TRAPPERS COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed rAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL . BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 58 ' A 1 torn ry o iMiss Kimle Uyede, Prop. :ciri;ai.i:ci;ii!iiii!0i;ia:iiiia;in3!i NEW ROYAL HOTEL -i.-Zarelll, 'Proprietor "A nOME AWAY FROM HOME" , Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water iPjtace Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 "P.O. Box 196 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Kiijest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon 'canhlrig company with an all the ;year round payroll In ' " Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD Light Del re mm Moving ivery '315 SECOND AVE. m 1 ; . . ... -Thurlit April 22 LADIES 'AND GENTLEMEN: Tlie Spring Is here again. Don't forget your SPUING ,j SUIT and TOPCOAT for the Coronation Celebration on May 12th, 1937. Prices are i reasonable, I M. T. LEE Ph. Green 960 3rd Ave. W. SPEAKS Nu'tionur .Atithdm. ON FURNITURE Manual Training Instructor Heard Ijy Parent Tenehern' : Association The regular monthly meeting of the Prince 'Rupert JParenti Teachers' Association was held last fevening in. the Booth Memorial School with Mrs. V. C Asninall 'nresidinir nvr n .irnnH ; Will guarantee top market prices atteridahce 'of 'members. . for Beaver and Muskrat. i The "treasurer, Miss S.. A. Mills ; Other furs at. value. reported a credit balance df .i FRANK LOCKWOOD '$109,119 after all account have tPhone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 een paid. The Easter candy salt ' held in the schools prior to flit .i : i Raster vacation had been ver successful, bringing in a sum of $5:1.71). It is expected to makef thc. customary grans to the nchooh for apart ;Hiu'ipmcnt at the ntfxl regular meetting. It was decider to hdld 'the June 'tea in the Oddfellows' Hall. Mrs. N. M. Cartei as appointed ' convener, 'for thi tea arid Mrs. W. M.. Brown, assisted by Mrs., G J, Dawes: 1 rince uupert scnoois. gave mimmmmmWMmmmmsmm .--very interestinc address dnrinr. f203 Third Ave. Phone Blue 916 which he traced the development miMIE'S DRESSMAKING SHOP !uj furniture and furniture 'dV Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing jsifn :from 'the mediaeval period uown 10 modern limes, compared With 'the modern home of today the mediaeval castle was but meagerly furnished. The influence tlfteenth century had extended to furniture design and the Italian cities of Florence, Rome and Milan became importaril centres of cabinet making. Here, varvinir Italian interpretations of classic design fused with the Gothic -of the late Middle Ages 'had pro-1 ;duced first a transitional style and afterwards a distinct Renal?, sance type which eventually spread lo the other countries rf Western Europe. During 'the reign of Louis -XV of .France the love of ornamentation in furniture reacned its height, all furniture being very elaborate with murrh painting, gilding, and carving. In. Louis XVI's reign mahogany be came ine lavonte nvood ;nnd tna-i turally much of the enamellintf and gilding went out of fashion The chairs and sofas were heavily" stuffed and covered with beau I if ul tapestry. During the iTudor period in Egland furniture design was influenced by both Italian and German art, more particularly by the German artist, Hans Holbein. Tudor-rose carv- ' . ' ltw .1! i"uuungs, ana irets were rcharacteristic. From 1CC0 to tho jend of the century Jacobean fur niture characterized by fine carvings and the spiral leg, predominated. The necessity of refurnish ing. churches and cathedrals and V, . r it. -w , . . iiuuich uner ine ureat Mre gaVe a ueciued -impetus to this stvle In the eighteenth century during me period of the fipnrtrpV ma hogany took the place of the tra ditional pak. Adams with classic friezes, scorlls, and garlands; Sheratoi wifh costly inlays of rare satin wood on nolid mahogany, and Chippendale, using acanthus foliage for decoration and the Cabriole leg with the 'claw and hall foot, were thp uroni !..' isignera of the Ineriod. Mr. Nordan next traced the evo lution from these types of furni-. ture . to. the furnilure of todavi wnicn must fulfil the 'following basic requirements: H mint Jon-l the purpose for which it U th. signed, iH must 'be made'-of :uit- anie materials, it -must 'possess beauty of proportion, -outline, and color., In 'closing iMr . 