Our Misses', Children's SHOE DEPARTMENT Carries a Very Complete Line of All (trades of FOOTWEAR Misses' Calf Oxfords-Size 11 to 2 up from .. ... Child's Patent Straps Size 8 to 10A up from Infants' patent Straps Size 2 to 7A up from ... 81.75 $1.45 95c Have them fitted with our x-ray system of fitting. It costs no more. Agents for Jack & Jill and Hcweston, Makes Family shoe store uD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avtnue H. F. PULLEN --- Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION, CATE$ City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in adyat.ee $5.00 for lesser periods, paid In advance, per week 'U 'IZZ ' .10 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and. ' United States, yearly, period, paid in advance .. 3.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion ' '.,', 1.00 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ., , .02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion '....u....,v 2 Advertising and Circulation Telephony ' , . 98 News Department Telephony , 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITipN. frlday,. pril 23, 1937 THREE GOOD NOMINATIONS Three proven men have been nominated for the ridings ; ot bkeena, Atlin and Umineca m tf'e Liberal jntevest. Ml. Kenney as an active membetvqf the last legislature and he was particularly keen in looking after the interests of the northern section of the province. Air. Asselstirie moved frqni the constituency since the last election but he kept jn close touch With it and, its needs, anil, although now settled definitely in Vancouver, is in an excellent position to serve the needs of the north. Mr. Connelly has, made a fine impression during his brief membership.to date. It is understood that H. G. Perry is pretty sure to be renominated, in Prince George and Premjer PattnUo in 'Prince Rupert. The.general opinion seems to be that it would be a good thing to let these five men finish the worl which they have so well commenced. ' AN ACTIVE TIME Evidently there is an active neriod cominir for Prince Rupert. Among the works which are tp-be carried out are tne new tederal building, development of the Ecstall mm-ing property by the Gulf Sulphur Inc., erection and opera tion of a new reduction nlant at Port Edward' construe tion of a new oil plant on the waterfront at Cpw Bay, construction and operation of a mineral sampling plant, steady operation of two mines at or near Surf Point nn Porcher Island and development of other mining properties in that neighborhood and at various other points in the district, considerable timber activity both on the mainland and. on Queen Charlotte Islands, and increased roacj building everywhere. This does not include the com pletion of the naval buildjng on the waterfront V work projected in connection with coast defence and air sta tions and the possible re-ppening of Anyox smelter. If there is anything like a normal fishing season, the slimmer should be a busy one. There are other possibilities of developments which it is hoped may come td fruition this year. The tourist season promises well and qn the whole me iuture ipoks very promising. iff irniriirun BEAUTY REST MATTRESS All sizes 3LUMBEH KING SPIUNfi-rr 3t FURNITURE $42.30 S13.50 Drop off to sleep naturally and ' healthfully on' ' Beauty Rest ' 327 Third Ave; , Phone 775 C, C.F. NAMES CANDIDATES Matthew Gleqdajr and Frapk Huberts Nominated For Vancouver Centre VANCOUVER, April 23: Mat-thew Olenday and Frank Roberts were yesterday nominated Co-operative Commonwealth Federation candidates for Vancouver Centre In the forthcoming provincial election. The former was chosen on the second ballot and the latter on the , fourth. Gtenday cpmes from Parkfe' I vllle, Vancouver Island. Liberals, Cflnseryatlyes and Social Reconstruction candidates . have not yet been chosen for this jdouble riding Jn whjch Dr. R. II. j Smith and Paul McD. Kerr have already been nominated as Social Icredjters. Glenday and Roberts are the first C. C. F. candidates so far (to be formally nominated in the Lanjrara Island Lijfht rain. southerly wind, 8 miles per hour; barometer, 30.00; temperature, 38; light swell. Triple Island Cloudy, south east wind, 10 miles per hour; fii smooth. Dead Tree Point Overcast. light southeast wind, barometer, 30.40; pea smooth. Bull Harbor Overcast, light easterly wind; barometer, 30.12; temperature 3G: sea smooth. Aert Bay Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.22; sea smooth. Bernice Palmer says ... A coastguard air