M U ft & I V i (11.11 ?ShV IK CONTINUES . . 1 ! It . dWCSl incrcmomcicr ucauinij nere So Far This Winter is Twenty- I .Eight Above The cold snap which Prince Ru-ert and district has been exper- cnclng for the past few days show- J llttla elnn rtf Kraalrlncy tVile mnm. ng adrt Irpm a falling barometer nrt a slleht haze In the west. Oth- J. vise ii was syui ciear ana cairn, The lowest official thermometer reading tot both) last night and the night before wa 28 above zero. It is much colder that that elsewhere In the district. i The day's weather reports are as follows. Triple Island Clear, north north east wind, 15 miles per hour; light :hop. Langara Island Clear, easterly iliid, 24 miles per hour; barometer, 19.88; temperature, 24; sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Clear, calm; barometer, 29.55; temperature, 24; ta smooth. Bull Harbor Clear, southwest rad, 25 miles per hour; barometer, j.o; lempcjrauue, , well. Alert Bay - Clear, visibility, 15 miles; southwest wind. 20 miles per hour; barometer. 29.80; tempera ture. 31; sea choppy. Estevan Clear, northeast wind, bur miles per hour; barometer, M.68. Victoria Cloudy, northerly, wind, miles Per hour; .barometer, 1ft ., Vincouver Clear, calm; barom- tttt. tt 86. frince Oeorge Coudy, north-cast wind, four miles per hour; bar-ooiiei 30.14. Trmce- -Clear, northeast wind, temperature, 14. A!anshClear. calm, 2. AL:e Arm Clear, calm. 13. hV-clten Clear, calm. 2 below, the Christmas festivities. The Powell River tug St Capt. Landhfilm. was 111 morning for fuel. While coming m she left a Davis raft, which she '.s owing to Powell River, at Captain's Cove. , taxes on cro mhuj. i Premier T. D. Pattullo explained I that when Prince Rupert was Incor porated the government had re served one-quarter of the lots. With ; rapid settlement, the city get Into trouble and the Oliver government . undertook to pay local Improvement The regular monUly meeting of taxes on crown lots. This payment the Prince Rupert branch of the had lapsed but the Premier thought Canadian Legion. British Empire that, as lonk as the province held Service League, was held last even- the property, it should keep to the Ing In the club rooms wtth Presi- agreement, dent Jack Preece In the chair. Applications from two new members, the transfer of two members to the branch and the admission of seven new members made the lnl- tlatlon ceremony an Impressive one. Reports showed that the bazaar under the Women's Auxiliary had been very successful, The total profits from the Poppy sales this year amounted to $167.86. This will ; all be spent locally for needy ex-; REBELS ARE HELD BACK Quiet On Fronts Prince Rupert and Queen Char--,.u untie Islands - Strong northeast trt thli winds mostly fair and cold, More West Coast of Vancouver Island-Strong north wind or gales by sleet tonight. Mystery Surrounding Disappearance of Pretty Jean de Kovcn Solved in France German Confesses ..,nntn t,v,o, o frnnnrilan cene Weldmann service men and their dependents. press)lns'urBent lnfantry attacks Hce said, confessed to slaying ths Hie usual arrangfiuciiw "v.- the recent qulel on younB wuinuu uuu iuui iiivii ur made .for Christmas celebration. ' but cause hn needed money. The Christmas tree will be held on ment sald the fas-December 21 and the club will hold had bcm bfaten back their aitnual dinner for single and unemployed ex-service men on .If l ChrUtmas Day. This feature has yyCtltnGr rOl'CCclSl been much appreciated by the men In the few and the mem- past years hM) th the courtPy 0; bers of the Legion feel that their u; DomlIllon Mi-t,roiotcai Bureau t fff... . . i i (rliinitf vi.tnrt. and Trine nupprt. Thin "ta- v.iuju, iq assist Uieir icoa ll.r V. " compiled .i tmn fro.n nhv obversatloni, comrades are worth the expense j ftt s 5 ftm am. Kxlav May Mid Mld covef, covers thi the as and trouble Involved. Hampers win i,our f'i dl"B 0 Pm-also be supplied to needy families.' 