aaturday. July 3, ,1937 Anona aoaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937 Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will not wash off anil remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. Per1 box of 3 cakes 1 ANONA Dog Series Imprinted in color. Af per box of 3 cakes OXJ ANONA Cat Series Imprinted in color. per bx of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Series Imprinted in EJftp color. Per box of 3 cakes uut Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion Village NR Maidstone, Kent, England Ormes Ltd. "JJifi Pioneer Druqg is ts The Ke-ll Store I'hones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From' 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Prom 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. i ti i; :; mi .: ..armrm: vwfur-wru.: n : , : : b;bi an m m m : ZENITH Washing Machines I n u s p i i a I First in Speed Beauty 'Economy Convenience Zenith washing machines save hours of labor every month, needless wear on clothes and half your laundry bill and turn out cleaner, whiter clothes, because Zenith Washers are equipped with the exclusive top action gyrator with the gentle rubber hands. Drop In and Inspect the new Zenith Washers. Let us explain the many features which make them- - Canada's Finest Washer Koss Mazzei GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBridc St. itain or Shine" PHONE 35 Day or Night' TAXI Prompt and Courteous Service Stand opposite Royal Hotel, Third Avenue The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. U. BLACK Canadian Al French Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONK 657 I MJULWAV I I STlMJHlH 1 I COMMUNICATIONS I Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports 1 Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice - Princess Louise - 'ln July 3rd, 14th, 24th; 'July 7th. 17th, 28th; JuJy 0th. 21st, 31st Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from . W. L. COATF.S, fieneral Arent l'rince "uert- " ,tr C' i wm tt tsm tm tu mtu km vmtmzmmsm If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. Legion picnic rThe evening service of' First United Church has1 been discontinued for the month of July. (153) Peter Lorenzen, who has been on a visit to Tlell, Queen Charlotte iBlands, returned to the city on the Prince' Charles Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Lyons, after spending a holiday visiting at Massett, returned to the city oh the Prrnee Charles Thursday- morn ing. David1 Jones, -son of Mr.-and Mrs. N. L. Jones, -'leaves tonight on the Prince1 Charles for a -vacation trip to' Port Clements where he -will be the :guest 'of Mr. and Mrs. George Mayer. To staff the local Isolation hos pital which has -been opened for the care of scarlet fever cases, the the provincial -department tf public' wbrks, returned to the city on the 'Prince Charles Thursday morning from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands -on official bus! ricss. E. A. Hutton has arrived in the city from Ketchikan to meet his iister, Miss-Winnlf red HuLton,-who arrived on Thursday night's train from Toronto. They will proceed to Ketchikan on the Princess Louise Monday morning. A. P. Allison and John-R. Mor gan, well known -Queen unanoiie Island logging operators, were -both passengers aboard the Prince Charles on this week's voyage com ing north from Vancouver to the Islands, Mr. Allison to his camp at Cumshewa Inlet and Mr. Morgan to Rutton Inlet. Queen Charlotte' Island logging- camps- are continuing In full operation. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber 6f Commerce, scheduled for last evening, was postponed until later in the month. 'The principal business now requiring the attention of the Chamber is completion of 'dHalls 6f arrangements for the holding of the convention of the 'Associated Chambers of Commerce of Central British Columbia here on August 4. Members of the' personnel of the Japanese training ship Kalwo Maru were entertained at a special presentation of the picture "One in a Million" at the Capitol Theatre Wednesday afternoon and seemed to enjoy the show Immensely. Thursday night some twenty ca dets, who had been unable to attend Wednesday, were guests of the theatre management. George W. Crlpps, provincial as sessor, Is leaving on the Prince Charles tonight for Queen Char lotte Islands on official duties. Mr. Crlpps will 'return on July-29.