a' MP m 3 561 I TAG? hlX tub dailt trwwn Saturda --- - rv -' 7 if 5 V I? I1 55 w I S I Galling All Christmas Shoppers To visit the largest Gift Shop in the North, where you will pet good value for your money, and the largest selection of useful and beautiful gifts for every member of the family. oiooooioooooiooooooDOooeoooaooooocKooooooHooooeHjoooooooooaoooooooooooi I In Our j 1 BASEMENT STORE ! t You will find many useful gifts from 10c up. A fine assortment of China, o glass and dinncrwarc at prices that are bound to please. 2 o g 32-Picce Dinner 0 OCIS a a o o o 1 BRASS TABLES o o $2.75 Cups and Saucers ftp Per doz., from OeIC up o Etched S-oz. Glasses Qflp I Per dozen WK, g rS BAGGAGE Used Furn 3-Mece Wicker Set with Sprlnf Scat . Dlnlns Room Suite Includes buffet, table and 4 chairs Kitchen Cabinet S18.00 S22.50 S15.00 Axministcr Ruj Slightly used. Size 9x12 CINNIBAR CLOISONNE S SMOKING STANDS AND COPPER WHJOOOOOH000H0000K0100HKHMH Did Coll spring and' spring-filled mattress. Size 4-1 Price Red Cable spring and felt mattress Reconditioned Ranges From S25.00 New Rugs for the Home Axminmer Carpets COO OA Size 9x10.6 ?Ot7.UU ad'fi' Sulte Includes Dresser. Chiffonier Special S65.00 THIRL) AVENUE JEWELS Genuine Diamond Tie Tin ll-Karat Watch Chain 23-Jewel Waltham Watch 825.00 815.00 820.00 o MAX HE1LBRONER Diamond Specialist 822.50 $14.50 20.00 Redroom Reversible Wol Mats Qt A A Size 25x48 OltUU Walnut Magazine Tabic Price, each TOYS Uaby Jumper Swings From Baby Walker From Shoofly Rocker From Automobile From ELIO'S S7.50 81.75 83.50 83.50 810.75 We Buy Used Furniture-Phone GREEN 916 Hours From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT 9 9 S Is I 1 I I I 5 6$ Early Advertising Copy Will be Very Much Appreciated ml v. .vl m Waterfront Whiffs New Fishing Industry at Ketchikan Experimenting With Soles Northland Due With Fish Cargo . season, can operate during the win ter months. "Labor costs of filleting the sole is a major expense in pre 41 1 1 1 . , . 10 to 12 cents a pound to fillet the fish." As it Is believed the fillet of sole sells for only 25 or 30 cents In retail fish markets In Seattle and on the east coast, it Is undetermined whether fish shipped from Ketchikan can compete with that taken from other areas. Both men said that there appears to be an abundance of the fish In waters near Ketchikan. The Sentinel, with four men aboard Captain Sunderland, Richard Blendheim. Aune Blendhelm and Asmund Strand this week landed 1500 pounds of sole from Kreaerlck oSund. Previously, It brought In 300 pounds. It is now in Hecate Strait to try' the fishing there The sole are small fish, weighing approximately pounds, which stay at the bottom in shallow water They are caught with a Danish or Norwegian seln which is dragged alone the bottom in a method that Sme fishermen describe as "beam trolling.' The Biological Board of Canadp t is about to Issue another progress (report outlining results of latest Ketchikan fish house workers this week were stripping the skin and bones from sole landed by the halibut boat Sentinel in preparation for making the first shipment of frozen fillet of sole ever sent to a southern market from Ketchikan. The experiment undertaken under a co-operative agreement among the Ketchikan Cold Storage Company, Northern nshpriixr , and Captain L. P Sunderland, own-! ;. '" er or the Sentinel, and his crew ' r?5earcu worK carea "i ai mt it Is hoped may possibly result In Prlnce RuPcrt fisheries expcrlmcn-,i.mi.i the l . tal tal Station Station and and tM th6 Nannlmn Nanalmo hln- bio establishment of an Industry mat mat will win lengthen lengthen materially materially Ket,- Ket? ' logical " station. - The booklet will -uii . Ishnrtlv IV In tUn hnnrts nf hr j-jun.au -jismng season. Aimougn " J. H. Rolie. president of Northern ' Prlntcrs- fisnenes. and J. W. Mendenhall, manager of the cold storage, said' r N" BrocIcsby f the that that it it was was entirely entirely undetermined undetermined!"". "upert "ies Experi wnether the enterprise would move profitable, they hoped that It would be so that local