PAGE TWO THE DAILY NTVT3 Friday. Marc:. :j. j Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE The Oriri . HBADMINTON Ballinger's Takes -j SPORT CHAT 8 NEAR END Lead in Bowling y. K. Harrow wa re-elected twted Rupert Batcher Ry Semi-final Kta-e cf City Cham-Rrarhed (turfman and Hneiriffoa Prire.; Score f T ( One In pionhip in Sow honorary srreUr. at Ibe an-' (MMt Iftfr Lat Announcement nuai amiii af te Xx-yrty ol XiM fthe rtty ht?Hntfl tow naawvnt' Mate n. En1wt. rrhr PHONE 357 Mr. Neil Cameron has taken over the management of - 0 Family shoe store ltD, (Estab. 19081 Adrtrtlilnr and Drcolation Telephone New Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau or Circulation Starting Out Well THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News; Limited, Third Avnue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING BATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per word; per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion t 38 86 IjOO 25 Friday. lAarch 19, 1937 Evidently Prince Rupert is starting out well this year in connection with gardening operations. Inquiries from the cfts seedsmen elicit the information thatr much greater interest h being taken in the purchase of seeds t-: it 1 a. p -j . 1 wis year man last, rjviaenuy gardeners are planning aneaa ana .11 may ne expected tnac tne general tendency toward beatotifieation will make a distinct forward movement. This is a good time to make a start in cases where no garden has yet been cultivated. It is not too late to dig up a niece of virrin land and nrenare it fnr flmcprs g' - ..V..w... I Mav We be allowwl tn SUPwet that it i iha Autv nnAl privilege of everj' citizen to do his or her ner part part in in this this work work I I tit m ll In rr Prinna OnnaU ftiA mnof . . t T C .1 i T t ui.j.i iiliivt ikujycib W1C UCdUkllUI continent. We can do it if u-p arp dptrminPf! garden added to the list is a step toward 'owl f this nio goal. rrnnl As A r .i wet 1 Phon n(. his own free will and desire. No matter how little is done; tne enort is appreciated. Prying eyes are looking at the ill-conditioned lots and people are wondering what is WrnnCT U'ifh. tVlP Ail-now! Wnfla nMrnoso Xc un: there are still laggards. In a number of cases one or two! jwupje are spoiling tne whole street or avenue. If Prince Rupert is to be the real city beautiful which will attract tourists from all parts, the desire to improve the city must be general. On behalf of the city we ask all to join in the movement to make Prince Rupert outstanding as the "City Beautiful." Dried Out Farmers Move In the United States it is estimated that seventy thousand farmers are moving this year from the dried out, sun-scorched areas to places where there is a greater amount of moisture and consenuentlv Inrwr In Canada there has been a movement in a much smaller wav but most of the farmers in the dry belt are reluctant to leave behind their farm buildings, their friends and neighbors and start out in a new district I The districts that offer most arfrjipHntisr rv fv,n A;aA per lb . .. . - " "" nnei oi veai out farmers in Canada are the Peace- River wheat areas' per lb. and the fertile valleys of British Columbia. A few people ..R"np roast of veai-4have come through the mountains to British Columbia 6 ,bs farms but it has heen p.isipr fnr ih ma ineiftr f A , f tuA poultry Pp flnr? VfimHrPrlct moro U fu.... IVjt Chicken- . . ...u.v. nuuiu uie V IiaUl eaoVi ran trans Murtanon. mis is one 01 the Dig argU- Frying Chicken rnenis in iavor 01 a western outlet tor the i'eace River each wheat. ! uvmin-n wnt nniuir writ - - . , . - , " . . - . .. -iBBWliM 'UA . tot nit -ir if. 1 H!Z ana 4. wwwwii1 tMYK n MUtaMmg raytw m " v. . . debated MiM Gwe Pabaer aj! rrieiet -layer fAr oWltaK' 'rWf T,T,,7 Jack Davi 18-IS. 15-fI. LADIES' BOWLING- LEAGUE Rangers ; 12 Annette's 12 Blue Birds 12 Doodads 12 Grotto 12 Spark Plugs 12 Knockouts 12 C. N R A. 12 BELF Sirloin Tipper lb. Rump Roast per lb. Pot Roast 6 lbs. Round Steak .3 lbs. T-Bone Roast per lb. Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. Rib Roast Prime bone In per lb. Hamburger 3 lbs. PORK TO. 9T71 9161 8556 8447 8261 8135 8125 JrVSCIATICA fT tfc ptUtml prt mO II pi'" J at HWi 4 If you'll fel brtr I Leg of Pork per lb. Loin of Pork per lb. Shoulder of Pork per lb. Pork Hocks per lb. Spare Ribs 2 lbs. Ayrshire Bacon per lb. . LAMB Boned and Rolled Shoulder Lamb, per lb. Loin of Lamb per lb. VEAL Leg of Veal AV. 824 807 704 688 678 C77 une aiong home 01 me sireeis we nonce nere anrt tnere c . . - uwj me uauiiiituuuii uiuuictiii. inert; are iiiacesi r-- where no effort has been made to keep up with the general i i.jcjiu. c are .Hjrry lor uie peopie wnocannot enter into the new spirit of the times. They are out of step in the onward march, if we may be allowed to mix our metaphors. They are losing something which is very important in life. In the hive the members that do not conform to the best interests of the bee community are ruthlessly destroyed. In this matter of gardening there fs no compulsion but the COmmunitv pxnprts pww mumluf fn inin nf JONES p 1 nil 1 St! Family Market r - - .M ie 937 Phone 957 18c 15c 50c 50c 20c 45c 15c 25c 20c 20c 16c 10c 25c 25 c 20 c 25c 20 c Ivemty. recrnrfy r the TwZ tMvrfth Mi EUDatfjeand Mfe J. Cro mx villare of Ralemmtje ldeat-d Mi M. lAwenee aaJ ItMs K. Kivett l4-r. IS-1 1. l.Vf.- Tottenham Hottnur. London Roy Franks defeated a -Vwfii er learn that h doinp well in 15-5. 15-4. jtne Engrtfcftf dip' crtnsreT:ton. ha Mrs. (. Willett and P. Wood trained at Haitine. England foi won from Mi C. Vnrran and A.iU Wfr yamea and Jark Tre. 'u,l 16-12. jdern. manager, believer f-esmid UVet Walter trim on fmn fr. WK-tair has had a real tonir efferf. ieti ntt. i C J. .Wrifijrton defeated Her4 More than JfiWVJ ha Frank K-r,, 17-14. . bvrei U helD WarkkWre Draw fr Armory Hall j an follow: ianeiol dnffieultte directly attri 7sW r. Wood vs. J. MeR&e jlMitable to the wet .aso lat 8:0O-Mi B. Tboraf-,n and S Jjrear. Ward v. Mi r Monran and W. C.rong Mitehell Petersen. MelnUMh and George Ro)- Frankji and 9:00 Mim L, Bro!cbak MIm France Tbo:nfAoa. 9riJ0 P. W&fd and E. Xorrii r BV MeKar and H. Beale. lOrOO C. J. .Wriniru.n and F 11- DavU v. S. Ward and I! Crow. K. V Green of Rristol Sneed way has aeqtilred a eontroMinjt interest in Wimbledon Speedway and replace W. J. Cean a manafrin director, but the ht ter' interest In the preyhond side of the trark is not affected. Ocean Falls Hoopsters To Play Locals 73'for 713 Arrangements have been made a Northern British Columbia basketball championship series ol two games here on Thursday and Friday evenings ol next week between Prince Rupert and Ocean Falls. The Ocean Falls team is expected to arrive here from the paper town on the Prince George on Wednesday morning and sail by Uie Princess Louise Friday night on its return home. GI10TT0 CAPTURES CIT1 HOOP CHAMPIONSHIP (Continued from rage i: tesano were good on the forward line while Murray and Houston played like trojans on the defence. Murray was sent to the showers on personals, as well as Greer for the Moose Scythians Beynon 15. Monte - sano 8. Houston 2). Glllis, Campbell 6, Currie. Murray I2. Letoumeau 2: total. 