. 23, 1937 iday. April TIIE DAILT.-NE779 PAGE THRU si in n u i w IS CHOSEN itcJ Liberal Candidate, Omineca inj'rovi vincial , For if HI !i " imrttf.. Anvil .2M!Mf!PV' , jA Connelly, who represent, Oi inc: HUCCCBSOr to Mr. Justice re M Malison, was yesterday unanimous re-nomina i ili, .ml enndidntn. for ,. 'hp forthcoming tirov flection Mr. uonneny is a V I known Fraser Lane sawmill , rator FOR SALE SALE- Modem hotel at Hy- Hotel, Ilyder, B.C. (tf ) L Nanalmo-Welllngton for . . & v n m t -rfL. t Itl tttt r in. vish Your home with brand ,ew factory Samples. 66 piece hree room groups $184 Ideal jr the working man; extra high rade groups $232; 10-plece hesterfield groups $590; silk 50: kitchen tables with rawers- $2.95; dressers $9.95; tis complete $13.95. Terms If aired. Here Is an opportunity f a lifpflmp Art rmlrlclv W "fA the snare. Free storaee. rite today. Julius Shore, Mall rder House. 8th Floor, Bekins ;dg. Vancouver. (tf) WANTED UIJU1 1111 rilllllLllllldl I.L1I1I..I. .mz nnoi win nn rercirea uu lu ir l Wnrt Pnp snpnlf Irnllnns -fln. v tn Dr I.nroo (94) HF.1.1' WANTED WANTED Young married 21-35 years of age. A real nnnrTimiTtF t n cot vAiircmT nn in oainff hnMnpcs Rpnrpspnt an 'l r u . mi . . vb VWUa IkailllUUUJi ' W I FOR RENT CY Angus Apartments, 3-(tf) suite. IUIIV UUUltUlVllV ric range. Smith St Mallett (tf) RENT Seven roomed house, u"en, uaJly News. - (tl) PERSONAL t 751 Granville, Vancouver ".in, iuiei4 cuniain m ""ft vjuc uose peps up hi n , i . .... . rciunds few cents paid &'l or write brniP.-i f.lmltPrt I.AM) ACT l'rin No. 13 'l' IJIIIil lllk,l.., ..r ,!.. NOTICE hat Fred Ackln' anC ) "ucriandor of AUln, B. C. oc-. -a Miners, intend to apply for "linta: Itlll g.t H mil lntvrl own of Golden Dale on Taa'-h "orui West Corner Pcwt. Orouixl " 'aillll. frr.m ,1.1. wt I., . A ""-W" then 20 clwln ie'. i'a !"" then 20 chain "RED V 4TOI C-o 8 CHARLE3 OnEHLANDER. LPrll CMi. 1037. Piano Theory " Voice Production UPHS UretiarpH tnr TnrVin urvatory examinations. Irs. Hcrnard Liintlnhl A. T. c. M. 1 Val,l, . . -"iii apanmeius I'hone Oreen 991 PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS .. . . Atlin ilnseryatlve, Ernest Love. Liberal, W. J. Asselstine. Kurnaby Social Credit, Herbert Hailing. Cowichan-Newcastle Conservative, Clement Pember ton Deykin. F.squimalt Conservative E. V. Finland. Liberal, C. E. Whitney-Griffiths. J The Islands Conservative, Captain Macgregor Mackintosh. Kamloops Conservative, Dr. A. II. Bayne. Kaslo-Slocan Social Credit, A. J. Harrison. Mackenzie Conservative, Battleman Milton Mclntyre. Nclson-Crcston Social Credit, Herbert Howe. New Westminster Communist, Rev. Edwin Baker. North Vancouver Social, Credit, A. Harvey Smith. Omincca Liberal, M. M. Connelly. Saanlch Conservative, Leslie ,F. Osborne. Social Credit, Major A. H. Jukes, ! OJ3.E. Salmon Arm Independent, R. W. Bruhn. Slmilkamecn Conservative, H. H. Boyle. Skeena Liberal, E. T. tfenney. , South Okanagan Conservative, T. O. Norris, K.C. Vancouver-Burrard Social Credit, Peer V. Paynter and W. R. Hamilton. Vancouver-Centre C. C. F.. Matthew Glenday and ' Frank Roberts. - Social Credit. Dr. R. H. Smith and Paul McD. Kerr. Vancouver-East Social Credit. C. W. Powell. VanfO'iyer-Point Grey Liberal Hon. O. M. Weir, S. S. M?Keen, Robert Wilkinson. Social Credit. A. D. Creer (party leader) and William Savage. POLICE-PREPAKE FOR CORONATION iContinueu uuui Pazc It hcre the Greatest density of spec .jtois may ue expected. At the fu-j neral of King George, for Instance, the press at Hyde Park corner was so Immense the gravest apprehen sions were felt the cortege would oolice preparations for the Coro nation Is concerned with the super vision of questionable characters of all classes, who might attempt to enrich themselves at the expense of the sightseers. These characters range from the common pickpocket to the slick international crook known to the police in every capital of Europe. Within