VICTORIA, c Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) mm High 11:23 a.m. 18.3 ft. Rupert Clear, prince calm; 23:22 pjn., 22.0 ft. barometer, 30.32; tcmn- 55; Low 5:10 a.m. 3.2 ft. sea smooth. , ji 17:06 pjn. 6.9 ft. A' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI. No. 130. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS : anauian Law Lords Judge Amazing Variety Of Appeal Cases Highest Tribunal For 400,000,0(10 People Makes Findings as Committee Reporting to the King LONDON, June 5: (CP) appeals from Canada to the judicial committee of the Privy Council has focussed attention on a tribunal, little known to the average citizen, yet exercising jurisdiction over a wider sphere than any other court in the world. Established more than 100 years ago, it is the ultimate court of appeal for more than 400,000,000 subjects of the British Empire, outside the United Kingdom. The supreme Judicial authority for Oreati Britain and Northern Ireland Is the w p 4 rrrn i n House of Lords I H IS A I I At K Rinrc its first slttlnz November . U XTL X lAVil 27, 1833 as a re-constltuted body, i the judicial committee has been) called upon to hear appeals ofi amazing diversity from disputes j between native factions In somel outpost of Empire to questions; fraught with the gravest consUtu- tionai significance. It has also meJ as the ordinary final court, ,1 appeal for India, from whence a ' .he appeals originate. in ue opinion oi one oi in uu aguxu-.a memoers oi me rmy mw-'i Lerduanman, some,.oi lbegotten,by thVc?IH."or anwlike m crx.wns oi uie juaiciai cum mine nave greauy comnouieu ti he elucidation and formulaUon i i the constitutional law of Can-' Jia. I a But for years a section of the! pre: ui Canada, members of par- umen the provincial legislatures' Md mrmhprs nf thp Wal nrofes-' Hon huve voiced opposition to the Privy Council as the court of final appea) The h. 'f argument of those who favor abolition Is that Canada Is I? an anomalous position of being a sdf governing nation, but going beyond Its own borders and supreme court for final Judicial decisions They maintain exercise of te;'Jaf,ve executive and Judicial powers are essential attributes of ateriood, It ha;- also been argued that the p3st of appeal to the Privy Coun-J i!i beyond the means of the av t-age "liizen; that Judges in Eng "aid are unfamiliar with Canadian "atutc ; and conditions; that there we ju;-r- as good Judges in Canada as out ;lde. Those favoring retention of the aPpei( however, declare It is an ' part of the bond between wnada and the mother country; It 15 the Inalienable right of every oniicn subject to carry his grle ance for redress to the foot of the """on- men who sit on the iudlclal wmmlttee are less likely to be ,vaye:l In their Judgment by'local influences; they have a wider experience In dealing with compiled cases; the Privy Council is 'hfe guarantor of the compacts of Confederation. Aroused Over Decision Mere recently members of the Radian House of Commons were ked in debate on the adverse de mons of the Judicial committee affecting the so-called Canadian new deal" legislation. Borne mem-Befs charged the committee had wpped outside the law and in-'af,ed the field of politics by in-Va'Wating the laws. This brought a retort from Hon. , Asqulth, fourth son of the t-arl of Oxrord and Asqulth no regarded as an outstanding wtutlonal authority. the Dominion rilclllr thft aPPcal, Said Mr. Asqulth. "it has cto pass an act abolishing It in civil &s well as criminal matters "weais are not allowed in crlmi-111 cases), ir the Dominion and Continued on Page Four) Its Agitation for abolition of a In IS RENEWED and Hepburn Says C. I. O. Will Not Be Allowed to Beget Lawlessness 5c. In Ontario and .nmn TimA c. ,rpiPrp Hepburn of Ontario d j)hn Committee for Industrial organization. He declares there no lawlessness In Ontario organization while he Is Premier ..j cant noweveri speak for Bis Canada added Hepburn, "because have a vaccilatlng government Ottawa." ,. . f OOeaKerS " When Vancouver a Visitors Are Here Fifteen nu-mberB of the Vim , .r r couver inamuer oi vuuimcn.t party coming to the city on rn day next are members ot tnt Vancouver Hotary Club and will be entertained by the Prince Ku pert Itotary Club at lunchem. Friday. Members ot the ioca Itotarv Club may also take men nersonal euesU to the Hotary luncheon that