SUMMER UNDERWEAR RAYON SHIRTS and SHORTS per garment We Buy Everything CALL GREEN 916 75c RAYON ATHLETIC O flfl & Cft COMBINATIONS JPX.UU 3J..UU JOCKEY SHIRTS and SHORTS Lightweight cotton tZfin per garment DUU FINE COTTON ATHLETIC COMBINATIONS $1.00 & $1.25 ANKLE SOCKS Light weight wool with garter top Cftp per pair wwv MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Styled by Jantzen and Harvey-Woods. Newest models in a variety of colors 04 ft to flQ ftC All sizes J'w WATTS & NICKERSON Men's & Hoys Clothiers Phone 345 458 Third Ave. D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE RUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 7 DAYS PRICE REDUCTION on all Floor Covering and Chesterfield Suites USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigera tors, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 dallon Water Boiler, English. Prams, Organ (good make), Gramophones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Rooks, Singer Sewing Machine. Hood Set of Rooks the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Rook of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: m Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of.. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 Wc Sell Everything D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 5 p.m. Lulheran Tea and Apron Sale, Saiurday 2 to 6. Program 8 p.m. Metropole Hall. All come. (128) Donald McKenzie left on last evening's train for oMntreil where he will embark June 18 for a trip to Olasgow, Scotland. H. A. Swain of Terrace will ar Nabob Coffee Q7p ner lb . Sugar 58 0l P 10 lbs Scott's Grade A Eggs 97p cartons, per doz. Royal City Pork &. Beans fl OC 3 for - Royal City Peas 13 xw C Sieve 4 Nabob Baking Powder 99p at ... Lump Sugar 9SP 3: lbs """" Wild Rose Pastry Flour AQp 10 lbs. - Royal City Apricot 9?P small, 2 for Super Suds IIP large pkg Kipper Snacks 9?P 3 for Happyvale pickles 2C per Jar Rogers' Syrup QQp 5's Royal City Tomato and 9P Vegetable Soup, 3 for ..,U9y' FREE DELIVERY Phone 765 303 Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS Enjoy tea at its best LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N. meeting tonight. Miss Margaret McLean, wh has been in Vancouver for the ALADA ! Attention C C. F. members, past few weeks;, returned to. the meeting tonight, special. Club j city from the south on the Prince rooms. (123) : Rupert yeslerday morning. 804 Tonight's train, ' due from the David Bell, who has been di TEA east at 10:20, was reported this rector of the physical education morning to be on time. and recreational centre here for Keep Comfortabl It's Time to Discard the "Heavies" the nast year will sail by the Prince Rupert tonight lor Van couver. Miss Beatrice Hunter of the Capitol Theatre staff, who had the misfortune- to break her foot a few weeks ago,, is now able to be around again without the use of crutches rive in the city from the in- Mrs. Borchard and daughter of terior and sailed aboard the-.Australia arrived in the city on steamer Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. G. Johnston left last "evening on her return to Inver ness after spending a few days here a the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Durran, Fifth. Avenue West. Harry Farley, charged with room prowling, and Connie Moody, charged with vagrancy, are appearing before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this afternoon. Farley has been out on $200 bail. ELECTION NICHT DANCE ENJOYABLE A jolly crowd of 175 persons attended an election night dance in the Moose Hall. There were novelties and a happy time wa3 spent dancing to the strains of music by Mrs. J. DeCarlo's THE CHILDREN LOVE KELLOGG'SI T7 "TIi rhililrrn ak for Kellogg! all the time. I terve them for LreakfaM, for a mark in the afternoon and before bedtime. They always tleep soundly after a bedtime tup-per of KelIoV Kellogg's are wholesome and satisfying in milk or cream. Easy to prepare. There are many crisp, delicious servings in the big white, red and green package for only a few cents.. Made by Kellogg in Lon-? don, Ontario. CORN FLAKES IS CORN HAKES Made Better 'Taste Better Packed Better Week-End Specials SELVIG'S the Prince Rupert yesterday from. Vancouver In the course of a tnur, of Canada and proceeded. East by, the evening train Miss Margaret Beattie, who has been visiting at Queen Charlotte-City with her "father, George- D-j ueaiue, oiriveu in " tnj r the Prince John last evening io spend a while here with her mother. Dr. A. L. Pritchard of the Na naimo biological station scienti-j fic staff, who has been spend-) ing the past few weeks at Massettl Inlet in connection with pink sal-l mon migration work, arrived in! 