.. .. - ' '"J" 5 f rsday, July 59, 1937. 1 ANTED Used Kitchen Ranges, Singer Sewing Machine, Musical Instrument, School Books. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange Phone GREEN 910 Bedroom Suite 5 Pieces Dresser, Vanity, Chiffonier, QQQ PA Bed and Bench. Price t?t7CKDU WINDOW SHADES Size or Green. Price, each 86x72. Cream DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Price, sq. yard LINOLEUM HALL RUNNER 24 inches 7A Wide. Price, yard . KFA'OLEUM MATS Size Price, each.,.., 75c 85c iJ 18x36. 25c - - - IN M XI D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE WE RUY, WE SELL, OR EXCHANGE Phone Green 910 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. i? i CROWNED WILL VISIT OCEAN FALLS Challenge of Local Football A?-cociation Has Been Accepted Anil Team Will Travel South Ocean Falls has accepted the challenge of the Prince Ilupert Football Association lo a scries of frames to be played at their own irrouhds. n js planned to take the team south for Labor Day, playing two or three game while there. A general meeting will be held on Sunday for the purpose of making final arrangements and picking a team lo make the trip It 1st quite probable that a num her of Prince Rupert sport en thuciasts may take advantage of the opportunity to visit the Pal's Control Qoar.d.or by the , I M "Fit for a King"... JpJ Xsrss ml i mmm mm mm mm vni smb Ya i COAST BREWERIES LIMITED J W VANCOUVER-" NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Government ot' Dntisli Columbia. CALEDONIA KIDS FAREWELL TO MEW YORK With New York's massive downtown buildings below It and the Empire State Building In the background, the British flying boat Caledonia uresents an impressive picture as she soars across the U.S. metropolis and heads for Montreal on her return flight to England, After making the east-to-west crossing from Foynes, Ireland, to Bot-wood, Newfoundland, the Caledonia flew on to Montrael and then to New York; she returned to her home port over the same route. The flights are forerunners of regular commercial flying boat service between Britain and North America. POPULAR FAVOUR tmmmmmmmm TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver iJ. C. Nickel, .17. , ilig jilssouri, .48. .' iiralome, 7.25. B. R. Con., .03' .. -Aztec, .084. Cariboo Quartz 1.45, Deiitonia, ,14.. - IliiO Dunwell, .02'2. . Uolconda. .0Gw " ' If V Minto, .10. ; " Fairview Amalg., Noble Five, .05. 1 end Oreille, 3.55. Pioneer, 3 C5. ' Porter Idaho, . 04 Vs- ' Premier, 2.42. " Reno, .85. Relief Arlington, ,251. Reward, .07. Salmon Gold, .07. '-": Taylor Bridge, .04 4. V Hedley Amalg., .05V4.'' Premier Border, .02". Silbak Premier, 1.95. '; Congress, 03. Home Gold, .022. Grandvlew, .18. , Indian, .03. ' ' Quatsino Copper, .03?i". Quesnelle Quartz, .09."' Oils i A. P. Con., .32. -v. Calmont, .G2. C. & E., 2.05, Freehold, .094. McDougall Segur, .271$: Vornn.1. Oil " Merland, .11. Okalta, 1.90. I'acalta, .20. Home Oil, 1.95. United, ,2G. Weymarn,-.09'j. '" Toronto Beattie, 1.20. Central Palricia, 2.7&T (ods Lake, .G2. , ' Lee Gold, .03. Little Long Lac, 5.55 f Mck'ehzie Red Lake, 1.18?' Pickle Crow, 5.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, .32? . San Antonio, 1.G4. Sherritt Gordon, 2.72; . i Smelters Gold, .03. r,v, , McLeod Cdckfchutt, 1.95.-.,. Oklend, .12, 'yy Mosher, .23. Gilbec, .01V2. Madsei Red Lake, ,75. " , " " Stndacona, 1.18. Frontier Red Lake, .12. Francoeur, .05. -Manitoba &. Eastern, . Oil',, Moneta Porcupine, l.G7' Rubec, .03. v " Bailor, .02. Bankfield, .75. ' ' East Malartic, .97.. Hulchlson Lake, .10. Dawson White, .13. Rajah Reel Lake, .13'. Aldermae. 1.07. Iferi- Addison, 2.55. UchI Gold, .70. The Letter Box CATS AGAIN Dear Editor: We trust you will publish thil in your valuable paper, In the Letter Box, .as a result of ou reading of your article In yesterday's paper.' CATS Now .that 'the': -Pulp Mill is no longer a lream, The cats of our city gtnw git- ful and scream, But ruined Is Ihe napping of our Chief of Police, AlMt the brilliant thoughts our editors cease, The rest of us fotk from the Cove and Wentview Have borne for years with the how! and the me-ow, nf .!.. iiut nf. ,nJ w. i.,e ui ...wc j..o m.t alley cats( Who on the garbage-made ro-uls I exterminate tit rats. But nrt editor's ile can not be curbed When his and the Chief's slf-ep are dlstrubed, So a meeting' was held to solemnly vow The jack the Commissioner up, and howl And should our -. H err .Alder