'Nordan 'made an nppenl for a 'deeper appreciation of ;(he art In furniture desfirn and rsald hat there were just as gooa designers -and 'craftsmen in the -world today ;as there 'had 'been n the .past. -During the -evening '.Miss 'Edna Wilkinson, accompanied ;bv !Mlss "Barbara Daniels, :sang "The Songs My "Mother :Surig" .arid ""OUlikoo." .A vnrv ;-hrinlfv.vrifo thanks "was -accorilcd 'speaker ;and artidts aftor Whic'h 'he. meeting oioscu -wilh "the mine nir nf tho FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, BXJ. Oood opening 'for 'biinairig 'tp'tihe ibusl-ness -at small cot. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder, B.C. LOCAL NEWS Dance to;2; Moose Hall, Friday, 10 (95) Queen Wary Tag Day, Saturday, April 24i 95 -Tonight's train, due from the east "at 10:20, was reported this morning 'to be on time. Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston is sailing this -afternoon 'on fht Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver uhd Victoria. Capt. and "Mrs. -'Henry Benson of New Metlakatla left .yesterday on their return to Alaska in their own boat after 'a vlslt'here as the guests' of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Woods. Annual meeling of the Prinen Rupert Football Association will be held in Canadian Legion Club. Booms; Friday, April 2.1, 8 p.m. Election qf -officers. George Dawes, Sec'y. . (92-94) "Frazer Hotel, steam heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stew- will have charge- of the home art dock.. cooking. , Taking as his subject "Periodic Furniture," J. H. Nordan, manual training instructor In :the (tf) $200.00 in cash prizes, Corona-lion parade May 12. Make your entries now, full particulars ob- aitained irom parade cnairman, L. V. Evltt or Coronation committee, headquarters Canadian Legion Building. (99) At the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club Lyesterday arrangements were re ported to be well In hand for the of the Italian renaissance of the f dance 'to be Staged in 'the armory In connection with the Coronation Day celebration. Members of the club were supplied with tickets for disposal. Ernest Meadows was a guest at the luncheon. Brigadier Walter Cnrruthprs. divisional commander of the valion Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, ar rived in fhe city on the Princess Norah this afternoon from hi headquarters at Wrangell and will be here until Sunday when he will proceed -to Port Simpson.1 Next Wednesday he will leave for Prince George after which he will be back here again. Brigadier Carruthers is on one of his periodical inspection trips through this district. MINISTER ISJAMED Rev. J. Clifford Jackson to 'be New Pastor of First United Church Rev. J. Clifford Jackson of Bur-naby has accepted a call to the. pulpit of First United Church here. He will succeed "Rev. C. D. Clarke this summer. Seattle Halibut Skipper's Father Has Passed Away SEATTLE, April 23: The death occurred at his home at Cove, Wash., Tuesday night of Jacob Edwards, father of Berger Edwards, owner and skipper of the American halibut schooner Celtic: "Funeral arrangements will be announced after Capt. Edwards has been got In '.touch with. r Frazer Hotel, the only steam heated hotel In Portland Canal, tltuated at Hyder, B.C. (tf) 22. Announcements Presbyterian Spring Sale, April Dance, rll 23. Moose Hall, Friday, Ap- Mlsslonary Tea, 'Baptist, glance, May 1. 'Ms. Cambrai Tea Saturday" May ' I at Mrs. William WultHV 'SU Peter's 'Sale, 'May 6. United 'Coronation sale, May (J. Gyro Club Armory, May Coronation 12. Dance, AV. A. Canadian Legion 'Coronation sale arid tea, Legion Booms May 20. Reduces Varicose Or Swollen Veins Simple Home Treatment Prove 'At Small-Cost Hotel Arrivals It The world progresses. Today many minor ailments that took weeks to overcome can now be helped, much more quickly. If you have varicose veins or bunches start today to bring them back to normal size and It you tire wise you will do so. JUst get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil at Ormes Ltd.. or any dispensing pharmacist and apply it night and morning to the, enlarged veins. In a short time the veins should begin to .grow smaller People who warit to reduce Vari cose veins or simple swellings be Itoyal J. Warke, R. J. Hastings, J. F. Mussenden and K. L. Clark, Vancouver; Aine Stemland, Seattle; M. Lubotina ahd' A, Wpie, city; J. Crans, CiimsheWa; E; Green, North Vancouver.; C. B. Morrison and 'G. Anderson, Massett. 'Prince. Rupert H. TJ. Armstrong, H. 'Curnell and -"Mr. ;and Mrs. :R, Nicholson, Vancouver; "JI. A. Wood, Vic-j toria; James 3Irtin, 5lassett; T. j G. Rice 'and 'F.' 