t: i; a 3 i. u a ii u iii ii i :t ii im ii U it i n Ji FAGE TTVO School Specials BOYS AND GIRLS BOOTS S SHOES All the leading makes including: Greb, Sisman's, Jack & Jill, Little Pal, and Hewestons. ' f We can guarantee the quality and " ' they are priced as low as .cheaper shoes. You cannot go wrong these dependable lines. SUBSCRIPTION KATES '' City .delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paia in -dvatxe Paid In idvance, per we;k '. Paid In advance, per month oaily romoN on Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rJUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Bunday. by Prince Rupert Dally Newa. Limited. Third Avtnu H. P PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edltoi By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone Advertising and ClieuUtion Telephone Member of Andlt jjnrean of Clrcnlatioai EVERY PERSON SHOULD JOJN should be asked to do its part! If U 15.00 60 JXK) J0O X2 5 I Mice Vltttr . uic vy erg, weannie ftupouuua tu uy iu xniS 11 seems L0 me Will pe a great jDolron, Thomaslna Krause, Chris-help to the city. Let it once be known that yours' is the e Petcrson- EUle Kraupner, gii-city of flowers and you will not be able to keep anv vessel ia CamDafoIa' Donna Ada and from calline. Thp tm THE DAILY NEWS DISPLAY OF i ALL READY PL4YFIELD FORGAMES wVORK" T4PRPiFinal Arranjements For Ocea'i If VAl- 1111JU Falls-Prince Rupert Soeeer fetches Big Crowd Shows Appreciation 'of . ( Activities Conducted Paring past j A .meeting of the .selection corn-Summer Under Auspices of Jmittee of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club , Football Association was held last (evening to make final arrange- Introducing a number of novel menw for the two game series! and entertaining specialty items iniwi O"1 representa-addition to the regular physical ed- tjTe team on Wednesday ard ucation routine, the annual mass Tnuy evenings of this wefkj display of Gyro supervised nlay- ioT tne championship of Northern i British Columbia. ! Exhibition Hall last night by some! The manager of the Prince Ru-slxty selected per Szm 0111x16 aRd representatives of the the trauier Jock McGreish. The various before playgrounds a crowd f . v, ..,.. , cfficlal referee is Hush Douglas vj oijiu uucc uuuuini ui au iil Iterested spectators, was along con-;ad prin?e RuPert .linesman siderably different lines from here-'A1i H" tofore. The display was carried' e team to "P"-t Ocean but in a snappy manner and the,1"3 wlU arrlve on ,the P11" George tomorrow corning and will crowd showed its appreciation of I.. .... ... . ... ... o splM-ton f mm th fnllnn'tnw me sKiu ana taienis or ine paruci- . , , " pants by enthusiastic applause. In- ,rs: GWanders; O. Thomas, Ltmrtnr Harrv r.orrtnn-Pnnnr Ac-,- SlmOItfen; T. Kelly. J. McCon- 3 J Booth: Rob- andi8 R. slstant Instructor Nell Ross thoir 9ukb.nLcMi aiw r.nm ert4n- B Henderson, R. Burges, vi.. to,E. Barclay. A. Gourlay and S. Ol IVnni. nnrl f . Hnl wu .ntujr 1 i.o9C in charge and the show reflected much credit upon the useful work iett. im. ine manager win oe J. Maughon and colors will be white shlits with black shorts. they have been carrying on during LJne am ehen to represent th the summer summer varatlan vacation season season which whIph'Princ RuPf? 1Tt in ln H,e..nest irsi & game is now closing. A gratifying fea- " ,0'ows: Morgan; W R Parsons; G. Howe. A. ture was the greater number ol, .. . k fu r r, Dickens (captain), A. Davis; R. pert Gyro Club's playground com- Tt mlttee. acted as chairman for the"n:m uw U evening and D. G. Borland. wesi-,0Jf ' Ath' D: 0ome?