PAGE TWO LAV NOTHING , m. tut The lyitcm that mabei you light lure of correct fitting. UNKNOWN- WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS JTack&nd Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES You (enow by teeing In$ide the ihoei oit the child'i foot you examine ht quality of the ihoei. Solid quality throughout flexible comfortable and imait in style. OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS $1.65 to $3.00 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH - COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avsnue H. P. PULLEN' - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.00 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion t.... .02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion - .25 DAILY EDITION Thursday, June 3,"1937 Force Hands of Railway Speaking at Pouce Coupe during the recent election campaign Glen Braden, the recently elected Liberal can didate for that district, said they were building roads to force the hands of the railways in building a railway. We doubt whether the railways will be affected by this action butas the. railway is a federal, matter. and. thehigh- ways are a provincial proDiem, it is a good tning to Know that the member for the Peace River has the railway in mind and that in the meantime he is alive to the value of highways for his district. Speaks Well For Cabinet . It. speaks well for Hon. T. T3. Pattullo's government, that the members of his cabinet were all returned in their respective constituencies. The men are outstanding in their respective spheres of activity and the electors have done well in continuing their services. We hope they will continue to serve the province well, something we feel sure they will 'db. - Distinguished Visitors Coming . The coming to Prince Rupert in the near future of Sir Francis and Lady Floud, the former the British High 'Commissioner to Canada, is something of an event. They will be suitably entertained here and it is hoped that they Mil be greeted with our usual bright sunshine. Congratulations in Order Congratulations are in order to the six northern men yvho were elected on June 1. They go to Victoria as a solid group of supporters of the government and we shall look for great things from them. Congratulations are also due to the voters who chose so wisely, .t. i Preparation of Voters' Lists As we have stated before a good many voters were unable to vote at the recent election because their names were left off the lists. It is explained that the difficulty has arisen in connection, with an effort to improve the system, of registering. Under it enumerators were ap-)ointed by the government whose duty it was to call on he possible voters and get them to put their names on the ist instead of, as formerly, putting the onus on the citizen. As it was not possible that these enumerators could pall again and. again at the homes until all the possible voters therein had signed the affidavit, many did not do so. There was no onus on the office of the registrar in. connection with that. The new plan does not seem to have worked well in Prince Rupert's case and it may be the duty of .the next )fe;Mature to so amend it that it will be more workable. Unfortunately mahv DeoDle of all nartips wpi-p nnnWo fn exercise their franchise. Thev mipht hnvp he aU Vote-if they had taken the trouble to see that their names were om the list before it closed but they did not do so. The political parties evidently left it to the enumerators who were paid for the purpose and the result was that it was not done at all. PIRATES HOLD UP Are Now Two and a Half Games Ahead in National League Yanks Lead American BOSTON, June 3: (CP) Pittsburg Pirates blanked the Bees by a score of two to nothing In Boston yesterday to improve their margin .of National. League leadership to two and a half full games over the New York Giants who, playing at home on tha Polo Grounds, lost two to one to the Chicago Cubs. The Cubs, as a result, are but half a game behind the Giants in third place. The Brooklyn Dodgers inflicted another defeat six to two on the St. Louis Cardinals to Join the Gas House gang In a tie for fourth place. The Phillies, playing at home, lost to the Cincinnati Reds In the fourth National League game yesterday and remained half a game behind the sixth place Bos ton Bees. In the American League the first place New York. Yankees built up their margin of leadership to three and a half games over the second, place Cleveland Indians by defeating the Redmen eight to four at Cleveland. The Chicago White Sox, idle at the Windy Cittf wtlh the Boston Red Sox owing to rain, stayed In third place although the Detroit Tigers defeated Washington Senators and are only mathematically behind. The Boston Red Sox continue in leadership of the second division. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Pittsburg 2, Boston 0. Chicago 2, New York 1. St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 8, Philadelphia 4. American League Washington 8, Detroit 11. New York 8, Cleveland 4. Boston at Chicago and Philadelphia at St. Louis, postponed on account ot rain. Baseball Standings (Including yesterday's games) National League W. L. Pet. Pittsburg .24 11 .686. New York 24. 16 .600 Chicago'; v 23 16 .590 St. Louis .1 LIT 19 .472 Brooklyn .....v. ,..17 19 .472 Boston 15. 20 .428 Philadelphia 16 22 .424 Cincinnati 12 25 .324 American League New York 23 12 .657 Cleveland 18 14 .563 tnicago :i9 16 .543 Detroit 21. 18- .538 Boston 16 15 .514 Philadelphia 15 18 .455 Washington n 21 .447 St. Louis 10 25 .286 BRADDOCK IS FINED Assessed $1000 For Failing to Appear Against Schmeling Louis' Manager Suspended NEW YORK, June 3: (CP) The New York. State Athletic Commis sion slapped fines of. $1000 each on neavyweight champion James J. Braddock and Joe Gould, manager of Joe Louis today. Braddock was fined for failure to appear in a fifteen-round title bout with Max Schmeling of Germany in New York. Gould was fined $1000 for having been a. party to signing Braddock for a bout with Joe Louis in Chicago June 22. Gould was also put under Indefinite suspension. FOOTBALL POSTPONED Tuesday. night's Stuart Benefit Shield footbal lflxture between Vandinks and Canadian Legion was postponed on account of rain, This evening Royal Cana'dlan Naval Volunteer Reserve meets Canadian Legion. FOOTBALL TONIGHT, C:I5 R. C. N. V; R. vs. Can. Legion THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, fun a, 1937 'S PO RT' TROPHY TO I HIGHAGAIN Wins Kuchester Shield, Emblematic of Junior Football Championship for Another Year The deciding game for tho Rochester Shield, Junior Football League trophy, between Borden Street School and King Edward High School, played last evening,, resulted in a scoreless draw. Since Borden Street had to win to be enlilled to another game with the High School, the King hdward boys keep the shield for another year. The opening exchanges were even with both sides alternately : "pressing. A fine corner by Wong landed right into the goal but: Scherk headed over. Long saved a free kick from Smith just out-' side the penalty area and Bor-1 den had hard luck in not scoring! when Schubert sent across some fine centres that were driven in by the Borden forwards. Kihara centred and Holkestad was almost through but was forced by Bird to shoot behind. From Schubert's' centre Borden scored but the ' whislie had already blown for offside. Scherk. with n H.irin Referee, Andy Horne. Linesmen T.' Arney and Gurvich. ' usual neat and effecllve football Last Saturday's game resulted: High School 5, Booth Memorial 2. The league standing: WD L FA P High School ...5 1 1 2.1 12 H Borden 3 2 2 17 1G S Booth i 1' ft in no o i..xn ACT Form No. 13 FORM OP NOTICE Paula fn-J w. x . . . - .... i G LS SANDSPIT HOME LOST and clever headwork, was hard to Fire sPeedi,y Consumes Residence beat and Cook, at centre-half,; 0f Mts' William Woods played a fine defence game and' . placed well for his forwards! A fire which In less than half an Scherk headed Smith's well-placed i;hour completely destroyed the fine corner over the bar. home of Mrs. William Woods oc-The second half was strenuous-Jcurred at Sandsplt, Queen Char-iy contested with both teams lotts Islands- a few days a8- Tne playing good football. Busseyr,ri! broke out at noon and, allocked Wong's run and Husry though no person was- seriously drove hard down the field to give burnsd. there was no time to ra-Holkestad a chdnce but Roberton, I mcve any of the belongings with playing a splendid game at ,tne "ceptlon a piano, an alarm Centre-half, was on Holkestad, all I slock and a larBe frJmed photo-the time. Bird stopped Judge and sraPn cf a deceased sen of Mrs. Fong cleared well for Borden. Woods. The piano was rcnaved Schubert and Smith got away to frcm the burning; building with a fine run but Wong shot behind. I remarkable skill -and speed by a Bussey blocked a lone run by young woman, and a boy. Tho loss Smith and Bussanich placed velliwa heavy, and. there was