station, costing $500,000 and equipped for all types of rescue by air and water, will be constructed on Mills Field, San Francisco; Bay, soon. Establishment of the station is aimed at prevent ing recurrence of the plane crash of two months ago which killed eleven persons In the bay. The coastguard station will be equipped with four amphibian ships and possibly a patrol boat. There will be barracks for CO men and the entire Bay area will be patrolled leaves from the foot of Broadway and ambles along the estuary and then across to San Francisco, novf charges a dime! It Is the favorite rendezvous of soap boxkorators and one can usually bo .assured of an Interesting trip on the "dime ferry," especially on the last boat at 5:2Q. This ferry Is also greatly patronized by hikers on their way to Marin County, It' rather cuts the expense as It U necessary, to take another ferry, from San, r'arjclspo tp Marin makijig a double, fare. one pf these days rij tell you about Marin. It I5 tp us, the' picnickers paradis as Shawatlans is to. you. CHEERIO! Oakland. Frazer Hotel, the only steam heated hotel In Portland Canaf, situated at Hyder, B.C. (tf) FORM OF 'Fish Stories SERVICE FromBermuda Church Heads KecoRnize World- Sea Residents ,;j,K' Just. About .. ide. Audience' 1 lor 'Corona! ion j . I.Q.NP0'. April 23; CP) ' Having in mind that "by marvel' of science' millions of British Empire subjects and others throughout the world will hjpai the Coronation service in West minster Abbey, -May 2, the Arch-.! bishops of .Cahlerbury dnd ork have sujrtfested -forms of service for u.e:1n xihurcHeVthe preceding Sunday apd on Coronation Pay to prepare congregations to listen to the broadcast The archbishops commend to the clersy of all parts of the Empire iucjusjon n the addresse and sermons of some reference to this "manner hithertp uiij known in, history, The Kinu will hi his corriH in rrownlnir. accom- which, will Jay the-great charge upon iiic niiig as ii ipey inern-selves were present jn the Abbey Church of "St. Peter at Westminster." For -services Sunday, May 0. the archbishops suggest an Old .Testament lesson from the Books of Kings, to include the verst, f?The, Lord our Ood be with us ax He was with our fathers.' A second lesson is commended from the words of St. Paul to the Phillipians beginning "In noth ing be anxious; but in everything! )y prayer and supplication with hahksgiving let your requests be made known unto Cod." .Prayers would be offered "for our sovereign lord. King Ceorge, et over us by' Thv grace arwl royidence to be our King . . .'' is suggested" -the first and -hird verses of the National An them be sung, the' second being " omitted. j Suggested Hymn For services throughout th; Empire Coronation Day the arch bishops suggest as the opening hymn; "All People that on Earth: Jo- Dwell," followed nv an ad-t dress to include tHe admonition:y "Brethren. we; aremet together to adej our prayer to the thought)- of countless- multitudes whose' minds are turning at thls lime tof one of the most snprnl nl.nrov Jn ' - i - - - i- - - the history of our race ;the Abbey of St. Peter at Westminster Thither o.ur King and Queen are coming to receive from God thij anointing wh, jch seals their life'.' srv'e? and bestows Gpd's grace i for Us fulfilment ..." Prayers fpc the King and' Queen wqul( fojiow. Tb.en tl:u minister might say: "Almighti v God,, wlio ru.lest in the Kingdom of men, and hast iriven to ouri sovereign lord, King fieorgq, i great dominion in' ali parts of-the earth; draw together, wel pray Thee, in true feljowsl'pF the men of divers races, lan1 guages" and customs, who dwll therein, , that, bearing one an? omer.s burqens and. wpr ng to The urgent need of such a base, KLl"er in ij$;ouieriy, concord, they has las been been felt felt for for a a long long time time andlay andl?"y ;.uiui JMH me the; purpose purpose ( of Thy, year &o practice! And speaking of planes. Don't forget to take a trip over the Bay when you visit here. No trip is complete without one and until one has been 'way out to the Fara-lones, and over the Bay, Ban Fran cisco and metropolitan Oakland, qne'eannot really say he has "seen" Uils part of California. Since the opening oi tne nnqge the air ferry has been dlscontln ped aqd with tears In, my voice so has the nickel ferry, made fa. mous by Oakland s beloved Mayor Davie, now dead. This ferry, that forwa rward Thyt :ertainly the present staff at theFrovaence, and set existing !Xlstlnt' coastguard station has had everlasting Kjngdpm." plenty