a a Always Delicious w m v in ah 0 TEA IT PAYS TO PAINT AND REPAIR For best paint values and sound advice consult 8 Phone 311 SOS DE LUXE CE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.15 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack It In ice and deliver it to your door all day up to 6 p.m. You can use It at your convenience. Use It for your bridge party or any social event. Don't forget-only $1.45 per gallon Quart cylinders 60c Quart bricks ,75c Pint cylinders 30c Pint bricks 40c Surprise the folks today, call and take some home COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 Don't foi"?t our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimming?, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday dinner these hot days. " ami uivtm aiAimi m:i im mnsnn ax ax n;i a:i ax ax axaa nr. I Keep Up 1 Your Home B B mm GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride St. MHiBiEixiBzafiia ran laxai.Biniaj'jaia-i Bixiiaiaiasaxaxari Fresh Local Raw And . The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk . R00MS and cafe Phone 51 VAI.RNTIN DAIRY For Best Household Coal PIIONK 57 MRS. c. E. BLACK Slashing Odds and ends must be closed out before we move. Here arc bargains to take advantage of and save. This Week It's TOYS See our Toy Tabcls for big reductions DOLIS At cost and less, a limited number of odd lines. Scotch Dolls, were $1.00, now . : :50c Sailor Dolls, were $1.50, now . . .v ...... .75c Doll Heads, unbreakable, size G, Special t .25c . Pop Pop Boats, now ' 10c Pull Toys ;. ..25c Bizzy Andy..., ..15c Skipping Ropes, all rubber . . '. ; 15c Sec Our 10c Bargain Table Baseball Gloves and Mitts, valued to $8.50 AH Half Price ' It will pay you to come in and look around SIR ROBERT BORDEN PASSES AWAY Continued irom Page 1 Like a political contemporary, Sir George Foster, Borden started out In life to be a teacher, moving to' New Jersey where he became a professor in the Glenwood Institute. But he stayed only a year or two; returning to Nora Scotia to r-f ,.t.. I J 11.. 1 politics. In September, 1889, he married Laura Bond of Halifax. They had no children. Sir Robert, like his cousin, Sir Frederick Borden, originally was a Liberal but he differed from the party platform in 1891. He slowly drifted Into the Conservative camp Land finally in 1896, at the age of 4?, he was elected Conservative member for Halifax. That was the election that swept Lauder and the Liberals Into power, to stay there until 1911. In a House of 213, there were only 88 Conservatives and it wasn't long until the studious member from Halifax, with the deep, sonorous voice, was marked for higher things. His keen Intellect stood out in the small opposition group, the finest possible training for a future office-holder. The Conservative party, after long years in power during the glamorous days of Sir John A. Mac-donald; had fallen on evil days. One leader succeeded another. Laurier. formed his "Cabinet of All the Talents" and swept everything before him. ' Appointed Party Leader Sir Charles Tupper led the Conservatives until his defeat in 1900. At a party caucus In Ottawa February 6, 1901, Borden was selected party leader by the 81 Conserva tive members. Borden was comparatively un known when the mantle of Mac-donald, Abbott, Thompson, Bowell and Tupper fell on his shoulders. The Conservative cartv was dls- i organized by Laurier's brilliance. B Halifax defeated Borden in 1904 I and he offered his resignation at a g ; caucus. It was declined' and a seat I I was found for him In Carleton, jOnt.. Edward KIdd resigning. That marked the turning point H In Borden's career. In those days plan opposition leader received no j j salary from the Dominion and half y a dozen wealthy Conservatives con-gitributed $5,000 a year to him. That continued for three or four years until Laurier made Canada the first country to recognize the services of an opposition leader. Borden slowly welded the party together but not without difficulty. To many people he was a cold, distant man in an unhappy contrast to the magnetic Laurier. There were insurrections against his Week-End Specials SELVES Nabob Tea AQn per lb 101 Nabob Cranberry Jelly 9 Op per tumbler Hedlund's Quick Dinner 24 P, Campbell's Tomato Soup Qn ner tin tl Sardines per tin icing Sugar 1 7o 2-lb. pkg. Palm Brand Ketchup 0T 2 bottles fitft Habitant Pea Soup 28-oz. tin Carlson's Anchovies per tin i isncaKes Norwegian oer tin MUX, Magic Baking Powder-12 oz. Milk All brands per doz Nabob Extracts 2-oz. bottle 16c 35c 23c $1.15 17c FREE DELIVERY Phone 765 303 Third Ave COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 THE DAILY NIWS leadership, cliques that wanted him cast aside as the party lost again and again. Borden's courage and tenacity may be