Cunard-Wliile Star and Furness-Withy Unes Boycotted In New York NEW YORK, April 23:A longshoremen's strike against both the Cunurd-Whlte Star and Furncss-Withy steamship lines was declared last night by Joseph Ryan, nresldent of the International Longshoremen's Association. It arises out of alleged unfair treatment- of union longshoremen by the two lines In Montreal and other Canadian ports. Earlier yesterday a boycott had been declared against the Cunard-Whitc Star line but this was lifted pending expected settlement of the Canadian dispute. Later, however, after the Queen Mary had sailed, the strike was declared. No Settlement Yet TORONTO, April 23: A longshoremen's strike here, as a result of which three hundred men are Idle Is still deadlocked. There are similar strikes at Hamilton and Sarnla The issue is that of union recognition. AGREEMENT ARRIVED AT (bhawa Workers Reported to Be Repudiating C. I. O. Company Recognizing Ixical Union v OSItAWA, April 21: (CP(-An agreement was reported to have been reached last night in the General Motors of Canada strike whereby the workers repudiated the Committee on Industrial Or fcanlzatlon and the General Motors agreed to recognize the local union. lluyh Thompson, United Automobile Workers of America organizer In charge of the strike here, ycitcrdaV accused Premier Hepburn and General Motors officials of inspiring to break the strike." Thomuson made the accusation wh n imormed that a committee of strikers had gone to Toronto to mr t Hepburn and Harry Carmi-chael, general manager of the Ocn-cral Motors of Canada. At Washington, D.C. Homer Martin, president of the United Automobile Workers of America, said thaf no other final decision has bcon reached by the executive beard in connection with the Gen eral Motors of Canada strike than to give financial assistance to the local strikers. He questioned the authority nf a rcnort that Oshawa workers had repudiated the C. I. O. New Fisheries Plant Costing Over $50,000 Work Is now under way on the establishment of the B. C. Packers new reduction plant at Port Ed-w"ird, mention of which has been wade on several occasions recently. Th' plant, It is stated, will cost upwards. ,of $50,000. Weather Forecast Furnished throng, the courtcny oi 1 1 . ""rolnlnn MeU-orolotflcal Bureau y"-!'irtn nun prince import This fore . l't 1 compiled from otwcrvntlon t ?cn at 5 a.m. Unlay nnd covem the 3 no'" iwrlod etirtlns ft P.m.' towrrow). General Synopsis Pressure Is ehtlvely high off the coast. Weaker is clear and colder after scattered showers in British Columbia. Ilncc- Rupert and Queen Char-'oUc Islands -Moderate to fresh w'"t and southwest winds shifting to northwest. Part cloudy with ""lit scattered showers- West Coast cf Vancouver Island preh westerly wind, mostly fair ud colder. Oil Company Is Coming In The Standard Oil Co. of Brl- tish Columbia, whose officials were here recently looking over the Ground, have de- TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. U. Jormston Oo.t Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .23. Big Mlsosurl, .51. Bralorne, 7.70. Aztec, .08. Cariboo Quartz, 1.C0. Dentonia, .15. Dunwell, .03 'A. Golconda, .09 V. Minto, .27. Falrview Amalg., .09. Noble Five, .08H.. Pend Oreille, 3.50. Pioneer, 4.90. Porter Idaho, .06. Premier. 2.80, Reeves McDonald. 1.35. Reno, 1.05. Salmon Gold, .093i. Reward, ,11, Taylor Bridge, .07 to. . s Wayside. M'-i Hedley Amalgamated, Premier Border,-. 03 Sllbak Premier, 2.80. Congress, 1,08', Silver Crest, .06. Home Gold, .02 Vi. Grandvlew, .15'2. Indian, .02V2. Quatsino Copper, .05 Quesncl Quartz, .13. .11. ti Oils A. P. Con.. .30. Calmont, .02. C. & E., 3.00. Freehold,. .10 Hargal, .21. McDougal Segur, .22. Mercury, .30 Vi-Merland, .18. Okalta, 1.45. Pacalta, .18. Weymarn,' .17. Home Oil, 1.80. Toronto Bsattle, 1.40. Central Patricia, 3.60. God's Lake, .61. Little Long Lact 6.20. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.42. Pickle Crow, 6.55. Red Lake Gold Shore, .50. San Antonio, 1.80. Shcrrltt Gordon, 2.75. Smelter Gold, .04. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.35. Oklcnd, .27. Mosher, .63. Gllbec, .04. Madscn Red Lake, 1.00. Stadncona, 1.89. Frontier Red Lake, .20. Francoeur, 1.16. Manitoba & Eastern, .04. Moneta Porcupine, 1.53. Rubec, .053i. Thompson Cadillac, Bailor, .04. East Malartlc. 1.26. Preston East Dome, Hutchisori Lake, .18. Dawson White, .19. Aldermac. 1.37. Kerr Addison, 2.82. Martin Bird. 1,03. Chestcrvillc, 2.10. Hush Pam, .20. Rlchmac. .52. , Quebec Manitou, .95. 1.00. 1.10. finitely decided to come into Prince Rupert and establish a station, It is learned on good authority. The proposed site is on the local waterfront im- t mediately to the east of the mouth of Cow Bay. DOLLAR IN NHW YORK mi.mi? vniiK. Anril 22: The Canadian dollar was trading at a, .. ,. ti... M'GEER IS HEARD FROM Up to Ottawa to Take More Re sponsibiltty For Belief And Other Services tending the session of Parliament in Ottawa,. G. G. McGecr K.C, M.P. for Vancouver, declared that Canada must follow the lead of Great Britain In Its teller policy. The Dominion must assume, he said, more resDonslbllltv In connection Nvlth unemployment and other public and soflal'scrvlccs, giving relief to the provinces and municipalities. 1'UI.P MUX AGAIN There is understood to be a renewal of interest In the local pulp Nevmjll undertaking. Further dcvelop- S ToreiK.. ."arKetiments. it Is suggested may b loitiK" oik Hituie. tor In the near yesterday. CTQ , , J Today's Weather To morrow s Tid es (8 AJV1.) She prince Rupert Showery, light High 12:10 p.m. 18.9 ft. wind; barometer, 30.10 southwest Low 6:10 a.m. 4.6 It irking1; temperature, 33; sea 18:15 p.m. 6.1ft. .smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVI No. 94. tytfy v. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1937 fit ICE: 5 CKN7JH 3PTING TO SMASH BLOCKA LONGSHORE STRIKE ON Britain's Royal Family Enjoy London Carnival Informally mm E. T. KENNEY (Special tu the Dallj Ncwm HAZELION. April 22: The Liberal nominating convention heie today, with delegates from all parts of Skeena riding in attendance, renominated E. T. Kenney to carry the Liberal standard once more In the constituency. His name was the only one put forward and he was declared to be the candidate by unanimous consent of the Higher Port j Fee Dropped New Impost on I.ojr Tows is IleingJ Permanently Abandoned, It , Is Stated VICTORIA, April 22: The 11-and Tug and Barge Co. was last nit'ht advised by James II. Hamilton, manager of the Vancouver Merchants' Exchange, who is at Will Conduct K Election Here t In an Informal pose while each one of them was keenly Interes sd in the spectacle before them, B stain's .royal family is snapped watching a carnival in London. Princess Elizabeth, aU the extreme rl?ht. seer.- to b? pendermg deeply while her father. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth obviously enjoy the performance. Only princess Margaret kose, youngest of the royal family, is Interested in the photographer? Jhe picture lllustra tes the love of Informality that per .neates the royal family. Princess Elizabeth had her eleventh birthday yesterday, one of her most interesting gifts being from Uncle David (the for- mer King Edward VIII.) . Late Telegraphs Planning Wedding LONuON Hans are being completed for the marriage of Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson and the . Duke of Windsor, friends here declare. 