Monday, July 12 37 LOCAL NEWS NOTES e Mayfalr" nas a complete Margarefa Mid-aummei Cleac- it ni iaait-3 , " Iiwr - Canadian Legion, B.E-S.'L., Executive meeting tonight. Month ? etinif Wednesday. 1G) Fred Brooksbank sailed Satur-osy evening on the; Prince Ru-pert for Vancouver. ; This afternoon's 1 train, due from the East at 2:30, U Wo hours and ten minutes late which would bring it in at 4:40 p.m. Miss Margaret McCaffery sail f(j Saturday evening on th Prince Rupert for Vancouver en-route to Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, for a holiday. vatory of Music Examinations with honors. She is the youngest passing that grade with honors In the cit)'. beln& but nine years old. The Prince Rupert Genernl Hospital will be saluted on the morning of July 19 'by radio stii-(ios CRCV of Vancouver at 8:30 In the course of.' the regular breakfast hour program of that station. Turned over to the city police Stewart Saturdav evening, a man (riving the name of Joseph Pac is being held by the provincial police on a charge of heuig a Stowaway. , J I). Galloway, managing director of the Reward Mining Co., arrived in the city on the Catal last evening from Vancouver, be ing on his way to pay on of his periodical inspection visits to the company's operations at Surf Point and Kdye Pass, Porcher Mrs. William Beseley, who hna lic-n rutvinir a brief visit in K4- chikan, returned home from the north on the I'rince Robert Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. wishes to thank ail those who Inatifil pars and ilan.'ilt-d flon-prs for the Decoration Day ceremony. 1100) Miss Dorolhy l'ennev. daughter of Mrs. W. I'ejiney of this cit, arrived in the city Saturday afternoon from Premier where she has been working for the past ten months. Miss Janet Rochester passed Miss Margaret Sargent, daugh-f.raoV G of the Toronto Conser-Uer of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sarj-eM of Hazelton. arrived in the citv on last evening's train to pay a bnei visit with her aunt, Mis A. M. Barbeau. Peter Lakie, C.N.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip over the line as far as Jasper Park on official business. B. R. Tupper, engineer of the Ndrthwest Telephone Co., who haa been on a trin tn the eftv' on official business, sailed by the Prince Rupert on its arrival irom rrmce uupert oaiuruay evening Everett L. Wasson, well known Yukon commercial air pilot, ai.d Mm. Vfnn wm hassentrers aboard the Prince Robert yes terday going through from Car cross for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Edward Middleton arrived in the citv on the Catala last evening from Vancouver, being here to join her husband who was reoentlv transferred to the cue- . a toms service at this point for summer relief duty. Anona Soaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will not wash off and remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. 75C Per box of 3 cakes ANONA Dog Scries Imprinted in color. 50C per box of 3 cakes '. . ANONA Cat Series Imprinted in color. 50C per bx of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Series Imprinted in 50C color. Per box of 3 cakes Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village NR Maidstone, Kent, England Ormes Ltd. TZfiet Ptonecr Druqpt'sts The Key ill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pjn, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. I t Canadian Hn r acihe 1Mll JJ Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princes, Alice Princess Loulseo - Tp''n.c"h r,?l? July 3rd, 14th, 24th; July 7th, 17th. 28th July 10th, 2Ut, Hst Pacific Services Connection at Vancouver with Canadian W. L. COATES. General .Tickets Acent and Reservations 'ro 1 r,nce ,.,,,, Kupert' nR " C uaugnier-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs.) W. H. Tobey, aivisionai T. A. McWatters. i superintendent, wlio has been on su Miss Irene Mitchell sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Ru pert lor a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. II. H. D. Lambe and will sail on the Catala afternoon for a trip to Van couver. 