-. .Li. 1 ah m .ti name iu iv C3V . Cities combed QU vi uv-jw. .v "j it Cities Bombarded . Today $ Weatfiier Tomorrow's Tides (g AJH.J rrincc Rupert--Overcast, show-I m High 1:11 a.m. 19.0 It. 'northeast wind, 8 miles per 19:30 p.m. 175 ft. barometer. 29,06 (falling); Low 0:31 a.m. 5.8 It. 13:10 pjn. 8.4 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS INS HOLD WORLD HAS p ADVANCE MORE GRAIN tadnay in China Owlnf to Kain m. Hn'e on linprn ttiim iiinniix L1W1 O UUMUlVi vv.. .. 1 J--. inan un iiuur tnuav mm .d lVV""n An Vitinrlrnrl ! 111 1 on C been killed. The war planes - ! J n HiilllilA Ifn A ft H Cft . .-1 utAJ uLtin men arc vv. I Much rroduct' ----- . . ..Mttis arc nuw i&aiiiuw.,..!. - i , huoc cmillAr irc ------ Jatjanesc are reported to ire. mea kuui van..'t Khontnni? Province vinvo pvtpnsivp fnmmer. and industrial interests wmui suffer heavily from the car- . -cfriie tlnn hv mllltnrv ifOjapancsu pinned, piutu ...Mit am ft H rnnnpH a crnrp -St worKcr Tne box car was 'he Coquihalla River. The bridge i csv, oi me train crew was 3KfiMA- I M Broadcast Lrrn-iii.. v ai. -"vmai I'.xcnangc uvcr n" o Take Place On Thursday BERL1N. Nov 24: There will be mlni.n.u . . , I. ".uiduonai exenange oroau- mursaay octween ucrmany 1 Pan, It Is announced; The "nclpal speakers will be the Oer- ,sn minister nf nrnnnirnnda and iMiicse minister of communi- vi io, ' Nov- a:-I,rcmlcr W ' ij Mackenzie Klntr vrstrrHnv all- "vv-tuiucr ii u wit uv ,r the federal bv-plpptlnn In Lat- ' r? Quebec, to fill the scat !ud by the death of the late a. vervllle, Liberal., Year Greater Than 'n " 'vcr was Smaller I NEW (vvu wvu . v. 24: The Un- vv. v,otal produc- (tlon of wht orld for the j vcar at 3.80h .A V X hels. The .(Mm Fa Hit on tvninn anu - - vji . v ' L world wheat si five mil- Kill Many People J I HUH DV U (S ., JtUl to a .ne carryover JAPANESE DOPE RING Charges Made Following Uaiil3 Conducted in American Cities At End of Week NEW YORK, Nov. 24: Raids conducted simultaneously In New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other American cities were de clared by federal authorities to have uncovered a million dollai narcotic ring In which Japanese are involved. loarces confirmed reports ofNor(hcVn Comrnunicalions Inter-naited Russian manufactur- . u . , . Radio Beam A ; l nmnn Airnon 11. 1 cs naving arnvea ai ulc Fort Smith Nwx M&m ttwren arc now unoer t to be used In connection with new TransCanada air service. r0 DEAD IN WRECK '"""' tlllll Vjfll nrnii;h iiridcc on Kettle Valley Hallway Mnc ii.iUCJUN, NOV. ii". (Ll'l -iwo wis were Kiuea yestcraay wncn engine and a box car on a west- Canadlan Pacific Railway I went throuizh a hrldtre In the . i nn ii ii nil .ahi m r ii it Signal Corps FORT SMITH, Northwest Terrl torics, Nov. 24: (CPi The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals station at Fort Smith, Northwest Territor ies, has been completely destroyed by fire, all the equipment of the station being lost. As soon as winter' flylngcondllforir permit', new equipment will be flown in. Today i Weather (OovenmiMH "YletsravM i Triple Island Overcast, raining, an southeast wind, 1G miles per hour; moderate chop.. Langara Island Overcast, raln-ic. caslerlv wind. 25 miles per .iur; barometer. 23,a (falling': temperature, 42; sea moderately ough. Vancouver- Cloudy, easterly wind ;our miles per hour; barometer, ao.no. Terrace -Cloudy, northeast winu, temperature 31. Alyansh- Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm- Cloudyt calm, 35. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 31. . Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 28. Smithes-OvcrcasCcalm, 24 Durns Lake -Foggy, calm, 19 Chief Justice IsAoDointed ii Ewcn McPhcrson K G. is named for Province of Manitoba ottawa. Nov. 24:--Prcmicr W. L. Mackenzie King last night an nounced the appointment of uon. Ewcn A. McPhcrson K.C. as chief Justice of the province of Manitooa nnrt nf Klnc's Dcnch. succeeding WW" V w . . . Chief Justice D. A. Macdonald wno died last month. Mr; McPiierson is a former provincial tcrasurer ana member of the House oi uommoua. TAKING OVER COAL MINES II.iMnii Hill Is Second Heading in ivriin.ii House of Common LONDON, Nov. 24: (CT) TJu bill to nationalize coai was passed on second reading by a large majority Under the bill all coa' yesterday. . .. - i. rate mines or tne cuuuwjr wvu. into the control of the government within four years. By 'a sys the owners would tern of royalties be compensated. Tightening Up On Stock Trading details r:vr conference. at? ni at lrenarrom ur flui .... . T . .. ret organization of "The Hooded Ones" in connection with the plot. A huge quantity of arms, ammunition and general fighting equipment had been found secreted In tne Dasemems oi rans ouuuiub. ( Dormoy did not directly associate this plot with the manifesto of the Due de Guise, exiled pretender to the throne of France, who declared yesterday, that he had decided U l "rprnnnupr the throne of my fath-! ers" in order to deliver France from communism on one hand and fas cism on the other. Surete Natlonale officials mass arrests as the government announces that It has broken the conspiracy to turn France Into a dictatorship under a King. The uprising is said to have been planned to be similar to that in Spain. S.O.S. Message SentOutBut Countermanded THREE-WAY MARKET TO narraU. Nv. 24: -The British steamer KnolUngton Couft, rcport-tiot hart struck eome ob- rnK wimv " - ttuctlon at sea, sent out an "S.05." message last night but later countermanded It. stating that she was n no dancer. The KnolUngton lourt Is at a position south of the tahamas. CONFERENCE ii i lU-norled, Would Itrin's Germany and France Toscllicr tnwtv-iN. Nov. 24: (CPJ Then were1 reports here last night that as an outcome oi me convon u,n in Germany last week be wppii Viscount Haliiax, urt r, r.f .hp Council, anc Chancellor Adolf Hitler and othe- inriprs flreal unian VllfUitlll l..v...". .... .,iri pndpnvour to open tn-iaier hptween herscll ill IV,unc.v..." rjprmnnv and Francc. Thn nrltlsh uovemmcnt was re- have sent a report tt Ithe French government on the Lr,forniipp between Hitler and i Halifax: andHhat France had been Invited to take part in an cany REORGANIZE Chairman; of Securities tomnnr slmi Issue Orders to new York Slock Excliancc NEW YORK, Nov. 24: (CP-William U Douglas, chairman of tVitips Commlslon, Is- L.nfi nn order yesterday requiring n. Mn; vnrk stock market to re- Given Us '..i, nr ho reorcanlzed along drastic lines. More acicquaii: wuu-ing regulations must be put Into effect, asserted Douglas. said Card of Thanks Mrs H. E. Webster wishes to thank nil those who scut flowers or expressed sympathy at the time 0f her recent bereavement, also those who loaned cars for the funeral. Dominions I French Minister ol Interior Tells More About Activities of i . .. ,,,.3. "Hooded Ones" -J?' , ! ine unavr octictoij ivi u t Dominions to a ine uouse oi PARIS, Nov. 24: (CP,-MlnWer Common, ycrterdai more of the interior Marx Dormoy told J' .......j . . i-.j u ' ncoDle were now returning to yesieraay oi a pioi wnicu iuiu uwhi r, . , . ,u . iinrnvprpri t.n ovprthrow the cov- T ",v TODAY'S STOCKS I Courtesy 3. D Jobi,tou Co I Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .002. Big Missouri. .35. ' Bralornc, 7,75. Aztco, .08 Vi. Cariboo Quartz, 1.C0. Dcntonla, .03. ; Golconda, .00 'z. Min to, .0334. j" Fairvlew Amalg., .04'2. Noble Five, .03 '2. v Pend Oreille, 1.55. -. ' Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho, .03 "A.? Premier, 2.04. 1 Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .04. Relief Arlington, .17; Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .00. J Hedley Amalg., .05S. Premier Border, .01'A. Sllbak Premier, 2.05i ;,Congress,-.02Vi -. Silver Crest, .04V'2.- Home Oold, .01 "A. Grandvlew, .08. Indian. .01'?. Quatslno Copper, .03. Quesnelle Quartz, .05.V2. Oils A. P. Con.. .25. Calmont, .32. C. At E.. 1.B2. Freehold, .054. Hargal, .17 V?.. McDougal Segur, .152. Mercury, .13. Okalta, .85. Pacalta, .03. j Home Oil, .97. Bcattlc, 1.2G. Toronto Central Patricia, 2.35.- Gods Iakc, .40. Little Long Lac, 4.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Pickle Crow, .51. Red Lake Gold Shore, .17, Sii Antonio. 1.36. Sherrltt Gordon. 1.20. Smelters Gold. .Ol'i. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.05. Oklend. .13. Moshcr, .09. Madsen Red Lake, 29. Stadacona. .41. Frontier Red Lake. .05. Francocur, 4. Moncta Porcupine, 1.77. Bouscadillac, .09. Thomnson Cadillac, .30. Bankfleld. .57. East Malartlc. ,87. Preston East Dome, .00. Hutchison lake, .07. Dawson White, .03. Aldcrmac. .42. Kerr Addison. 1.50. Uchl Oilrt. .80.' Martin Hlrcl, .30. Int. Nickel, 38.50. Noranda, 45.75. Smelters, 49.00. Athona, .13. MARKETING Lesislation Introduced An Tirinfff Ani, w Ur ttiilVlLUUS.i Ai. L . T- kl. Member For Skeena Urges More Equitable Distribution. Would Retire Aged Civil Servants VICTORIA. Nov. 24: E. T. Ken-, j prnmrnt nf FmnrP and restore the Dominions than were leaving ' . .fc th jnd marketing of " w' " w " ' I iL. - ttn TlU Vi 1v ... . monarchy. Dormoy named the sec-T Ior wmmwu-. hemlock as a nww or reiievm ithe , Ulr: UCUJCtll deoletion of fir. He said ht . - matter for the Dominions con- thnnaht. t.hP mors eouttable distrl e'erned, the Under Secretary v,tion hpt"'n hrmlock and fir ... sqlps nf the lumber "'".iti extension tMBBuiu 1 His Extradition ! ! I Is Being Sought NEW YORK. Nov. 24: (CP) Former President Gcrardo Machado of Cuba has agreed to appear In court next Monday when extradition proceedings against him will be heard. His return to Cuba Is sought on charges of murder and embezzlement. REBUKED BY POPE Father Couehlan Has No Reply To Stakcto Pontiff's Reproof T-,i-Ttnrr Nov. 24: Father Charles E. Coughlln, Detroit's for-j rebuke of him made by Pope Plus. The Pontiff announced he had approved the action of the Archbishop of Detroit In questioning Father Coughlln. I Snubbed by K.CVc HARTFORD. Conn., Nov. 24: Father Charles E. .Coughlln's National Union of Social Justice or-I ganlzatlon was refused the use of the Knights of Columbus Hall here for a meeting which had to be held elsewhere. Vancouttr Wheat VANCOUVER, Nov. 24: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.228 on the Vancouver market yesterday. u v icioria i o iyiskc Stricter Regulations ney. .liberal member tor Skeena, , - ... snwestpd in the idisiature last Motor Vehicle Act Also ueing Amenaea unaer incw Statutes Brought Into House By Attorney Uenerai wismer VICTORIA, November 24 : (CP) Legislation to pro viae stncir reiruiaiioiiH iur ui unci s anu inuuuK wiiiiaiiv crsnt wh'ch hnrt been used almost tr,n;a ti.c ;fvn.of1 in tno Tmalafnrp vpstprrlnv hv PTluslvely for fir. , u. i mi." o i.. ..... ., Hnn. ,nrr nn w smpr. Annrnev iienerai. General. me new iikw oetui- nir. rienney v said sam there mere were were 177 u, civil servants th aw of snnprannuM.ed, ,ed. making making way way younger men. Hon. Gordon Wismer, Attorney ;lhe becur-a in the orovince over ity Act was one of the major pieces of legislation outlined sixty who should to hy the government in public announcements before be- fo' .lng lng presented presented to to the the House. House. The The The Skeena member said he was pir nVPtTim rlKannnlntpd at thp non-lntrodnc- tlnn of the Health Insurance Actr f i .J Hit honed new lesislation satis-1 Ul UntailO factory to the medical men and jplKo to provide for trachoma Mattnews to Succeed I Treatment wouiu oe imrouuccu ' soon. Trachoma some districts. was serious in Too Much Rain On Prairies Is Latest Trouble Dr. II. A. Bruce It Is Announced TORONTO. Nov. 24: (CPI Ad- pointrrient is announced of Albert Mathews, prominent Ontario financier, as the new Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. He assumes office oniNovember 30 succeeding Dr. H. A. Bruce who has completed his term of office. Mr. Matthews ts a Weather horecast iFurnlhd through the courtesy U '!, Dominion Meteorological Bureau at 'Jctorla and Prli.ce Rupert. Thla foie-Mt U: compiled fro.n obversatlons taken at 8 ajn. today and covers the 36 lour period ending 5, pjn. tomorrow). General Synopsis Pressure continues low off the Queen Char lotte Islands. Cloudy, mild weath- Der cent although 200,000 are still i British - hi ... Columbia ,.l..Mt.U out of work there. The government prince Rupert and Queen Char is preparing to make extensive ex penditures to take care of them. The