demonstrated by one of these parlor revolutions. A group of Conservative members wanted Sir Richard McBrlde. from British Columbia as leader and he came to Ottawa. Borden knew about the movement and gave a dinner party to the members with himself and McBrlde as speakers. Everyone knew Jt was to be a test between them with the leadership the prize. McBrlde, a fiery, rhetorical speaker, flush with rolling phrases and happy adjectives, spoke first. Then came Borden, regarded as a logician, a colorless speaker who dealt in facts, not high-sounding rhetoric. But it was Borden who emerged victorious. It was he who continued as leader. Laurier stayed In power and Borden in the shades of opposition. Finally came that day in 1911 when the Taft-Plelding reciprocity pact was laid before a startled House of Commons. It incorporated that old dream, free trade in natural products with the United States. Borden wavered at first, un willing to support it, unwilling to oppose it. But a caucus of members convinced him it was his duty to oppose it. He did oppose it, so strenuously that he forced dissolution and an election. The 1911 election was one of the bitterest in Canadian history with reciprocity the major issue. Borden emerged as prime minister' with eciprocity defeated and Laurier crossed the floor to the opposition benches. It marked the beginning of Borden's destiny. The war clouds were hoverine. over Europe even In those days and Borden's first major question was a naval one. In 1913. believine there was an emergency, he pro posed Canada add three dread- naughts to the British fleet. Laurier held to his own policy of a Canadian navy to protect Canadian mores. But the government bill carried in the House after Borden introduced a closure motion, the first time in Canadian history. Al though the bill passed the Com mons, the Liberal majority In the Senate defeated it ' and Canada continued with its Own naval forces. Borden -was. not a good mixer like Laurier. He lacked the sparkle, the wit and the mercurial temperament of the Liberal leader. On the other hand. Borden in his speeches was direct and outspoken, leaving no doubt of his meaning. Hecklers brought out, the latent fight In him. In a practical sense. Canada had no army in 1914. Starting from scratch, due largely to the driving force of Sir Sam Hughes. Borden's minister of militia, troops, muni tions and all the Implements of war were sent across the Atlantic. Borden and his ministers whipped the Industrial and agricultural life of Canada to a war pitch. He was the first Dominion premier to be Invited to attend the sessions of the British cabinet in Julv. 1915. Again artcr again he visited Great amain to confer with Empire leaders on the prosecution of the war. He went to France in 1915 and agal nln 1917. But Borden had his political as well as war difficulties. Enlistments were falling off. A conscription bill had been introduced in the House. At a conference with Laurier, Borden told him frankly his fears for the future efficiency of the Canadian corps without adequate replacements. He Invited Laurier to Join in a union government of equal membership with Borden as premier. Laurier insisted conscription should not be passed without a mandate from the people, preferably through a general election. Borden next proposed to him to form the union government and pass the conscription law, making it operative only if the new government were sustained at the polls. Laurier said he could not enter a government -which would enforce compulsory military service. Formed Union Government Negotiations with Laurier ended with the Liberal leader opposed to compulsory conscription by any government. Although Laurier was opposed, a wing of his party was agreeable to entering a union government and enforcing conscription. Borden decided to enter an agreement with the Liberal wing, offering equal representation in the cabinet with Conservatives. Borden's union government was returned overwhelmingly in 1917, the "Khaki Election." The draft law went Into operation. The war ended.in November 1918, Had Rheumatic Pains For 25 Years His Arms Were Becoming Useless It was about 25 years ago that rheumatism first marked down George Peters Honored By His Fellow Workers Employees of the' Canadian Na. this sufferer; and finally the day tional Railways, to the number of came when he could hardly, lift his about twenty-five, gathered yester- arms. But he found reller here in day afternoon in the express office this letter he tells the whole story: to honor George Peters, a popular "About 25 years ago I first ex- member of the operating depart- perlenced slight muscular rheu- ment, prior to, his marriage this matlsm in, my arm and shoulder. A 'evening. On behalf of the fellow rew years