Department of the Naval Service RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. Sealed tenders, addressed to the under- signed, enaorsed “Tender for Dwelling House’ and accompanied by a_ certified eneque for p.c. of the amount of the tender will received up to noon on ~ecember 3ist, 1911, for the erection of dwelling houses at the Government Wire- less Stations at Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo and Point Grey. Plans following places: The Government Point Grey, Cape Prince Rupe te Wireless Stations at Lazo and Digby Island, . The PostofMfices at Van- couver, Nanaimo and Prince Rupert. oMce of the District Superintendent, ernment Wireless Service, Victoria, and wepartment of the Naval Service, Ottawa. Unauthorized publication of this notice Wii not receive payment, G. J. DESBARATS, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service, Department of the Naval Service, Ottawa, November 20th, 1911. at SE NOTICE Notice is here by gi given that an applica- tion will be made to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at its next session for an act amending Section 3 of the British Columbia & Alaska Railway Act, 1910 (Ch. Statutes of British Columbia, 1910), by striking out all the words after the word “Columbia” in Line 10 of said Section and substituting therefor the following: “And or from Fort easterly direction to the valley of the Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod, thence along the Parsnip River to a junc- tion with the Peace River, thence along the valley of the Finlay River through Sifton Pass, thence down the Stikene River to a junction with the main line at Telegraph Creek; also powers to build branch lines either through the Pine River or Peace River passes to the eastern boun- dary of British Columbia, or by way of the most feasible route, or in the alterna- tive by the most feasible route between ree and Teslin Lake, also to build from a point on said line of railway to the City of Vancouver or from the City of Van- couver to a point on said line, by the most feasible -route.” And further, for an act extending the time within which the company has to commence construction and expend ten per cent of its capitalization. Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of December, 1911 ROBERTSON & HEISTERMAN, Solicitors for the Applicants, the British Columbia & Alaska Railway Company. 56, George in a north- “LAND. PURCHASE NOTICE District—Distriot of Cassiar. Take notice that I, James T. Fullerton, of Vancouver, B. C,, occupation engineer ing student, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 52 chains east of Naas River and 40 chains south of pre-emption No. 397 (SEC), thence 40 chains north, thence 24 chains west, thence 40 chains south, following the Naas River; thence 52 one east to point of com- mencement; containing 160 acres, more or less. J. T. FULLERTON. R. H. Stewart, Agent. Dated Prince Rupert, Dec, 11, 1911. Pub. Dec, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that I, Abraham H. Barber, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a@ post planted at the southwest corner of a small island about twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) Skeena Land und specifications may be seen at/ chains east of the northwest corner of Lot 1323, Range 5, Coast District, Porcher Island, thence following the shore line in a northeasterly direction about twenty (20) chains to the north end of the Island, thence in a southwesterly direction along the shore line about twenty (20) chains to the point of commencement, being an island containing about forty (40) acres. more or less, ABRAHAM H. BARBER 6th, 1914, 13, Dated Dec. Pub. Dec. District Range 5 that I, Dagobert Aur B. occupation miner, for permission to purchase following described lands Commencing at @ post planted southeast corner of Lot 4484; thence 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains point of commencemgnt, containing acres, more or of Coast, lol, of intend the Skeena Land Take Nanaimo, to apply District notice at the south thence to 160 less. DAGOBERT Fred E. Cowell, 1911. AURIOL, Agent. Date Pub, Nov Dec. 10th, 9. District Range 5 notice that I, Theodore Nichalis, driver, of Victoria, B. C., Can., intend to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot No, 2287, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 480 acres, more or less. THEODORE NICHALIS, Fred E, Cowell, Agent. 31, 10141. 9. Skeena Land District of Coast, Take Dated Oct, Pub, Dec, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk of Victoria, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east boundary and about five (5) chains from the southeast corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 30 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 180 acres, more or less, PAUL CURTISS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, 31, 1911. Pub. Dec. 9. Land District—District of Hange 5. Take notice that I, Michas Beganis, cook, of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing &t a post planted on the north side of Williams Creek, where the kilimat branch of the G, T. P. Ry, crosses Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains from the ¢ shore, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 120 acres, more or less, MICHAS BEGANIS, Fred E. Cowell, Agent. 