jfc LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The! Spring is here again. Don't forget your SPUING HSUIT and TOPCOAT for the 'Coronation Celebration on May 12th, 1937. Prices are reasonable, M.T.LEE Ph. Green 960 3rd Ave. W. V TRAPPERS Will "guarantee top market prices . for Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. t FRANK LOCKWOOD 'Phone Blue "J23 P.O. jjox 200 GOAL TO ,PLEASE everybody Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS edson alberta ' . COAL rulkle y v alley coal Vancouver island coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY POONE: 58 and 558 SiiBiQa;Da:iiiniia:sHiB:ii::nrin:ii;:D $03 Third Ave. Phone Blue 91C KIMIE'S DRESSMAKING SHOP Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations Miss Khnle Uyede, Prop. fViaiWiiiBiiniciiiiiiiiaiDaiinH.iiGaijnBxiniiEiB NEW ROYAL HOTEL "3. Zarelli, Proprietor "AHOME AWAY FROM HOSlE" ftates $l.t0 up ;;' 60 Rooms Hot '& Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. ! Hyde !; I Transfer i 'I II LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dance Moose ' Hall, Friday, 10i Queen Mary Tay Day, Saturday, to 2. 95) April 24. (951 S. 0. Norway mealing row night. JONES Family Phone 957 Frazer Hotel, steam heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the 'Stewart dock. (tf) Frank Fitch of the local customs and Immigration staff sailed last nignt on tne prince George for a vacation trip to Vancouver. . Vancouver and will sail at 10 . fp.fn. on her return south. Father Augustus Coudeyre, Unman Catholic Church priest at Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through ion a trip to Seattle. Matthew Watson, yel 1 known Cafcross merchant, and Mrs.. Watson "were "passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday -afternoon going "through oh a "threp weeks' trip to Vancouver. $200.00 in cash prizes. Corona tion parade May 12. Make your entries now, full particulars ob tained from parade chairman, C. V. Evitt or Coronation committee, headquarters Canadian Legion liuilding. (99) j Major N. Eelkovich, who has I been Salvation Army commandant at Ketchikan for several years, and Mrs. Belkovich and children were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Major Belkovich will attend I he Notary convention in Spokane arid Mrs. Belkovich. will visit her h6me in Calgary. , i Yesterday afternoon the Prince Kunert Rotary 'Club was enter- j-tained, following ts weekly lun cheon, with two reels of moyfng pictures, one showimr shinnintr 'on the Thames IJiver and the Jpther .'big yame hunting in (he neighborhood of Jasper Park. William .Cruicksliank operated the machine. Visitors at the luncheon wert C. R. Gilbert of Terrace and W. O . Fulton of Prince Rupert. Market Specials LAMB Boned and Rolled. Shoulder Lamb, per lb. Shoulder of Lamb Not rolled, per lb Legs of Lamb per lb Loins of Lamb per lb VEAL Rump Roast of Veal per lb Rump Roast Beef per lb -:. Prime Rib Roll per lb , Sirloin Tip of Beef per lb 'Sirloin Steak 2 lbs ' Short Ribs of Beef per lb PORK Leg of Pork per lb Pork Butts per lb 'Loin of Pork ! per lb ; Fresh Side Pork ! 2 lbs. Spare Ribs 2 lbs I'hone 957 L?VealI $1.00 Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs Boned and Rolled Shoulder Ah. Veal, per lb u3, Veal Chops 3 lbs BEEF T-Bone Roast Beef. 1 per lb I POULTRY A Grade Roasting Qf aa I Chicken, each vlWU , Special with Meat only Eggs, doz, 22c 16c 25c 25c 18c 50c 50 c 20c iSc 20c 20c 45c 10c 20c 18c 20 c 25c 25c 20c Steamer Cardena is due to arrive here at 4 a.m. tomorrow and leaves for the south at 6:30 a.m. Misses Louise and Evelyn Zarelll sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Victoria. H. I Pulien leaves on tV evening s train for a two week.'-' I visit to various interior points I between here and Prince George. C. P. )l. steamer Princess Ade-I laide, Capt. S. K. Cray, is due inj C. H. Sawle, publisher of the Om- port at (:30 this evening fiomiln:a Herald, Is paying a brief visit to town. He arrived from the Interior on last night's train and Is leaving tonight on his return to the interior. F. W. Guernsey, who is superin tendent of the Ecstall River mining property on which work Was recently resumed, Is in town on business. He arrived in the city last night. Miss M. M. J. Vincent H.N. of Skagway, arrived In the cltv from the north on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon and will proceed on this evening's train to Brandon, Man. Mrs. R. T. Anderson sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Her daughter. Miss Ivv Anderson, recently sustained in juries in a mbtorvehlcle accident In Vancouver. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel in Portland Canal district. at) Charles II. Colne. who is nrnm. inently identified with mining in the Atlin district, was here aboard 'the Princess- Norn H ve.; terday afternoon going through for a Inp to his home Francisco. Mrs. Frank .Tepoorten and daughter, 'Gail, of Vancouver and Miss M; O. Blackstock tof Medicine Hat, Alta., after a two 'weeks' visit here, sailed by the Prince George last night on their return south. Mrs. Tepoorten is a sister of Mrs. W. M. Blackstock. Miss 'Blackstock is Mr. Blackstock's sister. Robert W. Bender of J iine.ni and Peter Zurich of Ketchikan! were in the city aboard the Prin-, cess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Spokane where they will attend a Pvotary district convention. Mr. Bender, who is Juneau newsnanerman. was ac companied by his wife who is thf-daughter of Governor John W Troy of Alaska. ASSELSTINE GOES SOUTH Candidate Tor Re-election in Atlin Will Visit Atlin and -Stikine River Area After having been accorded a unanimous renomlnatlon as the candidate for Atlin in the forthcoming provincial election at the Liberal convention in Stewart yesterday, W. J. Asselstine, who represented the big northern constituency in the last:Legtslature, was here last evening aboard the prince George bound for Vancouver. Mr. Asselstine will be' comlne north again shortly to visit such points in Atlin riding as Atlin. McDames Creek, Dease Lake and TelesraDh Creek. Announcements Dance, Moose Hall, Friday, Ap ril 23. Missionary Tern, It.-mtist Manse May 1. . Cambrai Tea Saturday. Ma v. at Mrs. William .Walts'. , St. Peter's Sale, May '6.'. United Coronation "sale, May 6. Oyro Club Coronation, Armory, May 12. - Dance o)Wglan Independence Day May 17. , Al 'Canadian Legion Coronation sale and tea, Legion "Rooms May 20. THE' -DATLY' NEWS SPRING SALE WAS SUCCESS Substantial Amount Realized At Affair o'f Presbyterian Ladies Aid Yesterday In the church parlors which had been profusely and attractively decorated with evergreens and flowers of various colors for the occasion, under Ihe direction of Mrs. Peter Lakie, the Ladfej' Aid of First Presbyterian Church held a very successful spring tea and sale yesterday afternoon. Many ladies called during the af ternoon and the financial nro- ceeds were very gratifying, amounting to something in the neighborhood of $100. The affair was opened bv the pastor, Rev. Dr. J. W, Steven-on, and the guests were received hy Ihe president. Mrs. D. C. Stuart. -Airs. C. G. Ham, Mrs. Peter Lakie, Mrs. I). McLeod and Mrs. Sam Massey poured and servi-teui's were Mi's. II. M. Foote, Mrs. Jack Garrett,. .Miss Pheme Finley and Mrs. J. A, Teng. Mrs. James L. Lee was cashier. In T charge of the tea room Wer Mrs J. M. W'alkpK !nA f-J CimnnI . .. . . i v. iiiiuim- sen. Tea cups were read by Mrs. John Bremner. Other ladies in charire worn a follows: Home cooking Mrs. William Millar and Mrs. J. G. Steen. Plain sewing Mrs. M. Mc-Robbie and Mrs. James Hadder.. Landy Mrs. Robert Cameron and Mrs. J. A. Frew. Plants Mrs. D. C. Melius ml Mrs. W. D. Ch Fish pond Mrs. Harrv CiiliW- wood. During the afternoon accpnt. able piano selections were plaved by Mrs. E. J. Smith. nOTEL ARRIVALS - Sayoy Georwp WaHi1p1I Vn in San James J. Lacourse.' Tlelh 'Jlmmv Flewin, Port Essington; M. Al-lard, Terrace. 