halibut fishermen, who now fish only during a short mental station has been partly Incapacitated during the past week with the general cold complaint but Is now able to be at his wors again. Union steamer Cardena, Capt John Boden. arrived In Dort at uawns uit iisn ior marKei. mv . . .. . this morning on her return south. The original Intention had beer for the vessel to make her calls In the Skeena River before com ing in here but, owing to snow conditions, she deferred doing so until today. Northland Transportation Co."s motorshlp Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived In port this afternoon from Ketchikan with three carloads of frozen fish fish for trans-shipment East over Canadian National Railways. After discharging, the vessel will continue her voyage from here to Seattle. Forced Back By Gale Two native boats which left hen Thursday with the Invention of crossing Hecate Straits to Massett returned here early this morning, finding the gale too strong. They are Robert Bennett's Don Marie and George Jones Adelaide J. The got as far as Lucy Island out their small craft were tossed about to uch an extent that travel was, to ay th3 least, very uncomfortable so they returned to ivietlakatla'. As there was no abatement of the A Smart, Comfortable Sweater .Makes An Ideal (Jift For Dad or His Lad MEN'S SWEATERS V-Xeck Pullovers in Plain and Fancy Wool,-silk and Wool Coats-Jackets with Full Zipper in Plain DO QC to QO ftp Colors and Tweed EffecU-From V.SJO pD.i7t) HOYS' SWEATERS V-Ncck and Polo Neck Pullovers-In cj-i r A to CO Off-Marie Yarns and Plain Colors JI..DU ?Z4t) Jackets with Full Zipper In Heather Mixture and Plain Blue with Trim, Pleated Backs. Sizes 30, 3!, 31- 00 ? A Priced at $0.t)U WATTS & NICKERSON 06 Third Ave. Men's and BojV Clothiers Phone 313 I storm they came In here to await better weather Two other boats, Halda Girl, Capt. Henry White, and Waterfall, Alex Yeltatzie, continued but thev mav be tnklnir thoiinr oquaaaree. O HMI.IIVI " EARLY TOURISTS CHATHAM. Ont.. Dec 11. icpi-- Flrst winter tourists in Chatham Include a party of native Hawailans. Their car bears a license plate issued in Honolulu. CHINESE WOULD FLY LONDON, Ont., Dec. 11 (CP)-' London Flying Club has a Chinese candidate for a pilot's license. Him Lee of Forest, Ont.. is the first of his race to seek a license here. 1 ELECTRIFY LOCK 1 MORRISBURO, Ont.. Dec. II:1 (CP)-Manual lifting system Installed 93 years ago for the canal lock here will "get the gate" during the winter. The lock is being '-AST TI.MES Uobert Louis Stei, ovti "South EBB TIDE" n TECIIMcolor With OSCAR RoMOLKt HlANCKS FAliJitg RAV MILLAXD i.opular Cartoon COMING MONUtlf ary lirant in "TOAST OF Stu and "THE CAPITOLuJ "DEMERS Closing Out Sa Extra Specials in Prices Winter Coats Fur trimmed. $45.1)0. Sale price Fur trimmed. $3250 Sale price Untrimmed coats. Regular to 813.50 Sale price Untrimmed coats. Resular to $19.50. Sale price Rugular to 825.00 Regular to 815.00 89.95 SilkD Group I. Group II Group III., Group IV Group V Group VI e resses Beautiful Eveninj Dresses at Special Prices .87.H $5.fi 84.93 S3.951 $2.95 81.95 MacKENZIE'S FURNITMF BRIGHTEN UP YOUR KITCHEN FOR XMAS Conoleum RUSs All Sixes l.inol, urn Utir. All Siw Feltol Rujv Cx9. qi Fft Special 10 Chesterfield Tables- 1 gjj QQ PIIONK 773 327 Til I III) AVIME HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut digestible, with egg sauce is palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. SANTA CLAUS and COMPANY h - fe W iSwSffSK J&S!sB iL0OKS W XJSttfy vwKewgRecKsVt-- XZZLZy io-LUCkyj tltAh WORRIES AR rrk t.vRM TI I "f N APESToesDiy JL4 yT'Xl mJ )JPS over.... 1 Jf pg pj Help Rail Men VYitn muiions F(piisIvi f'nirr,si()ll' M' employees ny (South Africa" Government PnnrplnnR made bV th ".1 ;.,.,.. ,i rau'1 .iiricuu Kuvtriiiiiicim ....... i. mnre "" employees win niyoMt a haA aaa . nn a Art 1 ll.UUU.UUU li.OU,UUU' .!.(i in addition, uie nuu; ."3 -- fci shortly to be put into operatWM oraer 10 ensure buim- , V1),i modatlon at a low cost wH lnl 4,000,000 ($19,920,000) Try a Dally New& waat-- , -