31, 19114. 9. Skeena Coast, Dated Oct Pub, Dec, District-—District of ange 5. notice that I, Samuel Beiltees, gardener, of Victoria, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the north side of Williams Creek, about ten chains back from the creek bank, and about fifty chains southeast from where the Kitimat branch of the G, T. P. right- of-way crosses Williams Creek, thence South 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 160 acres, more or less, SAMUEL BEILTEES, Fred E, Cowell, Agent. on 1041. Skeena Land Coast, Take Dated Oct, Pub. Dec. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that I, Louis Caleris, driver, of Victoria, B. C,, intend to apply for per- mission to purchase -the following de- scribed lands; Commencing at @ post southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 ‘chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 320 acres, more or less. i OUIS CALERIS, G EB. Cowell, Agent. lanted at the Fre Dated Ont 31, 1011. Pub. Dec. 9, THE DAILY NEWS HOW REMARKABLE BIRD-FLIGHT PICTURES WERE SECURE D The accompanying photo - graph, made by P. Trenchard Jones for the Prince Rupert Daily News, were snapped by permis- sion of Orville Wright on the day he suceéeded in keeping a motor- teas, airship on an even keel in ja 50-mile gale of wind, thus |}showing that the seeret of the bird’s flight in any kind of air ;current is in the possession of |the Wrights. The desolate place selecfed by the Wrights for these experi- ments is the same spet on which they camped when making their first airship experiments 10 years or more ago. Kill Devil Hill and Kitty sandy waste on North Carolina. the coast of Hawk are~townships on a} | traveled by train to City, then by a_ hired fishing boat to Manteo, N, this point hired another fish- to take him the 13 miles Albemarle Bay to the station that the structure at Kitty Hawk. The arrival happened to the Wright party, for after keep- ing all inquirers at bay for weeks they had that very day concluded Jones Elizabeth al ing boat across saving is C., and} | life | sole | _ | the birds in so suit | their efforts had solved the prob-| lem of Wright let his great photographer The picture was made the wind blowing a gale. The glider stood perfectly stiil in the wind, barriers in and down the jubilation had plain the motorless aeroplane. | the | sailing. | fident that he w with | that | of | | ly in} Wright study the power the teeth glider has \ of ds to! of is made and his danee with by a ethods close | of the knowledge examination is only @ ght a It Wr says, question of | the be when mi s will plished fae This he predic s portant step f ind and, although \ ébout his expe: an a next aviation not talk he is con- » able to show) uloft like a will per} t the assistance he in 1} man cal = bird) and rema fect safety with of a motor. here Crm: Ty] | “| The Best Procurable. # Absolutely pure ee “TTT LYNCH BRO nL, uid ea cs rere _ _~———- + He—~ The One Best B SECTION Sen 0 Lots 27 and srdA Price 520,000 0. M. Helgerson, Real Estate and Rentals Of Helgerson Peer wn res Royal Hot Cor, Third Avenue and Sinn Corley & Burgess, Pr a ss UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF 8 The new ste: ger Ste fh FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Empress Theatre, 11 a.m; and 730p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 2.30 p. m. REY. F. W. KERR, M.A., THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p. ms Baraca Bible Class 2.30 REV. W. H. MeLEOD B. A B.D. Pastor PASTOR THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH BETWEEN CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PASTOR LAND PURCHASE NOTICE District-—District of Cassiar. that James Ewing Macrae, of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted about seven miles distant and in an easterly direction from the Naas River, and about eight miles north of Alyansh Indian village, | thence north eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, thence west eighty chains to point of commencement, JAMES EWING MACRAE, H. P. Rutter, Agent. 1911. Skeena Land Take notice Dated Oct Pub. Dec, 31, 14. District—District Charlotte Islands. notice that Ellen Marion Young, of Victoria, B. C., occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following aescrinad lands: Commencing at, post southeast corner or Lot 1552, to the northeast corner of Lot 1553, thence south to beach, thence along beach to point of commencement, containing one hundred and four (104) acres, more or less ELLEN MARION YOUNG. George Young, Agent. Dated Nov. 15, 1911 Pub, Dec, 15, 1911. Skeena Land of Queen Take planted at the thence west | point | Southeast corner, | north District-——District of Queen Charlotte Islands, notice that John Scott Young, of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends | to apply for pera as on to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence south to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence east along the said boundary to the sea- shor thence following along the shore to th point of commencement, containing | three hundred and sixty-one (361) acres, more or JOHN SCOTT YOUNG, George Young, Agent. 