Friday. Mirth 13. 1S3T Margaret's Dresses New Spring Shades and Styles SPECIAL Scarves Si.oo 305 West Third Ate. Phone Red 810 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDaON ALUERTA COAL BL'LKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAKE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Trappers and Buyers . I Jiave to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From Me I am strong on everything. ilake your shipment As oon is iTeceive it I will send your 1 ' money G0LDBL00M NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelt Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde ; Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. FOR RENT C.C.F. Bridge IFASHION Party is Held! niSPI.AY Eicht Tables in nay Wednesday Evening competition is -Nearinj: Conclusion . inere "",e CT"TU:." T. " Ven- colorful and highly sue L.."rr rrT!W the fashion show and rn nt Wto. an-oon tea he a- winners were: ladies' first. Mrs. A. Dickens sr.; second, Oscar Larsen playing as a lady); men's f'rst. Georjre Howe; second, A. Webstead. G. V. Rudderham was master of ceremonies and A. 0. Morse presided at the door. Thy next competition will be the last of the series. SPORT CUssiflED FOR SALE GOAT FOR SALE Easy milker, $15 cash. Apply Box 2C9, City. (67) FOR SALE Float house. 13 foot row boat, good violin. Apply Dally News. 167) FOR SALE Modern hotel at der. B.C.. steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply Fra-zcr Hotel. Hyder. B.C. tl COAL Nanaimo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootier, for the kitchen range Albert 4; McCaffery. Phone 116 or 117. tf FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-piece Chesterfield groupsT-$69..50: 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $7250; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $7450. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165 Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver. (tf VACANCY Angus Apartments, 3 room suite. '70) FOR RENT 6-roomed house. Ave. W Phone Blue 182. (67) WORK WANTED WOMAN Wants work by hour or day. Mrs. Swanson. Red 444. t67 EXPERIENCED Housekeeper, good economical cook, wants work, by day or month. Mrs. M. Rock, Phone 51. (66) FOUND TWO Yale keys on string. Owner may obtain same by paying for this advertisement at Daily News. (tf) ! BOARD AND ROOM j ROOMS AND BOARD Modem ; ten room house, steam heated, : shower bath, centrally located. Phone 543. (tf) PERSONAL OLNTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for SI. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at onpe. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain r'a oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not dcllghteu. taker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited tf in i iik M i'itiiMi; ( ot iit or iiitiri-u tOl.lMUIA is ritnitiTi: In (lir Mjtlrr of tlir IMalr of t'irtt Olulula, lrra-nl Nnllf-j tn f'mlltiirii ami lllif.tra Take tiotk tlmt bl Urtlers Probate I oatd the th tlay or January. 1937 i wis epjiolntrd sole executor of the estate ol Pierre Oi&lzol, deceased, late cl Prince Rupert, Brttteh Ctolumbla, ana all perUai having claims against Oo aaw estate are hereto reuulred to fur. man inr same praterir venriea to trie on oc oeiore tne 30th ot April 1937. ard an paruw inaeQTed to the naia esta.te are nunxxl to pay the amount ot tlvir inacoTniCT to me lorthwlth. DaUl the 11th day of March, 1937 THEO COLLAJIT. PHhice Rupert, B. O, Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnONE C57 affair took place, was crowded with ladies. The fashion show, put on by De-mers under the direction of Mrs. E. P. Jenner, assisted by Mrs. t. j. Fitzpatrick. was. of course, the piece de resistance ana u was i splendidly staged. Outstanding was 1 . . . . -u.l .In ..