ty ‘ —_—_—_—_——— | © AY? fr of WORK IE NEXT MAILS . TI News’ Want Ad. For South Way. pert.. Thursday 8:30 p.m. ee al BUG. vs ches Thursday 4m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist you. 1, ae an PRINCE RupERT, B.C., MonpAy, DeceMBER 18, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS 10 START WORK FOR PLACER GOLD NEAR Ki VANCOUVER GOT A BAD SCARE R. ©. READING ROOM HE USED A KNIFE LABOR MEN TO MEET TEN PASSENG S WERE KILLED Good Start Made on Framing of | Italian Who Was Refused Dance) Formation of Labor Council to Be WHEN DYNAMITE EXPLODED” "=" "or" “Sathatcs"ts"™" S'™"sawacfvetIN WRECK OF COLUMBIA FLYER (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ponight in the Carpenters’ Hall } irt was made this] e nnndation| Vancouver, Dec. 16.—Because e various representatives of the} ‘ the foundation) ia ihe various representatives of (Re) bois my WwaUKEE & ST. PAUL FLYER STRUCK A FREIGHT RUMOR SPREAD ABROAD THAT THE POWDER WORKS ON : . f the new R. C rec-|4 girl refused to give a dance tO| jJabor unions will meet for fOWEN ISLAND HAD BLOWN UP—-SHOCK WAS FELT | hen | reading roomeé at the }8n italian at-s-ball here lact night| purpose of completing the or- TRAIN WHILE TRAVELING AT SEVENTY MILES AN ALL OVER THE CITY THIS MORNING. aoa e eng oo st Fitth|a fight broke out, resulting in| ganization of the Prince Rupert | HOUR—VANCOUVER MAN AMONG INJURED. r » nite . A ,| Aaderson Whiteman being!'prades and Labor Council. ‘Mr. — —_— ss Despatch. jered the | f th 1 : ype ep oe stabbed in the stomach. His - n oe a wikthela oil Ba (Canadian Press Despatch.) section, driving along at seventy j vec, 18 All Van-| explosion hie la is secured, Heavy condition Is serious The Ital-| present to assist with the work St. Paul, Dec. 18—Ten pas- miles an hour, telescoped the end 1 to the founda- | Bodwe roa | a was ¢ has been placed in posi- ian who committed the deed has/of organization. sengers met instant death ‘ast cars of the _ front section like f oe ' , l escaped y cardboard. Scores were injured k this morning | the i dyna t rm sual iming the basement and| mere nae aie nicht in the wreck of the famous| nq the ten dead were killed out- ‘ explosion roused | get 3s had gs : ‘ ak th ; ! c Ww a me ol - . % " arks are ened er as | Columbia Flyer on the Chicago,| right. Bodies wedged inextrica- th The alariajot dynam u to dry}. ROO ae ee Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. soriment “of oward railroad) wii aukee & St. Paul Railroad| bly in the bent and buckled steel : | that the powder] out, and for il for himself pancy early in the new year.) Phone 4. watches. : |near Odessa, Minnesota. The| are almost impossible to recover. : : Island had blown) had gone awa & ihe He : : — —————— == = ——_————_—_—_—_—_— | iit steel cars could not resist Wrecking trains were rushed to : was much more| heard the bang a in back, but the terrible impuct of the rear the scene and the line was . hat experienced) the d e and ve had left | section of the train, which plowed cleared rapidly, the hospitals be- , Northfield Powde1 h the | i N was headlong into the front section|ing crowded with the injured, Works devastated The|hurt so far as the police could = | when the engine struck a biocked amongst whom is W. H. Perry of } at last disco | ‘ se freight train ahead. The rear} Vancouver. DARING ENGLISH AVIATOR Dastardly Attack Was Made Upon Him by a Male Suffragist as GREAT EARTHQUAKE SHAKES ( APTURES A WHITE HERON He Left a Liberal Meeting on Saturday Night | MEXICO FROM END T0 END yooRE HOUSE DELIGHTED A CROWD BY GIVING CHASE TO BEATEN IN FACE WITH BRASS BOUND BOX THE EARTHQUAKE, WHILE ONE OF THE BIGOEST EVER, DID THE BIRD IN HIS MONOPLANE—AFTER A LONG CHASE HE WORE IT DOWN AND CAUGHT iT. ea WAS FELT AS FAR NORTH AS VICTORIA. |The Attack Was Quite Unexpected, and Mr. Lloyd-George Had His Right Eye Cat) a aed ovis, Dick. tc respatk ) 4 . | . sang é ss s +) la, ‘ ‘ ) 1@,~-A London |ti oh tl f tree Open—Only Prompt Medical Attention Saved the Eyesight—Attack | Mexico City, Dec. 18.