151 WW 1 from a trip to the interior. Isaac Mathews, well known merchant and mining man of At-lin, was a passengers aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver. S. C. Thomson, who has been on a business trip to the interior us A, Fraser of the-provincial police here. C. N. R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. Fridays 11 a.m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45 D.m. Mondays and Saturdays 2:30 p.m. Build B.C. Payrolls" Mrs. D. Gives Reasons It i n 1 1 Mrs. H.P.D. prefers Pacific Milk and tlves reasons that explain, "It's uniformity never varying," she writes, "makes It an Ideal food for baby. It Is rich In cream. Ideal for picnics anc. camping. Splendid for cooking." Many thanks, Mrs. D., for these excellent reasons. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE THE DAILY-NEWS PAQE-THRE C. McLean arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to join the typographical staff of the 'Daily News. The house committee was asked hv the hosnital board at Us regu -"jlar monthly meeting on Friday I night to proceed witn a cleaning T. G. McWatter arrived in theinn nf th backyard of the hosni- c'ty on the Catala last eveningltal premises. to pay a visit with his son and! . 1 , ?a trip up the linens far as Jas- J. Fred Ritchie is sailing on j per Park on official business, Catala tomorrow afternoon! turned to the city from the a trin to Bella Coola urmnsterior on Sunday night's train. irvey work, lie exiects to ixjj away upwards of a month. IfftYAl Mrs. J. A, Teng and child sail ed Saturdav eveninir on the Prince Rujiert for a trip to Van couver. Pastor AinaW Rlnir and Mrs. Blair of the Seventh Day Adven-tist Church herp rpfnrnpil tn the city on Saturday afternoon's train 3 Mr; and Mrs. George reters returned to the city on Saturday ! afternoon's train from a honeymoon trip to L6s Angeles and Calgary following their recent marriage. The bride was formerly . Miss Lillian Lowe. j William E. Feero of Juneau, brother of Frank Feero, United States customs officers here, is( a visitor In the city, having arrived from the north on the Prin cess Charlotte Saturday Showers For Margaret Cook Friends Honor Popular Bride-Elect at Delightful Affair At the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Clark, Bowse: Street, the Misses Grace and Mar- garet Clark were joint hostesses at n vprv successful miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Margaret Clark, whose marriage to J. O. Wilkinson, wireless operator on II.M.S.C. Skeena will take place shortly. The rooms were appropriately decorated in naval style. An illuminated, ship formed the centre of attraction in the living room while in the dining room far as Vanderhoof and Fort St. the table was centred with a James, returned to the city on Sunday night's train.- He speit the week-end at Terrace. Mm I.. A Grpen mother the late Mrs. Hubert Ward, will ail by the Catala tomorrow .af ternoon on her return to Van couver after having been in the. city for the past two or three months. Inspector Thomas 13. Caulkins, who has been officer commanding theMIoyal Canadian Mounted Pol ce in the ukon with head quarters at Dawson for the past few years, and Mrs. Caulkins and daughter were passengers aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through to Van couver enroute to Ottawa. James Cunningham, Game Commissioner for the Province of British Columbia, was here aboard the Princess Louise this morning bound from Victoria to Wrangell enroute to Telegraph Creek, Dease I.ake nnd McDames Creel; in the CassJar district on an official tour. Mr. Cunningham is be-inr nrromnanipfl by Inspector T. Van Dyk, who arrived In the city from the interior on this afternoon's train, and Inspector John model ship The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts The evening was spent In mak- nf'ing a "Rride s Book and play ing several games in which the winners were Mrs. E. Peuenuz? and Mrs. H. Calderwood. At mid night delicious refreshments were served. Serviteurs w-ere Miss I.y dia Pettenuzzo, Miss Isabele Con- nery and Miss Margaret Clark, while those pouring were Mr Taper iaper and ana Mrs. .iirs. Pettenuzzo. reuenuzzo. The iiie: Ethel Christy, Edna Gillies, Hilda Hanson. I.ydia Pettenuzzo. Isabele Connerj'i Ena Lineham, Florence Rose, Beatrice Hunter, Venetia Feero. Grace Clark, Margaret Clark. Announcements Catholic Ladies' Tea, Mrs. Bus-sanlch, July, 15. Dr. II. O. JOHNSEN'S Office . . will be closed k till August 14' TAKE NOTICE THAT Columbia Dc-velopinetit LunllUxl, ownera of placer mining leases 48S and 693. and holders of water llcetifle 9883 on. Spruce Creek, A. U III Milling UIVHUUi, w nyyij to .the Oold Ocmmliwlemer at Atlln lor th right to use n nandonen waier A I K n Cii i Crnflr VfintLYl tut Hnllim- bla Hydraulic Ditch for the purpose ot min