jay, December 9, 1937. LOCAL NEWS NOTES . 1 - t 9 T" I ,1 T , .... rrivea A new snipmcuv ui uuugc. uoys nana rarenis Assn. i"rl A.inoln' Tacrine' tfoll tvi.i.... T in (1 yj'Cyl GWCaillo. iuiuiivv . -wfavn aaatt, iiuajr, itt. iu, o p.m. RID OF STAINS mi.ln fifw dicory, r. . .i.;. tarniah. tartar likfl L3t ' it falne tcrtb or bridf' In . and aan d b. (lood llouarkMpme. At 3 Honey back II not deliKbieo. I j south Seas adventure ro- ....... nimoH In TWVinlrnlnr CVCl 1IU11VM . w w.i(ivwv. .i..nAirin n " i rvi 11 11 i 1 1 i.t nino" Run Ins fnmnrrnw Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at to ofUK &;;k explanation cxpianauou ,w from the .c -cure local or district shipment to the i..u. A tit- Iniofnct rtt iJiools, on the subject of U. (287) jusan1 of. Tatalrose, n.'hfe&,Wirin)tr4djlScker is slinj t-lfp country arrived. lbuQhleht.nn ; thpPrim-n'AinrfTi.fnr von Tuesday nights tram Vancouycr. .,ai visit to town. He IJ )U Jltlk iv v...- WU1. lilJUJ juov JUlHUl Odin, and aaugntcrs,- around ' at the Dollar Store. Every- i UIU rt vvliinrl 1LI. .1 : 1 A f m inn uuruiuiu. uwivvu ujuik uu uismav. li iu - .lniirthtnrc tin 1 1 ro. ..mnrrnW CVeillnK. - - t- rrrTii lH hill .C LLin nil Tonight's train, due from the cast at 11 o'clock, was reported this ' morning to be on ttlme Keep warm this cold weather! Burn our famous Nanalmo-Welling ton coal Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116-117. (288) A. Dockrill of Telkwa will be a 1 passenger sailing aboard the ss Prince Georcc tonight for Van- i couver. Hotel Arrivals Itoyal J. Campbell and P. Castlno, Vancouver; A. Miller, Prince George. Prince Hupcrt Capt. Mortimer, II. Ducommln " t Gardiner and :9mmittee handling prairie, R. Nelson. Vancouver: W. L. Gra i . i ; f ne in .i' li ' i nn . . 1 . .1 V.nL. i:;r mat. purjc uau wui oat of town instead of belnt ham, Toronto; Thomas Anderson Tucks Inlet. Central F. Fehcnntng, Stewart, L. H. Brawand and G. H. Mogdon, Sml-thers; Guy Farrow, Telkwa; A. Miller, Prince George; Mrs. Mur: do Smith. Terrace: Miss Swanhlld Hougen, Miss Ethel Thomson, B.j Hougen, Miss Borghlld Hougen. Odin Hougen, Arthur Grassier and Forrester Blgney, Francois Lake: Mr. and Mrs. R. Sukewlng and fnmily, Snbwshoe; J. B. Arm- tst.rnntr. Krimonton: Hans Llnd f tua cinh tt-fin In the'pnnnnr nif.v: P. .1. Rolls and Mrs. Jnd there was a eood alien- senKcwiz, cuy. of members with a few I Be wlss. Reaa Ui want ad . -JIN .TOTPSBW KV Mrs. Irvine Is President Named Head of United Churct Ladies Aid for Year mela and Mrs. A. Gomez. Tea Cun Readlne Mrs. J. Cook and George Balnes. Candy Miss F. Michlluk and Miss M. Laporte. Games David Ross. rinan Guesslne Contest Peter Czvz. Home Cooking Mrs. B. Wallace. Cashier Mrs. W. E. Penney. A display of crochet work by Mrs Brown of Port Esslngton elicited much favorable comment. The winner of the bean guessing contest, the prize for which was tu-pntv-five nounds of beef, was Miss Frances Michlluk. SHREDDED WHEAT, that the children start SEE the day right with Shredded Wheat. From its precious whole wheat goodness, they will derive that vital nourishment that sustains and keeps them up-to-the-mark. It feeds them energy and fitness. It pleases them with its tempting wheat flavor, while It saves mother time and' work In preparing because It's ready-cooked. Be sure to serve Shredded Whcar today and every day. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. . Niagara Falli - Canada I ------ HRFnDED WHEAT - OF CANADIAN WHEAT MADE IN CANADA w . - w . vvNvA-r 'vL''. -v-v -? ut v .tf tfo?iri Christmas Cards PlI.LOniANi: and TINSEL KII5UON lngs. red, green, gold or silver Tags, Seals, Gift-Wrappings There are over 300 boxes of Christmas Cards containing 12, 15, 18 and 21 cards to box. Each card Is different, some are ribbon tied, all are smart and attractively designed. Priced from, 33c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per Box Individual cards priced from 2 for 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c & 33c each Gay Christmas ty- 10c TAOS and SEAKS-FInc assortment of tags cals- add Just the right touch to your Pa?1&- ? . luimvUAPPINOS-Fancy gt wrt.pp.nl 'papcVthat will give your package that drcsscd-up look. Rose, Cowan & Latta Limited IJcsiht Block Third Street PAOl THRU THE DAILY NCWI Holland Sewing jFor Royal Baby Juliana Not Accepting Public Gifts Hut Lots of Private Delp ' k 1 : 1,1 t , ' 1 ... . 