Today's Weather (8 AJW.) Prince Rupert Overcast, south-eaily wind, 5 miles per hour; barometer, 30.10 (steady); temperature, 38; sea smooth, Vol XVVI . No. 95. POLICE PREPARE FOR CORONATION; WARN SUSPICIOUS PERSONS London to Have 20,000 Men 8the ables and Directing Traffic in Merry and Hectic May 12 Throngs LONDON, April 23: (CP) The thousands thronging to London from all parts of the world for the Coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth next month will undoubtedly include many questionable characters. Police have long been making careful preparation for their reception. Sir Philip Game, chief commissioner of the me tropolitan force ana nis sian oi-flcers at Scotland Yard have been busy with traffic and other preparations for at least 12 months. All holiday leave for the police will be stopped for practically the whole of May Every fit man of the 20.000 comprising the great peace-keeping army will be on duty in his particular capacity. Control of the traffic and crowds Is the biggest Job. The force will be guided to a great extent by the exncrlences at the funeral of Oeorge V last year. The Coronation procession will traverse a good part of the route taken on that occasion so the pollre already know CnntlniiPrt nn nnef three) LABORITE CRITICAL A. V. Alexander Pays Ills Respects To .Seville Cliambcilain In Candid Way LONDON, April 23: (CP-Rt. Hon A. V. Alexander, who was FU. i Lord of the Admiralty In the last. Labor government, declared I in the House of Commons during I'm budget debate yesterday that, wh hi Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain a cca-.rrd to be Chancellor of the Exchequer, he would leave behind him six unbalanced budgets. Mr Chamberlain, declared Mr. Alexander, had piled up arrears In debt contributions to the United Stu("s and he was leaving to his successor arrears of 157,000,000, Mr Alexander sooke of leading New York business men as saying to him that they, resented the cold callous way in which the American debt question had been treated. Instead of being frugal," Alex-1 "u t saia, -me unanceuor nas, . been using ordinary reserves of J peace and now has nothing to fall ------ oai:k on to meet his preparations vr war. Windsor Getting 1M . t .. 1 Ureal LetterS I'Onilon Publication Expresses Fear In View of Missives Received Ily Former Monarch LONDON, April 23: Cavalcade yesterday expressed alarm at numerous threatening letters which have been received by the Duke of Windsor, the former King Edward VIII, since going into exile In Austria. NO BEER BY GLASS HARRIERE. April 23: Tills s'nall community in the Kamloops! district. In a special plebiscite,; voted against sale of beer by the, "". me vote ms 34 for tn 31 , " - - against. RAR SILVER . s NEW YORK, April 23fCPj-Bar fl'vcr was selling at 4434c per funce on the Ncw York metal mar-ket yesterday. " on Duly Tagging Undesir PREPARE TO 0RK Road Camp Construction at Taylor Lake on Skeena Highway Is Started In preparation for an early resumption of the continuation of construction of the Skeena River highway, work of erecting camps at Taylor Lake, a'distance of ten miles from the city limits, commenced yesterday. Accommodation is being; provided for seventy-five to eighty men. Definite instructions to the extent and details of local road under .the .governments, new and enlarged program of . highway construction arc now being; .awaited at .local offices of' the provincial department of public works. . i!, l; v' Forty-Seven Are Drowned in Fierce Sakhalien Storm TOKYO, April 23: Forty-seven fishermen arc reported drowned a? result of a fierce storm off Sakhalien Island. Franco-British Defence Plans Change Heine Discussed In View Of Ncw ItcUlan Policy Eden To Visit Brussels LONDON April 23: A revision Qf FranC0.British defence plans Is ol,PVf,rt to be under consideration in yicw of tne ncw Belgian foreign . .nOllCy " who told tnc nousc 0f Commons yesterday that the new policy would not relieve Belgium of her obligations under the League of Nations, will go to Brussels at the Pnri of the week to comer wim Premier Paul van Zeeland. Round World Mail on Way t Honolulu From V 1 1 i v j i' - - Alameda How Letters Will Travel ALAMEDA, April 23:-The Pan-( American Airways big flying boat; China Clipper arrived at nonoiuiu' yesterday from Alameda on Its way to Manila with 1100 pounds of round the world man. ai Manna mil will be trahsferred to the Uma Kong Clipper for delivery to ng Kong where It will be taken u.. tmnn a AlrwaVS maciillic iu II, Hll llltVV. , - a un..4 1 Freldrichshafen ano put uuunu I;... jluiw. tiinHrnhure for trans - WIG UUIB'U"- . .... uort across the Atlantic ana oacis to the United States. ...i.impp Anrll 23: (CP) M,.,t tra'dlnz at $1.28o on the Vancouver miirket ye.sircmy. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BtflTISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL Balanced Budget In Edmonton; Tax Rate is 54 Miiu EDMONTON, April 23: Balancing the civic budget for the first time In nine years, the Edmonton city council has set the tax rate for the year at 54 mills. TALKING OF 1 1 CONFERENCE:: MUIA M e Willi., .. rartl. - filiate in Merlins- if Rrnsnn. ' able Chance For Success 1 LONDON, April 23: (CP) Answering a question In the House of Commons yesterday. Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin said that. Great Britain was willing to participate in a new world economic conference providing a compre- ihemlve Investigation Indicated It was likely to succeed and that adequate preparation was made for it. On Monday in Berlin Chancellor Adolf Hitler had told George Lans-bury. British Labor leader, that the Reich would be "very willing" to attend an International conference for economic co-ooeration and mutual understanding If the head of a major power called It. AGREEMENT IN STRIKE Tie-up of Oshawa' Plant Expected 'To End Monday Compromise ', ;,. , ,ts .Basis of- Settlement TORONTO, April 23: After a four-hour session in the office of Premier Mitchell Hepburn with representatives of the Committee for Industrial Organization banned at the Insistence of the Premier, a tentative agreement was reached wlilch It Is confidently expected .vlll end the strike in the General Motors of Canada plant at Oshawa. Present at the conference were representatives of the company and of the local unions. Terms of the tentative agreement were not announced but it Is reported that a compromise was reached on the subject of union recognition, increased wages and revision of the working schedules. The agreement must be approved by the union members and, while there may be some opposition from those holding out for C. I, O. re cognition, It Is predicted that It will be adopted by a substantial margin. Hugh Thompson left To ronto by plane for Oshawa to pre-.snt the terms to the workers there. The expectation now Is that .the 3700 workers may resume their work at Oshawa next Monday. Trouble in States JANESVILLE. Wis.. April 231 (CP I Twenty-seven hundred General Motors employees were thrown Into Idleness today when a group of union workers on the frame line in the Chevrolet Motor Co. refused to work. Victim of Hit And Run Driver ! Willlam Wallace, Found Lying On North Vancouver Road, Dies Qn Way lo nospta NORTH VANCOUVER, April 23: .,, ivm.c mc . iwmuis . . at . . riiim i,i-n i hp uivpn T n nnvp i , been responsible for the death ... , l f lirHlln euj jcsiciuujr ihuuih u nuii - , Wallace, rouna lying on me roaa 'at 2:15 a.m. bv Fred C. Aubrey, Vancouver lawyer. Wallace died while being taken to the North vHiuuuver hu.-hjiuu. , m. 1 ime to , m Llean Up Gambling In : fm 1 J. utOCK""Jr 63XSOI1 NEW WESTMINSTER, April 23: "It fs time the Vancou- ver mining stock situation was cleaned "up," declared Hon. George S. Pearson, minister of mines. In speaking here. He scathingly (denounced stock gambling activities and. ex- J". 4 clsm directed against the gov- i ernment in. connection with ' the matter, (particularly crltl- clsm which had been emanat- ' Ins from a Vancouver news papermah which he declared to be most Unfair and preju diced. ; . i , Will Have To Be Kicked Out Says Aberhari EDMONTON,'; April 23: Premie: William Aberhart declared ysster- .day that he Intended to stay In cf- flee as head of the Alberta government until he was "kicked out." That was the oply way he could be removed, he said. There would be no polite 'h'otei room reslanatlon" for him, Mr. Aberhart said. Halibut Sales Summary American 12,000 pound's, 7c and 6c. Canadian 41,700 pounds, 6.3c nd 5c to 6.7c and 5c. American Pierce, 12,000, Cold Storage, 7c md 6c. Canadian Margaret I, 6,000. Booth, 6.3c and 5c. Cape Spsnccr, 10,000, Pacific, 6.5c and 5c. Oslo, 14,000, Cold Storage, 6.7c and 5c, Balsac. 