- . dent of the Gyro Club, was in at- L "I" I0U0Win8 tendance to make the presentation. v &' of the season's awards in various lines of activity to their winners. I rp I pifc f In f 1 ifp r The display opened with a Grand, March of all participants followed n IT 1 1 1 by the singing of "O Canada -After riaVinO" nPln At hripf rpmark hv thp chairman thp uca-jf. august w, una,, program commenced. There were f 1 A P 1 singing games by the smaller child- LSKc UIl dUliCiaV Ivan Vt a nini'ftf auhJ. Mrm,A U.. J Jk uic 5 uuiu iuuuMru uy Referring to the siirnwr nf Vi?a oAAvacc exhibitions of Junior and .senior day night and ouetiWd ir YZnrA'?U v v Ul tumbling, springboard, box and tuUIl vln sts on behalf of Buck tfucK stated stflfTn n?n M S ?ut0 Pr?feSSOr F-E- nigh vaulting, high bar work, pyra- Royal Ufe Saving Society of to the Daily News that London he thought every per- mids and life saving methods m were conducted at the salt Kn, company and corporation and organization in the!" oi x activities the partici- Lake on Sunday b? 0rme - stu- City Should be keenly interested in this matter of oUvnts displayed sklU and the re-examner for the Society, J)eauUfication jjeautification. . Hp Lacrt.A iW L. Jl!; suits of valuable training. candidates, who had Uken ; r-Bbk.;wjf ui8 cuiiipanyi ... , .. . instruction from Harry Gordon- "Wiiat about your fwh "reT, 77 J .IJT; Coo during the summer in con companies?" he inquired. "Won't they help 1 alone 6 TAJi ic the Gyro supervised cause! ITL!. lnis iuis is is - purely nureiv i a a rivir civic ... - matter. mnttor It it jo ia is I nr. un mm tn v tho u ui nr. ' nv uaiice nanoprn .... RoP t demand fl stnv 7 in nn In 7 t0 enable It U'7 I RussIan TaP Dance-Kitty Cam- pv?mL P ng enUgh theiT1 t0 seeJeron, an Krause, Norma Letnes, r everyining. iLouLse Intermela( chrlstme Peter-J Wor AHmr, lne Visitor Went on to sneak nf thp vnln f sen. Thomaslna Krause. EIsIp 11 ai nUUHltll . I v - V. .UJU- ' " eration in every walk of life. He said it was impossible I KraUDner Donna Adams. oda for the city to make the progress that it should A"0U1U without wiiqoui mpagnola' norence Morse- 1x318 the ifnhP co-onpratinn 5 S nf milnnh merch?ntS, Of Citizens, of companies, .Thompson Russian Sword and Harriet Dance PhiUipson. - Ernlle pi ciuds and aU the organizations in the city. Once they Biain, Stanley scherk, John crims-oecame enthused with the idea they would vie with each 80,1 and JBertie o'Nein. other to see which .could do most, a very desirable form1 statues eor8ia Rudderham, of competition. "You have made a eood start Nnw jt Beatrice R"dderham. Margaret st. .? 'I n..l.l- I !--- t. . . . . . optrMJig nneiiy Deiore present- ,: , PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR US v We have had and have a whole army of men and wp-Jnen working for us, some of the cleverest men and women in the world. Outstanding nossihlv aitinilCf f Viam moo Ti,mn a t?i- ii: T . rv . o JilOmas A. Edison, thp Plppfrnrn1 wiorvl rV.A n,i ...i.u ... .. hundreds of others also working for us so that we might citizenship. He congratulated the ' enjoy the use of the electric light, electric power and the itruetors on their splendid work1, hundreds of electrical appliances that hnvp hm0 r stating that the cost to the Gyro most nofPcpitipQ ?n fho m V,nrv,n Tf i, I cluo ot earring on supervised play to tell of the other men who have worked for us, There was that Scotsman who invented the steam engine and started us travelling on rails so that trains ould ply between Halifax and Prince Rupert almost every day of the week the men who invented the various machines in use in making clothes, in making goods, in printing, in keeping us healthy and enabling us to build houses and large public buildings. They are all working for us. Henry . F.grd is an old man and has to be careful what he does but his work goes on. He is still working for us so that we may have cheap and efficient road transportation. ' Many of the men who are working for us are supposed to be dead but the work is going on. Even though they may'be .now engaged in inventing improved kinds of wings for .the .angels, they are still .our servants, ministering to ixur needs, making life easier and better for all of ias? If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. Ing the awards for thu season's work, D. Q. Borland, president of the Oyro Club, referred to the vaU ue of developing a proper use of the puay as naa Dten aemonsiraiea in the me display. aispiay. This Trus was was In tn keeping keeping ground activities this