1 . . . i., Aineeuii.uA4Mii4 iuies nia uj. f AMSTERDAM,. Dec. 9 WJ.)-rrfl the'FirsC United Church took place ,.nV!.i cowinrr circle, is workine Its Tuesday evening for the purpose 1 fmgers off at the "little white pa- .1 . i no -tri-. - rm - i . .... . . ui ejecting uiutxrs. ine eiec tion resulted a3 follows: Honorary President, Mrs Kergin W. H. President, Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Vice-President, Mrs. James Kri kevsky. Secretary, Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson, Treasurer Mrs; J. Ciccone. Womens Labor League Bazaar Attractive Afternoon Affair Was Followed by Dance in Evening The bazaar of the Women's Laboi League in the Canadian Labor De fense League Hall was a successful affair. There were attractive fancy work and home cooking tables and tea was served. Other features lent to the interest of the affair Including a two-hour game of bingo. In the evening dancing was enjoyed from 10:30 rm. until 1:30 a.m. witr snappy music by Russell Cameror and Stan Veitch. Those in charge were: Refreshments Mrs. Lee Inter- lae.e" of Soestdiik. It's becau Crown Princess Juliana found she couudn't sew and knit herself quite all the garments she wanted. So a few chosen friends were called in and needles have been flying since This babv of Juliana ana net consort, the German Bernhard. will arrive about the first of the) year to be heir or heiress-presumptive to the throne from which firm Queen Wllhelmlna now rules Hol land. Juliana Is the present hel: ipparent; she has no brothers or sisters. No public gifts for the baby will ho QciinM That, last edict aid n't daunt Netherlands housewives rhev are sewhiK and knitting lust xs hard as Juliana's circle but' the rifts will go to needy children oorn n the same month as tne lira itlzen of Soestdljk. Dr. J. H, Carson returned to the :lty on Tuesday night's train from i brief trip to Smlthers. BRONCHITE Avfc It m medt mcor qui qui m tm ASTHME Hamanmm ioui ii imix:mM I"- - m ucj mti met m mm.m DUCKLErCu LJ MIXTURE ij Bernice Palmer says . . A smart fashioned" nfrte-match ng ensembles! A stunning ouwn ;een recently In San Francisco was blue tailored suit wltli matching nsemble of bright red shoes, hat ind purse. Wide slashes of dark lue leather, against the red gave ndicatioiVioT tire 'coronation ln- luence even here. . - Bv the way., how many of you have tried hot watcrpastry? Hen s a peanut butter cookie , that Is du-erent andkecps well" if glrejT thr chance. ... Peanut Butter Cookies iy2 cups powdered sugar; ' 1 cup dates (optional); 1 cup peanut butter; 4 egg whites. Method Put all lugrpdlents in bowl and mix well. Drop .on bak- ng sheet. Bake a 300K sdegrees ,1,, f 1a tn nn- iviliiiiloo until dplt- ate brown. Be sure and use nice fresh pea- nit butter and not any all dried up. Oakland. CHEERIO. Announcements All advertisements ln thls column will be charged tor a'tull month at 25c a word.. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar, December 8. iS Baptist Tea. December a. S.O.N. Christmas Tree December 29. C.Y.S. Holiday Dance Dec 28th Oddfellows' Hall. . V. Norkap Christmas Tree December Oddfellows' Old Time 'Hogmanay Dance, December ji. , l,.M ACT NulUc or luti'iilliiii lu Apply tu J 1 .11 Mil Tn rrlnro RiuK-rt Land tleocrdlna nilr-Lr..t nf llrUinh CollUllblS. lld tltli- 7mvom Thlalld ou.UiO N.jW. D31nt , -l r-v Oil WHS SUM OH .UI. M I V i).itn.a,ll n..l,Yt Take natlco tlutt Praiut Waterman or Prlnoa tlnrwrt Ti C. OOCUtKLtlCm MlnM. luU-ittU to tipply for . ifuwe of tbe 101- IowIhr deticrlbPd Ituuua: eui oi toe rre' orr Aromzazu vmta. DumTrwiiflrut at a post Dlaadrd 01 the hWh eroasy txUkt on the South Bide of the rot tlieace 1800 fecit NnrtliniHt: thraife 1600 feet Northwest thence 1800 feet Soutliwent; then.-e 1500 feet Southeast a (id coii.Ulrjlng.J3 Timely Recipes PUMTKIN nE One of the old Puritan ministers rtMc-A nun-mkln "a fruit which tht Trrt fed his Deople witn im com ,a ootHn lnrrpa.d." and it is Wv ' nuit.