No Vital Industry Such As Tfie Fisheries Can Be Sacrificed Said anese nsnermcn in tne urisiui iay region, sam nuru uuu Huge Amount In Back Taxes Paid Uncle Sam WASHtNGTON.I).C., July 29" The people of the United States during the past two years have paid up back taxes to the Federal Government to the umount of $2(10.000,000, according to a state-ment recently given out by the department of finance. MUST "BELL" CATS STAVELY, Alta July 29: CP- compulsory. cats will be destroyed. Hotel Strike At San Francisco Ends SAN FBANCISCO, July 2!):-Tlie hotel strike here is ended and the hotels will all be open for business again after beina closed for 8J days. This Is said to be one of the longest strikes history. , Engagement 'Church, September . in OFFENSIVE LIBRaRY VICTOR ie c. Today's Weather If Tomorrow's Tides (I AM.) High' 5:42 16.7 ft. mm a.m. Prince Rupert Moderate S. V. ,, wind, mostly cloHy and Cool with ' 18:68 p.m. 19.2 It. showers. Low 11:42 a.m. 6.6 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXVI, No. I'i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C;, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 PRICE: 5 CENTS Tier, .sin Victim Of Japanese Bombs HUGE FRENCH FIGHTING SHIP MAY HE SENT TO SPAIN An excellent view pf Uie French Deradnought Dunkerque as seen Irom the destroyer Milan during the naval revciw off Brest, France, recently. The Dunkerque Is credited with having the most powerful armaments of any ship afloat and Is expected to be one of the Fiench naval units sent to Spanish waters during present crisis. IIENDAYE, Spain, July 2U; l Tneiit-trotW uftiiwfte a:i!rl 1rul:ii' th:it. "no vital industry" such as the Alaskan fisheries, "could " " e -fj er on ine i' oi iiisiay was hu- i i l ' tt i i i i. I ...vfi.iii resilient ho mmi.ifir.iwl ki fnrmirn inrnrpsts Hmt'PVPf. hf lllfl nnt. i i r,.L ..i.... . ... . . . .t r-i i T- i 11 1111 . iNCU tate what steps the State Department planned to take, by the Government forces I Reports from the field ."aid, lhat General Franco had driven, across the Teruel-Cuenca provincial border and was now poised over the .Madrid-Valencia life line. Yesterday there was little ac- Itivity on the Madrid front except for artillery firim?. Russian Records In Long Flight WASHINGTON, D.C., July 28 ; Jimmy Mattern, who is planning to fly to Soviet Bussia bj way of the North Pole is applying for a permit from the fed . eral department here. He hope?' to beat the record of Soviet flieri who have flown lo this country . from Bussia. FELL FROM NEW BRIDGE William H. SwHn Victim of 100 of Vancouver Foot Fall V1UV WESTMINSTER. .lull' , employed. He died in the hospital hire, 55; Principal Buildings Of Tientsin Were Destroyed By Japanese Bombs While Men Fought Hand To Hand In Streets Of City NEW KING OF EGYPT Iaro.ik is Stalwart Youth of Eighteen and Was Crowned In Cairo Today CAIRO, July 29: Amid accnes of the greatest enthusiasm, His Majesty Farouk, stalwart youth of eighteen, was Invested as the first klnj of 'independent Egypt. Since his arrival in Egypt re cently, there have been great rejoicings throughout the country and especially in this city. Today's event was a climax to the agitation which has been going on for years.i Regulate News Print Industry WASHINGTON, July 29: Picsi. dent Roosevelt Is watching with! i keen interest the course of events, In China so that as soon as It Is evident that war has commenced he will Invoke the terms of the Neutrality Law to prevent arms or ammunition being hlpped to either I country Involved. Today's Weather lUuuiuialv iHCgriHluM Terrace Bain, calm, Alice ArmCalm, clear, 53. Stewart Bain, calm, 5:5. Hazelton Calm, clear, 5 J. SmithersClcar, calm, warm. Burns Iake Clear, calm, 5:?. Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind, 18 miles per hour; barometer, ::o.2o. Kstevan Clear, northwest wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 30.22. i Digby 1 sal lid Cloudy, south east wind, G miles per hour; baro meter, 30.20. . Prince George Calm and clear, barometer, J50.02. Vancouver Cloudy, southeast wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 30.18. Alert Bay Clear, calm, bnro- meter, 30.30; temperature, 51; sea smooth. Bull llarbor-Part cloudy, Bl'M westerly winds, barometer, 30.22; temperature, 55; sea smooth. Triple Island Bain, south sea smooth. WAS MAYOR TWO YEARS Late II. II. Itochester, Whose Death Occured Yesterday in Victoria, Was Active in Civic