'Royal M.HiracTand F. S....Vnlnnri WouWjAiV W: McLean, Ed- monion. a Prince Rupert Mabel M.iJ. Vincent. Ilelmnnt Manitoba; J;. A. Humphries, Cal-gary; E. Ji Hanrreaves. F. W. Guernsey-artd James E. Dye, Vancouver; A. Fisk. Prince - Geowe? C, II. Sawle, New Hazelton; II. C. Brunyer.i Seattle. II Phone 18 Central Forced rhubarb Is now available on the market and may be used in various ways in the household. ! Apart from rhubarb stewed or j baked, rhubarb gives the distinc tive touch to tapioca puddings, tarts, sherberts, gelatine and shortcakes. The juice makes a delicious cooling drink. Also the juice combined with sugar and the stiffly beaten white of an egg makes an enticing creamy sauce, and some people declare that one of the finest combinations ever tasted is rhubarb and strawberries cooked together. The easiest way to prepare rhubarb is In sauce. One method consists of first making a thick syrup, of sugar, cutting the rhubarb Into1 pieces about half-an-lnch long, dropping the pieces into the syrup, and cooking until tender. This takes only a fewsftilnutes. An6ther method is mixing two parts of the fruit to one part of suear and cooking them until the llouid oozes out and forms a syrup. HAD 21 WIVES BELGRADE, April 23: (CP) A Moslem, 103 years old, died recently lenvlntr thrAA nrMnt,... on .1.11 . -. I o .ww nr.uuna auu oo LU1W Uang, California; E. C An-' dren. He outlived 21 other wivp erson and O. Hunt. C.X n and Wallace Lefghton, city; A. Len- disappeared In the Great Wnr Knox Mr. and Mrs. Latlnnd R.l ton; F. Lancaster, Winning; E. U. Jackson, Edson. BURIAL AT METLAKATI,A The remains of tim lf. wii.! Hum Manson L eic'ht fm wti ' known district native, have been lorwaroed bv Ihe B. C Ilndnr.' takers to Metlakatl.n whom (Vi funeral will take place tomorrow.! HOLIDAY DECLARED VICTORIA, Anrll 23:-Pormoi I proclamation was Issued yesterday a public holiday In British Columbia. BLACKHEADS wUI b dloll. The on ,,. ,Ur. , simple w,, to romove Mnrkheuds, Uv ' m llollwoud complexion. P.O. Box ait Mussallera's Economy Store "Where Dollars Haye More Cents" ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz., Nallevs AA. per botile SUPER SUDS large pkg. SOAP Palmollve 3 for 9c 17C TOMATO JUICE OCp 26 oz., Libbys, 2 tins EGGS Rupert Locals OOn per doz OoC FIG BARS Fresh per lb COCOA Fry's 2-lb. tin PEACHES 2 squat Olen Valley. 2 tins PORK St BEANS Medium, Heinz, tin 17c 20c 25c 12c MATCHES Blue Ribbon and Red Bird per pkg. TAPIOCA Instant Malkln's, pkg 10c APPLES Home Heauty, Ex-tra Fancy OlZn 4 lbs. Out of town oftlers receive prompt and careful attention. A trial will convince you. Our little girl hardly errr crie'i and $hc (taint like clockwork. St. Charlet Milk agree with, her marvelouily." ' ' ' i I ST. Charles EvaporatedMilk in the tafrst form of milk jou can buy-iilcal for babies and for cooking anil table use. Only pure fresh milk from selected dairy farms is accepted by Horden's for St. Charles. This finer milk is evaporated just a few hours after milking time its purity, quality and flavour protected by the highest 73orde4t ST. CHARLES MILK standards the dairy indmtrr St. Charles encouraKM rIlfTOrtj because it is irradiated fur (st Sunshine Vitamin I) by the finm method known to science. And you' love the fresh, rich, natural flavour of St. Charles. ... (let this Run milk from your grocer today. A BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCT took for iht B.C. Laktl The Better Irradiated Evaporated Milk Timely Recipes UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. UHUBARn SAUCE Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVl Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJ. Due Vancouver, Monday ain. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Km t Further information regarding reservations and ticket foil A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. I'hone 50 D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 New Furniture Bi Chesterfield Suites, Reds, Springs, Mattressttl Floor Covering, Blankets, Lujjtfagcs, Tahlc Oilcloth! Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. Used Furniture Beds. Atlas Couch. Sirol fMii Simrnr Spwinf Machine, Piano. Kitchen Tahlo. Kifrhcn Cabinet Kitchen Ranges, Dining Room Suites, Drcsscril (Jramaphone Records, Musical Instruments. HooU AVriting Desk, Portahle Typewriter, Ktc. TO TDK HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ' We Buy Everything ca'll GREEN 1)10 ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 Wc Sell Everything D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Buildinr. Thinl Avn Vunort. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.