PAGE SIX 1 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SIMMON'S MATTRESSES Now on Display for Your Inspection and Comments Priced $19.50, $25.00, $27.50 " The Famous BEAUTY REST $42.50 PHONE 775 Bernice Palmer says . . . It is surprising the number of "people I have run into lately who 'jiavc been to or are going through 'prince Kupert. Talking to a doctor, the other day, he mentioned the fact that he had spent a week-jnd in Prince Kupert jusl a few months ago, but his chief impression seemed to be the rain! And t overheard a nurse telh'ng aboul the town with the funny sidewalks on .stilts. She hadn't been through. I'rince Uupert for a good fliany years. And then there was $ slriker who took part in the battle of: Kelly's Cut. Only real Ibid, timers will remember that vcnt. Th'o Matanuska Valley project has made American people 1 We again we wish have SUITS ! Alaska conscious, and 1 guess they just take I'rince Rupert along in their stride. It is an opportunity for some enterprising hotel manager to cash in on this interest, and for others to advertise excursions to the Salt Lake or to the fishing banks, to Metlakatla or I'orcher Island. I am conslantly asked "But what can you do up there?" Notice Senior Matriculation Course It is expected that the Senior iMatriculation Course will be resumed at the King Edward Hkh School during the coming, provided thai the required number of students wish to enroll.! The fee will be $125.00 per school year. Those desiring to take the course should immediately notify the City Comniission.-r in writing. MEN'S WORSTED SUITS 20 only. Regular value to $24.50. SALE SPECIAL TIES i DRESS SHIRTS ARROW, TOOKE, BRILL All sizes SALE SPECIAL 2 for , ..... . . Reg. value $2.00. Matriculation Students Pass Many From I'rince Kupert District Get Honors 111 Univer-. sity Entrance Exams A number of students in Northern Uritish Columbia whose names did not appear on the tele graphed lists passed the matricu lation examinations this week, Among them are the following: Senior Telkwa Theresa K. Hoops. Junior Burns Lake Edwin Ostburp, David E. Koumieu. Fort Eraser Seila 15. Moore. Hazelton Douglas It. Hunter, Dorothy C. O. Shearman. Terrace William S Cooper, Uuth E. tittle. Smithers Den Aida, George Q. Durham, Florence I. Lu)dsmm, John D. McDonnell, Olice Small, Fred S. Watson. Stewart Gertrude J. Matheson. Telkwa Francis D. Madigan, Beatrice L. Mahood, Marion W. M. McLeod, William J. Thompson, Patricia L. Timmermeister. Vanderhoof Margaret, A, Murray. Ocean Fall Bertha L. Ahola, Laura L. Anderson, Lilian II. Browne, William L. Burr, Francis N. Campbell, Geraldine I. F. Decker, Mary R. Slenstrom. SUITS ! $16.95 These suits have fit, finish and quality that the well dressed men look for. Fine all wool worsted cloths, Celenese lined for comfort, In pin stripes and broken stripes on dark grounds of brown, blue and black. 32 ONLY, MEN'S IIIGIIGUAUE WORSTED SUITS They're tailored which means that they'll wear a long time and be In style a long time. All sizes. In plain and fancy backs. All the newest styles Including the "Drape" model. Types to suit men and young men. Regular value to $35.00. ffli A A SALE SPECIAL $ JL D U EXTRA SPECIAL 10 ONLY, BLUE SEROE SUITS 19-oz. Serge. Sizes 36 to 42 SALE SPECIAL SHOES SHOES $19.50 SHOES Discontinued lines of our regular SPORT OXFORDS In chls season's styles ana colors. The sizes are not complete In each style, mostly all slze3 In the group, Keg. value to $6.50. SALE SPECIAL $4.45 $3-45 'WIO WAMS" SPORT SHOES-In black and brown. All sizes TO CLEAR $2.45 ARROW, CURRIE and FORSYTHE, Regular value $1.00. All latest patterns. SALE SPECIAL 69c $1.55 $3.00 run DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 29, I I I tap1 Madame Fahey Interprets Her Own Operetta Lady Who Has Sung in Prince Itupert Several Times Heard In Victoria I VICTORIA. July 29: Madame Lugfin Fahey, who has been heard several times in musical recitals at Prince Rupert, was heard in an opperetta composed by herself here. She portrayed all the fifteen roles in "The Loyalists,"' a story based on an incident of the American revolution. Last year Madame "Fahey came to Victoria and presented another of her own operettas, "The Bride Ship." which was widely acclaimed. "The Loyalists" is just as delightful and showed Madame Fahey's versatility, Madame Fahey's fine dramatic soprano voice carried a heavy role that would have tired many voices. But hers was fresh throughout and a constant joy. In some of (he numbers Madame Faliey suggested a chbrus, although she alone' carried the entire operetta. No stage furnish ing was used, but by her inter pretation, Madame Fahey the audience understand scene, all of which were HATS! HATS! Billmore Hats Regular value $5.00. SALE SPECIAL Regular value $3.50. SALE SPECIAL $8.15 $2.15 Caps by Brill and Style-Bilt Regular value $1.95. SALE SPECIAL $1,15 Regular value $1.75. SALE SPECIAL . . . 