THE DAILY NEWS —— el . ae oe . aera onan — —_— — —— ® © (maa ILs woe th day 8:3 j Thursda The Grand Trunk tnn 'Distin 12 es . — a as sori ratect ee es “Let's «st guished Globe Trotter and Munici al Ex ert En oys a Stud heart as this exhibition of nat«| Let tart with th hote f N » here ' : . : ural flowers, | rome: here Davurally I knew , ay Great World Port in its Infancy--An Admirer of “You need your heart opened | of no other, for though there . ° ° ; was & crowd of hotel runne, Pioneer Pluck--Gives Important Inside News and and your pocketbook, too, 1 Pca at the boat, none of th Vi B T d thought as I strolled in—for the | Five og aethhlbaali iews--Buys Togs and Greets Chums store was pretty crowded,’) Bul — mS, YOU Know, so I took ° he s ahenad “ice | ;no notice of them, Thi righ Rambling Stores when I got a chance to price | [next to the whart goods, especially the jewelry| il 1 l — —— idioma ital bid a asa se Ee > 2a indy! eood intended for gifts, I found them} another thing, yo ll never idea of local and all the leading lines across " , pr | Gordon was the n ( nine : very reasonable, and I bought . . tae ork ;make a mistake in ( plenty of money the Atlantic and to the Mediter- i" : _|miring some of his burnt wor hed of the ar ) 1 ' | . this little gift for my sister as} se " ied oO 1@ aP-) going to a railway hot, You | & - ind also of ent ranean and South America. A sinivenli' co? civ eee Prince | @ the Seattle Fair. He is an yrince George on may, and possibly ,' rather expensive | Quite a business, I observed. Rupert : | interesting man and has an in- , ahd ivan ' ger, aven’ railroad- : : | teresti c ion, But he Pusan distinguished | one F country Phi Wi, I of the othan | | ee ae : quis ceare, a “IT was reminded of home, by pod dail { abbr anythifi er and a trained| Canada are fine. | mig! | re other sex 1) jing altogether, said Rogers. the way, when 1. started to look | idn’t try to sell me any g, them as the leadj ; istic ippointed, old }am the agent here for the Great! | : just chatted on, enquiring after name is well cee TO lehat thant | zs over the fine collection of)’, m ‘ he several citie hit ¢} lappre iat you have not no- Northern, and 1— Grown - Deeds He. has. some | Colonel Cholmondesly, Capt. , » rT : “ce 1 rial , *r y. B ‘ : . Prince Rupert, j;not be the exact { ) ind Her Ke ip It was the Just at this moment a strap- Hike sacimens of the work | Graves and other London chaps UV ent articles Of) in them the dignit in this case that ping chap with a big black saci ie is turning out at his who were in the Klondike in the i ture have ap- lclass old hotel in Ene id got my money, moustache and a big soft black Stoke on, Mings use I do like|to be noticed that crude gar! n r knew as manager of| “Came to Prince Rupert to} a jeweler’s window. They made|of Indian curios I purchased]|a more vivid picture than has yet € course ee R | like to tide ness of holiday decoralio! n| Boge , p road. But it|grow up with it, and I'm doing|a beautiful display still morejfrom him during Dawson’s| the home—side of the great mas- We had ) s y ass a) hite ass Oil : 4 oP pi » , , 2 ; nS and { : ane Your pion wait . for that it. Do you want to get back to| beautiful and attractive and}young and giddy days. By ter, written by thosg who knew the mis- Wrlunity in especial op-| many places. er t be the same, I¢ wey Ne 7 try for Christmas %d added additional suggestion of|George. but those were giddy him best, Read the articles— 8 morn- Wort : Y ly a great sea-! business men seem to be worked on the econstrue- | the Old Gountry for h a Be Pe} ac Ger adk i g8 , ee ore ’ se e giddy they will surely arouse a new in- sincera in the ; g. It interests| fled to make a good display ' cna the Canadian Pacific and | What line do you prefert. Can refined culture to the ore Tare days. terest in the “best beloved” au- pioneer Wh Mery I'll tell you| goods, and in this respec! 7 jon’'t know how many | offer you your choice of six-| artistic stock of silverware dis- “I find that Morte has devel- thor in your library, Subserip- himself - most k ml { : d be h } of many places i! vent ‘han a dozen —in |teen.”” And I found that he was/played. As this is on the eve|oped some as an artist. He} tions to Cosmopolitan will be ac- since he s sve ap riare af nh) more a ‘ ” . vee . * “e » i . Merogy whil ys . g _ a S é : window dressit ae lepartment of |agent for the Guard, White} of the holidays, I can imagine} seems to have brought the pyr- senies wet Des, s6bm the spe- y e Il am here| tric in operating dept . ; a ; ; cit w rate ; 50. . ee else a Ro ac iat oe wares to the best ad @ Of : 7 ‘thern. ‘Then he | Star, the Red Star line to Ant-/nothing so suggestive and so|ographie art to a high state of Goamonoltine 0 ee ee ’ OPes oa , 2} display ‘ , he Grea 0 A : a Brana , iat ‘ calculate te E es ’ , e . Yur | ‘°Ur horrible streets,| vantage. Not only that, Bue f8 have been eight years with Ler the Frengh line.(0 Havre|much calculated 40. opam..the|dayelopmentand I recall ad; Winnipeg. Bitrosa pest 10le] | : va , f : » SLOCK fe : ' banks and so on,}a frontier town the stoc' . tf . thin i ac i ete ot