0enmi synopsis Pressure Is The club billiards tournament s . off tne coast ancj high in i ! The emigre, po r Is Italy To Quit League? 4 4 ROME. Dec. 9: (CP) The Fascist Grand Council Is called Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AJVt.) High! 6il5 a m; 18.2 ft. prince Rupert Clear, calm; barometer, 18:12 p.m. 16.7 ft. 29.64 (falling), temperature, Low 12:25 p.m. 8:8 ft. 28; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ol. XXV1 o. AAA too. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS ; .& j U; Still POLICE QUELL INTERRUPTER AT ARMISTICE DAY CEREMONY Two minutes silence during the Memorial Day service at the London cenotaph was rudely Interrupted when an allegedly demented man broke through the guard of sailors and shouted, "This is all hypocrisy!"' King Oeorge, within a few feet of the man, stood at attention, heedless of the commotion. The photograph (above), radioed from London, shows police grappling with the disturber while the King pays no attention to the disturbance. Major CJement Attlee, Labor Leader In the House of Commons, (left), and Prime Minister Neville. Chamberlain, are standing bareheaded at the left of the picture. His Majesty Is In the right foreground. KEEPING TO AGREEMENT Legislature Passes Sum of $6,350 to Pay Local Improvement Taxes 1 In Prince Kupcrt VICTORIA, Dec. 9: (CP) XMAS CHEER FUND MAKES A GOOD GETAWAY The Salvation Army fund is now i nicely started and it is hoped 1 i When wll! keeu glnB steadily until thr for the people in need has been reached. Following are the con olding ADMIRAL IS BEST Outstanding Race Horse of Year Selected by Writer Sea Biscuit Second Choice 1 BALTIMORE, December 9 (Ca- amount necessary to properly car? nadian Press )-War Admiral un calm.' estimates came Sml hersClear 10 below, supplementary up Burn.' Lake Fog. calm. 20 below. St wart Clear, calm, 13 above. Legion Gets New Members Arrangements Well Under Way for Uuservance of Christmas In the Legislature yesterday $6,350 ....... ..fnr trt Prlnpp RlltVrt aS !1 a, - trloutlons to date: grant In lieu of local improvement H $lQQQ "In His Name". $3.00. Mrs. O. J. Smith, $2.00. O. W. Nirkennn & Co. Ltd., L. Mumford, $2.00. DANCER IS MURDERED beaten three-year-old, owned by Samuel Riddle of Philadelphlafwa today awarded, the United States' highest turf honor when it was irijudned the outstanding racs horse of the year by more than $10 'two hundred sports writers. C. S. WILL KEEP I ENGINEERS Government Field Force Not To Be How ard's Sea Biscuit was rated rinsh i second. PROTECTION IJomb and Oas Troof Rooms Art Fitted Vv in Windsor And i Duckiusliam T.nMnrN IVrember 9 As a natt VERSAILLES. France December ' f th precautl0liary mPasUrcs (Canadian Prcss)-The of body - )ng takcn aamst ra;d3 on london picuy ln the event 0f war. Windsor Cas- Matlrid and Arajon aancer, missing since iusi juiy; in Spain Broken , was found burled under the porch Toil3V of a villa to which the police were ! directed by a Oerman emigre, Eu- tie, one of the residences of tht Royal Family. Is .being equipped with as ami bomb proof rooms Similar precautions ha,ve already been taken at Buckingham Palace LONDON'S OVERSEAS LONDON Dec. 9 (CP.) The High Commissioner and Mrs. Vin cent Massev and Mrs. W. A. McAdam (British Columbia), Lady Donegal, Lady Peacock and Lady Sharp, werf. among those attending the first get-together of the newly-orgnn-Ized Canadian group of the Overseas League, to meet monthly. to meet on Saturday. Interest In , guilty ln city police court this! ! ' t .4iby , 3i 1 t.i t Eliminated Moratorium Extended VICTORIA, Dec. 9 (Canadian Press) The bill to consolidate the Dej artmcnt of Mines Act was given final reading In the Legislature after