"4 A. PAGE TWO THE; DAILY NEV?b Thursday, July 29, 1937 Y nnouncm RUPERT 9 ( it. i,ti,$' iJtb is j MID-SUMMER LEAKING STORE Ltd. Ski ALE An annual event looked for by every thrifty person. A sale that will save you almost one half your spending dollar. A sale with the largest variety of quality merch- andise sold at farbejow market values. Starts Friday July 30th. FOR THE LADIES DRESSES Smart afternoon dresses. Do not miss this event, lovely high-grade dresses In printed silks, plain crepes and sheers with slips to match, also some Jacket frocks In the lot, long and short sleeves, light and dark colors. Size 13 to 20, 16 V2 to 262. Values to $16.50. fl Q? MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE Jrtftf Crepe dresses lh women's and misses' styles. Printed and plain material. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to CJO Q 44. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE p&VO Cool little pique and voile dresses In plain and floral designs. All sizes to 44. RA QQ MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE PJUJQ BLOUSES A large variety of styles and materials for your selection, including crepes, sheers and brocaded satins In all colors. Values to $2.95. Long and short flj-g 4Q Sleeves. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE SKIRTS White flannel and trlcotlnes. Sizes 14 to 20. Assorted styles. MIDSUMMER S9 9Q CLEARING SALE W&i&V Skirts made from serviceable tweed or all wool knit. Plain colors included. Q4 oq MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE tplf COATS AND SUITS If you are in need of a coat or suit to finish the season with now is your chance to buy. Come In and see our racks at unbelievable clearing prices to make room for new fall merchandise. HATS Your choice of any hat In the store regardless of cost, including felts, taffetas and straws. 5fl MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE DUl SLACKS Made of flannel for women and misses, ing. All colors and sizes. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE Zipper .fasten. $2.49 TWIN SWEATER SETS Twin sweater sets. Made from fine pure wool. All col ors ana sizes. QO Q MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE QiJt'i.U KNITTED SUITS Knitted suits. Two and three-piece stvles. AAsortPd colors and knits. Values to $12.95. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE $4.95 STRING SUITS String suits. Two-piece, pastels and white. Size 14 to 20. MIDSUMMER 29 ft Mt CLEARING SALE IRISH LINEN SUITS Irish Linen Suites. White or with colored flecki Action back, smartly tailored. Size 14 to 20, cQ Q MIDSUMMER CLEARING BALE J0'7 JIGGER COATS Jigger Coats. Popular little jackets. Made up In suitable material for summer wear. Pastels and gQ White. MID-SUMMER CLEARING SALE Jo SPORT BLOUSES Sport Blouses. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE 69c HOUSE DRESSES AND SMOCKS House dresses and smokes. aq MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE JOC BATHING SUITS Bathing suits for women and misses. Lovely all wool suits. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE HALF PRICE HANDBAGS White and full assortment of colors. Zipper or other. novelty fastenings. All nicely fitted with qqJw mirrors, etc. MIDSUMMER cleartno s a t v. f 8 lJ H LINGERIE Pajamas and gowns. Novelty knit rayon, cotton, crepe; long cloth or flannelette. qq MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE Vois PANTIES Panties for women and misses. Tailored or lace trimmed. MIDSUMMER fr CLEARING SALE. 5 for Jpl.UU SLIPS Slips made of taffeta or washable silk. Fitted or, straight styles. All sizes and colors. ftQ ' MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE DHL PANTIES Panties made from Baronet satin or crepe. White and tea rose. All sizes. EZQV ' MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE OvL,- CHILDREN'S PAJAMAS Children's pajamas, gowns and slips. Rayon CQn knit. MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE UOl Children's Flannel Coats and Tarns Children's flannel coats and tarns. Pastel colors. All fully lined, smart little