Lug unvo irvw. ate muu uim. i u not in u aim Tras conairuoiea an- pArentlT Scr Hue purpose of working mining holdings long abandoned or for felted. COLUMBIA DEVILOPMENT !" COMPANY E. O. Tyrer, agent. IN TIIK MTUEME fOl'HT OF MUTISM ( Ol.l.MltIA IN rilOHATK In the Mutter of the "Administration Act" j Ami' )n the Matter of the Kntate of Thorn:) lluineft Biiimi, iit-vi-HM-u TAKE NOTICE that toy order of 111 Honour W. E. Flaher, the 7th day of Julv. A.D. 1037. I waa aiC'Dolnted Ad- nilnistretor of 4he wrtateit or Tnornu, tUSSHH FOR SALE FOR SALE Trolling Red 322. boat. Phone (161) FOR SALE Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Post Office. (tf) FOR SALE Westinghouse Electric range. A bargain on easy terms. D. O. Stewart. Phone Green 89. (165) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tt) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apartments, front three and four room " suites. (tf) evening was brought to a close at FOR RENT Large summer home 2:30 a.m. bv the singing of "For She's a Jolly Good' Fellow." Those present included: Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Taper, Mrs. Calder wood, Mrs. Lineham, Mrs. Pettenuzzo, Mrs. Toombs, Mrs. Clark and the Misses Margaret Cooke, at Lake Kathlvn. suitable for two small families. $25 a month. Apply Watson's Store, Smithers, B. C. (160) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good iarden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. (tf) LOST LOST Wednesday Irish terrier pup with long tail. Please return to G. Boulter, Clapp Building. M6n MALE HELP WANTED VETERANS Cover your district early with the leading lineujf et, chlng calenders. For full particulars and samples send twenty- five cents to Brock. 70 Market Street, Toronto. (160) PERSONAL GENTLEMAN With some means wishes to correspond with re fined lady 30 to 35 yejirs who knows something about chicken ranch. Object matrimony. No ob jection to nationality. Apply box 17, Daily News. uoa CLEANING & PRESSING rprcial: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles' wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laun rirles. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) IN Tilt MTKEME COI KT OF 11KITISII COI.lIMlllA IN PKOIJATE lii the mutter of the "Administration Art" And In the Matttr of the Estate of William Sllilmld. l)t'i-eaed, Intestate' TAKE NOTICE that toy order of His Honor, W. E. Fteher. the 23rd day of . a n 1QT7 T wo unDolnted Ad- iii.n!iyv r.t th MtatA of William cimu Hwmm. ana en nanra ' Halnea Bubb, doceofcexl. aiil .all parties !hig clalma agninat the W estate ai i i t t.. .rtit -ut.t. i .v... Mnuimi tn -riirnlAh aaine. oro- IIUVUUI wuMn. NKI . ..... " . proprly verified, to me on or before UK atn cay or eepwrnioer, a.u. maf, and all partim Indebted to the eatats are required to pay the amount of their Indeibtednem to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. O. Dfcted the 8th oi fit July,- AD.. 1937 5sth dav of July A. D. 1837, and all parties Indebted to tne eswwi a required to pay the amount of their In- debtedneea to me rorwiwiw. NORMAN A. WATT, ornclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated the Sltili day of June, A. D 1037. SUMMER LUNCHEONS HURRIED? If you Ve an "eat-and-runner," as so many are In summer, keep a package DfWrlfSley' in your pocket . or punej ... Chewing stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, aids digestion helps to keep you feeling fitter. So enjoy the rich long-lasting flavor of Wrigley's Spearmint after every meal. Good, and good for yout ELKVS Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Used Furniture Dining Room Suite Six chairs, buffet and table, light oak .... Twin Porcelain Wash Tubs For kitchen or basement with set of four tops Fibre Chairs With spring; seats, for use in sun-room, porch or lawn NEW GOODS Box or Steamer Trunks Laminated construction, enamelled steel covering and binding, top long edges rounded, hardwod slats on bottom, embossed metal corners, brassed lock and bolts, fancy paper lining, with 33-inch and 36-inch trays Price $9 .75 D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUYS EVERYTHING SELLS EVERYTHING Phone Green 916, P. O. Box 50,. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouter: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:31 PJkL Due Vancouver, Monday an. !( convenient please purchase tlcktU at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent, Third Ave. Phone 868 a1