- i i t, s 5 1 I t. if Ji it ti SI II I! !i ii W SI it PAGE TWO NOW is the time to select your SLIPPERS New arrivals by Paris Maid and other leading makes in the most fascinating styles and designs in boudoir and comfort slippers. Priced to Suit Your Purse Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avinue H. F PULLEN ... Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone gg Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, November 24, 1937. THE CHINESE SITUATION Evidently the Chinese are loilwing out their original plans of retreating as pressure from the Japanese army increased. The great difficulty seems to be to sustain the SI? f the chinese troPs un(1ei' these conditions Should 11 it be decided to evacuate Nanking it would mean that the Japanese would then be in possession of a most strategic section of the country. It is also possible that i iiaimiuj; is tunen, me Japanese may reiuse to farther into the country, resting content with the gums maae. TJiii advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquet Control Board or by tlia Government of British Columbia, j BOSTON IN TIE GAME Failed Last Night for First Tim to Win in National Hockey Lea sue Held by Canadiens BOSTON, Nov. '24: (CP) Boston Bruins, for tjie first time this season, failed last night to win a Na- LADIES' BOWLING November 30 Big Sisters vs. Our w Gang. Annette s vs. Merchantettes. Knox Hotel vs. Bluebirds. Rangers jy? vs. Telephone Girls. W December 7 Bluebirds vs. Tele- m phone'Glfls. Knox Hotel vs. Rang- Big Sisters. ichantettes vs. Our Gang, EUROPEAN MIX-UP j Annette's. Our Gang vs. Telephone It is very difficult for anyone to understand tho Fur !GlrK BluebIrds vs- Merchantettes. SSe dictatorships Italy and "ttS v, Blue- aie moi.e m the public.eye than other countries. any The birds. Merchantettes vs. Big sisters, nussians are not very demonstrative and Britain seems to Our.Gang vs. Annette's. Telephone be trying to be friendly with all narties. Fmn ;c c,-oi Gins vs. Knox Hotel. istically inclined but not very red. Other countries do not seem to count very much although they may prove to be deciding factors in case of a struggle. The Spanish em-broglio continues without any present hope of a letup It is all very puzzling and unfortunate. In the meantime all countries, especially Britain, are working hard on military preparedness. A HAPPY IDEA It was a happy thought for the officers and crew of the herring seiners Chief Skugaid and the Zenardi to distribute several tons of herring to the unemployed and other citizens who wished to partake. Every man, woman and child who asked, was given all he or she could thatydayay W3S grGat feedi"g in many homes It is several years since a free distribution such as this has been carried out in Prince Rupert. Possibly the early arrival of the fish in such large quantities inspired the idea that the whole city should share in the bounteous harvest. m LOOK FOR THIS SEAL OF QUALITY V H ON ALL B.C. DISTILLERY PRODUCTS M IN s sizes W o!.oocoLT6o,ir y December 21 Our Gang vs; Knox Hotel. Telephone Girls vs. Annette's. Merchantettes vs. Rangers. Bluebirds vs. Big Sisters. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of B4 In h Morning Raria' to go Tht Htm thould pour oat two pounih of liquid bill into your bowel Ahiij. ft tbU bit li oot flowing frelr, your food doou't dlfct. It jutt dMmyi In lb bowolf. Gu btotu p your tooMrk. You f rt conitipiud. H.rmful poliont f 0 Into th body, na you fed Mar, unk Mid th world loolu paok. A rorro bowri moTernnt doMn't fttwiyt f tt t th. cauH. You nei (omctbirif Uut work, on th liver u writ. It ukco tbiM food, old Ctrtrr't Uttl. Uirt Pill, to ftt thmt two pound, of bila flowinf frody od ruk. you ml "up and up", H.rrale. tod taott.,th. In.k. In Mt flow frly.Tbty ia tb. work of ralomet but hav no cmlorsoi or mtrcury Id thm. A.k for Carter'. Iittlt Htm by amt! Stubbornly rtlux anything Ik lUc. CIASSIFIEO HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable girl as housekeeper for small family. Oood home for the right party. Apply Box 23, Dally News. (273) SCHOOLS & COLLEGES WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help yoii. Write us for proof and free Information. W.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. tf. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchangft Block PHONE 658 THE DAILT NEWB BOWLING RESULTS Second Quarter of Season Started Last Night by Ladies' League Schedule For Second Quarter of Total Session Announced Qur Gan?l 1 227 139 130 171 Raybone 218 2 132 154 214 177 145 2 151 147 167 204 146 3 129 167 178 168 192 Total 885 822 834 Blue Birds 1 Pierce 181 iTurgeon 169 Boulter 189 Croxford 216 Keron 243 3 236 204 112 189 176 998 815 917 l 2 3 The schedule for the remainder Clccone 159 153 125 of the second quarter of the Ladles F"ch 116 133 129 Bowling League season, which com- unrlch 119 136 199 menced last night, Is as follows: Ingram 135 178 133 November 23 Telephone Girls vs. Smith ,.. 