35. Moose Greer. Cromp 3t. Husoy '4. Hale 7, Holkstead. Eby. Rit- chfee, Lear 5t;. total, 19. Ladies. League Annette's defeated Grottettes 14 to 12 In the ladles' league play-off for the second half. They now take on the High School who drew a bye. Wilson and Eva Morris were good for the winners while Smith and Menzies were outstanding for the Grottettes. Grottettes led 4 to 2 at half time. Annettes Wilson 4), P. Dickens 4. Ratchford (2), E. Morris (2). E. Dickens 2; total. 14. Grottettes Menzies (4), Beale 2. Erickson. Smith f6), McMeekln. Croxford: total, 12. Referees, Comadina and Skinner timekeeper. Joe Antonelll; scorere. D. Montesano; reporter. Mike Montesano Hockey Standings NATIONAL. LEARUK Canadiaq Section W D L F A P n Canadiens . 24 4 17 114 11C 52 Montreal . . .20 9 17 114 100 40 Toronto . . . .21 5 21 11C 113 47 Americans ..15 4 28 118 155 "4 American Section Detroit . . .25 7 12 121 94 57 stn 22 7 18 11C 109 51 Rangers is 8 ?n iu ins At fhicairo . . . 14 7 2G 98 125 M iv Tiir. srrHr.Mr. cm rt or riHiTin fOLfMHIA ,N ''KOBTR .. t in tlir Mailer f -ArtmlnMrallnn Art" in thr Mailer of Jh, r.MaU of funlrl "ltlf, rewd T" notice tht bT order of hta 22C 2,,SLih lm' 1 "PPolnted 041 A A STl tote of Port Ed-m til. $1.00 qulml to-fumlxri nm, properly verlfw Aprtl 1937 Mid l partW ItMMbced . - mr u in HtZn to. I OKs NOrtttAN A. WATT, I Official Admtalatrctor. I PVtnr 1 . RiipTt feoanv' . td M A1. th nth uy of UuetT 1937 ct to tlx BC P.ALUJ(t;KirS lot P.atter 177 Bifm 119 Total Chicago, cans. 9. 141 'lik-ken 131 Handfeaft 40 3nd 175 ll.H 181 170 108 3 Total 748 7&J R. BlTTCHEJiS IM. 2nd J Jaclt IK MS L. Artorfci im 123 McLean 14K 140 Ro 133 isi A. A4rk ICS 152 Ifandfcsa) 33 33 bv IRtfpevT moWTh far rim Blare l . : i was Wfe 9f Bsttfnrvr' wtH, W4 3rd 117 1X1, li' 120! 12.! 40' 714 i 3rtT re 15 152 5 m 33 -77S 70S 781 The leajrne oUndiair: W. I- RaHinxer8 10 8 Rupert Motor 8 4 Rupert Butchers 8 7 McMeekin's 6 6 Biological Station 6 15 Gyro Club 4 2 HOCKEY SCORES Toronto. 2 f'anadienn. 1. P. U 8 8 6 6 4 4; New York Ameri- HtMalaH HUDSON'S BAY ?A DEMERARA to". RUM - dt- 5 p'.iUI. fi:-f ' -.r C !- r:l 9TII3-:.'. of Piano Theory Voice Production Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A. T. C. M. 4 Waldron Apartments Phone Green 991 TRAPPERS! Attention! Bring Your Beaver to Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 OA JO if $7.50 It An Kit HitUuU UmU NEW LOW PRICE pair Silver Tip 100 Percent Wool Blankets Sale Price $9.00 pair Point Blankets Color Scarlet and fircen 1 Point, Size 72x00 Sale Price $15.75 id !KT PROURAKI - - . . . . inis aavcTiasemcni is nor ptiwisnea or displayed bv t " Control Board or by the Government of Briti-h C 9 AM. to C PM. Saturday 9 A.M. to 8 rI. Elio's Moving SALE Another good valne on BLANKETS Air Wool Silver Grey, Size frlxSl Sale Price 36.50 Silver King A splendid blanket Sale Price "T L Exceptional Values Chesterfield Suite Sale Price $74.50 and $83.50 Another fiood Value Folding Metal Bridge' Sets Sale Price $14.50 Another flood Value Spring Filled MATTRESS Sale Price $16.75 and $19.75 Printed LINOLEUM 80c D. ELI mil 0 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prince Rupert, B.C. .BOTTLED IN BOND UNDER cTNAOIAr4nnvEwStQ5 This advertisement is not published or displayed 'DrUitf ftquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.