rearmament program contm ues to provide employment for a large number. Prpsh southerly winds, clouav find i.i.v. mild .....m with " . occasional rain. On - Janscn, Liberal leader, to make a new attempt to form a government. Already Jansen has failed once In the attempt, being unable to obtain Labor co-operation. No party has a majority In Parliament aSid Belgium has been without a minis try since the resignation of Premier Paul von Zeeland a month ago. Price Of Copper Drops On Tuesday NEW YORK. Nov. 24: The price of domestic copper dropped from 12c to 11c on the New York metal market yesterday. other involves amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act, It being also Introduced yesterday by Mr. Wismer and receiving first reading. The bill to establish a new Department of Trade and Industry was given second reading. Also second reading was given to a bill requiring auto camps in ter ritories outside of organized municipalities to keep registration books for guests. The government accepted a bill drafted by the C.C.F. amending the Hours of Work Act by defining split shifts and requiring these to keep within twelve hours. brother, of Hon. R. C. Matthews,! former.federal minister of national! 1 17 w. Vim on revenue in the administration of UaUlcI L lUlUllQU nrif nr.,? ! irm ouHnir . Former Premier R. B. Bennett. Hel to recent rains, only halt of th feed will not; occupy the palatial govern-1 KeCOVCrmg . i a a i . l. iv rnonr nmicp x7nirn win iif r.nirrii.i Alberta andSaskatchewan b avail able and there will have to be strict rationing, Hon. James G. Gardiner, minister of agriculture, announces. INDUSTRIES ARE ACTIVE Things Humming In Old Land- Number of Workless is Away Down LONDON, Nov, 24: (CP) A further marked Increase in all Industrial and business activity of the United Kingdom is announced In Eovernment reports. Unemployment In the areas of England and Wales where they have been so many workless has been reduced by 25.6 Mr.Maithews is. head ot-thbrokerr age firm which hears his name. Duncan Marshall, who had been recommended for the Lieutenant Governorship by Premier Mitchell HeDburn but who was not accept able to Premier King, Is expected to be appointed to the Senat. Dr. Bruce announced his resig nation Monday. From Injuries NEW YORK. Nov. 24! Daniel Prnhman. famous 86-year-old the atrical producer, is recovering from injuries sustained when he suppea in a subway. DETAILS OF PLAN Premier Aberhart Wants More In-formation on Unemployment Insurance Scheme OTTAWA, Nov. 24: (CP) Prime Minister W..L. Mackenzie King yes- er with showers prevails on the terday announced that details 6l . . i 1 tViA tmtorlnf nf . . a , V In. coasv. anu a,iu uih w.c ...i.v.v. jjjj proposeu uiicinjjiuyuicnn I i . . -. i .. -. R.i.UV. V. n la lotte Islands Fresh easterly wind, cloudy and cooler with rain Thurs surance pian, w enccu wuku i asklnz the co-operation of the pro vinces in securing necessary am endment to the British North Am- day and still unsettled. ejlca Acf wm not be given to the West Coast of Vancouver isiancj publlc unm legislation Is brought nto Parliament. In in his nis repiy reply to w xiciiiic Premier King, lu.ie, Thursday wind becomes strong premler wluiam Aberhart of Al- rnnthnract 1'. ... . . . . 1 kuiii euuwinto., Kprtji stAten vesteraay vnai jic - Belgian Liberal Leader Asked To Form Government mcr "radio priest' tnrougn n.s 24;.K1 Lco. secretary, announced that he will pau, Em have no repiy to maR - quired more specific information before expressing himself. Unless unemployment Insurance were fln-nnped hv debt free creation of na- i tlonal credit, he would hesitate to ' support the plan, said Aberhart. House Of Lords Rejects Measure Thumbs Down on Bill Which Would Have Confiscated Cars In Drunken Manslaughter Cases LONDON, Nov. 24: (CP) The House of Lords yesterday rejected a bill which would have provided t 'or the confiscation ot automo- Ihtlpa nf nil nersons convicted Of I manslaughter hi deaths arising out of driving while intoxicated. WINNIPEG WHEAT DORPS wtnnipeo. No. 24 The Wlnnl- wheat rrice dronned sharply yesterday with November closing at $1.13.