hesitate. When the above bright lads their views ventilate, They'll demand a Mayor and his retinue To toll aloud a Cat Curfew,. And we'll vote for this crop of hoary heads, Who'll guard us when we're in our beds, By tolling curfew with a resounding bell, And tell Herr Alder to go to Victoria. HOPEFUL HOLIDAYING QC ISLANDS Number of Prince Rupert People Enjoying Visits lo Jtasxett And Tlell This Summer Queen Charlotte, Islands are ideal places to spend a holiday. Two points only so far have been given publicity, Massett and Tlell and to each of jbese places dot- ens of local people go to enjoy the climate, the sea bathing and Ihe carefree life of the country. Holidayers from Tlell state that there were fifteen guests at The Duhes At Tlell; the past two weeks ind all seemed to be. having a 2ood time. There were visits to the beach every day, beach fires in the evening and all comforts of farm life. One1 day ihe people of Port Clerrients held a picnic at Tlell and Invited all Madam Ra jaut's guests and another eve ning there was a dance at Porl Elements and they were all in1 vited. There wa.j a splendid informal time for all.. Those returning from Massett .ire equally enthusiastic over San-yen Hiver arid, North Beach as k holiday resort. All the cottagef hei-e were taken' and the beach, the visitors claim, js "simply woliderful." Trips were made td Tow Hill i and Itose Spit and 'here were picnics and fishing ihd everything that makes jor t happy time. Many of those who were ft hese resorts claim they l'lah ta return nexl summer or in the near future. TODAY'S HASEBALL American League St. Louis 3, Boston S. Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 4. Detroit 6, New York 1. National League I Boston 2, Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 11. Pittsburgh 7. I1ASKHALL SCOIIES Nallona League Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh Boston 1, Cincinnati 6. Drooklyrt 5,'Ghlcaeo 7.' New York 8. St. Louis 4. American League' St. Louis 4, Boston 5. Detroit 8, New York 1. Chicago 8, Washington 11. Cleveland 7, Philadelphia 11. FOOTBALL TOVIGllT8il5( ' i Canacl)ari .tjjpiv Yr Vandlnks f m m . '- ' rr-- tanaoian w r FADE Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To VantoUver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice Princess Louise Princess Charlotte July 3rd, 14th, 24lh; July 7th. 17th, 28th; July lOlh, 21st, 31at Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, Genera! Agent Prince Kupert, B.C. .N'atlsablr Watem I'rotHtlon Act ' It. S. ('. 19 '7 (Jupier 14(1. j The BrltLiti Columbia Puckers Llmi-! ted hereby give notice tliat they lvave, midif Sec.t!cn 7 cf ithe said Act, de-1 poclted wlUi AlUiliter ol Public Works at Ottawa and to the office of' the District Registrar of til t,ani: !Rtlsrtry District of Victoria at Vlc-f 'J""111 "l1 e l ' to e and the fla&v :if the whatf. nu. ta. mid cannery 'buildings construe'., j RWers iaict at wadiiani's. in front lOT.Lc- 00. Rr..04 II C:it District, Bri tish- Columbia. I And take notice that after the ex-' pi ration of one month from the date o! the first publication cf tills notice tli Erlt.'ah Colu.iibla Factors Limited will i under. Section 7 otf- the said Act apply I to'ithe Minister of Public Works at his; office in the City of Ottiwa, for ap proval of the said site and f-lans oil the. constructed wharfs, floats, and can- i nery buildings. Dated at Vancouver this 7th day of (July 1937 la ill i isri COLOMBIA PACKERS . LIMITED C. UNDERHILL, Agent Navigable Waters Protection Art U. S. ('. 11)27 Cliapter 110. The British Columbia Packers Limi ted hereby give nortlve that they have, under Section 7 of the said Act. de picted with the Minister of Publ'c Works at Ottawa and In the office of the District Registrar of tlie Land Registry District of Prince Ruert at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a description, of the site and the plans of the wnan, floats, and cannery buildings constructed prior to June 1st 1918 on water .Hi ,655. Skeena Rlw at Clax- ton. In front of Lot 20. Ranee V Co.st District Brttlth Columbia. And. take notice that afitef the ex piration of one month from the date cf the first publication of this notice the British Columbia Packers limited will Under Section 7 at ithe said Act aDnlv to tiie Minister of Public Works at Ma office in the City of Ottawa, for ap proval of -the.