day. umers oi i". visilora will be entertained individually in the city or will lunch on the steamer Trince Georjre. At the eveninK event when the officers, anil rmjncil of the Cham ber of Commerce are quests ol tho Vancouver board on the h;p in there will be addresses for thi benefil of the visitors by President J. J. Little. City Cotnmis- f i t1.lnM T iuiit. Ct i J. W. Nicholls. A proposal to l'M J . e-.. u ..;.,ti n a , on a uanee ior u.e - - not entertained by the Chamber at its meeting. I Urge Speed On ! Federal Building Chamber r Commerce Asks That Work be Speeded Up The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, ai i '"""s night, decided to wire io uuawa to ask that the work on the new post office building nere De piu--oH with as expeditiously as sihie. Attention was drawn to to?" - piamea the here and had gont architect. They men naa w su w Ottawa for final approval. ELECTION WINNERS Mackeniie Liberal, J. M. Bryan, Nelson-Creston Liberal, Frank Putnam. Arms For RED BODIES MAKEPEACE Two Bodies in Russia United To Act Against Germany And Italy MOSCOW, June 5: (CP) The Komlntern, Third Communist In ternatlonale, ended the second standing quarrel with its parent body, the Second Socialist Internationale, yesterday and proposed united front for "action aealnst 1 . German and Italian intervention I j. Spain." This move is said to be the result t of the bombardment of the Spanish city of Almeria by German warships. ' Halibut Sales Summary American None. Canadian 22500 pounds, 7.4c 5c to 7.6c and 5c. Canadian Gony. 7.000. Atlln, 7.6c and 5c. Flnella, 5.000. Pacific. 7.6c and 5c. Norma W., 4,000, Atlln, 7.4c and Unome, 6,500, Cold Storage, 7.5c 5c. PACKARD JR0.UBLEC Auto riant Sends 3000 Workers Home as Kesult of Few Going-On Strike DETROIT. June 5: (CP) A Packard Motor Car Co. official said yesterday that a number of union men did not report for work In he stamping division and that, as result, nearly three thousand men had been sent home owing to lack of materials. Both Packard and Chrysler, the latter of which is also having strike troubles, have agreements with the United Automobile Workers of America. Darlington Vicar Still Under Fire Hural Dean of France Would Deprive Cleric Who Married Duke Of Church Living LONDON, June 5: (CP) Rev. F Anstruther Cardew, rural dean of the Church of England in France, a- telephone Interview from Paris with the London News-Chronicle, suggested that Rev. Robert Anderson Jardlne, vicar of who performed the Scan Anglican Anglican i I marriage ceremony for . . nk n.irhpss. nf Windsor at Monts on Thursday, should be deprived of a Church of England Hiving for a "breach" of church rulings in performing the cere mony without authority. WILL PUSH IT THROUGH " .1 Hull Uurbor Calm and clear No question About Supreme Court.,, mnrjlt... rA, i ,.,,,,,.. i Reorganization, Declares Roosevelt WASHINGTON, D.C., June 5: (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt declares there Is no ques- of his plan to reorganize thelture4G. 8moolh United States Supreme Court be- d durlng lhe present ses - concress. He carried oues- tlons about a possible compromise on the Issue. VANCOUVER,s June 5: (CP) Wheal' was selling at'$1.14 on the Vancouver market yesterday, tip l'4c from Thursday. ' " i JLUJftlgUl StarS een' This morning about 10 o'- , clock a star was. clearly vis- ible In the sky .a short dls- tance from the hew moon In a southerly direction. It was watched for half an hour or more by residents who could of scarcely believe their eyes. It appeared as a tiny bright ! sneck . i, It was discovered i, k bv J. t u of A. a Teng ...v, when watching thi an xl airplane and marjy jy people people on on ! me street saw it i uiciuuiiig Including -r. momhprs nf the Dailv News J."' I staff. Membefs'of the staff of 1 the Fisheries Experimental Station are of the oplnion it is not. a real star but the planet Venn', with the ?sun shining on it. Late Telegraphs PKIESrS TO UEI'LV BEiiws i'lidls in Berlin iHotXbC have received orders to answer from tiie pulpits, cliarses oi' l'ropa;ai)ila Minuter Paul j Goebbcls of a wave of German j loman Catholic clergy immor- 4jyT hcoy'i liabistpry Less than one quarter oi one percent of the German Catholic clergy are on trial on immorality charges, it will be said in a church announcement to be ready by the priests at masses tomorrow. ROCKEFELLERS