jienty of opportunity In the last wt0u,'l conclude Tl The ser-r wj wjth . the lArd Prayer and part of the Na-Upnal Anthem. The Letter Box siMPf.irviNG govi:un.mi:nt Kditor, Daily News: A remark one often hear. nowadays is that the provincial government mlgjit with advantage be abolished. The municipalities, cin nier incm.ive.s in mosf t the essentials and the territory In between might as well be ad minisjered by agents' suitably placed. Maybe there would be an ;nd tp the ever increasing upi grade flf the nublic debt. TEHUACIXK. BCST MAN SJJOOTS HlI)E BELGRADE, April 23; (C.P) During. merry-maklng at, the feast preceding the lnteride4 majriage $f haj frlen me best maii Jozq Marelya, accidentally shot the bride-to-be who died later In TOO MANY HELEN PARKS GLOUCESTER, Mass,t ApjlJ 23: CP) Mrj. Hien a."arks',peti-tned, t(le frgbte Cpu'rt'fof gef-mlsslbn to change hpr narne because another ilelen 6'. Parks lived 'next door to her. LVervthinfftfArilbW Httle AtliticBilflancl HAMILTON, lierniuda, April 23: CP)-- When bi&er and bet-j ter fish storie are tpid, Jhe Bermuda Itoyal Uaiettb. an.iColon-lf?t aims to be rtk'hl jhgrjftellimt them. At Angel's Cove, Ifc-rmuda, say j the (Tamtte", j-ou can prove V! your satisfaction thqt some "he- j lieve it or' liot1 fish aorU aY' true, , x I t'A certain fish there when tnW.j will slick his noso out of the. ' water and blow a bubble-kiss a1 youj while his "wife lies on her' side and winks. Another will stayj still and let you stroke its sides.! Still another will pull his blanket; province although the movement. mtf ,jy hjs peop!." They pointjof sand over him and show you iowuc...!,.- tn ueoDP.of manv andsifc lona tically all ridings. Todays Weather (Government Telegraph Terrace Part cloudy, calm, 3?. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 41. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 42. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 40. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 43. Smithers Clear, calm, cool. Burns Lake Bright, ca)m, 35 Victoria Fair, southeast wind, 1C miles per hour; barometer, 30.18. Ksteyari Clear, north wind, 8 miles per hour; barometer, 30.22: Prjriee Ocorge Clear, cairn, barometer, 30.00. Vancouver Clear, northwest wind, g miles per hour. will be able to hear the words -when von annroach a school I of Groupers, alj heads pop out of the. water, mouths open wide, not for peanuts but begging for a fish without a line attached. Drop them a line and they'll examine the bait for a long time before taking it, to make sure there's no hook in it.' But the Gazette saves the best tne until the end: "The octopus won't hurt you, ?vcn if you shake hands with it." Canada's Favourite Tea ALADA TEA t ll 'I 6i0Wsl I l wili.l.t.T (' . Cl ill rPtei I ( l"U'iu.rapuT' III II I H V SEALr THE GOLD SEAL The Gold Sil it iffited to fll gttyiint Gold Seal Congoleum whether In Rug form or By-the-yitd. It ii your guarantee of "Satitfanlon ... or Yout Money Bait", Beware of ibcap, inferior tutmitute. Kli MacKenzie?s Furniture Carries a complete line of . CON00LEUM RLTCjS at minimum prices. They will be' glad to supply your demands. 07 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, p.m. Canadian National Steamships The Centra! Hotel KOO.MS. and CAFE Phone lil For Best Household Coal SIRS. C. K. P.LACK Fresh Local Hay And Pastcnrjzcfl MUk VAJ.PJNTfjV !A IHY ik tov gqrgeqtif rug will 0 jn vcitji yftMf schemes of Home improvement 1 And it can Ije yours . . . FREE , . . by simply guessing a number. Hcre'i all you have to do: Visit your ddaler' where this Prize Rug is displayed. Beneath the Gold Seal, which identifir' it as a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal g, a.secrct nutibcr Jias bepn nlqoed. If you Cliess the corrort nnmlirr or if your gueps comes nearest to the correct numjjcr, the 69 fqqt Prj?e Rug or your choice of any pattern in this sizcr-is yours absolutely free. No tiresome conditions! Nothing to buy! Enter now! SPECIAL, OFEER! If you purchase a genuine Congojtun Cpld Seal" Rug during the period of this conte.i and then Erove to he the winner of the Priie Kug, you ave the option of taking the Priie Kug or of having the full purchase price oj the rug you have ilready bought refunded. Th! is your opportunity of getting a rug vf larger the FREE. CONr.OI.KDM CANADA j nHTPi MPNTREA Get Your CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS at Gordon Hrdwre Mcllrlde Street We carry a large stock of the newest and most popular patterns.