'The date is expected to . be either June 19, which Is Mrs. Simpson's birthday, or June "23, which is the ,Duke'84 The ceremony, .with the Diike of' Kent as 'best man, will likely be at the Chateau de Candc at Tours, France, where Mrs. Simpson is now living. The interlocutory period ending next Tuesday, Mrs. Simpson expects to receive her absolute decree of divorce a week from Monday.- Certain objections have been made to the decree but the King's Proctor deems there are insufficient grounds for intervention. Asselstinc Named STEWART W. J. Asselstine, member of the, last legislature, was today renominated to contest Atlin riding in the Liberal interests at the forthcoming provincial election. ... I Rejects Beer By Glass CLOVEKDALE By a vote of 332 to 301, the voters of Clover-! dale, in a plebiscite yesterday, rejected beer by the glass. Chiang Kai Shck Serious SHANGHAI Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shck is reported to be In a grave condition here, suffering from the effects of a spinal injury. Renominated mm IB PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS AUin Conservative, Ernest Love. .LlboraljtWJ. JVssclstlnc. . - Burnaby Social Credit. Herbert Hailing. Onyichan-Newpastlc -Conservative, Clement1 Pember tbn; Deykin. The Islands C. 1.0. IS RESISTED Owner of Big Mine Suggests General Close-Down Issue For Trades and Labor Congress rnnrvatlvp. Cantaln Macureeor tlon of the Committee for Indus- Mackintosh. Kamioops Conservative, Dr. A. H. Bayne. Kaslo-Slocan Social Credit, A. J. Harrison. Mackenzie Conservative, Baltleman Milton Mclntyre. Nelson -Crcston Social Credit, Herbert Howe. New Westminster , Communist. Rev. Edwin Baker. North Vancouver Social Credit. A. Harvey Smith. Saanich Conservative, Leslie F. Osborne. Social Credit, Major A. H. Jukes, O.B.E. Salmon Arm Independent, R. W. Bruhn. Similkameen ( Conservative, H. H. Boyle Skeena Liberal, E. T. Kenney. South Okanagan Conservative, T. G. Norris, K.C. Vancouvcr-Burrard Sodlal Credit, Peer V. Paynter 'and W. R. Hamilton. Vancouver-Centre Social Credit. Dr. R. H. Smith and Paul McD. Kerr. Vancouver-East Social Credit. C W. Piwell. Vancouver-Point Grey - - ....j Noted Gangsters trial Oreanizatlon upon them. Soclal Credit. tA. D. Crrer (party self who ls no 5tranger around the Liberal Hon O. M Weir. present in Ottawa, that the pro-1 Mc'Kcen, Robert Wilkinson. posed new scale of higher port charges on loj lows on the Pa cific Coast had been permanently CALGARY, April 22: On his abandoned, wav back to Vancouver after at- r S. S. I They would close rather than ne- Lnllito tirith Tnhn I. T.puMk Am. IgUMUn. II . V i vwa.. - ..... j erlcan-controlled organization, he said. ; New Auto Union Chateau Greenwood, in a weak mo ment yesterday afternoon, noticed an open cash drawer at Wallace's - I ,11,,, A ..-I...I.M n.iyvu . . - nil. UltbJWCl.t... IJSV V, ,.V... . H,, V. 777T- the money had been found on her. ... . .... L A ..A a.i, .,., ....vh-i waucr u. vancc nas dcch t u.m. . ..... "ny. . comes up ,h,s his afternoon afternoon to to. Prince Rupert rldl provincial election MORE SHIPS ' FOR BILBAO Five British Food Vessels Try To Move in No Change In Policy LONDON, April 22: The British government again gave official warning yesterday that, while It would protect Its merchantmen on the high seas, the Navy could not assume responsibility if they entered the territorial waters of foreign nations. In spite of the warning, it was reported that five British freighters were gathered near Bilbao In preparation for a mass movement .into the Spanish port with food supplies. The British vessels were reported to have been authorized by their owners to run the gauntlet despite the government's warning. They were promised an escort of British warships to the three-mile limit from which point Spanish government shore batteries and a fleet of small armed craft would take over the Job of fighting off Insurgent attacks. ,, The five freighters started the attempt to