ay September 4, 1937. SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 a m.. Labor Sunday "God's Fellow-Workers," Sunday School Will Re-Open Next Sunday, Sept. 12. 7:30 p.m. "The Danger of Self -Sufficiency." Dr. Stevenson Will Preach Strangers and Visitors are Welcome SPE CI ALS! REE Canadian I COMMUNICATION foMl'llll lTU" Sr. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICE rw 1 u A t . - 4. A A-1H i f - 1- rtrt 1 B i wtIH morlr tVift nrontTt nf tha Runrtnv RVinn1 fnr tViP fnll Parents are especially urg?d to come and bring their children. Hum CUrice Johnson ana uerd Lien PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Fifth Avenue and MrHride Street HEAR REV. J. A. HUGHES, Victoria. B.C. Superintendent Devotional 11:90 a.m. "The Eagle's Nest" Stlistic 7:30 p.m.-"The Call of The Wild and The Call of Christ" Also TuCsday and Friday at 8:00 p.m. Bring Your Family and Friends A Beautiful Decorated 10-oz. Tumbler with every purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline. (English Type) Both for 39c Protect Your Teeth Vt-i it t- i -' r . .! "o ' snapeu Kienzo room imisn . Both for 39c Cara Nome Cosmetics 25c Trial Size Perfume and 25c Trial Size Face Powder Both for 35c Special For Baby One Tin Stork Baby Talc and 3 Stork Nipples Both for 35c Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqtfists The Reull Store Phones: 81 & 8Z Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. arMZ FS FI RN lURfc Dominion Linoleums and Harry and Staines Linoleum Priced tiLimi i . Nl tl .h II m - as Follows Square yard Phone 775 45c, 70c, 75c, 85c $1.40 Pacific -""Hiwiuic i ruiinvuiiiiii-" " j To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. miNCEsg chaiiIotteCUV- ''huncess louise Sept. 4th Sept. 7th, 17tli, 27th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services v Tickets Tickets and and II Reservations irom n p It you lose anything, advertise for it. iM ADDTCH URCH NOTICES! last eve FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ker. J. W. Stevenson, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Minister in Charge Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist and Choir Director Misst Ruby Krikevkv Becomes Bride of George U iRorle Before a larjre conirreiration in First United Church last evening, Miss Ruby Sonia KrikevsVy younger daughter of Mjv . and Mrs. James Krikevsky became the bride of George L. Iinrfk. nnlv son of the late George Rorie and Mrs. Rone. The nuptial': rites were performed by Rev. J. C. Jackson under a lattice arch decorated with pink rosea. Miss Swanna Olofson nlaved the "Wedding March" and the bride entered thP church on Iht arm of her father by whom she was given in marriage. She was beautiful in a wedding gown of white triple sheer crepe, cut on i'rincess ne with Chant Iv lflPA lint with vpil nml pnrviprl n bouquet of pink Sweetheart rosea The bridesmaid. Miss EIiz;i beth Wilson. lookpH lnvelv in A dress of pink net with pink &e- cm n hat and carried n bounuel of nink Tarnations. Leonard Cripps was grooms man. During the signing of the register the choir sang "O Per feet Love." Ushers were Tommy Fraser. D V. Smith. Martin Van Cooten and Trevor Williams. The Reception Later the truest were received bv the bride's parents at a re ception at their home on 733 Tat- low Street. The brides mother was charming in a gown of print ed flower crepe with navy blue net overdress and with hat and accessories to match, wearing corsage of deep red roses. Con- iflrratulailons and best wishes wpre tendered the bridal tounle who stood witn their attendants under a white wedding bell , in an arch of nink and white. The rooms Were tastefully decorated with late summer flowers. The bride's table was lovely, centred with larire four-tier wed ding cack, "with long pink .tapers on each side. The wedding cake was duly cut by the bride. nosed hv Rev. C. D. Clarkn and resnonded to hv the irrnnm. This toast to the bridesmaid was pro posed by Kev. J. u. Jackson and resnondpd tn bv- the ffrnomsman. The groomsman also read tele- grams of congratulalion from friends and relatives. Mrs. O. W. Dunn and Mrs. fi. V. Wilkinson poured and servl-teurs were Mrs. D. V. Smith, Mrs. George