ESTATE WHITE PLAINS, NAV-John D. Rockefeller's will, disposing; of an estate estimated to be worth $25,000,000, has been filed for probate. A codicil appended left the entire residuary estate after disposal of personal effects to trustees during- the life of Rockefeller's granddaughter, Mrs. Margaret de Cuevas of Lakewood, New Jersey. THREE CO-RESPONDENTS LONDON Three co-respon dents are named by Mrs. Amy Johnson Mollison in her divorce suit against James Mollison. BELMONT STAKES WINNER NEW YORK War Admiral won the Belmont Stakes classic today. Scene Shifter was second and Vamoose third. Today's Weather (Government Telegraph I Terrace Clear, calm, 5(5. Aiyansh Clear, calm, CO. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 55. Anyox Clear, calm, 51. Stewart Clear, calm, 41). Hazelton Clear, calm, 58. Smithers Clear, calm, warm Bums Lake Clear, calm, 50. Victoria Clear, north wind, 1C miles per hour; barometer, "0.02 Kstevan Clear, north wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, o0.02 Prince George Calm and clear ! barometer. H0.14. 'Vancouver Calm and clear, l:tr-lometer, U0. 04. moderate swell. Triple Island Clear, northwest wind, 3 miles per hour; sea smooth. Langara Island Calm and clea", barometer, 550.24; tempera- Dead Tree PolntCalm and !,.imir. i,Pfimpfni.. -mo,,. 4pmilr)1. ' ' ,.. ture, V0. 68; sea . smooth. u ' TODAY'S BASEBALL National League Chicago 6, Boston 3. Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1. Pittsburg 5, New York 7,; Spain Denied PICKETS REMOVED Police at Youngstown Resort To Use of Rifles and Tear Gas YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, June 5: (CP) Police and a force of 20 sheriff's deputies, armed with rifles and tear gas, drove a crowd several hundred pickets from a bridge adjoining the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. after a box car food iuuu had "au been u?c" hurriedly u"rcu'' run into the strike-closed grounds. A snon lime - laier meu, usuig - acetylene torches, cut the rails .lrau'8 lulu u la'"" The Committee for Industrial Organization organizing committee seeks signed contracts from the '.ompany. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy B. D. Joiinrttoa Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .23. Big Missouri, .45. Bralornc, 7.11). B. R. Con., .03 Vz-Aztec, .03. cariboo Quartz, 1.55. Dentonla, .15. Dunwell, .03 ft. Golconda, .07. Minto, .182. Falrview Amalg .08. Noble Five, .05. Pend OreUle, 3.50.-, Pioneer. 3.80. " ' Premier, 2.55. Reeves McDonald, .80. Reno, .85; Relief Arlington, .17&; Reward, .092. Taylor Bridge, .052. Wayside. .03. Hedley Amalg., .05. Premier Border, .02., Congress, .04 Vz. Silver Crest, .06. Home Gold, .02. Grandview, -15 'z- Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .04. Quesnel Quartz, .09. Oils A. P. Cons., .34. . Calmont, .62. C. & E., 2.99. Freehold, .09 '2. ' -Hargal. .17. McDougal Segur, .24. Mercury, 22. Okalta, 1.70. Pacalta, .13. Home Oil, 1.91. Weymarn, .11. Toronto Beattie, 1.23. Central Patricia, 3.20. God's Lake, .51. Lee Gold, .03. Little Long Lac. 5.20. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.17. Pickle Crow, 6.25. Red Lake Gold Shore, .47. San Antonio, 1.32. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.57. v Smelter Gold, .03. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.25. Oklend, .15. Mosher, .32. Gllbec, .02. Madsen Red Lake. .72. . Francoeur, .83. Manitoba & Eastern, .03. Moneta Porcupine, 1.40. Rubec, .03Vi. Thompson Cadillac, .72. Bailor, .02. Bankflcld, .92. East Malartlc, 1.14. Preston East Dome, 1.00. Hutchison Lake. .12. Rajah Red Lake. .21. Dawson White, .13. Aldermac, HI. Kerr Addison, 2.52. Uchl Gold. .70. Martin Bird, .78. BAR SILVER NEW YORK "(CP)-Bar silver was unchanged at 45c per ounco on the New York metal market Charges of Writer At Rome are Dubbed By Ottawa as Nonsense Siege of Bilbao Being Resumed Loyalists .Will Meet Terror With Terror They Declare HENDAYE, France, June 5: (CP) The insurgent army of northern Spain began a heavy artillery offensive against Bilbao's "El Gallo" fortifications today coincident with unconfirmed border reports that the plane crash which killed General Emilio Mola, rebel second in command, had been caused by a time bomb. Bomb rumors, BUILDING DEFENCES Contracts Aggregating $14,000,000 Have Been Let by Dominion Government