later lumbago also at- employees, Barney Phllllpson pre-tacked me. They gradually got sented Mr. Peters with a handsome worse until the pain got acute in coffee set, voicing suitable senti-both arms and loins. I could not ments In so doing. The groom-elect lift a Jugful of water with my arm responded appropriately. extended straight out. About 12. -, months ago I bought a bottle of, Miss Wilma Wilson of the pan! Kruschen Salts and by the time it of Montreal staff sails tonight was finished I was agreeably sur- on the Prince Rupert for a holi prised at a slight improvement. I tfay trip to Vancouver, bought another one, and when that vas finished all the pain had dls- appeared, and has never appeared Unce." TJI. Thp nalns nnH ttlffnncc f .v- f ' H...V. ww.a.a.vtM? J 1 i i U" matlsm are frequently caused by, deposits of uric acid in the muscles) and Joints. The numerous salts in' Kruschen assist In stimulating the Internal organs to healthy, regular activity, and help them to eliminate this excess uric acid. and Borden's task was nearly completed. He attended the Peace conference In Paris and from the very rirst insisted that Canada should sign the treaty and become a full nember of the League of Nations. The modern constitutional setup of the British Empire, established at the 1926 Imperial Conference and placed on the law books by the Statute of Westminster was a dream of Borden's. Borden remained at the head of the government until July 10, 1920, when he resigned the leadership. The long war and the Intensified .vork had undermined Borden's health and he had sense enough to retire before his health was shat-.ered. When Sir Robert gave up politics, he gave It up for good, never entering even the gallery of the House after his retirement. Mackenzie King Sorrows LONDON, June 10; (CP) Deeply pained at word of the death of Sir Robert Borden, Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Prime Minister of Canada, expressed heartfelt sympathy to Lady Borden and regret that he should be absent from Ottawa to personally honor his Illustrious predecssor In, death. "The passing of Slr-Robert will be deeply felt throughout Canada and the British Commonwealth as, Indeed, In many countries outside ihe Empire Premier King said. "The death of Sir Robert has removed from the scene one of the few remaining figures of public life of Canada of the period before the war." IM TIRED, how vo you KEEP GOING? PA T TO TZZL TIT ( - Don't ay you can't enjoy energy -fooil cereal. Try Kcllogg'g Uran Flake with milk or cream. You'll get the laxative, energizing effect you want and you'll really like the flavor ot this cereal. It's crin, crunchy, ilcliciou. JCvcry tpoonful urges you to take another! Get a package at your.; grocer's today. Ovcn.fresh and ready to crvc. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. imam BRAN FLAKES In th Golden YIUw Pockagt - Society Brand Clothes Lead BECAUSE THEY ARE: Hand tailored-Styled by experts Made of finest imported fabrics And are available in a wide range of patterns, including Twists, Highland Tweeds, Plain and fancy Worsteds, Serges, Gabardines, Etc. Prices $ 0 C .00 From kJkJ Payment on our 15-pay plan if desired Know the Satisfaction that comes from Wearing- Well-Tailorcd Clothes WAITS & NICKERS0N . Men's & Boys' Clothiers Phonc 315 n 458 Third Ave. I "Rain or Shine" - "Day or Night" I I PHONE C TAXI I I c. '''""P and Courteous Service I m Mand opposite Royal Hotel, Third Avenue Thursday, junt 10 37 LAST TIMES TONIGHT mouow an g P m j UNIVEHSAL'S GlxT MUSICAL "TOP of the TOWN" (At 7:30 & 9:30) FIRST PICTURES of CORONATION CARTOON and NOVELTY. Coming Friday 'Rainbow on the River' New Laundry Cor. Firth Ave. & .McBride St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50c THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed ,10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ca. 716 Phones 858 DUNN'S Holiday Cottages A camp for an enjoyable vacation. Meals provided, Oood cooking. Picnics, open air badminton, fishing and hunting. Miles of wonderful beach. Terms moderate. Apply for particulars to MRS. DUNN, San fan River, Near Mawttt, B. C. Have YOU a PIANO? A piano, to be kept In good condition so that it will please the musician and do justice to the student, requires the attention of a piano tuner at least wlce a year. For good tuning call (Jeorge C. Walker Member Piano Tuners and Technicians Association of British Columbia Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelL Proprietor -A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Rates J1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Boi 19 THE SEAL ' QUALITY "to 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only sal"10" with an a canning company the year round payroll u Prince Rupert