250 139 122 Merchantettes. Big Sisters vs. Knox Hotel. Rangers vs. Our Gang. An- Total 779 739 708 nette's vs. Bluebirds. i wr sm PIIONE 297 tmi Sisters 1 B. Dickens 123 E, Dickens 141 M. Bond 153 E. Rothwell 163 Mrs. Dickens sr 97 V. Alexander total k....: , 97 The second quarter of the Ladies' j 0,r Bowling League season commencea yLd B M I Hes Never Been Sof peafed Retort I I 9 & 1 GG h 158 tlonal Hockey League fixture. The last night with Big bisters scoring a Eastman . 85 ( f Montreal Canadiens held them to clean sweep three to nil victory over P.eachy ..... 116 a one-all overtime draw. Telephone Girls while Blue Birds Anderson 90 At Montreal the Maroons scored defeat were lnfi a slmar a two to one victory over the Tor- Total 515 Our, Gang. Rangers won over. P onto Maple Leafs u a result of which the Maroons and the Can. Annette s two games to one while Peter0n ; m adiens are now tied for second place Merchantettes defeated Knox Ho. Brasj '" in the international division stand- also; twy games to one. .Miss S. 'scharf ""'T" m ing with the idle New York Amerl- Croxfora of Blue Blrds waS Wgh seilg , 117 cans In the cellar. 'averaee seorer ieorer for ror the ine evenms evenirie with wu" West 225 In the third fixture of the New,a,eraee York Americans were at home to 203- 'Total ..... 693 me lowiy ueiroiv nra mug individual scorine was a follows: they handed a three to one drub bing. Last night's scores at a glance: Canadiens, 1; Boston, 1. Toronto, 1; Montreal, 2. Detroit, 1; Americans; 3. The league standings to date: American Division Boston 6 Rangers 4 Chicago 2 Detroit 1 16 16 15 8 9 10 9 22 International Division Toronto 3 4 2 32 22 Canadiens 1 3 2 15 16 Montreal 2 1 4 10 14 Americans 2 0 3 9 9 13 9 6 3 10 5 5 4 Annette' SkatterDOl .. Basso Bert, Johnson ...i. Owens Dickens TotaU-,,.... Rangers-Berg Hallberg .. Stromdahl Balllnger 1 190 166 136 185 187 187 118 186 183 141 3 97 193 213 232 120 8G4 815 855 iMerchantettes 1 'A. Colussl ........ 151 Mrs. Madlll 152 , La Belle 170 Halliday 125 Viereck 177 Total 775 Established 1911 149 151 88 120 164 672 2 45 117 132 22 96 412 2 97 136 175 129 139 G16 170 157 159 210 94 790 3 72 124 1G8 125 165 Tommy Farr In London Ring Sparred One Round With Eddie Wenstob of Edmonton last i G54' J 3 I LONDON, Nov. 24: (CP) Tommy! Hi Farr, Welsh contender for the 158 1 world's heavyweight boxing chamt 143 plonshlp. appeared In the ring 78 j here last night not as a principal 130 but as a sparring partner for Ed- 3 154 194 130 105 190 773 3 175 120 122 Idle Wenstob of Edmonton who is SPORT CHAT Vancouver Lions took "over the leadership In the Pacific Coast Hockey League Monday night by defeating Spokane Clippers one to 130 nothing in Vancouver. The only 203 score of the game came ten mln- utes after the opening of the first 750 priod. .17 J( .at Fashion Craft Clothes The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating . . . The Proof of a Garment is in the IT T wearing . . . You Will Find That Every asnion-U-art uit or Overcoat Will give you excellent service A service that consists in not only a long wearing garment-but one that because of its superfine tailoring retains its shape until the last day worn. Do not put it off any longer. Buy a new suit and overcoat for Christinas and New .Year wear. Re economical by buying FASHION-CRAFT GARMENTS, your wisest investment in lasting satisfaction. Presented Exclusively Ry & si AUCTION fit P i m W. Not lie of 1M BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED 217-219 SIXTH STREET P I it to; 6 Ii k 1 ! SALE OP APPLES TTnvtn ment nf 9nn u ml 620 winning up training ior a bouti I will kp tmt. r'rl with a South African opponent.! w, " j ) auction Farr and Wenxtnh rilrt nn rnnnrt ' eoneSClaV nffprnnn. I : J 3 :00 p.m., November 2lth, Wealthier Kings and Ma (.cl your winter aDnlr J Geo. J. Dawes Auctioneer Christmas Carl I'or The Old Countrj See our ur;; z- - lOCal VlPH! nl t. n , . ... .j L cards and t.iiz. 1 They are apprc...t:d byrJ ana incs 1 WRATHALL'S TIIOTO FIMSIIINC NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU. Pronator "A HOME AffAY FROM no.wr Ktt 1.N n 50 Rooms Hot it Crtd Wtt Prince Kupm, BC Phone 281 P.O. Boi Nolwdy Knocks TIk The Fo4 h Cd The Hoomj Art Dun The Home It Wirm The Service Friendly The Ritn Are P.msoiuI KNOX HOI H. Brazil N. M.B Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Furniture Moving and Storage Transfer and Deliver? Quick Service Jasper Coal Kulklcv Valley Coal Lump, Egg, Nut,Sj Cedar, Hircli, Jackpine WOOD Card Tahles and Chairs For Rent SECOND AVE. nil trT nlri'itloii in is t"1 I-"'"' . . VHtt&l Prince mv a t mvc , - j 11 .District of IfrliKUi UA ft t s,t bbjh 01 Pr:i-': rnimlcuir pun hlKh jtrmrketl 011 cliart; t Tak moUoe ttef-f-'ZJw, las' Prince Rupert, u. t 'Z0tMZ ftllowtn dmorlbrd l"W, snj i s..w ar1 'a trray rcctc w then" Ctorner on fa west thence 800 !t t. WO 55 ajri. more or ANK WATERlA!l, Dated October 4, 1937, 1