—Mexico|f the earthquake at siaxioo wah ising a bird on s, th Followed an Announcement by. the Chancellor That the Gov- | was rocked from ocean to ocean secueed cir scent he Meteorologica station re hauling ¥) is oe 2 ernment Would Introduce Woman Suffrage Next Year Jand from Guanajnata on the) yesterday. : eo i f ’ I sess se arvensis eS ae north to the Isthmus of Tehuan- : a / I in d ' Canadian Press D 4 ) = itepec on the south by a great Cadbury’s Christmas Chocolates. ivia . e Th a D AS | earthquake yesterday. Fortu- |} Cadbury’s famous candies in @ i he aerodro Y the: : nately no loss of life has been re-| large and varied assortment and 7 : a alot: ; , Rae | ported and but few buildings were Christmas gift boxes at Keeley’s, , ; the Savoy 4 Mr. David Lloyd : to | thrown down. | 3rd and 6th. ; tf as ga , t tt ! ion of ibera | , ne | 2 | \—————— araschiiiaeaiia ae VANT COOD MEN 'DEATHTOLLIS ese ooencoe ALONE SETTLER SINGLE TAX AND ith aday 8:30 p.m. .Thursday a.m. as 2 Five CEN JUVE! VORTHER MITTED (ER. T. R. Clar f in Stan 1 no. case ock” dim ton weil direct fr atterns, ¢ rices. W t Chocolat andies it rtment ¢ at Keele; t INDO cceed Li iian H aounced spatch.) It is sta writy t 1 undou ithcona ~ sioner. to take iately af ling heg nakes ain @ INTHE COUNCIL NOW COMPLETE °°": ISFOUND DEAD A COMMISSION — who hurled a brass-bound | ree beers | Rancher Named Bush Found on Some Sweeping Changes Are y Res lutepayers’ Association Discuss | Tennessee Coal Mining Disaster 5:5 . r : |‘ hay; Good Government and Will Call Leaves 59 Widows and 147 Mr. I 1-G Bo ae ’ * ne ree ig eer: ee eon ce rey oe ppropr nt Meeting to Secure Good Can- Children Fatherless—A Reliof ha ! e of the attas eee ges mantnnt ote eee, . ¥ mae men — didates for a business Ad- Fund Is Started - ; y - vs i : ~ SESAETENE He, | ministration 2 ae a | \ Mr. Bush, a settler at the Nadu (Canadian Press Despatch.) . D g s h River, on Massett Inlet, was found Winnipeg, Dec. 16.— Sweeping GUS : ‘ G dead last Friday week a few yards hanges in the government and i 1¢ 1 from his cabin. He evidently died | administration of the city of 5 y suffrage b from heart trouble, and when} Winnipeg are forecasted here. A E [ ct ol Re tw | found had a pack on his back.| canvas of the candidates out for vent and yea lhe bady was frozen and evi-| public office in the civic election it for the) S84 . e he attack, which dently had tein sor some time.|shows a large majority in favor ous Ni given by} a ‘ i. Mr. I is Deceased came from London,}of the adoption of single tax and Trial s empha-|A n the fa England, and is supposed to have; the commission plan of govern- 1—Adn fs i 138 ners of been in the army at one time, as} ment, ¥ business cana inl his lip open and seri medals and, papers were found| Out of over twenty candidates 36) , an, Mr. W. J La , aa ' ght eye. Only among his effects —Queen Char-| whose views on the single tax whe A that in thei X ‘ | oe p ttontion saved lotte Islander. } question were ascertained, it was . ; . ‘ partisanship | \ te , ht ; The coward- ——__—__—_——_—— l found that not ene was opposed Bani ) e welcoming , ‘ has caus vr ndig- Christmas Rush. to its gradual introduction dur- RIG . r ranks, has ORTS Big rush to Keeley’s for Per-|ing a period of from three to five Ea to officeholde G es fumes in fancy gift packages. tf| years. Bared to handuinthioe Se aac. ——$——$_——— | Among twenty-two condidates p. m. ciation at the OILFIELDS “4 cafaiy Razors, | whe expressed their views on fn Ghee Sine i . . A if iy: Bato pgovernmpin! 