the last few montns many of these spotted in Lonaon nave been Informed it will be better for their health and liberty If they keen awav from London during May. If they appear and are ais covered in circumstances ap proaching the compromising they u-in hp arrested under a useiui rlause as "suspected persons." Incl dentally the dossiers at Scotland Yard are perfectly encyclopaedic the criminals of the world at large. Little Fear of Trouble Members 'of foreign royal houses visltine London will: be accompan ied by their personal detectives, and all the larger countries will pnrt In addition experienced offl- rprs well versed in the ways of their own peculiar underworld In London there Is never any arpnt fear of a distinguished per is- . . J IK I onage meeting injury or u' " the hands of an assassin on the occasion of a national pageant. The lmenslty of the crowd is in it-rd aealnst such a happening. Every man, or woman too for that matter, Is a potential peclal constable, and any malignant or ill-balanced person drawing a firearm would be dealt with promptly by his nearest neighbors. Pmnf nf this was furnished when attempt was Mt summer a feeble made to present a revolver at the former King 'Edward on umsum tion Hill following the trooping of most tnougni, pus-iuuc wm uiu uu uiau Kn (hp rnlors The 15f, L TSLtion is that somelherc-, lie had held the title twl innafif otherwise harmless, may break loose wnicn iuj his own life Jeopardizing merely in at the hands of the indignant beholders. - Holds Queen's Train A charming, recent portrait of Lady Elizabeth Paget, beautiful daughter of the' Marquis of Anglesey, and granddaughter of of the Duchess of Rutland. Lady at Elizabeth is among those who have invited to carry the train a of Queen Elizabeth at her; coronation; TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy tt. U. Johnston Oo. Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .20. Big Missouri, .51. Bralorne, 7.60. Aztec, .08.. Cariboo Quartz, 1.50. Dentonla, .15. Dunwell, .03 . Golconda, .09 V. Mlnto, .28 '2. Meridian, .03. Falrvlew, .09 Vz- Noble Five. .0734. Pend Oreille, 350. Pioneer, 4.85. Porter Idaho, .05. , . Premier, 2.85. Reeves McDonald, 1.30. Reno, 1.00. Relief Arlington, .21. Reward, .HVi. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .07. Wayside, .032. Premier Border, .03 li. . Sllbak Premier, 2.85. Congress, .07 Vi. ' Silver Crest, M3.. Home Gold, .02 Vi.. '''Mjf Grandvlcw, .16. Indian. .02'2. Quatslno Copper, .05. Quesnel Quartz, .14. Oils A. P. Con., .30. Calmont. .58. C. & E.2.95. Freehold, .10. Hargal, .21. . ;. McDougal Segur, .21. Mercury, .02 '2. Okalta, 1.35. Home Oil, 1.90. Unltedv20V2. . Weymarn, .19. Toronto Beattie, 1.35. Central Patricia, 3.50. God's Lake, .61. ' Little Long Lac, 6.25. McKcnzle Red Lake, 1.45. -Pickle Crow, 6.70. Red Lake Gold Shore, .56. San Antonio, 1.80. Sherrltt Gordon. 2.70. Smelter Gold, .04. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.20. -Oklend, .27. Mosher, .65. Gilbec, .04. Madsen Red Lake, 1.05. Stadacona, 1.25. Frontier Red Lake; .19. . t " Manitoba & Eastern, .04. '' Francoeur, 1.12. Moneta Porcupine, 1.53. 7 Rubec, .053i. . T Thompson Cadillac, 1.15. Bailor, .04. Bankfleld, 1.05, East Malartlc, 1.25. Preston East Dome, 1.00. Hutchison Lake, .24. Aldermac, 1.30. Kerr Addison, 2.85. Martin Bird. 1.00. AHVSSINIANS HORN RUNNERS ROME, April 23: (CP) Po sibility of Italy including Abys sinians and Ascaris in its 1940 Olympic squad is seen In reports that the natives are born run ners and perform specalciilnr feats inarmy athletics. CHECKERS CHAMPION I50LTON, England, April 23: CP) S, Cohen, London, won the Ilritlnh checkers championship by (defeating R. Charles of Rhos, by previously. Don't, forget when visiting Portland Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the best place to stop. (tf ) ROYALTY AT GAME .King.and, Queen Will FinaJFftr EnIish,.Cup on, May-1 , LONDON, April. 