15, 1941 15, 1911. Skeena Land Take Nov. Dec, Dated Pub. ~District of Cassiar. that Clarence Bowen, of S8e- attle, Wash., occupation woodsman, in- tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted four iiles east of the Naas River and about five miles north of Alyansh, thence west eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north eighty chains to point of commencement. CLARENCE BOWED 3 . Kutter, Agent, Skeena Land District Take notice Dated Oct, Pub, Dec, 14 District of Cassiar, that Frank Furey, of Seattle, Wash., occupation chainman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted about six Iniles east of the Naas River and about seven miles north of Alyansh, thence north eighty chains, east eighty chains, south eighty chains, west eighty chains to point of commencement, FRANK FUREY, P, Rutter, Agent. Skeena Land District Take notice H. Dated Oct, 34, 1911 Pub, Dec, 14. Skeena Land District— of Coast, Range Take notice that I, John ANSINSCHS/ car- penier. of Victoria, b. C., intend to apply or permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted about one and one-half miles northeast from the latake of Trout River, on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and avout five (5) chains back from the waterfront, thence south | 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less, JOHN ARGIRACLIS. Freda a, Cowell, Agent, Dated Oct, 31, Ott Pub, Dec, 9, District 5. the | | | LAND LEASE NOTICE District—District Charlotte Islands. Take notice that Alfred MeGregor, o Victoria, B. C., occupation broker, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted three-quarters of a mile southwest southwest corner of Lot 1548, Inlet, thence east forty chains, south to the north boundary of Lot thence west one hundred chains, more thence north ninety chains, thence to the beach, thence along beach to of commencement, containing six hundred and forty acres (640), more less ALFRED George 1911. 911. Skeena Land of Queen from Masset thence 1557, east M’GREGOR, Young, Agent. Dated Nov Pub. Dec. 15, District Charlotte Islands notice that Arthur Tremaine, Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease the fol- lowing deseribed lands: Commencing at a post the Skeena Land Take District of Queen planted at Mas hence forty of the northwest corner of Lot 1555 set Inlet; thence west forty chains, eighty chains, thence eas t chains, thence south eighty chains to the point of commencement, containing three hundred and twenty acres (320), more or less. ARTHUR George 15, 1911 15, 1911. District-—Districi Charlotte Islands. notice that Malcolm Wright Young, of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, in- tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post southeast corner, being east of the northwest corner thence north to the south Lot 1550, thence west to the east bx undary | of Lot 1550, thence south along the said| boundary to the southeast corner of said Lot 0, thence west along said boun- dary to the east boundary of, Lot thence south along the said boundary the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 1554, thence east to the point of com- mencement, containing six hundred (600) acres, more or less, MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. George Young, Agent, 1911. 9114. District Charlotte Take notice that William Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, to apply for permission to lease lowing described lands Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In- let, thence east one hundred chains, thence south sixty-four chains, thence west to the beach, thence along beach to point of comnmencement, containing six hundred and forty (640) acres, more or less, WILLIAM MOORE George Young, Agent. 1911. 911. TREMAINE. Young, Agent. Dated Pub, Noy. Dec, of Queen Skeena Land Take planted the about one mile of Lot 1551, boundary of at Dated Pub. Nov. 16, Dec. 15, District Islands. Skeena Land of Queen Moore, the fol Dated Nov. 14, Pub. 1 Dec. 15, COAL NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, Bc » by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply ‘7 the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted one mile north of C. E. B, Coal Lease No, 10, marked C, Kk. B. oa) Lease No. 15, thence north 80 chains, thence we 80 chains, thence south 80 chaing, thence east 80 chains to place of Comemmepeomnadt Dated Sept; 31 Toil. C. E. BAINTER, Locator Pub. Sept. 2: Skeena Land District—District of Queen C bastots ‘Take notice that thirty cays from date, 1, © Bainter of Prince Rupert, C., by occupation kkeeper, intend to apply to tian Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post planted two miles north of C. E. B, Coal o, 10, marked N. E, corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 16, thence south 80 chains, thence weat 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, tone east 80 chains to place of com- mencemen Dated Bet, 3, 1911, C. E, BAINTER, Locator Pub, Sept. Skeena ast District District of Queen C harlotte Take notice that thirty dave ire from date, I, C. E. Bainter of Prince Rupert, by ovcupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to "the Chief Com- missioner of Lands for a licence to prosnect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 cares of land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a post vanved two miles north of C, E. B, Coal No 17, marked N, E. corner C. E. B, Coal Lease No, 28 thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place cf com- mencement. paien & Sept, 14. 