.ay November .84, 1631 JONES Family Market Phone 957 AND Phone 957 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Phone C83 Specials BEEF 4-lb PRIME RIB ROLL and Cp 1 OX' 8 lbs Spuds Mb RIB ROAST and 7Sp tox 81b: Spuds 4-lb, T BONE ROAST and fj S p 8lbr. Spuds J' Mb SIRLOIN STEAK and ffAp 8 lbs Spuds tfUV 2-ib ROUND STEAK and ff Hp tfUI 8 lb: Spuds lb: SHORT RIBS jj VEAL -lb SHOULDER of VEAL CJQq BONED and ROLLED 9Hp SHOULDER VEAL Lb. . . U LAMB SHOULDERS of LAMB j5(J 2lte LAMB CHOPS 4 5 (J PORK ,roliK- -25c PICKLE PORK Per lb SHOULDER of PORK IQp iOl Per lb. LOIN PORK CHOPS O ff Per lb AYRSHIRE BACON 9!p Per lb. i..n At'T '::lif of Intention to Apply to Lease J Mac Rupert Land Recording ,C of British Colombia, and altu-V Ztiyan Island on the N. W. point 4 .nA Bid of Zaya on a reef of a Point Kt Rupert, B. C. occupation Miner. it to apply for a. lease of the fol described lands: U of Uie ree r A. ..rjzu Point -. nclng at a. post planted or gnway poiint on the South t.. tf the rwt thence 1800 fee h tUenoe 1600 tett North west f. innn fwt SouUvwent: then. , southern and containing 33 rr r re or lew FRANK WATERMAN, Or'ober 4. 1637. Moose Meeting Tonight. (273) .Just arrived A new shipment of brushed wool sweaters. Annette's. tf. FOR coal that is hard, hot and clean, phone 116 and 117. Albert and McCaffery. t.f. In person. Alko Salta, contralto. Victor recording artist. Presbyterian Church. Nov. 29th, 8:15 pjn. (273) Robert K. Smith of Ottawa, dlrec- tor of mae services of the De- partment of Transport, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver in the course of an official tour to this coast and will be here until Thurs day night when he will return south. Mr. Smith will be the guest of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at a dinner meeting this evening and will address the Prince Rupert Rotary CJub at iunpheon Thursday. Mr. Smith accompanied by. Capt, C.lClaxton, Superintendent of pilotage, Vancouver and Capt. Lionel H. Lindsay, examiner of masters and mates. Announcements All advertisements In this column rvlll be charged for a full month at 26c a word. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 25. Lutheran Bazaar November 27. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Novem- ber 26. Aiko Salta, contralto, Presbyter-Ian Church, November 29. Cathedral Bazaar November S0.( Orange Scotch Dance, November 30. I United Bazaar, December 2. Presbyterian Tea December 3. ! L.utheran Sewing Circle Bazaar,.. ! December 8. Baptist Tea. December U. LITTLE MARY "Why Aunt Joan it ta!es mother twice as long to bake her bread AUNT JOAN t "She should use The Quaker Easy Method and then she'd have twice the time to play with you ! BAKE BETTfcR BREAD AND ROLLS IN HALF THE TIME WITHOUT KNEADING OR OVERNIGHT SETTING ! Once you're tried "The Quaker Easy Method of Biking" with Quaker Flour, you'll wonder why you ever troubled with slow, tiring, old-fashioned methods. You'll be delighted with Quaker Flour because it' not just ordinary Flour, but especially milled for Canadian use by The Quaker Oati Company makers of the famous Quaker Oati. It's an all-purpose flour and guannteed or your money back to be the best flour you can buy. . Send coupon for FREE booklet today and learn this easy simple secret method that will uve you hours of time. for Dread, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just Arrived I New shipment of klmonas and housedresses. Annet-te'. tf. E. H. Farrell, who has been on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this evening. A pair of Canadian boudoir slippers would make a- suitable gift for your Old Country friends. A nice assortment at Fashion Footwear, tf. Morley Shier is In' the city on the Prince George today going through ; io oicwuri. in me course oi one oi Ms periodical northern trips on company business. Give PHOTOS Of the Children this Xmas See the windows of BENSON STUDIO 3rd Avenue Alex RIx of Prince Rupert was In Terrace last week in connection with the appointment of a successor to the late H. A. Swain who was the distributor of Imperial Oil there. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Cecil Ross, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Lllligard, Miss Evangeline i Roberts, Mrs. David Mason and S. J. Qurvlch, city; Peter Lucey, M. Nybery and Tom Olson, Alice Arm; A. R. Campbell, Stewart; William H. Spiller, Fort Fraser. Koyal p Mr. and Mrs. G. Martinson, city; T. Salii, B. Hanson and A. Bour geois. C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Orant, Balmoral; K. Bortland, Van derhoof. Prince Rupert B. C. Johnston, Vancouver; F Austin, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. J M. McCawley, Prince Oeorge, Central M. Haupala, city. J- B. Armstrong, Edrribnton; J. S. A trill, Beaton. Knox P. Johnson, C.N.R. uaktr Flour Cakes nd Pastry LIKE THOUSANDS OF OTHER WESTERN WOMEN YOU CAN SIMPLIFY YOUR BAKING PROBLEM WITH QUAKER FLOUR AND THE QUAKER EASY METHOD "I always use Quaker Flour and The Quaker Easy Method of Dakiag. It aavej so much time, trouble and work and I find I get more uniform and better results." Alri. . Wbilmort, Daupbtn, Manitoba. "No old-fashioned baking methods for me. I use Quaker flour and The Quaker Easy Method of Baking. Anywomanwho hasn't tried it should do so, and herself a Jotof work and time. MrkW,A. Btam, YoritoH, SaskatcbrudH. "Baking is no longer hard work for me. I use Quaker Flour and The Quaker Easy Method of Baking and I not only save half the work and trouble, but I get much better results in half the time. Mrs. G. Kiltj, Calgary, Albtrl. Valuable Baking Book FREE The Quaker OitJ Company, Dept. L'67 Saskatoon, Sask. Plea.e lend me copy of booklet "Tbj Quaker Method of Eaiy Dread Bakio.