styles. ,t f . MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE 9lLkV Summer Dresses and Wash Suits Chidreh's summer dresses and wash suits, ' HlZn MIDSUMMEn CLEARINO SALE ; HOSE Hose Semi-service or crepe. All 6lzes and a fine range or colors. n MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE ... UvC GLOVES Assorted fabrics. White and colors. All sizes; A Qn-; Values to $1.00. MIDSUMMER CLEARING BALE " vlw PANTIES AND BLOOMERS Panties and bloomers for children. MIDSUMMER CLEARINO SALE. 5 for ANKLE SOCKS Ankle socks. MIDSUMMER CLEARING 8ALE $1.00 ISc FOR THE MEN Men's Two-Trouser Suits 14.95 Clearing all our men's suits. .English Tweeds and Worsteds. Two pairs of pants. Values up A ftffj tn $25 00. TO CLEAR t?JL42.tU Men's Trench Coats $5.95 Navy and natural cotton Gabardine double texture, belted, cemented seams, all sizes. Value Ct? (ttt $7.95. TO CLEAR at DJ.t7t Men's Pants $2.95 Clearing all broken lines of light and heavy weight pants in tweeds and worsteds. Assorted patterns, all sizes in the lot. Values up to $4.50. Cjtt (k? TO CLEAR at P.Jt Men's Hats $1.98 The balance of our spring stock of fur felt- In all th? new styles and shades. Sizes 6 to 734 in the lot Values to $5.00. TO CLEAR at $1.98 Men's Fine Sox 19c. 3 Pairs for 50c Fancy paterned unlrn sox in a large vcriety of rolors, Sizes 10 to 12 in stock. Value 25c. f (In. TO CLEAR at Or 3 pairs for Men's Work Shirts 98c 5Cc A large assortment of well made working shirts in ghingham and flannelette. All sizes, 14'2 to 17'. in the lot. Values to $1.50. QQn TO CLEAR at 90L Men's Fine Shirts 98c Broadcloths and prints in every wanted pattern, colars attached or detached, every shirt quaranteed unshrinkable. AJ1 sizes in the lot, 14 to 17Vi. Values (XQrt io $1.75. TO CLEAR at Men's Union Suits 59c Athletic style rayon silk union suits in white and flesh colors. Sizes 30 to 42. value $1.00. TO CLEAR at 59c Men's Union Suits 98c Natural color summer weight union suite, long sleeves, long legs, an excellent garment for the working man. All sizes in stock. Value $1.50. GQn TO CLEAR at 8L Men's Working Sox 19c 'Mfifle- of strong yam in medium weight, dark shade, Value 30c. i Q TO CLEAR at 25 1 Men's Sweat Shirts 69c Made of mesh and waffle knit materials. In all shades Including white. All sizes. Valued to $1.50, Q TO CLEAR at OtlU Men's Caps 98c A very large varjety of styles, clothes and patterns. Unbreakable peaks. Sizes 61 to 7a. Values ftQn to $1.75. TO CLEAR at .. 1.1 Ol - i Men's Silk and WoolSox 39c, 3 pairs for $1.00 Beautiful new patterns made by one of our leading manufacturersfilh fashioned. Sizes tiVi.to llVfe. OQn Value 50c. TO CLEAR at Ool 3 pairs fof y i, ; MenKTIes39c Every Ue In our store, values up to $1.00. TO CLEAR at 1 Boys! SuiiW$2.95 $1.00 39c Two-piece short pant suits, made of brown or grey domestic tweeds-, unllned.' Size 3 to 10 years. QO Qff Value $4.00. TO CLEAR at' ,i. . vZ.SID Boys' StKtsV-$4.95 Made of the famous Fox.erge ahd scotch tweeds in tjrey and brown, Long r. short pants, fully lined, Sizes C to 14 years, Value $7.&Q.-. Ol OC TO CLEAR at ... ... W'JO Boys' Pants 69c A large 'variety of tweedy in 'boys short pants. Sizes 4 to 14 years. Values to ii:25." P(n TO CLEAR at Boys' ShlrtVi-59c A large assortment of shirts ahd waists, "jugular and open neck styles Jn a variety' of colors including- white. Value to $1.00. ' TO CLEAR at "ffOo OVC Boys' Golf 1686-390 All wool light weight, ih grey, brown, Javy and fancy oiea o iq iu men.' values to 7&c. nnfl TO CLEAR at Boys' Sweatersyflc A large variety at styles, makes apd colors all wool sweaters. Sizes' 3 to 16 years, Values up to $1.50. n 0 TO CLEAR at ... : ..'..L.,.,'.'..'. IH Boys' Under.Wear-Sgc Balbriggantmiyn suits. Short sleeves and knee length, Sizes 4 to"l4 years. Value $1.00. CQ TO CLEAR at D7l Boys' Sweat 5h!rU 49c Made of fine mesh In white, liltre. canary .and fancy nmpca. Ail sizes, dipper necx. value 75c, dAn TO CLEAR at JC Despite the large advertising space we cannot enumerate all our bargains-Visit our store and see for yourself. Mail orders promptly aUefuJed to