artlmj ami .. maitimuii m to C-9m sktes mas-, he sold in a sinrk hoar wiftthoat a ward from any I On Wawt no -crt A V nikt ?h A nteii- ' Hitler's Policies Against Jews can Younp People's AsiaUon1?00"1 lurnea .MitHeas in tales T held its final business meetinf ef I?ri,a,n the season. Darin the Session iu itr lac recent years, however, il has at-. Volunteer Motor Carps of the Bos-tained campltte mrainatioa. ton chapter of the Red Cross will Letpsip had shared huMR!tal carried lj0 needy pattenU ,f , J"! bBt homes to hospitals In the ij- eott bv Jewish mereha.ts follow-; Jcn mp Ute Nati repirae in Germany the market at the city nearly TOnisae. The resnlt nave been tmMKI. There has been - a year to Ger Irespondinp profit QHoy. - iarHMUkp an annual loss - of - ' : The - bippest X H far sales Grrraau ships fr carriape of four limes A6rtM . i uw- new ot imim HAL I a year. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS wili amt tt r U (tn 4ai tfctck THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR lMmto1 Omit Smtffn MAT. MllMUtc ttc tT Ml I SIK imttuii a eor- Retires After Career of Satire on Canada's Great I The Globe and The News. iHTa final arrangements were madt " " LONDON. April : -CP - Tor the banquet to be held oi ' TORONTO. April 23: iCP) MilUoas change hands at th Mar 7 and ihe service of Mav 9.iSni Hunter. T-year old dean of bile of an eyelash at the Londor These will end a verv success-CMdin cartooni. ha laid fnr sale where half the skins ful year of wrk with the n-;dw,, he Pn for n01 lhc;l con iroca Canada, the res! from anees on the right side. ihlt rf?nlurT caricatured lead- Ras!, AMtralia. United Sute After the business sesaion. Misftrs of Cnada a poHtkal life. He Persia ai Sovth Anerica. K. Lanjt oi the Japanese alissioi 'h)t rvtired cartooniat of tat F-acXof the CO borers, who at showed several fihw on ltf ir jToroBt SUr- remains tend tfc Swear Hoe aessiop Japan. These were not only eoa-IJ rtoait eaner- has k w ttttle idfcsyncracie eatimr bt eatcttaiBin. At thej"7 a flKk t a peK il. the elosiaa close of the evening the members. .M"nter w Moop-Aoulder-f an emi, a aap of the nnr. fajoytd tW Siil refreshments. ! lFlebad and chia-whis- Bat the ancOoneers, perched on ivnA -Old Man Ontario" was one then- Bslnm. i Uw sita.: CL.' .of Canada's finest cartoon char- ' " " . T 1 1 J 1 1 I ant wiMraer eierks. know each , r r . . laelertiations. worked for Toronto is auncnea; ! newspapers since the nineties Second StarteJHi wwrk 'Pfared in The World, the m hams a the Kute room PALFJUtO. Italv. Anril 3 "is defl 'e-work pave a soft, EwT Wr Mle mm several aew naval patrol ship was Hunta-'aT . J to dravviajrs Mac' weeJcs ami each aoctWeer selb ed here yesterday and the keel laid 'Jt W . T1; "d tw kits a zaiaate farseeen hoars far a new destrover. j Whit rev in the oM days and his a aajr. rar years LASdoa haarnVd: ' ""-""en ig taiier-cay can- ?7.K000 Of the worWs 5.- 1LWE AIDED ll.m www annual la mover. Danari c bqrtov ca to res of Kinp, Bennett. Henry land Hepburn. He t a reed to poliU eal cartooninp when he was past after sheading seme years in western Canada. His art-work was af a hiph or der and his cartoons invariably had "poach.- Thouph they were nsaalrr pood-aalared. h roused the ire of the late Armand Laverpae "'""e with " a a cartoon cartoon tie the i. t-ij BUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg suuee is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO.- LTD. Prince Rupert, RC. - nnalal stapid. Slim ami scaahrrjr. Haat-r worked npretentioasly at his . There he dipested the news of the Dominion and the world, rapidly creating cartoons thai found their way to editorial desks with eo!eklihe regularity. They were drawn at reproduction sixe Early is his career Hunter often stated lepislative chambers to sketrh his subjects at first hand ;bnt later he drew from photo. prapH. ) Hunter left h drawinp board ..when the fisaiup season came and 'hurried to the wood. His appreciation of nature was reflected in man? a cartoon. Resident o B.C. For Half Century tranci