l)RT CHAT irn .oirtni world's huu , Bvis .nnnker champion. Id the Wle W me iimi. I t ....iwnUrtrt Ufa fiN Brum, u?uM'f v- 1,1,1 EngtoRU.. d4ien the Kat Hrfghr 1 club in Enpten.rt. to b by the committee,, haya ..-V. I..r U I! Pro. $1,ZU "Jf ! v l..ot OffnliAf Ion v- ho uitJH !rtr "nvift. ;.-ji (,6,001) estate. Fair, IlriHsh and Enu LvyweighJ champiop, is p tr:ilnijr flowing nis of Jlax paer,. unnpu ... u i leavy. tommy fnii)ii is Lrring pjlM'Pr .Vt point-to-point meeting Ilrowne, Master of the I . - lk.n,irn n .,.1 bill. Ilini, WHS llllHf?ll H rM lV. Ilartc, uniteu auue,st best pf his widow th( was carried, out to the Nicholl, ltt year old x schoolboy who perform-H against II.. W. Au,stjn, the Davis Cup star's re- earn up with, tym in. the louth tourney April 25. hi Henry K. Grace, sqn late "W. O.. died ud-! t his home in Oevonport,' , tlie other day, lie was hail Deen in me navy inrj retiring in VJM. Royal Irish Antnmrihilf jin a jam. The Ards circuit ' ' " " - only suitable site for the MflMkN WA Trophy car race but ract ml.lilti ll ru this course is banned by council, plition to the King's ('up nnner of the liritish ail pt,ember 1Q-11 vi!l re I'Vrtft r e r i akefie d, the II erruu land the third-place pilot Workmen are pictured fitting sp eclal storm hatches on the deck of the Endeavour II, T. O. M. Sop wlth's challenger for the America's Cup, preparatory to the trans - Atlantic crossing. The yacht is shown at Gosper t, Hampshire, Eng., where she was built. idisplay of genius in 1032 is some thing that will live in hockey his- inn i tn tory. His head was virtually sewn hrl CDADT )K I llKhiA i together when he came up to. tht ; final title, game that year. "Six sliches were closing inierican TTaincr A'o Recalls wound over one eytv four stiches High Worth of Charlie were doing the same for a wound (ardfner over the other eye, and 10 stiches held together a wpund on h' vpw YOIIK Anril 23: (CP) scalp, all suffered within three Kd. G. Froelick, Irainer of Urook; llays of the final battle with the jynV "daf jpess boys"- in' the Na- IJoston pruins. Hut he had tht W Harto, United States tjopal baseball league and hanu mm..u vuysmi -a - 'now in Johannesburg: bcr ler of top-fligit atMetes for 1J W pci.mei ipr aiwumna. and , roi Soulh Afripan swimmers years, rates two hockey players gop and wen out held the Bruins scoreless to give the . ., -J:.r:.:i.I h. .Hnnrtpd th scene-r lB Koou enaiice ill r ."'V ninv irwVa tu ohnmntonahln." : names In Sydney next pwie iiprenz an vnare pam- -";T-- ! n his opinion the team o( Iner-anjong he three grea --r M Ilvde. C. Gerke. M. stars he ever nanuieu. Aneou. backr n X W . as ;ne grannm omen the late Ken Meenan, A Oliver can beat was (and " t . hruirAi'AI p, April 23.: Lou Broulllard, "gnt heavywekht cham- and his manager have been Med for life bv tlie Inter-' I11 Boxlne Union for an nl- Idellberate foul In a recent seball Standings liudlng yesterday's eames) land National .eati(e w Papilla DU1S matl Pit.. wm .2 j ..I ..1 .0 I' :9 American Lea(ue It ... Vngton ISO Vork w. '. II 1 .'...0 ..-..-...0 L. P 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 L. D 0 i 1 i V 1 1 Pet. 1.QQ0 1.000 ltfoo; .000 .000, MQ. M9 Pet. l-QOQ 1.000 .500 .500 ;w.6 .bob .060 JWments have been made A starr-writer of me .w or air race from London to SUK?E LOOKS rAi BUT IT'. baldly injured in a. , io former trainer of Ctoo's Na, w Vof &C?- Ss trCtraS W t k U he said he LLlT " P camp at Clearwater, Florida, in woyM rather die than lpc it - hi. part in a fracas -with remUcent mood. He quoted lA he got hs wish. ns at Swansea Marcj,. 22, . Kroe'ich: ' , ,a., AllSTI?Ai , VN nnitSES Morenz to hockey what -i 11 ' I Us. Sheffield United ot- was " lb-; Sre-forward has Hftbo Huth was to baseball. He FREM ANTI'B. Aust., April 23: ; "fended 14 days and fined was the greatest centre ice man (CD-AijslraHan racehorses are wl Simons a week's sus-, the sport has known-probably very pop.jlar in Ind.a, largely, , an, 2r, the greatest it will know. Card- due, it is thought, to the influence ; Zl iner, a goalie, had the same rat- q( Ale? Higgins, Aussie trainer; his department and his and owner. 