smash the Insurgent blockade at dawn today. Three of them were later reported to have been driven to shelter at St. Jean de Luz, France, by Insurgent at tacks. The other two continued at full steam towards the starving Basque capital with government shore batteries ' along the Bay of Biscay booming in the direction of the Insurgent warships. M.itlrifl nnmharded April 22:-Bombard-Bickle MADRID, TORONTO, April 22:-President mine said ment of Madrid, which has resul-here of the Mclntyre ted In the killing of at least 150 yesterday that every impor- tant producing mine in Canada persons and the wounding of many mlsht be closed down if any at tempt were made to force recognl- other civilians, continued yester day for the "tenth consecutive day. ARRIVE AT AGREEMENT DETROIT, April 22: It was Coal Miners' Dispute in South-stated last night that active or- eastern BC, Ends With Victory, . ganizatlon. of a new automobile For Workers workers' union to combat the Committee for Industrial Organl- FERNIE, April 21: (CPt Only, zatlon was being formed here. Al- approval by the miners themselves ready, It is ,sald, three thousand was awaited yesterday to give final members are assured. (ratification to a new working T, and L. Issue : agreement between the Crows Nest OTTAWA, April 22: The annual pass Coal Co. and Its thousand em-convcntlon of the Trades and La- ployees for settlement of the month bor Congress of Canada will be old labor dispute which has threa-held in Ottawa on September 15, It tened to tie up the coal, mining was announced last night. Pene- industry of southeastern BrltlSh tration of the American Committee for Industrial Organization will be one of the matters to be taken up. priscslla" Columbia. At conferences of officials of he United Mine Workers of America, I affiliate of the Committee of Industrial Organization, and the ! company, it was decided that the miners should be granted full rer np 4 lf"TQ inp cognition, Increased pay and lm-1 AtLlLiO A-fcy 1 1 Proved working conditions. Pay ln- creases range from five to seventy cents dally- Cash Laden Drawer Troves Too i Much of a "Temptation For I Native Damsel .rnscilia Prlscilla Smith, oinilil, an an Indian luuiau dam-; uum- Halibut Sales Summary American 31,500 pounds, and 6c and 7.3c and Cc. 0.5c Canadian 6,500 pounds, 6.3c and dry goods store. It seemed to be 5C anrj e.8C and 5c. well filled with the currency of the American realm so. while nobody was look- Explorer. 20,000, Booth. 7.3c and Art nR? RniflPr thc loss of 55 lnd bccn dlscovcrcd' Midway, 11,500, Cold Storage, G.5c susuiclon soon attached itself to ! Prlscilla and last evening she 1 again heard the familiar greeting, Alvln Karpln Desperadoes Believed "Come alohg with me." To Have Escaped to Mexico Prlscilla appeared before thc I cadi this morning and pleaded and 6c. Canadian Oregon. 3,500, Atlin, 0.8c anil 6c. Point May, 3,000, Cold Storage, 0.3c and 5c, Robert. L. Dickson, chargwl with supplying liquor to Indian. )f fleer for 1 Department or Justice agents are , Mro Magislralo Me- the Investigating reports that members hear what Magls ralc MeClymont c, ,nionl , dt ce court thU ' Slng to do with her this time. all(I, pleading not guttly. nwrllIllK to be held of the notorious Alvln Katpls gang . . t . U Un..l.. I., I I remain lwln.1 leu lit, until HI 4ViItf this aiier llft.lw June 1. accordlnir to official ... . . advice received last night from Victoria; : . t f have cscaued across the border In to Mexico south of here. The finding of a stolen automobile con taining thus CANADIAN COLD PRICK . MOVTIil'At. Aurll :!: Thu yv.-im noon. Connlu Moody, Indian, pleaded not guilty to a charge traces of them suggests Cnnadian jrold price yesterday or drunkenness nnu was niso re ' ' " iwns ?:t1.(W pur fine mince. mantled until this afternoon..