7,500, Atlln, 6.6c and 5c. Nornen, 4,200, Atlln, 6.4c and 5c. Wheat Board In Ottawa Session Under Arrest Checking up on Prairie Wheat Pools in Grain Markets CALGARY, April 23: The Tur-geon grain commission Is now sitting In Calgary. At yesterday's session of the board futures operations of the prairie wheat pools were under discussion. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE ' "Divine" had told his followers MONTREAL, April 23: The Ca- that he. would turn himself lnvls-nadlan gold price yesterday was jWe before submitting himself to $34.67 per fine ounce. i arrest. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK :The! NEW YORK. April 23 Canadian dollar was trading at a premium of 3-16c on the New York foreign exchange market yesterday. Telephone Rate In Vancouver Is Not Being Cut VANCOUVER, April 23: An-made nouncemcnt was yesterday lU.t Mm n ... n. Tolonhnm, nn l-.--.rl wmt-iuv w. .niuvm. vu, uu rciusea vo reuueu . me nave raie telephone charge In Vancouver. A special meeting of the Vancouver CUy Council Is called for today to wuotuu n..v..iu.uu hvj-i. 23, 1937 Saskatchewan Pool Head Is Dead in South VANCOUVER, April 23: (CP) . . T r T-. M 1 - 1 1 T" 1 n Li. Vs. DlUUUlCbt, 1C31UC1II. Ui IVlgUlU and Prcs,dent of tne Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, died in hospital here last night. MUSSOLINI IN PARLEY Confers With Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnig; of Austria In Venice Venice, April 23:-Premier Ben- :ito Muslim .of Italy and chan-; ccllor Kurt von Schuschnigg of Austria were In conference here 'yesterday. The restoration of the monarchy to Austria was one of the matters dlscused, Premier Mussolini Is reported to have ad vised Schuschnigg that he did not consider the time ripe for the placing of Archduke Otto on the Austrian throne, admitting, however, na' was a domestic question which only Austria had the right to decide. Schuschnigg is said to have advised Muollnl that he was not de'irom of a rjact with Osrmany and Italy although he had no de- slre antagonizing either. i 1 yvv-v tw TjkTTj f ri 8 11 V IS M ARRESTEDI Leader,' of; '"Strange Religious Cult Dragged From Basement Of "lieaven" MILFORD, Connecticut, April j23: (CP) "Father Divine." negro loader of the strange religious cult, for wnoin pouu nave betn seeking for some time, was finally taken into custody yesterday. He was dragged from a hiding place In the basement of his. home here which he called. "Heaven." "Divine" Is booked on a charge of felonious assault. Hailem's sepia tinctured "God" was In Jail in New York today after having been brought back from the segment of his "Kingdom" in MlUord, Conn. Outside police headquarters milled hundreds of negroes as "Divine" was being .nought in at New York, Patrolmen watched from vantage points, "I am very tired," "Divine" mumbled on the automobile trip from here to New York as detec tives plied him with questions about the beating and stabbing of a process server who attempted to hand the cult leader a summons in a civil suit at the evangelist's main "heaven" Monday night. Meanwhile troubles accumulated. "Faithful Mary," whom "Divine" . desreibed as his "so-called wife," i had announced "He ain't God. He's just a damned man." Returning To Federal Force Vancouver City Police to Lose Superintendent Herbert Darling This June VANCOUVER, April 23: Superintendent Herbert Darling, loaned by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to head the criminal investigation department of the Vancouver city police since 1935, will be returning to the federal department In June of this year, the Vancouver police commission was ad-vlied yesterday. Tomorrow's Tides High Low OF DOUKS IS SUGGEST Wave of Illness And Death Among Members 0 Sect Being Probed Exact Nature of Illness Not Yet Determined Pending Laboratory Tests Investigation Is Being Pushed NELSON, April 23: (CP) Medical men of this West Kootenay centre today awaited laboratory tests to explain the death in hospital here of one Doukhobor woman ana the illness of three other stricken with an unidentified police are pushing their investigation into the deaths 01 REBEL FIRE HAS CEASED Loyalists Get Range of Insurgents And Eleven-Day Bombardment Of Madrid Suddenly Ends MADRID, April 23: A thunder ous government artillery assault after the loyalists had found the position of the rebel gun crews yesterday silenced the bombard ment, uihlnh Vin rnrVprl Madrid for eleven days. The insurgent fire 'suddenly ceased as shelter was Nought by the men of the, battery --v . ' ' ' ' " .TV V .iY-I i-ii-tr ill uoraooa area loyalist uuaii.