1 " of the speedboat records "in My 11. t. iNouey apu Miller in Poole Hjirbor at( 1 wn a covering of 3f)J ;in J2 hpurs, an ayfragp ptf nois an hour. Brouillard Barred For Life "TILUE THE TOILER" rOU CAM'T VAlORK IM "THE DAVTiMH. AMD STAV UP MISHT-l WANT VOg hcme ay midmictht; OKA DAD.VLU E.E HOME BV "TWELVE O CLOCK 1 ' rrvT fR,r.. yVl- :i '25 T1IF. DAILY NEWS "WOE "FIVE" and Views of the Sport World Prepare Endeavour for Atlantic Trip CARDINALS Ballingers Win WIN AT. AIM Over Motors In it iii numiv Defeat Cincinnati Iteds For Second Straight Victory of Season in 5 Rnln rmieprl nnstnonfmpht nf low.1 RawIq RIav,Off CINCINNATI, April tun oi. i":;ri ti im" Philnrlcinhla's fume at Boston and MOTOHS 1 New York at Brooklyn. Tayjor In the American League but one 1l.0 ffame was Hlaved. f'hipaoro White Morm. Sox winning over St. Louis Brown.i u"''(' 6 to 1 at St. Louis. Rain and wet ): ".WW grounds caused postpanem'ent of 'paP V York, Boston ancj. Philadelphia and ' V"' !- - Cleveland at Detroit Today's Baseball American League Philadelphia 7, Washington 1,, New York at Boston postponed. National League Boston 0, New York. 3, Broqklyn 4, Philadelphia 3. Try a bally News, classified ad. JVU L It J, 2. HQ 198. ..135.- Uh .1121 158 : J751 72a Smith ..l.r)8 Uij6u ' MS Ilaudejischild 122 West .'.f 147 Handicap . . 40 Total .....74S, ir9 127 128 40 781 Ki7. 177 i 103 .40 813- SCHMELING IS COMING M-M"w "V former Heavyweight Champion -. , UeiMnif Hwte for Uout Wih Wjnnini? a.') 'Ur SWQx lN .Jimmy HraSdock in June '- - . i. on. m. .... ,lnf..-li,..l Dill. nil lflni4 . luno :i in New York. Schmeling a J .(g confident that Jjraddock y.l! 153 130 be restrained from going ahead H5,. K4 with his proposed title bout in m .143 Chicago on "June 22 with Joe! iB 1:57 r(()uis; 1U 2l:v - 102, IG3 J2l; 155, 209- 183, Davis Gup Play Starting Soon 14.1 Crawford, Qust, Magrath and i()2 Ilromwich to Hcpresent Aust-'40 ralia Against Mexico 824 . 1- . I MEXICO CITY. April 23: The 'MAKES ItECOKI) JHtEAK Jpayis Cup elimination match be,; I LONDOK. AplH23: 'CD Altween Australia and Mexico will: break of 235 a ' record for this commence here ou. April 30.. year's amateur championship-- Australia's representatives will; was made by Kingsley Kennerly, be Jack. 'Crawford, Adrian Quisty liirmingham, who in proviaus Vivian Magnith and young John competitioh had nude ono of 301, ny Dromwich, Siidbury-Wemliley J Game in Deadlock' "TOJJQNTO, April Si:r-S.udh,tryv yttfrV nl. Wembley Ljpni played fo a three all overtime- draw in who m pins on;, an Mrtfu -'n 23: "" Louis Cardinals, are heavily y HPULIN, April ''('"""""y favored to win the National of 31( to 3028 last Ulgbl ii) th Schmcjing, former world.' heayyP'K't. League pennant this year, scored Commercial owliny Keague pay, weight hoxipK champion and n ;-u. " ' ... , , A. ix J th'elr second straight victory yes- offs, IJi-rfh avproifo firr va ,,ew f .J0e Louis, wjll will; terday with a 14 to 11 win over Smith of llil)Hr'K willj I71 mxt Wednesday fur lh Uniteil! pHMMnnMPW':. Cincinnati Reds In a slugging nee. " '" """"o njjuoa apa pians io sei up At Chicago, Pittsburg Pirates and bi idayed Sunday between WW training camp at Speculattir, New the Cubs had their first game of Motors and Uupt Hnicbers. york, In anticipation of his tills the season, the Pirates winning 4 iniuYina wr- - (Wut against Jimmy uar'juocK qii The Old Reliablt . HUDSON'S BAY ; DEMERARA RUM t BnonyBfli dtompaiig. HCOPOT0 I1!0 This advertisement b riot1 pub-' ' llshed or displayed by the LU. quor- C6htrol Boaj-d or by the Government of British Col'umblqr; tJAUQHTEI, TIM I HEAR;. HB COMIN5 IM THE FPOMT DOOR This advertisement 1;. not jjubllshfcr. QP H'sJi!(f .bs ho'ltlqudr- .'CflnVrpi. Board or bv the- qjayernmertV t British". Ooiumblit; . She Keeps Her Word Va ee, TesseJ -SHE'S (SET-TIM HER QAb MEANS BuSIMBSS- J v , : : 1 . r 1 Beyond Understanding SHIMy, L"( IF I'M CJONK TAK I I Hi "Ht-UIE., IP I " " f GJZUH - I ILL, TOU TO ViOKK EVERY prOO .60 MO TO 1 "EEJiSs PRAIRIE PP'F r7' 1- ?iwft ASrJ rBGAS. 1 11 -r 'BVB.rw-."T"AKE mqthee: out f CG. A laiqB 5 DAO -SHE'LL (SfeT A THRILL IM THE OLD BUS NOM KIUB IN inM ULU Vli V t , I . ... . n a j 1. " ' - - ' - - - - - - - - """ '.ii 1 f 1 : a v.i t 'll.