'the city on the Prince John- last1 evening from the Queen Char-; lotte Islands and will: proceed i south on the Prince Rupert ta-j night. Mrs. R. Brasell ha returned to the city from Calgary where she was called to attend the funeral of her father, William Smeltzer,! who succumbed suddenly- to at heart attack on May IT which' was Mrs. Brasell's birthday. Mrs., Brasell was accompanied to Cal-i gary by Mrs. David Irving of , Vanderhoof, with whom she stop ped off to visit for a few days on , her way back to the cily. Ai brother drove the two sisters! from Edmonton to Calgary-Edward Lipsett of i, Vancouver, who is visiting in the city following a recent trip to-the Orient, was the speaker at the regular weeklv luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. Presi dent C. V. Evitt was in the chair.) Next week the Rotary Club will hold its luncheon on Friday instead of Thursday in order to fit in with the visit that day of the Vancouver Board of Trade tour party with which there will be- a number of Vancouver Rotarians. H. H. Miller of Sandwich, On tario, arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from the East to pay a visit with his son, Wil liam Miller of Porcher Island, with whom he is leaving todiy aboard his boat. Mr. Miller de spite the fact that he is eighty- seven years of age, is hale and hearty and is able even to read without glasses. He will be here abouts for a month and. on his return east he will visit a daugh ter in Saskatchewan. He was guest at the Central Hotel while in town. Notice of Sale TAKE NOTICE' that under and by virtue of certain mortgages in our favor we shall offer for sale at the wharf at Sunnyside Can nery, Skeena River, B.C., on thJ afternoon of Saturday, June 5th at Three p.m. the vessel "Taplow II. The said vessel is now said Sunnyside Cannery Wharf where it may be inspected. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C, this 31st day of May, 19P.7.. British Columbia Fishing ii Packing Co. Ltd. AnnouKenents Queen Mary tea, Mrs. Brass's, June 8. Frank Blatchford, .examiner, violin recital, June 10, Presby terian Church. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R'.J. D. Smith's, June 16. Parent Teachers'" 'Tea? Oddfef-low' Hall, June 18-i.. ... Why ENO is different Eno contains no harsh purgatives no sugar nothing that' can irritate or harm. Every particle is pure and beneficial. It acts gently but effectively in Nature's awn way and forms no habit. It is pleasant tasting and refreshing. Doctors recommend Eno and take it themselves. Insist on Eno refuse substitutes. Mrs. E. B. Baker and daugh-i ters, Katharine and Mary, and' son, William, will leave on to morrow evening's train for Mon-1 treal. where they will embark Junej 11 on the steamer Letitia for England where they will spend1 the summer visiting with rela tives, FOR SALE IE0 FOR SALE Gasboat Annie McKay, 27 h.p. Atlas, for sale this week. $850 cash. M. M. Stephens. (133) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootles., for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. ) FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment Close In. Phone Green 698. (129) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE or RENT Modern houset 229 7th Ave. E. Apply Apartment 2, Emad Block, (tf) LOST LOST Springer spaniel, white and brown, with heavy collar and chain, finder please advise Dally News Office or phone Green 813. (129) MALE I1ELP WANTED LOOK AHEAD Get Into Civil Service as Postman, Clerk, Customs Examiner, immigration Inspec- tor, etc. Full details free from the , M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, (tf ) COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. Satisfaction. Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY" COAL-VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PIIONE: 58 and 6S8 looks that it brings, Is only achieved, and kept, one way.. by Inner cleanliness! Nature comes down sharply on those who are careless about her Health rules. But, fortunately, there Is an easy solution 1 A dash of ENO every morning keeps Nature in law and order, cleanses the digestive system, removes impurities and makes a woman happy because she is healthy. CAM37 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:30 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12-37 A complete cosmetic ensemble for every type subtly blended to harmonize with your complexion and ,;' costume ADRIENNE i Once you try this smart way to charm and see the finished perfection it gieS, you will never again be satisfied with yesterday's antiquated make-up methods, Ask For ADRIENNE SCIENTIFICALLY HARMONIZED COSMETICS Now on Display OrmesLld. "Jfut Pioneer Druqgiats The ReiU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally Front 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.ra, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m.