no in-but Fong brought the ball back I surance. and tried a long shot which Loniri did well to save. Baker let Judge Clir n fi away but Mah ran out and saved. T lag Uay UII ""n was soon cauea upon, to save some hard shots from close in. Both teams missed several good chances and full time came with neither team scoring. Teams: High School Long; Scherk, Bussey; Husoy, Cook, Bussanich; Kihara, Judge, Holkestad, Baker, Clarke. Borden Street Marr; McLeod. Bird; Fong. Roberton, Nelson ;Wong, Hodgkinson, A. Smith, Bill .cnuoert. July 2; Date Is Changed As July 1 has. been reserved for the usual Dominion. Day celebra tion hits, the Prince Rupert Gyro Club has decided to postpone the holding of the Children's Flag Day until the next day, July 2, when the event will' be carried out along the jsame lines as have been planned Including the Queen crowning ture, flag raising ceremonies, races lor Borden Mah, Fong, Rober-I William Stone and Charles Ba-u i"d chubert wcre out-.la8no.ate in general chargs of the standing, the latter turning In Hag Day proceedings with other his best game of the Reason. ui .... - - . i i.i.'ii in ij-r rii.ii i iiiMii uv in mu'c Tiru rtt ... n, Bussey, Zv Cook rif and T t, Holkestad it! Tncr1 finance, H. S. Meadows; pay booth, were w. M. watts; free booth, Dr. IL N very good with Baker playing his n,wwu. pi,. n r,n.tJ., sports, Harry G. Cooper. Prize Winners In Manual Training-Home Economics Winners of prizes presented by the Prince Rupert Parent Teachers' take notct riltSi'AeBV, Association for proficiency in the chariea oberiaixKr of Alun, b. c, oc-, home economics and manual traln-cupatlon Miners, intend to 'inn . , , apply lor ing departments j,-.,.,. of ponnteBion to jrcha the xoiiowin-! the local deocrtbed lmds: ; schools are announced as follows: Commencing at a pout located two Home Economic " onomics nmHo Grade 11 11, mll oui of Oolden Oate on Tagfh' . lAke. North Wert corner Post. Oround Helen Lakie; Grade 10, Emllle run u cnaina from th! nnst In southmj direction then 20 chains eat wwm u cnains nori. then 20 chain-west; to legal post 'of bearlnnlng FRED N. ACKLE3 CHARLES OBER LANDER, . -Dated April 6th. 1937. DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A, camp for an enjoyable vacation. Meals provided, Good cooking, Picnics, open air badminton, fishing and hunting, Miles of wonderful, beach. Terms moderate. Apply for particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett, U, C. Christopher; Grade 9, Flora Leslie; Grade 8, Helen Brown; Grade 7, Betty Soles. Manual Training Grade 10, Malcolm Wilding; Grade 9, Hans Peterson; Grade 8, James McKay; Grade 7, Harry Lee. The prizes will be presented Friday afternoon at a manual train-! Ing and home economics display at Booth Memorial School. 1 Misses Iluth Corbould and, Clara Stegavig.of the Prince Itu-j pert General Hospital nursing, staff will sail tonight on the! ; Prince Rupert for a holiday tripl soutn. xne rormer will make thei Triangle trip to Vancouver and' Jasper while the latter will visit' In Vancouver. I Glorify your figure in a Jantzen ! Enter our Bathing Suit Contest and get yourself the smartest and latest SWIM SUIT FREE Your choice of sixteen exclusive models shown in a galaxy of vibrant colors. Enter your names today. Entries close Wednesday, June 9th. Visit our store for further particulars Hi ! i i 1 f or io William F. Stone CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION SPECIAL Introductory Offer i Pint Tin "61" Quick Drying; Enamel (your choice of color), reg. price One Extra Fine Brush (bristles set in rubber)', reg. price . . Total value 33c 25c ....60c While They Last Only One Can and Brush to a Family Watch for the valuable coupon that will be delivered at your home We carry everything needed for your painting requirements, whether it's,a whole house or just a small, chair. We shalL be pleased to give information & suggestions on any painting problem Kaien Hardware Company Telephone 3 The Central Hotel j Fresh Local Raw And rooms and cafe' Pasteurized Milk Phone 51 For Best Household Coal. j VALENTIN DAIRY MRS. C. E. BLACK PnONK-i7 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY,, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S'.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY. 10:30 PJtt. Due Varrajuver,, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. V7. NEWMAN; Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible palatable, satisfying CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.