1911. ©. E. BAINTER, Locator Sxeena Land District— District of Queen Oharlott ‘Take notice that thirty Gaye tx from date, I, C. BE petssar of Fvimee Hepa | or, BY oneune ookkeeper, intend to apply to e 1 het om- missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for of} about | or) or} | pointed pound keeper to the city. being eighty chains south | ) employed 1549,; and to | of | thrown intends | | | by occupation | coal and petrolenm on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows: Commencing at a port planted at the southwest corner of Coal Lease No. 4468 marked C. bh Coal Lease No. 28, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thenes south 80 chains, thence east 50 chains to point of commencement covering all foreshore Tiahn Point. Dated Sept, 12, 1911. Cc. B. BAINTER Pub, Oct 7. B | Press on Pewer- Seheme. Engineers and surveyors are hard at work with the initial operations in connection with the SAMUEL HARRISON F, G. GAMBLE (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Prince Rupert Stewart “Camosut Prince Rupert every St at 6 p.m. for Vane arriving Tuesday For Stewart from YV; night. Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co. Khatahda River power} the transmission line be- | present by a survey toward Rupert. proceeding to scheme, ing run at party working Another party make preliminary surveys for the development of the Oestaw River power. The company may be at Rupert’s door with power before the city scheme is in operation. | | | | 1s Pou nd Keeper Appointed. William Sims has been ap- When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Hot and Cold Water in each room. CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Vancouver, B.C, Northbour ver Wed Steerage Fare The ‘‘( on hes suring of « H. Rogers the Ticket 4 if F. M. DAVIS ae M Carpent a Porcher Island and has previously been by the city as launch Mr. rancher Sims is man, Abandoned Idea. The Dominion Baths propriet- abandoned the idea of erecting an illuminated sign, as it is dificult to build one in com- pliance with requirements of the Building oye have ors What Is Your Family Worth? family is worth the best and food the If your you can afford in house ele it not worth reading as well? And the thes, is best best “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. banks- Mo Engines. G cessories Launches and B N.E. « for Hir Georgeto Sawmill Co. Lu m ber Mouldings reading—best for boys and girls, best for men and women— to be found in The Youth's Companion, Of stories alone The Compan- ion will print nearly 300 in 1942, With all the rest of the paper in, and counting the glorious long serial stories, they the subseriber than a cent apiece, Moreover, you will look long before you will find stories so varied and interesting; stories of coolness in the face of |peril, strange adventures ‘with eyeatures of the forest and the es moving stories of life’s ob- is cost less KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O, DRAWER 1 PHONE No, 3 Tinware HARDWARE Graniteware MALLEABLE *" 24 624 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH ** Stay Satisfactory Range."’ A ing iu lumbe made Ou Ca Cor Centre St. and First SS —_ scure heroisms; stories breezy with good-natured humor, quaint and curious character sketches. Now is the time to subscribe, for the new subseriber in Canada will receive free from the time his $2 is received all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1911, containing the opening chapters of Ralph D. Paine’s great serial story of the Boxer rebellion, ‘The Cross and the Dragon.” And there is the gift of The Com- panion calendar for 1912, “On the New England Coast,” litho- —YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A— Crown Favorite Cooking Stove Price from $45 to $58 Other Stoves from $16. HARDWARE WE HAVE ALL THOMPSON HARDWARE CO’Y Telephene 10 PPP A Abb APP bb broad da aor tbadadrtatatatntatadeda bu tatatudn tubrdtaten tutta pulpalradn te YOU NEED IN _ BUILDERS’ Second Avenue ANNEX Owned Trur Grand the 4 Excellentl) Ame graphed in ten colors and gold. Only $2 now to Canadian sub- OPP DPD DODD PIP DDI DD POL DD DD IDI DDE EOS steam heat, ¢ modern cony lutely first-cla scribers, but on January 4, 1912, the subscription price will be ad- vanced to $2.25, The Youth's Companion, 4144 Berkeley S8t., Boston, Mass, New subscriptions received at this office, BOYS! START IN BUSINESS Sell the Daily News. It’s the easiest and quick- BEIRNES & MULVANY Skeena Mail and Express Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- fer Co., 807 Third Ave,, and insure prompt forwarding. All accounts and correspondence addressed to BEIRNES & MULVANY — wel». ®.¢ will receive immediate attention P.O. Box 806 est way of earning money of yourown, Apply at THe NEWS OFFICER Subscribe For The Daily News...... The are equal to coast. appol a Rates: $1 to $3.90 pet day. G. A. Sweet, Mauass ————— ’ Whites Portland ‘em G. C, EMMEK SON AGENT Naden Block Sec