t ollar Day Saturday III, -j a . IlIJC 1 Vte m We close at 8 p.m, Saturday Japanese Crepe :i u v, v uiuuv. j, - Rayon Brocade1 i . rt' inMac- irtrfA- HrvMo ' fi) J. wnrrlr fnr lUi a. a f r New Season's Prints in .,11 rtmif witlflfne' TVkllnr' TViv t inrHs fni -nvw hi Licoa ttiau vwuv J raser ana rayne s mcrcfrandi'se on sale guaranteed first quality. .. . . V T"1 f - ' a s and urapery raorics ai a tremendous saving Princess Slibs j.uh Drin'P SHhs. lace trimmed., whit' and. ...... nil Dollar Dav. 2 for Children's French Hcrets . irri j?wnrh' Berets, assorted shades iiai j -Plv Knittinir Wool' . 4 .I.. iJ'rtH'Hrtry Wrtnl ovt rn avrf" nttio wrknl rnnr n.iv. 10 l-oar. halls for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Curiam and Drapery Fabrics Ifomc Spuns colors, 48 Inches wide, k I UI.fi 1 111 W UeOiKllOa I L ! niK. i Jtiiiii i7i v m- X.UV vards for Silk Nets yards ror Silk Net's- k 40' Inches wide; 6 pieces . new designs; regr. values i to 85c yard. Q'-f A A Inches wide, assorted pat- H IBP linn rT n fl lvU yards for Scotch Madras 36 Inches wide, Scotch Madras curtain fabric, assorted designs, no better wearing fabric at a low price. Dollar Day fff (jo 4 yards for Drapery Damask Past colors; in shades of brick, rust, rose, green, blue, mulberry, 42 ins. wide, H(f Dollar Day, yard Drapery Damask 52 Inches wide, assorted shades, fast colors, excellent quality, reg, value $1.50 yd. si.oo Damask Table Cloths Damask Table Cloths with colored borders, fast colors, 52x52 ins. Dollar 04 A A tfl.UU Day. 2 for lllnnftiorl Rprl SflPPts -, , "'"-- "--. ! .1111 - wttj, IUU1 each Pnrl. WVml Rlnnlipfs Pillow Cases Ladies' and Children's Wear Panties and Bloomers med and taUored styles CI Aft Dollar Day. 2 mlr for w Watson's Vests ales' Vests, silk, wool and cotton mixture, tailored O-t AA style, all Sizes-, nnllnr naV 5 fnr v-"- v " Taffeta and Satin Princess Slips "n and Taffeta Princess Slips, tailored and lace trimmed Ut t.1 A ...... A St --o, jui,c ana vea rose. Dias cut iiii Dollar Dnv Mv, Vx.vv VMVtl ' Silk Umbrellas 1 s'lk too; navv and hrown 12 ribs, stronnlv made M rt Dollar Dav -h Fabric Gloves .auuc uioves, assorted styles ana snauejs 51UU iiii Dar Day, 3 pair for Snmnlo Knit (Tofxls 11 klnHe . . . .. . I oil IVi o riui, goods, ladies,' men's, ooys' ana su, newest styles, all pure wool. Every garment perfect. HALF ','"CE, DOIXAIt DAY!' tr:i..i ci y iiuiuw oiium s am-or Green, mounted' on best quality sprinff rollers, all ready to- hang. . cy 5 f eet AA A 30 ins. bv 6' feet 7Qp each "'ie nnrt i j .. . t, min l 'ess than cost. iff'W.00 r" 2 $1-00 JS"S1.0'0 LOCAL NEWS Itodmirrfon pnii-fin:il jramvif tw- n!j?ht. at Armory Hull at 75J0. Alm. 2.r(c. (C.Gi v Miss Margaret MtHan ailri last ninlit n tho I'rlnce' flwnvt i frtr tri U Vancouver. Prayer Hotel, the only steam hnated hotel in Portland' Canal, situated at Hyrier, B.C. (tf) dral Hall. COUGH H DR Princess Loiuse tonight on his re turn south. While here Mr, Walker is going into the question of new type refrigerator cars wilh members of the staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi mental Station. Announcements University extension lecture!, March 17. 18 and 19, City Hall-Dean Buchanan. . Prince Rupert Boys' Band Concert, First PTestoyterlan Church Wednesday, March 24. Easter Rooms Tea, March 24, Legion Queen Mary Daffodil Tea,. Mrs Parkin's. March 20. Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday. April 2. Dancing display, Hall, April 2. Oddfellows' Rpcreation Centjc final display Exhibition Building, April 3, Baptist tea, sale of aprons, April Eastern Star Coronation Bridge. April Cl Oddfellows Hall. Presbyterian Choir Concert, Ap ril 7. United Church tea, Annette' Fashion Show, April 8. Circus First United Church, Ap ril 9-10. April 10, A, Y. P. A. Tea, Cathe-1 H". M. S. Pinafore, April' 14, April 15, Capitol Theatre. C; N. R. A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 16. St. Peter's Sale, May' 6. Gyro Club Coronation Dance. Moose Hall, May 12. Recital, Miss Way and Miss I! 'Olaf son's students, Mny 18. University Extension LECTURES Hear DEAN I). BUCHANAN Educator, Astronomer, Mathematician Wednesday, Thursday,. Friday CITY IIAtt, 8:15 p.m. Silver Collection THE DAILY NEWB BLACKHEADS BIarkhfd lmply dliwolr nd dippr by thl on nlmpl. f nl ur method. Gt two ounrn f rroxl Iwn' from nr dnmr tor. tprlnkle It on . hot. wet doth, rub the fM- rently -reery blwkbewl will be gone. lUve a llollrwood romplexlon. Timely Recipes CHOCOLATE COOKIES For the busy h-memaker tht-re is great watisfaction in the know ledife of a well-stocked cake tin' and cookie box. For all those I . . . A ! . . I.. W. Piitmore K. C returned occasions when Kues.s urop in lor to the city on the Princess Iouwe this afternoon from a trip to Van Muver and Victoria on lejral business. Hiss Katie Ruilder will be lecturing and' showing lantern tides on Africa al the Pentecos tal Church this eveninw at 8, o'clock. All welcome. (06) tea. when small persons come home hungry from school, and many other informal occasions, there must be a supply of small cnUa :ind rookies Of course, tc lVi cups sugar, 2 eggs, well beat en; 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda, 'salt and cinnamon, and sift three times, Cream butter, add sugar gradually, creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs and chocolate; beal well. Add flour, a small amount at a time, mixing well after each addition. Chill thor- oughly. Roll Vk inch thick on slightly floured board. Cut with floured cookie cutter; sprinkle with sugar Bake on ungreasedi baking sheet in moderate oven (S30 degrees F. nine minutes. Makes 2' dozen 3-inch cookies. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon dnd will sail at 10 p:m. on Her return to Vancouver and Union steamer Cardena, Capt. W. W. Mounce. is due tonight al midnight or thereabouts the south. from ITCH . . . STOPPED IN A MINUTE . . . Are ynu tbrmrnted with the It -hiri torturra of menu, rasjirj, athlHi'i ipot.rrtitxi nt.or ol her kin ilflitfti .m? K ir quick and nappy relief, utC'MilInt, intmept ir. liquid' D. D. D. Prescription, lis trntle ill k ittie tlir Irritated tkin. Clear, trrsneVw" and taltilrs- -drlrV fant. Stopa the niiwt intense itchini jnnimily. A Sit trial bottle, at dm ilore. vrovri it or money bark. 20 nOTEL ARRIVAL Savoy- f A". Johnalon.-'Surf Toint; S. Ort iuist, Lewis Island; J. It. Smith C.N.I!.; Mr.v J Ifudson; tanars dol. 11. Lubotina. J. Smitherell. I i A, S. Hanson and I'. A. Luplc city Prince It'upert A Watt, C.N. It.; . H. Tycho Smithers. Central C G. Davis, Calgary; P. J Roll, C.tf.R. Fmer Hotel, steam heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stewart dock. (tf) Georire Weaver, tounnif speaker some previous planning, but the.vof th Co-operative Common-should be inexpensive, easy to.wealth Federation from Vancnu miv and baked bv the dozens ver, afler having spent a few ThPv vanish nwrnitrht almost but davs n the city, left Wednes that i nothinir to worrV about aaX aiternoon t)' gasooat to vim'. LhPn vr.ii ran t.im mit "a Inrtrw I various' Queen Charlotte Island. batch of the,m in half an hour, points. He expects to return to Chocolate-flavored dainties ,lK Vancouver from