-Mrs. Crlpps Is also leaving on the Prince Charles tonight for Queen Char lotte Islands, returning at the end 6f the month. Following her . re turn Mrs. Crlpps will leave for Vancouver, returning to Prince Ru pert about the middle 'of October. Miss L. Beaman, prominently Identified with thebig Bon Marche store in Seattle, was among passengers coming north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands on the steamer Prince Charles Thursday morning. Miss Beaman was soti'delighted with the northbound trip on the Prince Charles that she decided to change her plans and make the return trip south on the same vessel instead of transferring to another boat. Notice TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. HUOH FORREST. 216 Ninth Avenue West. (153) Announcements Canadian Legion plcqlc, July 4. THE-DAItV NEWB FAQ2 THHta LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old? gold. Bulger's (tt) Canadian poned. 8. O. N. meeting tonight. Women's Labor League picnic, Orassy Bay, July 11. (153) T. 'A.f Bryant, school teacher -'at Metlakatla, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide to spend the summer vacation In Vancouver. T. L.i Davis of the local High School teaching staff sailed last night 'on the' Princess Adelaide' for Victoria to -spend the summer vat cation. MiHs 'Jessie R6thwell sarledMahi night on the Princess 'Adelaide for the Houth. "She Svill spend the summer -acation at 'Pentlcton arid Vancouver. Paul Brentzen, for supplying liquor to Indians, has been fined $100, with option of two months' imprisonment, in city police court, The fine "was. paid. Miss Evelyn Boyes has arrived here from Vancouver to assume Misses Robinson, Munro and DeT'her duties as assistant director decker, Vancouver nurses, have arr rived In the city. , J. C. Brady, "district engineer1 for of supervised activities at the Gyro Club's playgrounds during the summer. 'Thomas 'Kaye, well-known offi cial of the Union Oil Co. from Vancouver, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George yesterday and will sail tonight on the Prince Charles for Massett. Miss Peggy Anderson, who ar rived in the city Thursday nighl from her school teaching duties at Copper City, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide to spend the summer vacation at Vancou ver with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, formerl.v of this city. A boy of juvenile age, who hr.o pleaded guilty to breaking and entering a cabin at Cow Bay and stealing a chest containing valu ables, was given a warning and released to the custoly of his father by MagistratorMcCIymont in city police court twsrhorning. He is required to report regular ly to the police. wis Skw YWMIAM.K waters ACT KmIm-iI statute- of Camilla inT ('lintcr UO PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, a Compan iliriy ln;-)rpcTaitd under the taws o' he PnvinCe "OJ uriuin cwumoia, wur. ffflrrrfd olflfe at 1318 Standard Bank EuiWhig. B10 "West -Hastings stieet, The City of Vancouver, British Colum-( Sift. HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that It iw, -under 1 SeHlon. 7 ci the aald ct, deposited with the Minister ol i-ur-nc Works at Ottawa and In the office of '.he District Registrar of the Lam. Registry Dlatitcit of Victoria, at "Vlc-'.erla, British Columbia, ' description if the elte and the plans of an exten-lon no the existing deep sea wharf of Pacific Mills Limited proposed to be built In Cousin's Inlet at Ocean Palls, r.rttlsh Columbia. In front of Lot 31. Ransre 3 Coast District. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the xplratlon of one month from the ditc cf the first .Dublleaitlon of this Notice. PadHc Mills Limited will, under Section 7 of the raid Act. apply to the Minister of Public 'Works at hU office In th City of Ottawa, for approval of the rte and plans and for leave to construct the said extension. DATED at Vancouver, B. C, this 4.'h day of June. 1937. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED By LawEon, Clark and Lundell, lis solicitors, 1318 Standard Bank Bulldlr? 510 West Hastings Street. Vancouver British Columbia, 60 PHONE 60 KAIEN TRANSFER Wood, Coal, naggage, Messenger, Kindling, Furniture Moving Prop. UEI) GILLIS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprltor -A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates $1.00 op 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 J tUssiHEfl - (153) ! I "I FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered Cocker "Spaniel pups. W. C." Sparkes, Ter-raceB.C. (153) - COAL Nanaimo-Welllngton for : furnace arid heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for the kitchen range. 