OTTAWA, June 5: (CP) Contracts for over $14,000,000 of military, naval and air equipment have been ordered in recent weeks, Hon. Norman Rogers, acting minister of national defence, announces. De tails have not been made public but $10,000,000 will be spent In Canada. AIR MAIL IS POSSIBLE wter, Virgtalo Oayda. charges Post Office to be Asked tolnsUtutejfJf Service by Way of Prince George The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will ask the Post Office iepartment to Institute an air mall service to and from Prince Rupert by way of Prince George and Ashcroft. The matter was brought up at last night's meeting by John Dybhavn who said he had discussed the question with the head of the postal service at Ed - monton and he had expressed the opinion that It was quite possible Prince Rupert might get such a service. It would be better for the planes to go by way of Prince George as there would not be the fog hindrances that would be expected on the coast. Seaplanes would be used and landings would be made on th? lakes. ! Thp resolution to ask for the ser vice was moved by John Dybhavn' and seconded by City Commission- ''"""er Has Clear Lead Over AH er W. J. Alder. J. J. Little" suggested. Opponents With Four Small that possibly Stewart might be In- 1,0,,s Yct to Keport eluded In the service but it was, decided that It was better to take With only four small polls-one step at a time. j Cumshewa, Hulton Island. Locko-M. P. McCaffery spoke of the 'port and Murchlson Island re-dlfflcultles of such a service in the mainlng to be heard from, Piemler winter when the interior lakes were T. D. PattAillo has a clear majority frozen and skis would have to be of 32 votes over all three opponents used whereas on the coast pon- in Prince Rupert riding following toons would be necessary. The Tuesday's general provincial elec-people operating tire Dunsmulr . tlon. The count to date is as f ol-mlne on the Ecstall River were In- j lows: vcstlgatlng the possibility of mak- T. D. Pattullo, Liberal, 1469. ing a landing on Prudhomme Lake G. W. Weaver, C. C. F, 774. for a winter service to and from C. V. Evitt, Conservative, 650. their mine. In that ca'-e the pro- Capt. J. C. Bowen-Colthurst, Ko-vinclal government would be asked clal Credit. 13. to accelerate construction of the - highway to the lake. Weather Forecast General Synopsis- I'resnuro la1 hljfh off the Queen Charlotte Inland but Jow south of Vancouver Island. Clear, warm dry persistent along the frontier, are apparently based on . reports that Mola's body, when found, was Dadly mangled. The. . Madrid government has threatened to pit "terror against terror" by launching air raids on insurgent held cities in retaliation for aerial attacks on government strongholds. Minister ot Defence Xndaleclo Prleto announces that "In face of the terrible arm of aviation there is but one recourse aviation employing the same methods as the adversary, in greater proportion if necessary that is to say 'terror against ter ror'." Prieto said the government had previously refrained from aerial attacks on Spanish cities because'- it r considered itself -the go verhnienV o? "all ' Spairf "and Uict not wish to spread havoc among its own citizens. Italian Charges . ROME. June 5: (CP) The Fas- that the Spanish Republican government has $16,000,000 on deposit at Perglgnan, France, with which to buy foreign war materials, supposedly in Canada. Gayda, who sometimes speaks for Mussolini, charged that the materials were to be bought in Canada by Mexico and then sent to the 8panish government. Ottawa's Denial OTTAWA, June 5: National De- 1 fence headquarters here know nothing of any arms purchases in Canada on behalf of Spain and describes the charges of the Italian writer Gayda as "nonsensical." PATTULL0 - I MAJORITY Irish Free State Claims Damages Demands $3,000 Compensation From City of Dublin For Blowing Up of Statue weather continues throughout British Columbia. DUBLIN, June 5: (CP)-The Prince Rupert District and' Irish Free State Works Office has Queen Charlotte Islands Mod-, lodged a claim with the Dublin erate northwest wind, fair and Corporation for $5000 compensa-warni., I tlon for the blowing up of- tho West Coanl of Vancouver 11. equestrian statue of George II In and Moderule but Increasing St. Stephen's Green during Itcpub-wlnds and warmv .. jllcan anti-coronation disorders.