23: (CP) Prtt Coronation festivities will marie the English Football Cup' final this year. When Sunderland and Pres ton North End line up at Wembley Stadium May 1, in the concluding battle, of the historic competition; the teams will be honored by the presence -of the King and Queen in one of their last public appear ances before the great ceremony In Westminster Abbey. It will be a great day for nortlj of England folk. The counties Of Durham and Lancashire will send huge contingents to cheer their fa4 vorltcs and fans from other pan the country will swell the throng the stadium to nearly 100,000, Victory In a cup final would b4 new experience for Sunderland;: The Durham club, famous in English soccer for more than 40' years! has won league honors six times but has yet to be successful In th great cup competition. Onjy once"- in 1913 has the squad reached the. final, but the contest at the Crys-j tal Palace ended in" a 1-0 vlctorjt for Aston' Villa. On four other .oc-i casions Sunderland has appeared In semi-final play. Back in 1889, Preston North End; one of the originals of the football league, won double' honors with the i cup and league championship. The! Lancastrians got home with a 3-0 verdict over Wolverhampton Wan derers at K.enningion uvai dui. me historic trophy has eluded them since. They were defeated in two other appearances. In the cup flnaU Teams Compared While Sunderland has always played In first-league football, win ning the championship; last season; Preston's career during' the present century has been less colorful, Twice the club has. (dropped Into the second division. The last return to major company was made In 1934, the Lancastrians being pro moted after finishing second to Grimsby Town. Preston's powerful attack Is clearly Indicated In,, the-team's steam-roller advance In cup play this year. Three of the five straight victories were staged before home crowds and thus far 19 goals have been bagged compared " with only six agalhsts On the other hand Sunderland has been compelled to fight tooth and nail to reach final status. Two games were necessary' before-Luton Town, plucky third division, outfit,' succumbed and Wolverhampton; Wanderers carried the; northerners to three contests In the sixth round. The Wolves were the only, first division team to oppose Sunderland In Its march. Led by Harry Carter and R. Qur-ney, goal-scoring forwards, Sun derland has a final all-round team, consistent In a marked degree. Frank OTJonnell and his brother Hugh are brilliant Individualists in the Preston vanguard while II. Holdcroft, goalkeeper, has played for England. The flnallsU are both well up In the league standing. The road to the final: Sunderland Southampton 3-2 (away)3. Luton Town 2-2 (away). Luton Town 3-1 (home). Swansea Town 3-0 (home); Wolverhampton l-l (away), Wolverhampton 2-2 (home). Wolverhampton 4-0- (Sheffield). Millwall 2-1 (Huddersfleld). Preston North End Newcastle United 2-0 (home). Ctoke City 5-1 (home). Exeter City 5-3 (home). Tottenham H. 3-1 (away). West Bromwlch A. 4-1 (London), CONGRATULATE!) HY KINfi WINDSOR, Eng., April, 23 1 (CP) Only football, team in the country of which the King is patron, the Windsor: and Eton club received a congratulatory leiegram irom nis majesty on winning the county championship HAS UNUSUAL RECORD LONDON, April 23: (CP) In 1930. U. E. Erlebach holed in one at Ihe 10th hoole on the Stanmore golf course. He repeated in 1031 ami recently, after being elected cantniii went out and bagged another at the samp hole. CARDIFF, Wales, April 23: (CP) W. Jennings, former Pol-ton Wanderers player who haa been acting a coach to the Car diff City Football Club, will become manager, succeeding B. Watts Jones, now a director. Weather Forecast (Pumhhed through the courtly o. I ai 'Tktftinlon Meteorological Bureau a 1 "ltort twX Prince Rupert, This fo.-e otfii IB compiled from observation ta tea u. 6 ajn. today ana covert si $Hjr, period- ending .6yjfJXS- .u'"1r,row'- General Syn0p3i.v-n.