-a.ld site and plans of the constructed wharfs, floats, and can nery build tries. Dared at Vancouver this 7th day cf JUiy 1H37 BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED P. C. UNDERHILL. Agent Navigable Watera Protection Act It. S C. 197 C hapter 140 . 1"ht British Columbia Packers Limited hereby give notice that they hate, under Section 7 of the said Act, de-jeslted wfth the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and In the office of; the District Registrar of the Land Regis-try District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, Britten Columbia, a description of the site and plans of the wharf, flcats, and cannery buildings constructed prior to June 1st 1918 on Water Lot 5509 Inverness Passage Skeena River at Bunnyslde In front of Lot 117, Rang V, Coast District, British Columbia. And take tiotlcg ithat after the ex. plratlon of cue mcath frcm the date of the first publication of this notice the British Columbia Packers Limited will under Section 7 of the said Act apply ro toe Minister of Public works at his office in the City of Ottawa for ap proval of the said tte and plans cf the constructed wharfs, floats, and cannery toulldlnss. , Deted at Vancouver this 7th day of BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED P. C. UNDERHILL. Agent IU.ACK DIAMOND' JIINERAiTTlAIM tltuntr Hi tfie Atlln Mining DlvWon of riiHlar District, Where loratrd: Wtst lle Tiileo,unh Klver about s ml lf rrom Junction with Taku Klver. TAKE NOTICE that P. C. UndcrhUl acting as agent for POLARIS-TAKU MININQ COMPANY LTD. Free M!ner Certificate No. 20227-E. Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Rtccrder for a Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of Cbtalnlns a Crown Oramt of the above Claim. And further .take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act." must toe oowunenced before the Issuance of ruch Certificate of Improit, ments. Dated this 5th day of July, 1937. SALE UV TKNDKIt Tenders will be received bV the ul- dtrslirned until noon August 31rt, 197, for the purchase of the assets of the I Mattson Nelson logging partnership, consisting of the following chattels: 1 gasoline boat colled "Shasta Head." official number 154829. Length 30.2 ft. Shack and woodshed. Dishes, cook stove, drag-saw, etc All situate at Olaf Nelson's logging carap, Douglas Channel. Launch rcld separately, other chattels together: terms cash. Lowest or any (tender not necessarily accepted. UATED July 18th, A. D. 1937. THOMAS AIKEN., BUhop Bay B. C KANtlK V COAST DISTHICT llnmrltrrifltrtrt trf' ITiiice Rujiert TAKE NOTICE .that the British Col. umtoa Packers Limited of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands, situate West of, imd adjoining Lot 4478, Range 3, CooM District, Port Edward: Commenc lng at a post planted at the South Westerly corner of Lot 4476, Range 5, Coart District; thence S 7 degrees 25' W. 150 Jeet; thence N. 7 degrees 19' W. 529.28 feat: thence N. 37 degree 23' E. 160 feet; thence S 7 degrees 19' E. 589.38 feet, and containing 1.28 acres, more or less. Dated July 24th. 1937. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED, George' Gray, Agent. ' jrou wUh to swap something- Try a classified. L!- - . '!,'..! ...Ll i acme ? M- s i 4- 3: Hyde .., Transfer- phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll to Prince Rupert West End CHOP SUEY HOUSE Opening For Business In Our New Premises 828 3rd AVE. WEST. AUGUST 1st Phone 308 Navigable Waters Protection Act It. S. C. 1927 Chapter 140 The Brltl&h Columbia Packers Llmt ted 'hereby give net Ice that they have, under Section 7 of the Mid Act, Of posited with .the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and .In theaffks Ux the District Registrar of the Land Regis try District of Prince Rupert at Prlnc! Rupert. Brltlrh Columbia, a description of .the site and plans of the wharf flcats, and cannery ibulldings.tonntrUct . ed prior to June 1st 1918 on Avater Lot Lot 7239 MCI Bay, Naas River, at Mill Bay In front of Lot 2, Range V, Coant District, British Columbia. .And take notice that after the- ei . plratlon of one month from the date ct' the first publication of this notice the ' British Columbia Packers Limited Will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works . at hu office In the CU.y of Ottaww ' tot p proval of the said arte and plana of the constructed wharfs, floats, and can nery buildings. Dated at Vancouver this 7th day of July 1937 . BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED F. C. UNDERHILL, AfMlt