Affairs . t Word was received in the city this morning that Harry B. Itochester, manager and halt owner of the Prince Rupert iioiel, died in Victoria last night at 11 o'clock at the Christian Science Sanitarium. He leaves a widow, lotmetly Miss Agnes Donaldson of Port Esslngton, and two children, Janet, aged 9, and Hairy, 5. Mr. Rochester was always active In the public life of the city. He came to Prince Rupert In the summer of 1907. Prior to that he was neices, all holding good positions there. Before leaving the east Mr. Rochester had a severe attack of rheumatic fever. So ill was he that the doctors despaired of his recovery but In spite of that he recovered sufficiently to enable him to lead an active life for many years. It was a long and uphill fight against 'his malady and no one but himself knew how much ne had suffered as a lesult, was a stockholder In the Inlander. He was a member of the school-board for a number of years and also a member of the hospital board and took a keen Interest In each. The body is expected to arrive on the steamer Catala next Sunday evening and Interment will be made here. At the Rotary Luncheon today a resolution of' regret at the death of Mr. Rochester, a valued member of the club, was passed and a letter bf condolence ordered to be sent to the widow. little change in temperature. Chinese Withdrew Frqitt City of Peiping Allowing Japanese to Enter Without Resistance TIENTSIN, July 29: Japanscs war planes bombed this city today, endangering the lives of thousands of foreigners in a drastic effort to rout the Chinese attack that threatened to drive the Japanese army from the North China stronghold. The principal buildings, including the famous Nankai University, the Central Railway Station and Militia Headquarters are in flames. Chinese and Japanese trnons are fighting hand to hand in the streets. Meanwhile. Chinese forces have been withdrawn from Peipine allow-in? the Japanese attackers to enter the city without resistance. RATIFIED iWOODSWORTH TREATIES'; PRESIDENT telegraph operator at Ashcroft, a ....... . charter member of the O. R. Tele- "tl United Males and Canada arohpr rarrvintr rard No. l in Take Action to Protect Salmon And Halibut CHANDLEB.. Quebec, July 29- that 'organization. He was tele- (;ovenfmnti!ruint!w measure faces the newsprint in- for a &hort time and then became dustry of Quebec and Ontario if a Steamship agent and agent for : 11. - . niwln ....... rnn unm n nn H vnrps? I jimna v. I l'IIIItT l'UCWP "l (CUCt IS;" f ! . ..nlulinil lafm. Hnfnro nnmlnir tn Prlnrp Riinprr. hp i"imeu iuuiiuhuu. i.B........a " Inuf nSirfit tplrtrranh OnPilltnr and vlie m. - m m-m-ln.n u u Vioru . ; hari hppn m Ml a 1 -- 'l V V I 1 1 V V lie "IU V 0 1 . O f' I lVCpi CdClllClllVC Ul UU. VJUYCI11111C11L Spanish InMirgenls Si,i, to r JUNEAU, July 2J:-Leo D. Sturgeon, representative; ,Wd 'Viwiffn LinC f sTOP ARMS ' ' " of t?i TTnirnfl Statos Stats Dnnnrtmont nt Washinirtnn U 1 VI rllflU w ... v-v- 1" " r-- ' ' o wlio investigated and reported on the invasion of Jap . pi , . il. r. ti : -:.i i OLD TIMER iTHREE DIE DIEDTODAY IN FIRE AT David (Jlennle Wa.s In Business In I'rince Kupert for Many i Years, lottery as Florist i The death occurred nt four o'l ln. L- l hi nmi-nintr in the I'rince u i u....u.. i ,.r t!ivl Cl,.nni... persons MONTREAL! MONTItHAI,, July 2'.:-. i were uurneti to death ior many years a business man when trapped by fire on the tup of this city but for the past two floor of a three-storey rooming years Hying retired. He wus about house in the centre of the eityj 84 years of age. a!it njKht. The identity of the! Mr. Glennie was born in Scot- vjctjms ,., not been established I land. Years ago he conuuetcti e: because the bodies were blacken-City Market and later with b 8mokc Glenniiv conducted a florist shop in the city, The' widow lives in rrince ltupert. Funeral arrange menta are In the hands of Hay-nor Brothers. IMMIWCMT i'i ninatraBAi-WB run n llfllVlll 1 IjI 1 K "co-operation irom me Three i , Hopes To Beat FOR ORIENT Roosevelt Will Invoke trality Law As Soon As Assured War is On OTTAWA, July 2U': Canada .. i. ii i t .i i . anu the unueu aiaies jesieruaj ulate ttie Fraser salmon fisheries and the other to carry out tht provisions of the halibut pro lection convention. So far the United Slates has not appointed its commissioners for the Frasei River protection and until this is done the convention in that re gard is