- Samt- AJJrttt- THS DAILY OTETOI J 1 Ban On Alberta 'Coal In Spokane Schools Lifter SPOKANE, Nov. 24: (CP) Pending reference to. the Supreme Court of United : states, an "injunction against the use of imported cbal from the province of Alberta in the schools of Bpokane has been lifted. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for the provincial government, and Mrs. Mandy, who have been spending several weeks In Vancouver and yicfprla, return ed to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Boys! Girls! listen to this! : SPECIAL You: are invited to visit -"A Toyland 4 at RE&AL SHOP UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince. T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From A. yt. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 68 Fresh Local (Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 !,.M ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to t.pae iJind In Prtnx fJivpen Iinnd Recording Dlatrlct of British Columbia. a.nd ltu. ait oil White Stuia isiana 'Take "olice that Sank Waterman Prtnqe Rupert, oocupatlon miner, CTcSnSrtTt planted Itod and beUig 300 feet from tb E corner of Wlitte Band Island, ?n If t ?1de. thane.. 600 feet 8. N. thM! 800 MB, K. and con tsinintf 13 acres, more or less. FRANK WATERMAN Dated Augut-38,'UD37. LOOKS LIKE GOOD MINE Development of Ilomestake at Alice Arm This Season Attended With Gratifying Results The well known Homestake mine, nine miles above the famous Dolly Varden, DroDerty In the Kltsault Valley at Alice Arm, has closed down for the winter after an ac tive season's development campaign which was attended with highly gratifying results, leading to the belief that this may become an im-j portant producer of high grade sll-1 ver ore as well as gold. A five-foot vein of chalcopyrite and arseno-pyrlte was particularly Interesting. The season's work was under the direction of Arthur F. Smith, long well known in connection with mining development at Alice Arm as well as elsewhere In the district. Work will be resumed on the Home-stake next spring. There is at present eight feet of snow there. Martin Nyberg, Percy Lucey and Tom Qlseri, who have been working at the Homestake mine, arrived in the sity on the Catala yesterday from Alice Arm and, after spending a week or so in town, will proceed to Anyox for the winter. HAR SILVER, NEW YORK: (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 443ic per fine ounce on the New York met- al market today. . the Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 9:00 P m Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 81 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK .AM HF.fllSTKY ACT tf! CertlfUate f Tltlf No IIW99.I. ti Lot tiir llimilrrit and Thlrty-four (t3t), IMnRe lif (9)( toast lttrt. hitld to iwitaln )n- Hundred and nftr-tl.rw (1SJ). Btrrs. more or lf. mutppjn rMmt of loem of tr.a tt. ftwt lot yal- - t of We Jn jr.- nm ot imum . on KTaotrth ftn th. d.t of tt. 8. certified of TW n Iteu d uM and oertlflcmt. unleea In ve meantime W, Id - rruxae uuperu, -j ANDREW inuHrsun, Deputy Reglfitnar of Titles, See the Latest Creations by GREN0VILLE PARIS The Paris Rival of Coty. Makers of Two of the World's Most Famous Perfumes Casanova and Byzance Perfumes from 75c Colognes from ....... $1.50 ' Face Powder $1.50 OrmeslM. TZhe Pioneer Druggists The Rexnll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 'teat- V&PfMr spfaidit farts fos p10 iillu,, k Purchase Foothills coal "vill suit your stove, Bulkley Valley will warm your toes, Nanalmo-Wellington Is Just the thing For Stove, Range, Heater or anything. Your Coal From 651 652 PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones MacKENZiE'S FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN SOLID WALNUT Chairside Table With smoker's outfit and 21 00 cellar cupboard. Lady Martha Sewing Cabinet In solid 2300 walnut Smokers With cupboard and smoker iiO.DU CO Oto$14 J.1.UV 50 outfit in solid walnut. From Ma Canadian I I I " W KMIWAV I STIAMSMIPS I COMMUNICATIONS I i Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Pacific Trans-Pacific j To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday. 10 p.m. I TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NORAH jj Oct. 29th, Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th J? WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32.00 ? Tickets on Sale Now 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28tlf. 1938 t Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 k Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services J Tickets and Reservations from C Prince Rupert, B.C. iv w rniTi'C r.n.?ral Arent V),,'yY"''"'"'Tl',1'MMMM. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled flalibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'if t.