-. true that the pumpkin eas . . - lly grown, easily coosea ana caauj keDt In a dried state, as tne coion .stj; iparned from the Indians mus sometimes have seemed like a gift from heaven to the hungry settlers nf iht- New World. At first tht pumpkin was served as "pumpkin tauen". but it was not long Deiore t.hp enterrjrislne pioneer cook had concocted it into a pie. She used maDle svrup as sweetening an nthpr. native American food to which the Indians introduced thi white man. Pumpkin Pic 1 cup steamed, strained pump kin; y2 teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon ginger; y2 teaspoon cloves; 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 3 pfftrs: ' 1 1-3 cups fl can) sweetened ondensed milk; 1 cud water. Unbaked Die crust (9-inch). Thorouahly mix steamed, strain- d and mashed pumpkin, salt, gin rer. cloves, cinnamon, eggs, sweet, ned condensed milk and water Pour Into unbaked pie crust. Bake n hot' oven (450 deg. F.) 10 mln- ites. then reduce temperature tc noderate (350 dee. F.) and bak lboiit 35 minutes longer, on until he filling has set. Built The Home- Then Married St. Louis Couple Determined nave Roof Over Heads To ST. LOUIS, Dec. 9 (CP.) Thej vahted to get married but not intll they had a roof over then leads. So for three long years Vferedith Shapleigh and John larshall Cleary. jr., tolled in a se cret location building a handsome line-room dwelling with their owi lands. It's finished now and they are going to be married. Their friends called them crazy 'jut they had an answer. Says Miss Jhapleigh: "We had a lot more fun yorklng together on something wc wth wanted than we would have ratten out of being married anc starting in a dinky apartment lr .own,'- GIVE PHOTOS This Christmas The only gift your fri nds cannot buy. BEN? ON STUDIO Jrd Avenue JONES Family Market 'hone 93? AND Phone 95' Fulton Meat Market t'hone 683 VEAL CHOPS 2' lbs. LAMB CHOPS Specials VEAL -lb SHOULDER of VEAL VEAL STEAK Per lb. L.VUIt 2 lbs - SHOULDER of LAMB Per lb MUTTON CHOPS 2' lbs BEEF HAMBURGER 3 lbs T-BONE STEAK Per lb SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb SHORT RIBS PRIME RIB SHORT STANDING Per lb PORK SHOULDER of PORK Per lb LEGS of PORK Per lb LOIN PORK CHOPS 2 lbs rhone 683 50c 20c 45c 45c 15c 35c 25c 20c 20c 25c 15c 16c 20c 45c pnONES 18 and 81 AfWtmm Chris till as Gif, Suggestions Yardley of London has sent us a truly wonderful assortment of Yardley gift boxes... They're boxes packed with feminine luxuries and maiculine aids to smart grooming. The two illustrated are from a range that runs from 85c to J 20.00. See ihem at our Yardley counter. P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store ' "Where Dollars Have More uents" ft f . fl . I I .iiall I. ' ( I chase & sanborn:s;cof-.: FEE Extra quality. QQn Per lb : 0VX' AYLMER SOUPS Tomato, Vegetable, Cream of OCJp Other Varieties. Tin 9c PORK & BEANS Lib- OQa by's. 2's, sqt. 3 tins .. PEANUT BUTTER Empress. None finer. Vs. Per tin 2's. Per tin 4's. Per tin 16c 29c 53c FRY'S CHOCOLATE Un sweetened for bak- 1 A01 Qp lng. '2-lb. pkg. FLAVORING Em- QOn press. 2-oz. bottle. ... CLUSTER RAISINS California, for the Xmas 9Qs Gt . table. Pkg MINCEMEAT Empress, best quality. 16-oz. con- QOp OOXs talner. 2. for POPPING CORN Make your own popcorn. 1 H P AVU Per lb XMAS MIXED CAN- "lOp DIEs Per lb. MOIRS' FINEST ASSORT MENT CANDIES Creams, Jellies, mints, etc. Qn DL Per lb 3 lbs $1.00 Wc have a complete stock of your baking requirements, cut and whole peel glace cherries raisins currants nenca aimunus and brazils shelled walnuts FREE DELIVERY ON ORDER OF $1.00 Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful, Attention Ormes Ltd. The Store of a Thousand Gifts I Smart Christmas Gift! Suggestions From Our Electrical Department SANDWICH TOASTERS A very acceptable gift. Priced from a ii n m p ELECTRIC WAFFLE IKONS An always appreciated gift. Modem W U chomium-plated models. CC Aft i I Priced from . : D'UU ll j ELECTRIC TOASTERS Smartly designed. S225 rncea irom -m 2.90 1 Electric Food .Mixers, Irons, Percolators, Silex Coffee .Makers, H Electric Clocks, Heating Pads, Curling Irons H Zenith Washing Machines, Sparton Refrigerators M P Be Sure and Sec Our Lamp Display. The Largest Stock In Town of Table, Bridge, Trilitc and Bed Lamps jj "The Home of Practical Gifts" I GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 p Phone 311 McBridcSt. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News hat the people of the whole district are doing the same. i. 11 i1 ST.' .ill' A.: V, " . ..