the Islands, i particularly popular. Crisp and 1 " Icrunchv rholocatp r-ookiV ar. l-x- I stoP at the Frazer Hotl when DROP ,.iiQ i.,.... t.,i i visiting Stewart or Hvder. The onlv mediated wldi thnwt.soothlng ' for tWir, 1 steam heated hotel in Portland WfclcuicilLS oi VICKS VaDOKUO. ' Don't forget when visiting Port land Canal that the Frazer Hotel cup is the best place to stop. (tf) 0. C. Walker, official of the! perishable freight division of Hie Canadian Pacific Railway from Montreal, arrived in the city o:v the Princess Xorah yesterday" from Vancouver in the course of a trip to the coast on official business and will s-aii by the . nui'iiiaie totiKics Two cups sifted cake, flour, 1 ' teaspoons baking powder, '. spoon baking soda, 'i teaspoon 'Salt, 'a teaspoon cinnamon, butter or other shortening, I Canal district. it j i vhi fer m II U U I I H r fill (4 (tf) Butter j Flrst Grade Butter ! POULTRY Roasting Chickens QAA 1 per lb. OaSl, gg111 25c SWIFTS PREMIUM HAMS J Half or Whole Q ! per lb. dOt Cottage Rolls 9fZt per lb Picnic Hams (IAA per lb &Js Eggs A Grade Eggs In Qp cartons, 3 doz. QIC BEEF Pot Roast lOo per lb. :-: ir A cross Arm "i Itn per lb JLiJle- Prime Rib "tQn per lb. 0, Boneless Stew Beef OCT 2 lbs UOK, ptrgslbLamb 28 c Lamb Stew 9Tr 2 lbs. UOX, Shoulder Veal XKi per lb M.OK, Rolled Roast Veal OOr per lb tX Veal Stew OCn 2 lbs. l Remember We have the largest assortment of Fish in the city including; Fresh Halibut, Oysters and Smoked Fish Get it af the STERLING Mussallems Economy Store AND WHY NOT? do' your shopping- where' you can be certain of QUALITY consistent with PRICE? Also it is not necessary that you shop personally, just phone your orders to us and we assure you of the same careful selection of the items as you would make yiurself. Everything- we sell carries a money-back guarantee if nof satisfactory-A trial' will' convince you. PHONE 18. Whole Clams Prince Rupert Brand 9f 4Dt 2 tins Spaghetti & Cheese Catel-li's, I s f Ap AUi per tin Soup Tomato 9r 3 tins Cocoa Fry's 's 91 v 61t t per tin Smyrna Figs QCn 3 lbs Anchovies-i-Swedlsh QEtf Imported, per tin Walnuts Shelled, fresh, light halves K' per lb Tomato Juice Clark's lOVi oz. tins 90 0L 4 tins '- - - - Princess Soap' Flakes Large packages 19C each Tea Blue Ribbon 45( per lb Romari Meal Cookies tftg per doz Seed Potatoes UVy CerUfled, 4' lbs. Coffee Ambrosia 2C per lb Grapefruit Imperial 7'p J Valley,- go's", each We Deliver Orders of $1 Phone 18 V O. Hox 575 Friday, March 19, 1937 mii;. Canada's FavoviriteTea & -j SALADA TEA 807 Shaving Specials FOR THE MAN Gentlemen's After Shaving Talcum and Gentlemen's Shaving Lotion 85c Value Hothfor OOK' Gardenia Shaving Cream and Gardenia Shaving Lotion 85c Value CCst Both for Ormes Ltd. "Jittt Pioneer Druqgists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From' 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Linoleum . . . Mi The IDEAL FLOOR COVERING We carry a good range of Linoleum, at prices ranging from 45c to $1.40 per square yard. Many delightful patterns are available In this long wearing, practical and inexpensive floor covering. Drop in and Inspect our stock. We also carry a variety of Congoleum Rugs in the newest patterns. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBridd St." UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJkt Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 TM. Due Vaciouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. VV. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 4 i IS i 2 t a i 1 i .t l tf i! .9. iS IS it t It i ;i !! i s a.'T f J it X r ft ' K -0 r