of races was run off on the beach. The wlners in the various events were: Tug-of-War, Hazen Hankinson's "I think Bobby Locke is one of the finest strikers of a golf ball I have ever seen." This tri bute to the young South African golfer was paid by Henry Colton; noted English pro. siae- I Miss. A.. H. Robertson of East- Rowing race The boat of Dun- ern province, South Africa, set a can McRae, Joe Norton and Billy new nHtish Empire record for Wilson, (the women's javelin throw with Hop, step and jumpJoe Norton, a heave of ls0 feet, 9V2 inches; Elmore Hankinson. I Running broad Jump Joe George Greenwood. ! Swimming race George Greenwood, Elmore Hankinson. Backward oar race Hugh Bur-bank's side. Ball throwing Joe Norton, Norman McLeod. The boys were found to be very comfortable and enjoying them-selves. They are In capable charge of James Stevenson, recently arrived from McGlll University at Montreal. In camp are George Greenwood, Brett Soles, Bill Hunter, Edward Dawes, Norman McLeod, Donald Nelson, Hugh Burbank, Harry Hamilton, Hazen Hankinson, Richard Moore, Allan Burbank, Allan Large, Jack Davies, Elmer Hankinson, Richard Mills and Donald Eby. The camp, which opened a week ago, will break up at the end of this week. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE July 13 Vandinks vs. R. C N.. V. R. Dominion Day Cup June 17 Canadian Legion v. Vandinks. June 22 Vandinks vs. R.C.N, V.R. July 1 Final. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Nature Is no respector of rank. Even the great suffer from her whims. Tony Martin planted flower seeds and onions came up. At that, he Is better off than I was. I planted onions and got weeds. And speaking of flowers, many of the gorgeous Martha Washington geraniums were frozen this winter but fuschias seam to have wea thered the cold. One of the sights that struck me when I first arrived In the East Bay were, the magnificent gardens of geraniums and fuschias which I had been taught to nurse with care, growing six and eight feet In height. Hedges of geraniums are quite common and borders of precious calla llllies. And I once plan ted some California popples and spent nearly two years trying to weed them out! But I have not seen the quantities of wild flowers we used to pick In Prince Rupert. Can you still pick the dainty queen's cup and violets. "down by the creek?" Or have they given way to "the march of time?" And are the hills still covered with Labrador tea and huckleberry blossoms? Something should cer-, talnly be done to preserve the wild flowers of which Prince Rupert used to be full. j Once upon a time! Dorothy Tre-mayne, Helen Wallace, "Coco" Mc-Mullin, Betty Barrow, Dorothy Tovey and I made a huge bouquet of Prince Rupert wild flowers we had gathered and presented them to the Vancouver Board of Trade who were visiting In the city and, believe It or not, we had a hard time convincing our own families we had gathered so many right on Kaien Island Island of Fallen Trees It wasn't the quantity, but the variety. Two kinds we did not Include devil clubs and arum lilies (skunk cabbage to the uninitiated). CHEERIO! Oakland. SCHEDULE OF BOWLS July 12 No. 5 vs. No. 8; No. 2 vs. No. D. 21 inches better than the previous record. "Paddy" Travers, manager of Aberdeen soccer club, thought the 144,000 crowd at Ihe cup finai ' against Celtic was "great" but he is still bemoaning the revenue lost when 20,000 persons wert turned away. This despite the Irish nickname. V TO CITTHE BlSjf? DEWAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY May Be Spent At "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In the honest climates, at in all other parts of the world, Dewar's is the favourite drink. Ki-" '5k ' hi . m COU.4 ff Tlil5 advertisement Is not publisheo or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TI1K CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TIIAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fcrtiliicrs Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Sliver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. Restful Vacation ' ' ' . The place where the tired businessman can become rejuvenated, where his wife can enjoy good meals without having to cook them, where the children will have all the pleasures of farm and home and a wonderful sea beach, '.'' '.V.-:.' T?" Visitors to The, Dunes return again & againt JOOOOO. Write or Wire For Information MME. KAJAUT "$8iv - ' A. ON SALE NOW to OCTOBER 15 These are esample of HKTyitN furrn from many B.C. centre. To ilexllna-tlona cut of WliinineK fare lOlghtly lower from Interior point. Your tieket allow toover en route! Canadian Nationul la the "Janni-r Park" route. See thia largeM of Canmla'd mountain playgrounds as you I raid east, ll costs no morel Mke a change? You ran aall 543 nillm down tli Great UL from I'ort Arthur to Old Ontario for approtimatcly 1 more, meals anil hcrlli on steamer Included! Through alerpinjE cars to St. Paul If you Ko to the U.S. Midwest, Quick connections there with the new, fast trains for Chicago and Kant. MstflMM ,. ,. Coach i Tourist Stamlartl urmtiiation imohtk Imontn ecTOMUl RETURN LIMIT RETURN L MIT RETURN LIMIT Winnipeg $17,15 J31.83 62.70 Minneapolis.......... 48.00 57.60 72.00 Saint Paul 48.00 57.60 72.00 f:"lcaKo 57.33 6H.80 86.00 Toronto 73.73 92.15 108.20 "Itawa 81.10 D2.53 112.15 Montreal 87.7,5 96.55 117.00 Qiiehec 93.40 106.7.0 ,12t'.S5 Saint John 103.73 121.50 138.35 "allfai . ... 109.03 131.15 115.40 Hoston 93.75 117.03 137.50 New York 89.73 119.30 134.50 Dctrolt)laChlca((o 68. T5 85.90 102.40 l)etroluLiToronti 73.73 92.15 108.20 PRINCE RUPERT - VANCOUVER . JASPER The Triansle Tour $37.65 From Any Point on the. Triangle. For Information Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE- 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, U.O..