Da idon Pa- In Vancouver "here. He Recently Moved From Vieteria Day For Soldiers' Plot Queen Man Chapter I O I) E, To Hold Annual Canvass Tomorrow The npkeep of our soldiers' rrares ia Fairriew Cemetery is Ihe soeeial care of the pave? cooaeaittee of Queen Marr Cnap- ter. Imnerial Order. Dauphters of the Empire, whose members hold an annual tap day. to provic plain bat lastin? headstones and also to arranpe a memorial ser vice on peeoration Day when flowers, flajrs and poppies are placed on the prases and the cenotaph. The Canadian Lerion and the Women's Auxiliarv also ake part in the service. Tomorrow the annual tar dar for this nurpose is beinp held in prince Rupert WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Settlement in the sum of $150t was reached at Ketchikan thi.-wk in th action broupht apainst the Canadian Pacific Rail ay by Mrs. Smith who about a year ap sustained iniuriM in fallinp down a comnanionw? aboard tbp steamer Prince No rah on which she was travelling as a rassearer. CanL Willian Palmer, who was master of Uk Princess Norah at the time of th accident: Alex Gordon, chief enpineer: E. C. Cornelius, rwr- r. and Mrs. lippett. stewardess here aboard tfc PrisMu Norah yeaterdar afternoon rt- tarniap Soath aftor kaviP mm to Ketchikaa as defence witnesses ia the cas. Taere were siitx-two nassav er aboard the steamer Princess Aerafc which was in port from 1 to 5 oo'cwck yesterday after Joothboaad from Skapway to Vaneonvw. Thrvw miuanH disembarked from tk. v.M Away while Tree boarded W W. fM the south. Four bafiaavt reuse Is Mid .. . leatches tofeHinp poands ANCOUER. April 23: -!at Seattle yesterday. Ther were: Franc U Davidson, a tedont af Tlene. MAiva c. t ar j - " v.- o . aaa iHntasa otumba for half a eeo--c: KmoI snar. nxu a- tarr. who moved to Vancouver and - rwui isu 'itiv ot. three years ajto from Victoria and 7c: II admit ?A t vtr Wr wJHikg 1 k. ,iul "r-t r j . i . - - - ' ir. i wtc ai?o nan I ' : ? iW imurxla at cnJ whirk U -.1 tWJM-VN EXS OCciSCUER i'rc. AW1 S: ,CP - fsb! rder that the day s Wwn Hmjbes had been at work hard! n, nmj 1 cleaned up ear!r MiZS "" J r'Tut peaeral particitwn n brotaea mrme when x wo- n j.k. - tm a ftresaept ih local Fh Exehaape will ro iDedroaBi tain a hanV ivv, k. ; . - - .... ... lcefped to hold, crashed into hfea moraine -.r Mar 1 rtaal arv : (with soch force that his leg was rivinr af that time will hare' 4o n-.-.a .rr natil next dar. i Feature 7 4 & 9 "53 Farewell Supper For Theatre Man Fred Read Honored by Capitol; Staff Before Leaving For Coronation Following the last show at the Capitol Theatre last night mem-bers of the staff repaired to the Boston Cafe where a pleasant farewell supper was tendered as a sur prise honor to the popular assis tant manager. H F. Read, who leaves by this evening's train for New York where he will -embark aboard the Queen Mary shortly to attend the Coronation in London with the expectation of being away about the months. The feature of the erealns's pro- ceedmes was the presentation to Mr Read on behalf of the staff by Manager D. G. Borland of an album containing the personally autographed photographs of each member of the staff as well as a handsome set of pipes. Satiable sentiments were expressed by Mr. Borland in wishing Mr. Read "bon vcyage." The latter, who was taken ccmn!etely by surprise, replied ap propriately. F. A MacCaHum. manager of the Bank of Montreal who was also a guest spoke briefly and presented Mr. Read with a set of coronation ash trays. Those present were Mr Read. Mr. and Mrs. Borland. Mr. and Mrs. MaeCaltum. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amadto. Miss Florence Rose, Miss Beatrice Hunter. Miss Vivian Wra-thalL Mrs. Jane Hodgkinsoa. John GarotanL Georpe Dibb. Don Pass-more and Carl Smith. Kitkatla Band j Is Coming Here Native Yilue Musical (r-nirJ lion Ha Ruine Meeting. This Week ' KITKATLA. Anril S: Th Kitkatla Concert Band held .! easiness meetinp Monday evening' n e Tillage hall with Presf-!eat Henry Colltsoa in the chair '-d Lawrence lanis actinp as see- retarr. E. H. Gamble, honorary President, was the principal speaker of the Mcniar It n. J. cided to complr with the 1 ary presideaPs phui to Lake the band to Prince Rupert for Caro-tation Dar and staae a there. WORE HAIR LONG LONDON. April SJ: CPi In connection with tbe Onrooatim ' is recaSed that when Edward VII was crowned, vocoen's hair wasj long and worn high, over a frame! in Pompadour jtyie The nea-poi landle- knot w popular ; Mr r mm . BRUISES r Grrea quick rcfief 1 4 FADE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS Prldar AM) British Earl Sails For Spain With Food For Loyalists jMEf M5S??f . Jlmaammmmttl$l4almaay - SSSBb s' mrmw mumumumuY 3mwr anmumamjBantmumumunumumumi aumunm! jmmaammmVvaf SVv -W SmaLunmmmmmmmmTmmul jhIbBB! mfe 5.. hwBaummummunmumummai Ills sympathies ..'.: the embattled Lojiliit goverr.xer.: of Spain utt; :.:.:-...-: L.r.. .he British Eat I of Kinnoui puiis a stout rope aboard his trawler Mino a h? saiL far S,xiui wnfc a shipload of foodstuffs for govern men fortes. The earl donated a con siderable sun: of coney in addition to the l&-ton cargo of the Mino. He declared he was "appalled" by he saw in the strife torn peninsula on a recent visit. London Controls ' Final Business Drew Punchy Pen Fur Skins Marts! People is Held For Fiftv Years! J POIGNANT LOVE TALE -Green Light" Picturiution Of Well Known Novel, Feature Picture on Capitol Screen A stirrinp story of heroism, sacrifice and love, "Green Upht," picturizatfon "f a famous serial story, comes lo the screen of the Capitol Theatre as this week-end's feature offering. Enrol Klynn. young Irish star, who made a name for himself in "Captain Blood" aad "Charpe of the Light FJripade." has the role fa young surpeon who sacrifices his career to save that of aii lder doctor. Co-starred with him ;s beautiful Anita Louise, ior whose mother's death Flyaa assumes the blame. The two meet at the home of a devoted hospital "urse, Margaret Lindsay, who loves Flynn. A poipnant romance f-IIows In connection with which Sir Cedric Hardwicke plays the : ;.rt of a cleric with a board and :cautiful philosophy t life who becomes the confidante of the ; three yoanp people. A climax comes when the youn? doctor i nearly dies after having inoculated himself for the purpose of lexperiraeatinp with a Tints de-jsiened to control a dreaded raal-ladjr. The older doctor eventually clears the younpers name and Miss Lstrise and Flyaa are hap-jpily suited with Miss Undsae valiantly surrenderinp her affee- MUD. HEARTS TORN ASUNDER BY A SINGLE THAT ONLY ANOTHER WOMAN'S LIPS The magnificent story that changed a million readers fives... now tri umphantly lights the screen to make the hole world wake up and low! E R R O L FLYNN ANITA LOUISE News - GUILTY SECRET COULD REVEAL! U tfc. urM't WwM nmMit i U'yd C D..,l.,- , k.iM.IWr m4 i.ri.l .., Green Light MARGARET LINDSAY Sir CEDRIC HARDWICKE Walter Abel Henry O'Neill A Frank Borzage Production A cowurvt.iT4N WW. A law TO,GI" nd SATl'RDAI Comedr - Cartoon Last Show Starts. 9 10 UJl 1 CORONATION ee Heserve your favorite chair along v..' a: R. C. A. Victor Globe Trotter ana near in eomtort thp fn-pntpt hm-.i. c torj-. It s the-event of a lifetime. Hear it-r4 rL t get it direct from the Heart of the L-;.;. D.t.X 1 sra-l il- m . . . TTUt Af lVtmSnt(r llnanifal ImaII.. : j with portable short wave transmitter, will mintle srith tkt p- uiors and another will describe the scene at tbe AfcVrr. R. C A Victer All Wave Model ST3, S75.O0 In the eTer.i; 4 F the Kins, wi : Ills words wii! be an Empire ne t United States R Prepare now : thrill of a Met A s EC PHONE SPECIALS: Snapshot Albums Regular price $1.75, now only SI'1 Regular price $2.75, now only SI 3 Regular price $3.00, now only $2.K China Cups and Saucers Made in England Regular price $1.00, Sale price 50c Bluenose Book Ends Authentic Souvenir of the Famous B- Regular price S2LS5, Miile they last ai Ormes TTfw. Pioneer Druqoists The Rexall SUre Phones: II Open DaDy rrom I am. UD II p-nx. Sundays and HIidays From IS neon " pan. tiQ 9 p m, tin : r-iB.