'Albert '& McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) FOR SALE-Electric stove with 'auxiliary, electric washer, 2 Jaspe rugs, child's desk, tricycle, 'wicker table arid chair, furnished d6ll's house, gold fish with aquarium, -2 Chesterfield chairs. Phone 'Blue 195 or call 411 7th Ave. W. (154) FOR"SALE-Approximately 90 acres of land, part of it cleared and under cultivation, and with a frame residence building, situate at Oona River, B.C. For parti culars see or write John Dybhavn, Prince Rupert, B.C. (153) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart-! Tnents, front three and four room suites. (tf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Girl to do housework. Apply Mayfair. (tf) 'MALE IIELP WANTED WE Have helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Post men, Clerks, etc. Free booklet, "How to get a government job." M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg. tf) PERSONAL WOMEN Wanted to start private' kindergarten scnoois in meir owni homes this coming fall. Free booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, -Wlnnl-. peg. Established 1927. CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL: Price reduced !25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles' wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries.1 Phones 8 and 118. (tf) i nii: srfrtKMK rontT'r nrumii 'IVtl.I'MlUA rilOTKCTlOS , ,N ntoiuTK III (lie mutter f the "AdnilnMrntHm Act" And In he Mittler lif the rMiite of Ullllair -NllilmM. 'Hwenseil. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that toy cttler of Hi; Hrncr. W. E. Ilsher, the 23rd day oi lune, A. D. 1037. I was appointed Aa- mlUMrator cf the estate of Wlilian-. 3lbbald. -deceased, and SU parties hav- Ini claims asalnst tne said e.nate u-t hereby required to furnteh eaaie, pro- nrriy veniiea. io rae mi nr- dviuic : 25th 'dy fluly 'A. D. 1B37, -and all parties IndrtUMd to tne esuare are re- dcbtetlr.ew r me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prlnco Rupert, B. C. Dated the -24th day of June, A. P, 1937. IX TIIK SITKKME COmT OK HUITISII (OI.i:miha IN I'ltOIIATK In Hie Matter 'of Ine "Aiiminmrniinn Art" Anil In Hie 'Matter "of the ltate or l.nvarn Jiiliaiison, l-eael. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI' Honor, II. E. A. Robertson, ine i'n day of June A. D. 1937, I was ap r.-vitivi Rxemrtor of the estate Of Ed- vard joxianjii. uwwrtu, mm partJes having claims Against the said estate are hereby required to furnish igame. properly verified to me on or before the 21t day of July. A. D. 1907 and ell parties indented w im rami are required to pay the amount of theli indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN DYBHAVN, Prince Rupert. B.C. Daited June 21st, A. D. 1937. IX TIIK SlTREMK TOI KT OP IIHITISII cohmiiia ix I'icoiiATi: III the Matter of the "Ailmlnltrntlnn:J Aft" Anil In the Matter of the ltnte of Wllllart, Morrlt Wright. DiM-i-a-eil , TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, H. E. A. Robertson, the 18th day of June. A. D. 1937. I wa ,p-pointed Administrator of the estate of William Morris Wright, deceased, and all partle having claims against the sfljld estate aire here-by required to fur-iviBh sam. properly verified to me on or before the 31st day of July. A. D. 1937, end all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated the 21st day f J"" D. 1S37. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Folding Gamp Got This cot is especially adapted for camping Roirap Mattress To' fit alwve-eot ' ft vWe do not' need' to detail the many uses to which' the dunnage bag may'be ptit iPack Sacks Prospectors' Wedge Tents These tents are made specially for prospectors' use and easy to carry Grey WoolBlankets The finest camp blankets on the market We also carry Wall Tents, Gamp Cook Stoves, Etc. . D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 916, P. O. Box 50, Prince Rupert, B.C. nil vrw7irp iiacrvtiuiL 0 FURNITURE 10 CONGOLEUM and LINOLEUM RUG SPECIALS ALL SIZES Barry and Stains Rugs 9x10.', Phone 775 $8,65 DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh dally Ice Cream is Brain Food It also' has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends torn gallon? Only $1.45 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack It in ice and deliver It to your door all day up to 6 p.m. You can use It at your convenience. Use it for your bridge party or-any social event. Don't forget only $1.15 per gallon Quart cylinders . . f ,60c Quart bricks ..... .-75c Pint cylinders 30c Pint bricks 40c Surprise the folks today, call and take some home COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to- a Sunday dinner these hot days. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 8