-V.I.H AvhlhUpn the latest modes In fuU nuptial at-tlrei Mrs. Thomas Fraser was a charming bride while no less at tractive were the other members of the bridal procession including Misses Delia Ewen and Creddie Morgan, as bridesmaids, , little Diane Gilker and Jasquellne Smith, as flower, girls, and Master Forbes Lee as page boy and announcer The eeneral fashion show dis played the latest In evening dresses, afternoon dresses and coats, tall ored suits, knitted outerwear, sports attire and new spring mil linery. The models "were Misses Creddit Morgan. Maxine Hellbroner, Delia Ewen, Elsie. Davis, Margaret John son, Dorotny oamnger. xvonnc Love. Audrey Wrathall, Vivian Wraftiall, Rositf Cox, Lorraine Cor nish, Diane Gtlker and Jacqueline Smith and Mesdames Thomas Fra ser, Ed Saunders, W. A. Rlddell, G P. Tinker, D. R. Barclay, H. N Brocklesby. V. B. Cornish. S. V Cox, Alex Barbe and Gordon Dan lels. A halrdresslng display by Miss t Mary Macf le also proved of Inter est : Mrs. J. C. Ollker provided accom paniment for the fashion parade. Miss Edna -Wilkinson sang vocal folos. accompanied by Mrs. D. V. Smith. Furs were loaned by William Goldbloom, Jewelry by Max Hellbroner, sporting goods by Tom Bal- llnger. A truck was loaned by the Ideal Cleaners. Mrs. W. A. McLean $a$i convener for the whole affair! laislsted by Mrs. S. VJ'Cox. Mrs. J.'Sy 'irvin Mrs. D VtlRMSttf and Mrs. PfJtir Isolem. ' ii 5thl Serviteurs for the afternoon tea were Mrs J W,, McKinley; Mrs. Adams. Mrs. -Thomas- Priest, Mrs.i G. B. Church, Mrs. John Murray. Mrs. A. Haig. Mrs, H. V. Tattersal, Mrs. Albert Blackball, Mrs. S. L. Peachy, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. Mrs. J. X. Mcintosh and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Cashiers were Mrs. J. E. Boddie. and Mrs, ,G. V.. Wilkinson. Shrimp Feed For Moose Is Enjoyed After the regular business meet ing Wednesday night, members of the Moose Lodge enjoyed a shrimp feed, the arrangements for which were in the hands of Richard Long, Cecil Morrison and Joe Ratchford. There was community singing and other entertainment of an Informal nature. Dictator B. J. Bacon pre sided over the meeting, business at which was of a routine nature. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good opening for building up fine busi ness at small cost. HOTEL. FRAZER Hyder, B.C. A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Pririce Rupert TEE DULT NTfTB , . iL IIUU- 1 TELLS OF UNIVERSE (Continue' trow cage one) to deal with the larger universe hovonrf with more particular ref perature of 20,(.m0 degrees on tn' surface and was now G.0Q0. How . , i i -. ...... . . ....... i.i i.a niiniirwiv 1 1 1 STORY OF -..-.a. . uaiiLiui Colorful and Successful AUair T othe thimn, in this world thai, -Calamity Jane" On Rebekah Lodje Held Yesterday an, Just as nal a natural forces. , Screen Afternoon I Such are 'faith and love. I put my, - noun ay nt mimu o - - The Oddfellows' Hall, where the but its inhabitants have been able to discern what is soinx on a" around us. There are nau VS I 1 V Ut . OLD WEST; . .r -wild Bar lliAwA faith in the existence oi a j.r. ; timoas love story of UrtfoT, being behind it all." . hardest characters of the old; Dean i;ucnanan. who s-wod Bill" Hickok, two- cussed the solar system the pre- jing exponent vious cveninjr. went on last night the newly opened territory knew it, and -Caiunity Jane, Jane." a a beauty uc-uui wno pacsea a - ' ' : . . ,Vo the nihfi othei and stars erence t9,the .- drove a six-horse worlds and the al staee coach OTer over what wrt then then red passed thwiripa ! rpL'aril to them, i neit were many greater u sun. In passing. Dean Duchanar. told how it had been ascertains. that ihe sun was now on t... wane. In the course of its evolu tionary development from a nebu-ula, it had passed its jeak tem fnr rrfi is the basis of "The Plainsman." end of the week feat ure offering on the screen of the Canitol Theatre, with Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur In the leading roles. History relates how Hickok was retained by the government to In vestlgate gun-running Into the west when that region was first opened housand.H of years before its um - .,ni,i ' .i,i., encounters "Calamity Jane and With ,.'