season had been upwards of $1000, Mr. Borland thanked the public for its support financially. The presentations were then made by Mr. Borland as follows: JJoys .track and Held championship Senior. John Grimsson; Intermediate, Norman Kilpatrick. Girls' track and field championshipSenior, Emily Yamancka; In- Football Championship ot Northern British Columbia Ocean Falls vs. Prince Rupert Wednesday and Thursday 6:00 p.m. playground scheme, taking thJ tests, results of which were announced at the mass display last night. Diving and life saving classes during the summer numoered at times up to twenty-five Wins Saratoga Cup Saturday SARATOGA SPRINGS, New York Aug. 30. War Admiral won the $6000 Saratoga Cup race by a length' and a half on Saturday. termediate, Annabelle Intermela. Senior Boys' Softball Acrppolls Hill, Ray O'Neill, captain. Senior Girls' Basketball Acropolis Hill, Frances Roberton, captain. Senior Boys' Basketball Seal Cove, Albert Mah, captain. Intermediate Boys' Softball Acropolis Hill, Cliff Roberton, captain. Doll Contest Smallest, Christine Petersen (Seal Cove): funniest ! Audrey Grlmble (McClymont Park) largest, Betty Scott (Seal Cove); Best dressed, Peggy Barclay (Seal Cove); prettiest, Nina Youngman-(Acropolis). Winners of the Royal Life Saving Society tests were also announced as follows: Sliver Medals Geraldlne Cade and Chlea Ntshlkaze, Bronze Medal Owen Palmer. Proficiency Certificates William Long, Robert Long and Jack Elementary Pat McLeod. Before closing the proceedings, I William Stone called the Instructors and their assistants to the front .and Introduced them to the crowd. jThey were tendered a hearty round .of applause. Singing of the National Anthem 1 after a closing march by all partlcl-f pants ended the program. I Miss Ethel Cousins was piano ac- PITTSBURG PICKING UP Defeated Brooklyn .Yesterday as New York Giants Lose to Cincinnati PITTSBURG. Aug. 30: CP Pittsburg Pirates swamped the Brooklyn Dodgers by a score of 10' to 1 yesterday to Increase their J margin of leadership in the Nation-) al League to four and half full j games over the New York Giants, who were dropping a 6 to 3 decision i in the Cincinnati Reds. Tne Dod gers dropped Into a tie with St. Louis carainais lor sum piace. In the American League the New York Yankees, so far ahead that there Is practically no chance of their being overtaken, outhit the St Louis Browns but lost 4 to 3. The second and third place Boston Red Sox and Cleveland In dians lost respectively to Detroit Tigers and Washington Senators by scores of 15 to 1 and 6 to 4. These were the only games scheduled yesterday, Boston at St. Louis and Philadelphia at Chicago in the National League and Chicago at Philadelphia In the American League having been played In double-headers Sunday. Baseball Standings Including Yesterday's Scores National. W L Pittsburg 71 47 New York 68 53 Cincinnati 65 56 Boston 59 59 Brooklyn 55 64 St. Louis 55 64 Philadelphia 37 . American League New York ...84 j Boston .". ..68 'Cleveland- 66 'Detroit 61 Waslngton 61 Chicago 49 St. Louis 45 Philadelphia 41 Dido Confident Of Ball Series 78 37 49 53 59 60 66 73 78 Pet .602 .555 .554 .537 .500 .462 .462 .694 .581 555 508 504 .426 .381 .345 . rnnce Rupert baseball team for ,the forthcoming series with Ket tchikan, is not worrying about winning the three games. His team is coming along so well in its prac tices and looks so good that there is no question ln his mind abou many a day." says Dido. The boys were practising last night and will be turning out fcgaln this evening. Old Country Soccer Leicester City 0. .MESSAGE IN BLOOD WHITE HORS SCOTCH WHISKY ThU ndverLUempnt U nnt nuhllchp, rr .... I . '--- f-- w wpj u UJ liJJ ly Control Board or by lue Government of Brithh Cola1 HINTS FOR EXHIBITORS The annual flower show of the! Prince Rupert Horticultural So ciety closed last night, completinj a most successful ana educational event which proved of great bene fit to the flower erowers of t!.e city who took advantage of it. In smaller Exhibltcn tx IM.II J ..... - . o.vuu oilMi ucjecu n .1 wise to dress flowenforiil as this was usually detail ludee. Little thlnn -..1 w . 