Hon. Oeorge Pearson minister of mines,' said It would not do away with resident mining engineers but would consolidate acts rc'.at'nj to mining which stood over for twenty years. Third reading was given th. bill to establish the new Depart Schools Act school boards to aries and assure fair working con ditions. The Mortgagers and Purchasers Relief Act of 1934 the so-called ; mc -voum act--is extended until' 'thirty davs after the close of the, first session next year. j f Fire Trap Burns And Nine Dead KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, Dec. "TgCpjFlrerhen "todajr. dug the bodies of nine victims seven of them children from , the ruins of a flame-razed ten- ement house. A long search of the ruins failed to reveal other i victims In the structure des- crlbed by firemen as a "fire trap." Twenty-two other oc- cupants escaped. ROYALTY MISUSED libn- loader Declares II Is Used For Political Purposes IONDON. Dec. 9 'CP.) A charge that British royalty in the fY f k CT1! 'POi "St few years been used for po- Ur LAo I LfcolijnS! Oil Olttliuiu VitHH"' .v. winger. "I do not Impugn the impartia-: Uty of the Crown, acting as l i must on the instructions ot tne ?overnmcnt of 'v"' " declared , Sir Stafford, addressing the Fa-1 bian Society. "But I do assert what is. I believe, obvious to anyone j with an objective outlook, that po- lltlcal parties and governments, as a means of oernetuatlng nothing more Important than their own power and privileges, can, and often do. make a very daagcrous and wrong use of traditional and semi-feudal lovpltles still surrounding the idea of kingship In the mind m i I I ths Agent-General 01. e common pcopie. Victor Recce, Indian, pleader! sllahtest doubt but that "unprecedented" displavs of the last Xe-vears In connection with royalty had been deliberately staged bv the rullnu class to advance their own political Interests. He was nauseated to hear the nhrase "For God, King and coun- try" used to rally workers to the the announcement Is whetted 1 morning to a charge of drunken-i assistance of a class absorbed li Nanking Japanese Assault On Ancient Capital Not Very Effective Yet Its Fall Within Twenty-Four Hours, However, Is Pre . :i dicted By Invaders Ultimatum Issued Shanghai Hears Boom of Anti-Aircraft Guns Again NANKING, Dec. 9: (CP) Japanese, aerial attackers pounded the Chinese capital all clay but tonight the Chinese were still holding: their positions around the city. Chin- ment of Trade and industry an1, ese defense artillery hammered steadily at the Japanese, the bin amendins the 'Puuiic c ns nfr n from the south and southeast. Thus tar the fix fEhorsai! teachers' Japanese have been able to bring only the lightest artill- . cry 11HU piaj ilgttiliow uic lafiba. o TODAY'S STOCKS (Uoui-icsy d. U. Jyluidion Co.j Vancouver B. C. Nickel, M'l2. Big Missouri, .3d. Bralome. 8.00. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.65, .., , , Dentonia, .10. Golconda, .05. Mlnto. .033;. Falrvlew Ainalg., .0434. Noble Five. .03 Vi. Pend Orielle. 2.05. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier. 1.90. Relief Arlington, .16) Reward; OOflfs t.t Salmon Gold, .06; '-' ' Taylor Bridge. .04. Hedley Amalg., .05.- Premier Border, .0H4. Sllbak Premier, 1.85; Congress, .02 '3. Silver Crest, .03 Vi. Home Gold. .01. Orandvlew. .08 Vi. Indian. .01 Vt. Quatsino Copper, .03. Quesnelle Quartz, .05 y2. r Oils A. P. PCon.. .28. Calmont. .50. C. & E.. 2.66. Hargal. .28. McDougall Segur, .21. Mercurj', .16. Okalta. 1.42. Pacalta. .12,. Home Oil, 1.30. ' Toronto Beat tie. 17. Central Patricia.' 2.46. Gods Lake, .51. Little Long Lac, 4.90. Mckenzie Red Lake, .95. Pickle Crow. 5.35. Red Lake Gold Shore, .23. San Antonio. 1.37. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.36. Smelters Gold, .OP,. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.30. Oklend. .14, Mosher. .16. Madsen Red Lake, .38. Stadacona. .48. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur. .51. Moneta Porcupine, 2.10. Bouscadillac, .11. Thomnson Cadillac, .34. Bankfleld. .61. East Malartlc. 1.00. Preston East Dome, 1.11. Hutchison Lake. .09. Dawson White, .02.' Aldermac .54. Kerr Addison, 1.62. Uchl Oold, .90. Martin Bird,' .40. Int. Nickel. 43.50. Noranda. 50.25. Smelters. 57.00. Athona, .10. progressing and the seml-flrmls thern Brltlsh Columbia. Weath- by persistence of unconfirmed ness and was fined $10, with op- the maintenance of ta own pro-have been reached. It is expected Jr"n",ns fatr on the coast and" rumors that Italy will with- tlon of seven days' -Imprisonment perty. wealth and prlvl ege This Southbound fro. from to have have the the finals finals play nlayed before e rnlri . . , In ,he the interior Interior. I draw rrom tne Lea8ue of Na' vldor said this wa the first tlmcK-'R's publlclv abused the bishops .Vancouver. C.P.R. Skagway steamer Prln Hons before the end of this he had ever fallen Into the clutch-' if they dared to point the appllco.- cess Nnrnh. Capt. William Palmer. week. Havas News Agency re- es of the police1 n'nd h hoocd it tlon of Christian truth? arid de- Is due In oort at 3:30 this ports from Geneva that It has would be the last. He told thcosed the King If he endangered noon from the north and will sail learned Italy Intends making ' court that he had been supplied 'heir power. They also would risk at 5 n.m. The vessel Is carrying a ihP hrrak. with beer by a man named "John"; 'he safety of their own country If catjncttv list of passengers frotr. i whose last name he did not knoviny tnousnt meir own interests Aiawn. the Yukon and ibutuwhosetattlra,-,het hosetattlrvhw described. " might be preserved. . British Columbia, defenses. Shanghai reports that Japanese tanks had entered the southeast gate of Nanking and a Japanese Army spokesman at Shanghai predicted the capture of the city within twenty-four hours. The Japanese command Issued an ultimatium tonight demanding surrender of the abandoned capital by noon Friday (8 p.m. Thursday, Pacific Standard Time), threatening that, otherwise, the city will become the scene of horrors of war. Shanghai itself again heard the boom of anti-aircraft guns today after a day's quiet. e : Japanese and foreign reports " we're to the effectHhatHwoucKlnese planes had flown over the Japanese flagship Idzumo. Toll Goes Up On Highways Fatalities On Old Country ltoad Reach Year's Peak In October LONDON, Dec. 9 (CP.) Great, Britain's October death toll froia road accidents 618 was the hlgh- es; of any month to date in 1037; Accidents In October, 1936, aisoc resulted In 618 deaths. : , Injuries on the roads In October,' however, showed a drop of 351 comnared with the same month last year. They totalled 19,868. In the London metropolis area October road deaths totalled 89. Library Board Is In Session ? Increase in Borrowers, Total Of ' Which is Now 4131. The Prince Rupert Library Board held Its regular monthly meeting last night. Those present were Frank Dlbb, chairman; T. B. Black, secretary,; Mrs. G. H. Arnold, R. E.. Moore, T. J. Williams' and Miss Olive van Cooten, librarian. An Increase In borrowers was noy . ed this month bringing the total number of borrowers at the llbrar to 4.134. Circulation was as follows: Fiction 1718.J. Non-ftctlon 307 Juvenile 435 ' Pay 433 i Total 2893 ! The library was open twenty-two da"s and average dally clr-jculation was 131.5. I The new non-fiction volumW provided by the government have proved to be very acceptable and have a wide circulation. . - Vancouvtr Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec. 9: (CP) -Wheat was trading at $1.26Ti on the Northern Vancouver market yestcrya, ad-'vanced to $ll28V today.