. us,- of diairrams and they fall In love although he never - J I. I m rAw tmnnmii nhntni?r;inhs taken aamu w- Vi,-mi.,u inlnnntuid H ii ii nrnipctPG Sacre, the Custer mas Hickok finds out who Is re- on his screen, Dean Buchanan il 'sponsible for the gun running but 1....4...4 'i v... .m- .,.nG4.,iir. it costs him his life. There Is a linnn ori1;iininif linw sump ul dramatic CUmaX. .'l'"- ..w- : . - . , hi-m haa'Leon named and rela otner prommenv memoerj, oi c mr rrtpin fmditinn concernir-' cast, besides Cooper and Miss Ar them N'n .loubl. there were othei ; thur. are Jimmy Ellison, neien vnrhU in v,D makini.' Revolution! Buniess. Porter Hau, Jonn Aiujan f astral "bodies were discussed and John Latimer relative sizes and distances b j ng given, t harts prepared "J ?r. J. S. IMaskett of Victoria wen j ;hown to give an idea of the ini mensity of -the universe as knov nr y astronomical study. The dis j ance of 9.1.(Kj),000 miles from tlu j arth to sun shrunk to insignifi ance when compared with the astness -of the universe. Dean Buchanan seemed to take a some what cynical attitude in regnrj' o certain theories of Albert Ein- itein. The meeting was presided ovpj "y G, P. Lyons, chairman of th university! extension committee of i 'he Junior Chamber of Commerce ' TORONTO STOCKS McCualsTRed Lake. .17. RajatPRed Lake. 58. Aldermac 1.60. Kerr Addison, 2, t 1 Ucht Gold, .90. I ' ; Martin Bird, 75. ifiV Ti;:ins-ii'!i-i: i 'ii1!' 4-Hi M. in i v.t mo it GUARD THE THROAT THE GATEWAY TO HEALTH WITH RUCKLEY'S Pleasant, Soothing 10 )i& 25 f Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL ''Banquets a Specialty" Return Limit 30 Days from Date of Sale Return Fares From PRINCE RUPERT Mar. 21 to 29 TO Coach tTourist Edmonton $19.15 Calgary 23.05 ' Regina 28.05 35.10 Saskatoon , 21.80 31.00 Winnipeg 29.50 36.90 Port Arthur ... 38.00 , 47.50 Standard "$2875" 31.60 , 42.10 , 37.20 44.25 ; 57.00 i(Ui ia tonrUl Wprr M paymrat f r.f.Ur Wrt rl. yloat l lndrd l.p pmB f rtfutar bflk r. Children S xrar ami untlrr 12, half Jar romtKSl'OMUNGLY LOW FARES TO OTIIKR POINTS NOT SHOWN ABOVE tilowner allotted at Panjf, JapT, Colfary an Ktlmonton in both dirteiion$. full partlralin fr Jr mwI llt at. v V-10-37 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Get rid of that tired feeling. Sleep on a SIMMONS Beauty Rest Mattress. They are built for sleep. All Bed Sizes Priced Phone 775 BAPC0 $42.50 Good paint lasts longer. When you use Bapco Pure Paint you can be sure that your property is beautified and protected for a long time to come. SHINGOLEEN for roofs is equally high grade and equally lasting. Sold by: THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. - All. - MRS. AKXOLD BETTEK ( hands of spwiali.-ts j., . . CM 11 n cues juanrii """'" "vciii iiiunm. rtdiw imiM nf Smithers. who ha her home vestercl.-.v tws uiMkrjroinK treatment at th" is irreatly improved ; jj, TWO GRAND STARS IN THE GREATEST OF All DeMILLE'S GREAT ROMANCES! The grand love story of Wild Bill Hickok, and Calamity Jane, the fiery girl who fought foer own battles in a real he-man country! Saturday Matinee Only Chapt. I "MYSTERY MOL'M.U.V Pop-Eye Dolls Given Away to the Kids Tonight & Saturday Last Complete Show at 9-11 fci i msmtmru i j i f vi 'mzm . t 21 II o u R S E R V I C E 4 Cecil B. DeMilles THE PMINSMaM -At 7 19 and 9 30 AUo NEWS and CARTOON ax ii i i i m u i u . wen i &( u ' iiiiin; 1937 DELUXE IIEATElVCARS 35 TAXI our Motto-Prompt and Courteous Service Ross Maizel OnDosile Royal Hotel Al I'rrnch HAVE YOV READ r "Eggs and Baker" .Masi-field "Shilling Scabbard" Hutchinson "Flame in the Wind" ...... .'. ... . Peddler Jl 0 "That Man is Mine" .....Baldwin "The Dumb Gods Speak" . . .Oppenheim "Cards on the Table" v. : . . .Christy "Marie Halkett" .V. .Chambers "Heres to Crime" Cooper "Persian Journey" ,,Grosecke "The Stranger Prince" ..,.,. Irwin "American Acres" ... Peattie "Green Margins" .O'Donnell "Challenge" Sapper "The D. A. Calls it Murder" . . .Gardner "Sound of Running Fqet" ... i .Lawrence "Street of the Fishing Cat" Koldes- "The Happy Return" .Forester "Busman's Honeymoon" Sayers These are some recent New Rooks in our Rental I-llirar ones are added every week, direct from the publishers. . oUf best or the New Hooks this easy and inexpensive way JO Library. Only 73c per month. Come ! i i . V