'In making a decision n.l DV II irk1 1? lons ot "overs shown A D 1 J JU uL)exWb,Ujrs-vas a Ki Flower Show Closed Successful growing many rajletla Day Final lt of Winners not otherwise shown Of Awards For Flowers I . ., niic ninntn The following art ton r .1.. i .. . . i . VI juugc hkv Tja ed: Oiadiolus, 1 spite-i,i Way; J. Faith King. Best .vase of perennJ etv 1. J. Schlld: 1. T l the morning the attendance' was . Best vase or bowl d el made up chiefly of tourists, each , sauitble for table ceata-l of whom was given a small bunch R. M. Wlnslpw 2, F l. of flowers. Some of these came' Pansles. one taw a I from as far away as Honolulu Mrs. O Scott 2, Mrs D while others were from California. Best general display the eastern states and a few from flowers- 1. J R Mum-eastern Canada. Among them wa Borland, a member of the executive of tt.e Geranium or pehxro Winnipeg Horticultural Societ? Mrs J. Prpwe: ? n e Hi i who spent a ereat deal of tlmi t Pina-pHmr niint.. iril , - - ... .-w-.0 . . lOO it h chnw an1 i1iui1aiiJ . V. . . ti ', it., m . n l.ti i... "" mct,wicu wiak rimcc vrnaue. , Airs. J. ixssaa Pllrwirt flnii'orp jAMnnH.t . , " . -uiiijjcv iiivuc, sulcus, any iwrj-. uiati luvumuiv wun mnw nr win. ininraii r i ( v rni- "'Peg- J Foliage plant- l, to J The exhibit was made un ehlpfk ture- l Mn i Prrttt or dahlias, sweet peas, gladioli, and Hanging basket- -i. tof calendulas but almost all flowers : hamel; 2. Mrs. F Ra U;v - . 1 J . . . were manv snVnHiH rwim-n i dau. vA. i urt grouD inai excited nnri riaj. comment was that taken irom the , Special Prba hnrl m t wA M .! with pigeon berries and nemonhlla I vu i-i -n,. . . . 'w.tH"-- -6-- uso an oia lasnioned DIbb. eoual with 7 prtoi No question question of of Winning Winning So Local . tZ,. n JV. 1 I ,M,wm i Vance's Home ArU lor i .. in this collection Include a anion '. . . ,.iaiiaEer lanacer Ij n Wonderinr uonaenng ir lie dlfl d h-.v, of . ,., . - in the show not memos pansles' Can Can Shut Shut Out Out Ketchlkanlte, Ketchlkanltes d bowlji lAn-ffl ut caienauias, sweet rte&s. anH " l. ums wun a 51n8'e Speclmeft WKlucra uuiuo Dido Onrvlrh m,n,, . nA. 1 . I"- Villi 1 UDtTKHn I3U1W W - was interviewed by the Dallv Km . .. . o said that it was a great credit to Apartment, the society and to the city. It . compared very favorably with slm lift tVinnm I .11 ,ir,t , - :. "' uws in otner Dtaces of a I ..a SrriSXts," I CENTRAL HO 'They are a right smart bunch lltSShP of boys. One of th- bosi t-sebali J expccted to see anything HVe ouims prince RUDert has had In Asked for criticisms, the Judge said hp -u.wui vu criticize: so gooa a show. If he might be allowed to sureest. would advise the society to In-elude a class for children or foi students. The staging was excel-, uui ne suggested that two (members of the committee b- Enjlish Lea5ue; First Division "!!!" the dty of putting In some" I Charlton Athletic 4. Stoke City 2. 1 ,, w)"dow dressing and gen-' Tiujictiiaijbuii . wanaerers u, mh wc an. wiini v .uw. evergreen m the city and With SO manv nrrninl..ii. i I SiuBht posslbly one of them: "6n. uuve aeVlSPrt .tnm1hlnn ik.i LONDON, Aug. 30: '(CP,- A TnSg photograph of exhibitors, the. a farewell .messae lude said written in blood on the wall, of ya I Tn wers" Sd his room was produced at the in- uniformity H .7x1 ' que,t of a suicide, Ernest Baldwin called Tl?1 we.ie One part of It read: "The ink ' u same sl e rathVr ratner Vh tnan runnlns out." 0" or two- ,are onps and the others) UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Sfcamcrs Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- I.. V.n..Uy.,. nm ..m. B y.MZZ'Z.... If Convenient. Please vMoc ...Kris at uirice . 4L . . 4. Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket- UCSeiS From A. IV. NK1VMAV P,l. n . . tTom ' c "up"1 ne"t- Third Ave. Phone 568 imoMS nd CATl C?al MRS. CUB t it niTIT. 1 m f 1 a w - Optometry Royal THE GOLD SEAL Fancy Red SW PINK SEAL finest Pink Sa .. . canning companj -v-j, the year round P"