- trymen were reported to have made important advances yesterday un 1er a heavy artillery barrage. Professional Men Are Arrested In Jugo-Slav Plot BELGRADE, April 23: Several iwyers, physicians and nwspaper-nen have been arrested for an alleged communistic conspiracy igalnst the Jugo-Slav government. Pooley Regime IsNow Ended E. V. Finland Nominated Conservative Candidate For Esquimau VICTORIA. April 23: E. V. Fin '.and was yesterday nominated as onervative candidate for Esquimau in the forthcoming provincial election. R. H Pooley K.C., former attorney general, declined to stand for renomlnat'.on. Between Mr. Pooley and his father before him, the seat had been held traditionally by the Pooley family. C; E. Whlt-j ney-Grlfflth was last night noml- natea LiDerai candidate ior t;squi - malt. Dimond's Plan Is Not Favored Men on Small Fishing Vessels Not' Likely to Get Bcnclits Of Public Health Service WASHINGTON, D.C., April 23: Authorities here do not look with favor upon the proposal of Delegate Anthony Dlmond of Alaska whereby men on small fishing craft would be brought under the benefits of the United States public health service. At present the ser vice is available only to men on 0:15 am. 20.6 ft. 12:48 p.m. 19.1 ft. 6:46 a.m. 3.8 It. 18:50 p.m. 6.1 ft' TUICE: 5 CENTS of her compatriots who were illness. British Columbia two otner memDers 01 irre nussian religious sect. Poisoning Is suspec ted. The stricken Doukhobors, three from Krcstova and one from Slo-cah Park, were in hospital suffering, from what authorities said appeared to be poisoning. Mrs. Alex Berlkoff, one of them, died early today. GET READY FOR VOTE Returning Of ficec Losing no Time In'CietUnK Local Election Machinery Moving . W. I). Vance, who has been appointed returning officer for Prince Rupert In the forthcoming provincial election, is already getting organization started for the taking of the poll. Proclamations will go forward to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John tonight in order that they may be posted in sufficient time before nomination day. There are a number of new polling,' places in the riding this election at points where industries have arisen sinee last time a vote was- taken. The polling places for this, election will he as follows: Cumshewa, Digby Island, Goose! Hay, Ilaysport, Humpback la,' Hutton Island, Inverness, Jap Inlet. Lawn Hill. Lockpport, Mas-set, Murchison Island, North Island, Oceanic, Oona River. (Island, Port Clements, Port Simpson, Prince Uuperl, Queen Char-'otte City. Sandsnft. Skidega'fo, Squadaree, Surinyside, Surf Poinii, TIell. Wark Channel and Zayas Island. Three Point Grey Members Will Run .i)r o, m Weir, S. S. McKccn And Robert Wilkinson Again Candidates VANCOUVER, April 23: (CP) :' Hon' Dr. G. M. Weir, S. S. McKepn and Robert Wilkinson, who were members of the last Legislature, were Wednesday night renominated wcrai canamaics ior Vancouver Point Grey In the forthcoming pro vincial election. Opposition To Kenney Seems Uncertain Now TKIWACK, April 2:J: Del, gates to the nominating convention of the Liberal party went to llazelton on Wednesday eve- njn,,., train. 'So far there does vessels of five tonspr over. Dlmond nol Hmn t() i,e much prospect of would allow boats of less than five ny candidate to represent tl'o tons to come In. The authorities other parties against K. T. Ken-here do not favor the idea, feeling neVi One or two names have been that the benefits to be derived mentioned In connection with lh would hardly warrant the cost Cj C. C. but there Is nothing cer-which would be Involved. i tain ubout U.