-A shallow depression If approaching the Queen Charlotte Islands causing show'ers. -Weather has been, fail and cool in southern British Prince Rupert District andi Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh) southeast wind, showery, prob ably phiftlnjf td northeast and be coming cooler at nlmht, West Coast of, Vancouver Isl andModerate west to southwenl winds, mostly fair today becoming upsettlcd on Saturday. MEAli (JETS SCHOOL POST SOUTHAMPTON, Enjr.. April 23: (CP-Philip Mead, England and Hampshire cricketer who has been retired by the southern county,; . .will become coach at FramliDVpam College, Suffolk, this summer. RESCUED FROM MAN-HOLE LONDON,, April 23: (CP) To rescue a .little girl. Reginald Bar- ham, 26,. a clerk of Honeypot Lane.i A. a. . '"Z- ,rl J Jl' r 1 1 ! OLanmurej. jviioaiesex, was lowereu 25 feet fc,flpwrf a man-hole by a rope. 'FOR SALE Modern- . hot$l Hyder, B.C. Good 1 -;; 1 opening .for building up fine busl- ness: at small cost. j 'HOTEL FRAZER , Ilyder, B.C. 6 vV)5 KLkK ! INCREASES THE PAY-LOAD If jour job is lumbering, mining, grading, farming, or an j type of heavy hauling, the new International Diesel Tractor, proven product of the world's largest tractor builder, will give you a greater pay-load per unit cost. Kay, pmtilite, depend- One-piece main frame. aide. Marling. Heavy duly, double dike clulclies, l'rirrd right aold right icrt Iced right. For cotniilrtr information and literature on tractorg, tatc-mill machinery, hoiitinf machinery, pumps, comprettor, etc., tcrite direct to B.C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 551 Howe Street Vancouver, B.C. NIHI.1CK KILLS SNAKE MELBOURNE, Aust., April 23: (CP) Leslie Ames, English -:.i.-i - i t.'in tritseier, nau a new iuic w iug- . .. . G f, 14th Hole a copperhead snake crossed he beat the third division, noi-' his path and he cut it in two thern section, record of 46 set by with a niblick blow. A. P. Lythgoe in 1934. . i1 ELEPHANT BRAND WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Send for your free copy of our booklet on chemical fertilizing "Power to (irow" and the fertilizer chart showing correct scale of fertilizer application for all crops. Address to: Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd.. Sales Office, Pacific Building Vancouver, B.C. NAME ADDRESS , Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals GOLD - SILVER electrolytic- lead, zinc , '.;;' CADMIUM, 'BISMUTH "INTERNATIONAL" DIESEL Chemical Increases Crop Yield By As Much As 50 Per Cent Cases are actually on record to show even greater increases for vegetable crops! Every form of plant life can be materially benefitted by the scientific application of chemical fertilizer. It is the one sure method of making your farm, garden or orchard yield the greatest possible return for your investment and labor. it1' Elephant Brand Products: AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE For greater root growth. AMMONIUM SULPHATE For more abundant foliage. COMPLETE FERTILIZERS TIiom; are a combination of the above ferti- ' lizeis with ad'Jed potash ready-blended in correct proportions for individual conditions MONO-CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (Animal Ruildcr) A highly concentrated and purified mineral healllt food for. all classes of llvestockEspecl ally valuable for, dairy cows, V i Manufactured Fbe-npeed trana-miaaion. 1'oailhe acting (leering brakes. IlAUSTOX CREATES RECORD MANSFIELD, Eng., April 23: (CP) When Ernest Harston, IkTuncfiol.l Tnwn ...... sharnshfiotwr. , . .Kored - hi, 49th goal of the season Fertilizer at Trail, B.C., by the CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED . Distributed in British Columbia by Buckerfield's Ltd., Vancouver 2 'I- 1 f 15 " it 1 t it 1 ! ft IS II f jj is i it ij it err .-. iri Ar ! 'i !!! '". in .it 1 ..j ; .-rt ff t i .yij ' 1 . ,; t flt int 1 i