Peters, Mrs. A. E. Dickens jr., Mrs. Tommy Fraser and the Misses Ella Steen, Edith Miller. F.lsie Davis. Edith Wl- kinson, Viola Johnson and Edith Connery. Mrs. J. Clavenng cut the cake. Many beautiful wedding gifts were on display. Mr. and Mrs. Rorie sailed on I the Princess Adelaide for a two weeks honeymoon trip in tha smith, afler which thev will re side on Young Street here. The wharf was crowded with friends desirious of givlnir the popular young couple a fitting send-off. The bride chose for her going- n wnv costume a Russian srreen suit trimmed with Bombay lamb with accessories to match and wore a corsage of pink roses. Invited guests at the reception were: S. Anderson, Mrs. Annette Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Max Assemlssen, Mj". and Mrs. J. H. Blaln, Miss Tona Blaln, Mr. and Mrs. Balagno, Dr. IN THE MATTER OP TUB ESTATE OP Tire i.iTf Avnnrcw SPALT11NO DE CEASED, Indian pi the Port Eflngon k.nil I ,v4 Act nt. Toke Notice inai oy virme cu u'-n oilty cf the Superintendent OeneraJ Jk 111.) Kill .....( - "- nAln.lAH as1ml.nlrt.rat.nr of th wtAt of Andrew Spelttlng, deceased Indian of th Port EaMngton .Dana, in vne rri'T-moe of British Columbia. All pentorn having claims agahvt juIilI. bta irmhv rermlreri in ftir- M'l V"WVf ' . " " J 1 Mian fHITTIA uraHM'riv v r 1 LI nil UI III vu am hurnf i m MHMiH riflv of BDtetnter J937, and all parties Indebted to th estate are mjuirea uo vneir ip debtedne to me forthwith. W. E. COLL1SON, Indian Agent. CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtub, Waahbaslna, Window and liQnHi ClDDOt stnttL THE DAILY NlWt PAOS THRSCt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived, a new shipment of skirts. "The Mayfair." tf. Siwlfll In school scribblers at the Dollar Store's Removal Sale. J. McLeod and O. Hinde of Por- cher Island Cannery sailed this morning on the Cardena for Baptist Church service Sunday evening at 7:30. Morning service discontinued. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beatty sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs, Bernard Lundahl left on last evening's train for a week-end trip to Smithers. Mrs. Henry Leaper left on last evening's train for Montreal where she will embark for a trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip to Van. couver and Calgary,. On Labor Day, Sept 6. the Post Office wickets will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The public lobby will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. inn the summer vacation In Van couver and Victoria, returned home from the south on the Princess Ade laide last evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith will sail tomorrow evening on the Catala for Premier where she will pay a visit with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mm. Edward Gladding. Misses Elizabeth and Patricia Mc Leod sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for the south, the former returning to her nurses training course at St. Joseph's Hos pltal In Victoria and the latter to her High School studies In Vancou ver. and Mrs. Brocklesby Mr. and Mrs M. Budlnich, Rev and Mrs. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Claverlng, Miss Edith Oonnery, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clccone Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Miss Elsie Davis. Allan Davles, Mr. and Mrs Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Durran, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. G P. Davey, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. N. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gllker, Mr. and Mrs. Good, Capt and Mrs. Green, Miss Betty Garner, Maxine Heilbroner. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, Miss Helen Hampton, Wllf. Hicks. Miss Bea Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, Bob Irvine, Rev and Mrs. Jackson, Miss Viola John-ton. Blanche Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnstone, Edith Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Miss Aleda John- :on. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kraupner, Miss K. Klelback, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lyons, Mrs. P. C. Miller, Edith Miliar, Miss Maryanne Miller, Misses Enyd and Eva Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean. Miss Violet McCutch- eon, Danny McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, Johnnie McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Payne, Alex Prudhomme, Steve Prudhomme Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Peters, R. Reld, Jack Roaf, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers, Mr, and Mrs. Santerbane, Harry Scott, Mr. and. Mrs. Sollows, Mr and Mrs. D. V. Smith, Miss Ella Steen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone. Paul Stegavlg. Mrs. Thomas, Ole Urseth, Mr. and Mrs. F- Vickers, Miss Muriel Vance, Martin Van Cooten, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Jean Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, Edith Wilkinson, Trevor Williams, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wlndle. 11 Announcements Eeagles' Bridge Series, begins Sept. 15, United Fashion Show, September St. Peter's W, A. Tea, ParUil Hall, September 23. t . .; i 7. Catholic Bazaar October 6 and Gyro Hallowe'en Dane, October 29. St, Teter'i W. A. Bazaar, November 18. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, Notember 26. Cash for old gold. Bulger'i (tf) Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. A. C. Balch of North Pacific Cannery sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver where he will spend the winter. The ss. Salvor has arrived with n full rarirn rif coal, lumber and all kinds of building material for Albert & McCaffery Ltd. (208) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClvmont and daughter, Pat, who have been visiting for several weeks In Victor- la. returned to the cltv from the south on the Princess Adelaide last evening. Mrs. E. O. Aves and sons, who have been SDendlne the summer vacation In Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide last evening. Miss Rose Marie Kllpatrick returned home on the Princess Adelaide last evening after spending the holidays In Vancouver. Her mother, Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrick, will be returning next week. Tom Johnstone, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnstone, left on last Miss Irene Mitchell, after spend-'evening's train for Milwaukee where l he will take ud air conditioning and refrigeration studies at Milwaukee School of Engineeting. T. A. Bryant, teacher of the na tive school at Metlakatla, arrived In the cltv on the Prince Rupert yest erday after spending the summer vacation in Vancouver and pro ceeded to Metlakatla today. A. C. Small, manager of the Swlft- Canadlan Co., sailed on the Cart iena this morning for a trip to Vancouver. On his return to the ity, he will be accompanied by Mrs. Small who has been, visiting for some time in California. The highway committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com -perce reported last night that It had Interviewed Premier T. D Pattullo while he was In the city in regard to having the work on the Mghway extended. The whole ques tion of highway work was discussed, Labor Day SPORTS CHILDREN'S RACES AT 1:15 p m. SHARP DANCING COMPETITION Shean Truibhas, Richland Flinf, Hornpipe (Open), Irish Jiff (Open) CHALLENGE TUG-OF-WAR TRACK AND NOVELTY EVENTS (Open) SENIOR FOOTBALL GILIIULY CUP FINAL Junior Football 10:30 a.m. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Make your New Dresses look SMARTER Nu-Bacl Telescopic Will not ride up Corsetry's Greatest Forward Step in decades At Wall Third and Fulton Classified Ads. FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE 12 foot rowboatwith nni- nf ji Snruce u" bnoon uars rrice for the lot ?125.00. Apply P. O. Box 1G98. If- FOR SALE All household fur-, niture. Apply Mrs. Morris, ( Leeds Apartments. Phone Black , 925. (207) ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, ! brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert Si McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116. tf.' WANTED HOUSE fully furnished, with oil WANTED- Modern house with burner. From owner leaving Blue 890. October 1st., town. Phone tf. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish- ed, modern apartment, rnont Red 444. tf. three bedrooms, basement and furnace, close in. F. Feero, HELP WANTED WANTED Girl to care for baby $10.00 a month with board ana room. Stay in nights. Apply Mrs. Hudema, third house from 723 Sixth Avenue West, be tween 6and 7 p.m. juiir up . - Used one season, also Jhns" STENOGRAPHERS( MALE AND Outboard motor 3.3 h.p. W-.T t FEMALE) WANTED in Prime moaei, useu wwcC eKS. i Hupert by the uomimon ivu - Service. Applications -fox. exr amination to reach Ottawa by September 18th. We have helped hundreds to obtain Civil Service positions and can help you. Proof of this statement and full information about th examination, etc., free. M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winni-peg. Oldest in Canada. (21r) MALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE McCIary range with oil SELL CHRiSTMASS CARDS Earn W...n. In rrrfA tfrfffn ATSnlV .. . ... UUiilCl Ul gwv v --rrw Sunderwood's Studio, Second Ave. (208) FOR SALE 1937 Fordor Sedsn. Phone Red 528. (2in FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house on Ninth Avenue. Electric llsht and bath and hot water S15-S25 weekly In spare time now obtaining orders from friends and acquaintances. Our sample book of beautiful Personal Greeting Cards and boxed assortments sent free. Experience unnecessary success certain. Write for details, Greeting Card Publishing Co, 102 Princess St., Winnipeg. Representatives desired in small towns also. t.f. tank with all connections. Low " . , n T,,T T T, TTrT t rent or easy terms. Apply over AliUiCj PC rttiMAm muui Prince Rupert Feed phone Black 619. SEWING & DARNING Green 997. SUjr.208) WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS FREE demonstrations on sewing machine men's stockings, lin-1 ens. McRae Bros., Sept. 3, 8 and! 9. 20G) I BOARD AND ROOM M.AOK IKIMOMI MINERAL CXIM Pltuatf In thf Atllii Mining Division of raisin r District, vwirrr niru. ,,- ilil Tulsrquah Klvrr about l mliei from Junction with TakU Klvff. TAKE NOTICE that T. O. UnderhU MS&a CX3MPANY LTD. Free Miner1. PIANO Certlllce wo. uiai-a. j"u days from the daAe hereof, to apply toi of Improvement for the purpose 01 obUlnliig a Crown Oraitf of the atoov Oaim. . . And firuier ,taie nonce vn., . i", under aectlon 85 of the "Mineral Act." muat be oommeiiced before the Ubv-aawe ol such Oertlflote of Unprovt nvents. . . . Da.td thU 6th day or jmy. iwi. HAM1K V COAST DISTRICT KrconlliiK District of Prince Rupert Tiirr wrvnnr f.Ka.t 1K UrUUh Ool iimhio rnrkpr tAmUnd of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Flan Packers, intend ... or.nl tor A tAUA ff ft.hA fnllOwlriff deAcrlbnd foreshore lands, situate Weot nf a-nH Alln1n.irwT Ttf 447fi. RflJlffa ft. Coast DLsBrlct, Port Edward: Commencing at a post planted at the Bouth VLWIsrlv ivtm.r nt 1t 447A. R&np B. 1839.28 feet; thenoe N. 37 degrees 35' E 529.28 feot. and containing 1.38 acres, Dated July 34th, 1937. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED, Qeorge Orayr Ajtnt. 1937, 1U UUlrtliN posilions as inciter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, ;and Stenographers, etc., and cart help you. Write us f6r proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. f- PERSONAL " T 1 WOMEN Wanted to start private FOR ROOM and Board phone kinderearten schools In their own (2Utf) i homes this coming fall. Free booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winni peg. Established 1927, MUSIC TUITION Miss Ruth Nelson. Thone Green 3QQ. (207) VIOLIN TUITION, theory and har mony. Miss N, Lawrence. Phone S8Q. Classes start Sept. I. (212) IN TUB SL'l'REME COt'Bl OF IIRITIKII lOLl.MllIA III the Matter of Kll Oborne, Deceail. Aiwl III thf Matter of the "Admlnlntratlon ACl" tivt MAnrff thdt hv order of H'" Honour W. E. Flaher, the 16th day of AugM A. D. 1937 I was appointed Administrator of the ertate of Ell Oburne, Dewasad, and alt parties na lug claims againm wie wo hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 19th day of October, A. D. 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their IndVbtednees to me forthwith NORMAN A, WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. O Dated the 17th day of August, A. Q