inoperative. The protection of the Fraser River salmon has been consid Mayor of the city for two terms ered for many years but the U.S. and an active member of the Prince Congress always failed lo re-Rupert Club, Mr. Rochester kept in sjiond to Canadian advances. Tin close touch with civic and world f?n mid been decimated owing all times. He had often affairs at the at , , to thj fish lril been spoken of as a possible candl- entrallCc to iUKt.t Sound, particu-date for political honors. A staunch ,ar,v amoBg th(j San JuaJ Isl. Conservative for many years he also M,i of Vancouver Island and thus es caped the fish traps, Investigation Into Seattle Labor Trouble SEATTLE, July 2'J: The investigation into the Seattle Star strike here recently feems to In- WEATIILIl FORECAST dicate that it was a contest ? Pressure is stationary on the tween rival unions that brought pitted. Urges Opposition to A,ny Attempt To Take Away Liberties Or ; The Subject ..WINNIPEG,., July 20:. .S. Wpodswortlr' was yesterday, chosen president of the C C. F, throughout Canada at the cio3-inj? of the convention here yes- i , ciiic Loasi sockey.e salmon. ""' i ... ..... t tr., nnrf n nis auuress to me convcn- clerk at the Banff Hot sprmgs . . . ---- lionf the ,eader 8aid it would be Hotel where he obtained his hotel " 1 Ju .Vi.S ithe work of the party to oppose U,XMntlU"0t i " tie iinu havi-very attempt to take away the the hotel here. ' , . r ,,,..ri:..,. fundamental liberties of the Born in Ottawa. Mr. Rochester -0lci utr. I. ,..,.., . ' ' ..ii. . I m 11... it II t.. V 7-" rnnirroil " People, mentioninir particularly leaves a sister still alive In that - - - iiKftt'inii a t ' city and a number of nephews and 1 . ,. 1 I1C LUIIUIIbiUII the action of the governments of provide for Quebec and Ontario where the, Miliar:.!. . ..mmlssions. on,, to reir- Premiers oi mose had; till sivs-t taken a stand againsi me u.i.u.i and in favor of the older cr-j ganizations of workers. It was the-right of the people to choose; what lobar organizations thtyt terference with this was a at liberty in a democracy. bldwt '. Take Passengers 1; Over North Pole Authoratlve sources here say bhttt Siglsmund Levaneffsky, the Uti3J berg of Russia, Is posed for his first Russian trans-polar passenger-cart supported Mr. Pattullo during the the'fish t.lke j returniiig to the rym5 fllsht. The flight Is believed past two elections. He was In the Fraier tfJ Bpawn of ttte the fish to be ratJy to gln today, early days here one of the pro- luivc taken the route to theii moters of the river boat service and home rjver aroumi the north end FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July Halibut Sales American Atlas, 32,000 pounds, Cold Star age, 8.0c and 7.1c. 1 Canadian Viking. 18,000 pounds, Coli Storage, 7.Gc and 5.5c, Mother, 13,000 pounds, Pacifif, 7.1c and 5.5c. ' P. Dorreen, 18.000 iui.K Booth, 7.7c and 6ilc. Jj;. Oslo, 19,000 pounds, Cold Stoi-age, 7c and 5.5c. Kaien, 20,000 pounds, Cold Storage, 7c and 5.5c. Cape Race. 14,000 pounds, Itoy-al, 7.Cc and 5.5c. ., u Helen, 20,000 pounds, Cold Icoast. Showers are general over about the trouble. The newspaper storage,' 7.Cc and C.lci 23: William H. Swan. 23 years wind, 12 miles per hour; baro-j Northern British Columbia with took the side4 the American Cape Spear, 11.500 pounds, Pa- nf age, son of Major W. G. Swan meter, 30.14; temperature, 51; scattered showers in the interior. I-ederation of Labor witn wnicn ciflr, 7.1c nnd 5.5c ni Mr mill Mrs James Ktikevsky lof Vancouver, a member of the sea choppy. I'rince ltupert ana wueen tne lypograpnicai union is hi u. s. l., 8,000 pounus, aiu, 1 nniiiiiui' the engagement of their llM nonunion liasKeuiau cnam- i.angara isianq, L.igni ram inarioiie iin3 iuuucmu.- on, uisiru m u uin. iui ic mmu o.oc. ,v Kl .iniiirhtcr Buhv Sohia. toipions, the University of British southwest wind. .10 miles per mostly cloudy and cool with show- violated the law which gives men Johanna, 10,000 pounds, Atlln, Damage to gardens, trees and song. George uvingsum n,, o g, y . of .. - bh-dsbfolineshasresultedlnpas-on of Ms. Borie a nd he la V J . l'oint-Overc8t; nnd-Moderate to .fresh north- The investigation by the Na-7.8c and 5.5c. hf Zl of , cats . , m it rr i 7in the First United Pattullo Bridge on which "he was calm, baromeler. . 30.23; tempera- west winds, moderately fair with tional Labor Board is about com-j Six Bits. 1,500 pounds, Pacific, 7c and 5.5c. IT