'Richardson, Van-j couver. Free Milk For All Children LONDfJN, April 22: Arrangements have been made by the 'Government and the .Milk Marketing Sal-1 Board to 'provide 'milk at 'the ;milk- in-'schodls scheme ;price of Id for a third !Of:a pint to all assemblies of children on Coronation Day. II is expedted that nearly 3,000,000 children throughout the countrj will benefit. Phone 18 ORANQE MARMALADE 32 oz., Tialleys 9Qr per bottle AtJi, SUPER. SUDS large pkg. . ... SOAP Palmollve 3 for TOMATO JUICE 26 oz., Libbys, 2 tins 9c 17c 25c Didn't SayTes; Divorce Asked Haitian ;Marrlas. May, 'he Invalid ' 'Because Priest lilksed j 'Question J BELGnADE, April 22: (CP) -A' bride who did not say "yes" at the altar may find herself hus-bandless fts a result. -Because the priest who 'performed -the mar- j riage ceremony omitted to asK the young :brlde of Milenko-Ztilv-kovich, 22, of Zajechar, if she accepted Milenko as her husband, the bridegroom is now seeking normal regUlaf USC approachj divorce on the grounds that their marriage was illegal. Hundreds of witnesses who at fore resorting to operations or in- (ended the ceremony are pre . !SKSSSr!! Pared to corroborate the bricfe-ing 'and powerful that a small f room 8 statement. He sought the bottle lasts a long time. I divorce after only 10 days of married life. Legal authorities say the omission of the priest's" (.question and the brides "yos' 'renders the marriage invalid. Stop at the Frawr Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel In Portland Canal district. (tf) DON'T LET CONSTIPATION MAKE YOU SICK Do something about it and do it today. You can take endless pills but just remember that chronic medicine, taking is an unhealthy habit and often loses its elTcct. 'Correct common constipation naturally by including sufficient vitamin B and "bulk" in your diet. Kellogg'8 All-Bran supplies vitamin B and the "bulk" you need. In the body, it 'absorbs twite its weight in water, and exercises and sponges out the system. Rid your body of poisons and see hbw much better you'll feel. Try Kellogg's All-Bean for a week. If n6t satisfied, your money will be refunded by the Kellogg Company. Eat two'tablespoonfula a day, as a cereal with milk or fruits, or in cooked dishes. Stubborn cases with each meal. 'Sold at all . grocers and guaranteed by Kellogg in London. P.O. Box 575 Mussallems Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" EGOS Rupert Locals QQp uOi per doz. FIO BARS Fresh -j rjn per lb All COCOA Fry's OA '2-lb. tin PEACHES 2 squat OPp Glen Valley, 2 tins PORK & BEANS I Op Medium, Heinz, tin MATCHES Blue Ribbon and Red Bird 9,fif &3 per pkg. TAPIOCA Instant (n AUly Malkin's, pkg. APPLES Rome Beauty. Extra Fancy 9Xi 4 lbs Out of town orders receive prompt and careful attention. A trial will convince you. The Fsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RASPKERRY JAM PURE- A Littln Govs a . Ixmg Way. The best berries and the purest sugar "' 'that's Royal City Raspberry Jam. So rich and full of flavor 'that you can actually see how'fcconomical It is. For breakfasts, school lunches, and . all recipes calling ifor fruit r. 1 1 tilling. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert Tor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday ;p.m. T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVl. Due Vancouver, Monday 'a'Jn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets f: A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5 D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDTNG, THIRD AYE. Phone Green 916 New Furniture )ER IT 0 Chester! icld buues, Heds, Springs, Mattrcssf Floor Covering, Blankets; Luggages, Tabic Oilclot Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. Used Furniture fiflv it, the has iiidia.n ' Mon-'at he. syster If V 11 ui " led m of thi hnnier iiew ca les in I latform i.e a W Lith th scats sitioki the ' U par ,1y 1 .in it 1 posue tely 1 cool 1 best c con jtruc t ictioi s r rt-tai t'.H T liof Is. Atlns fmipli Rno1 CriU Cimrnr SeWinJ J - - - -w w , W J Ulllf I I X, - Machine, IMano, Kitchen Tabic, Kitchen Cabind Kitchen Uaniros. Dininfr Tinnm finilns. Dresser r 7 - - - , . m . "VUIII Maw7 Cramaphonc Records, MusicalInstrumcnts, Boo Writing Desk, Portable Typewriter, Etc. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 :pe fill ni' qu I lypt .rd. h si We Buy Everything lYc Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, 1$ Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.