95c Regular value $1.25. SALE SPECIAL 75c MEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS Men always favor a pullover. They're so handy to slip on and warm too. Knit of all wool yarns in fancy stitch of "Marl & Cable" effects. In blues, browns, tans, greens, canary, maroons, etc. Styles in crew and V-necks. Regular values to $4.95. $1.95 & special $2.95 HEAVY WOOL WORK SOX 210 Lb. 2 pairs for IS. !J VL Lb. 2 pairs for kk,. u uo. z pairs ior 85c SPORT BELTS To clear 7. 75c SUSPENDERS For dress or work 5()c TIES Large range patterns gijc mado each amaz- Ingly vivid and colorful. Some lovely music occurs in "The Loyalists," and the libret to, also dolie by Madame Fahey, is extremely clever. The story la true to history and is of particu lar interest to the United Em pire Loyalists. Among the most pleasing sopga in the operetta are "The Swift Flying Little Thimble," "O Happy Day," "Her Ladyship," " Do you want to buy some shoes today?" "Come, Step a Measure," " 1 lie Loyalist," "We are Loyalists," "The Royal Rangers," "The Rose and the Butterfly," "Go, I Bid You Depart" and "Cradle Song." srny at 101 THE PAS. Man.. July 29: (CP) Sally Ross, believed to be the oldest Indian In Manitoba, has recovered from a seriqus Illness and Is back on the Reserve hsre spry enough to bustle around and do house work. She Is 104 years old. The Above and Many More Specials are on Sale at Everything On C.N.R. Trains For Children -MONTREAL, July 2'J: "All i trnml thlnirs that come frcm the kilchen at home can now. be ordered by children on dining cars of the Canadian National Railways." stated W. W. Swinden, General Superintendent of Sleeping and Dining Car Services, in announcing new' "Children's Menus" on Canadian National trains. These new menus, designed particularly to appeal to children give a wide choice ol suggestions for breakfast, dinner and suppe fnr hn littlo folk. Thev also in clude a number of nursery "jingles" in modern style. II is the kiddies' own menue. They may take a copy home as a souvenir,, and their mning cat steward will autograph it if the so desire, making them memben of the "Little Folks Travel Club.' "We already have special china ware and cutlery for children as well as high chairs and bibs' said Mr. Swinden, "and thest new nttmrtivp molllU romillfti Die list. We are making every effort to mske meal-time appetizing and pleasant for children on our diners and our employees have been instructed to give them special attention." FOURTH ANNUAL Sale Starts FRIDAY, JULY 30 at 9 a.m. Sale Starts FRIDAY, JULY 30 at 9 a.m. ieehb I LAST TIMES TOMr.n? Last Show Starts 9 p.m, Paul MunT (Of "Louis Pasteur" Fame "THE WOMAN I LOVE" With MIRIAM HOPKINS (At 7:34 and 9:37) ALSO COMEDY and Sl'OKTLIGlii COMING FRIDAY NORMA SIIEAKEK in "ROMEO AM) JULIET-With ' LESLIE HOWARD GOOD NEIGHBORS WELWYN, Sask.. CP n. bed, farmer Joe Moffatt woniJ How he would ever get cauth! J with his work, (when his nlghb moved In with 19 plows, two J rows and a tank team to nml water for 105 horsei used, tl plowed and harrowed 65 acra seven hours. I Mr. and Mrs. Georee ph.. turned from a holiday visit to M to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and patrons for their loyal support during the last four years. Through their co-operation been able to supply Prince Rupert with a men's wear store that "IS DIFFERENT." We continue with our policy of Young Men selling - clothes that make and keep you looking young. COATS! COATS! TOP COATS In brown, greys, tweeds, etc. Slip-ons, half-belt, nolo .1111 ,n.1n. n . . t .. , 1 am. - - 1 " iuu afeian. ill-guim VUIUC 10 flt.DU. SALE SPECIAL SALE SPECIAL SALE SPECIAL $16.95 OVEtoC$35A(K?5' nIy' B1UC ChlnchlIlas' 81,vers- etc Regular value SALE SPECIAL- 81695 TRENCH COATS. RAINCOATS-Fully cut. guaranteed waterproof. $3.95 WORK SHIRTS DOESKEIN WORK SHIRTS-Whlle they last HEAVY WEIGHT DOESKEIN-SALE SPECIAL -Reg. value $2.25. NOC.O.D.'s NO CHARGES A small deposit will hold any purch until wanted. i SPORT JACKETSIn aU shades with zipper fronts. Reg. value O M JtC 1 to $7.00. SALE SPECIAL tJEK) JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS All wool, heavy weight. In black, blue,, and fawn: Reg. value to $8.50. C A A SALE SPECIAL l)4o4c) WORK PANTS Regular value $3.95. SPECIAL S1!)5 WORK PANTS-Regular value $5.00. SPECIAL S3.95 STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR Clearing out lines at 1-3 off HARVEY WOODS SUMMER WEIGHT NO-BUTTON UNDERWEAR Reg. value to $2.00 95c $1.10 $1.65 ase WILLIAM E STONE - "Clothes of Distinction .. vvvvwavvQoootoaaoo0V0ittat!)O0t)tfit)aaaaaaaa (1000060""