2 commiEner. only bor He ar o was : - }one was fo ( B se ~ ' who was ; : peal a sbi ate ne W ; - und t . be opposed. red H ssing the fune-| Natural Gas Has Been Struck and | py pis is @ifts for men at IN DRAGONLAND Before selecting a piano see the pe usr , pal government Engineer Slater of the B. C. K s Pharmacy Uf Stanley at Gray's Jewelry Store. yes'ta! Y hat conditions| Ollfield Is Quite Positive oil —— |Gannot be beat for tone, quality et * Y 1! differences a| Will Be Reached. Chief Vickers-reports 4 quiet Efforts to Bring About Peace Be- and price. Pianos tuned and re- ea " ; inthe national| week-end, only the : : | tween Imperialists and Rebels) paired. tf il | 7 \ onae hesaime a1 DA. Slat ! “lus irray of “d, and a in Conference Produces Diffi- ——————____— — be sant ; . we if allowed to| f the I c { eI es d ty the constables LLOYD-GEORGE AND HIS LITTLE DAUGHTER. culties from Start. | HARRY STEWART BACK bh. ( fe. Ina young| at Trahn © no { ‘ eee | eas eae a . pay ssing s g great oppor-| of Graham I er —— Special Correspondence | Pioneer Clothier Opens New Store re coda ahd mreation the P Jol 5 Son? | Shanghai, Dec, 18.—The repre-) on Third Avenue. es § 4 ecially neces-|on his wa ! ; . isentatives of the Imperial party —— J % P gi seo husiness Mr. Sla spoke very WILL START GOLD MINING OPERATIONS and the rebels met together here Harry Stewart, the pioneer eT 7 i egime instituted. | encouraging!) the progt ss today with a view to the discus- clothier of the palmy days when enalty ¢ M e said he blamed{of the work at that 1 snd has jsion of terms of peace, Therejall Rupert centred round Centre ie. ; , he spoils system | not the least doubt ress ding te ULIC lwas difficulty in discussion from| street, is back again in town and C Nhic| h it, He made alultimate succ f th pa jthe first, and considerable fric-|has opened the new store at the uth C rong the ratepayers to| Natural gat has | ek and Fis en as }tion developed, After the morn-|corner of Third avenue and Stew ¢ a strong body | other indicat rid Mr ® - T bi 0 tfit D ad ae 14 F t Cc | ing hegonne spent in weaneiins, Hevects wareele. ; will he xe i, on q Pate tn nrove..tha ' t «|prospects of an amicable settle-)as “he idea Clothing Store” an . ; . | be tke “ W fe k e ee ntinued all W Four Hundred Horsepower ur ine u ttl ee : He en j ment ee trouble new seems|will carry a oCmneRe hers in ~ Ree r } , Slate | go east } iddi ; P W F S § 0 }as far off as ever, gents’ outfitting line, Mr. Stewart, y ie Mr, G, \ ett laid emphasi es era ery betore ' 6 trifugal ump is on its ay 0 : h ? ~ oes “ie | SERIA 1S WEL wre 1s: peareet S abies eet i a. ie 8 businaceManeiniact north a8 Queen Charlotte Gold -P C | EGERIA IS WELCOMED. Store” at Stewart, will divide his irnish aay fe ” seats eee | eres ; at ol Creek-- lant 1S oming y ut e - rince uper | on time between the two establish- at re was acted to ti at sit cnecial to Daily News.) ) 40-ineh turbine water wheel of} he Provincial Government) Historic Naval Vessel Becomes) nets. 17th . ms, ent at aha cage | Gerhard Heintzman. . a a Dec, 18—It is ane) 400 horse power capacity. This | has constructed a wagon road) Training Ship for Boys. ceenieyrer TTT ve ref == nM on: Galina ican | : Aas Frank D , Miner | plant will deliver water suflicient |from Kitselas up Gold creek, al-| —— All kinds of musical instru- wart, ——— \ ' apital was} For thirty ; d by the Omineca mn to. operate two j-inch nozzles at ? ; tinal ‘Canadian Press Despatch.) ments at J. 8S. Gray & Sons’, 6th f cou req 8 of ( reatures and Keeley, the ext 16 Ms re fy 10 } vuthority of George Ww. a pressure of 240 pounds to the | lowing the transportation © ARN Vancouver, Dec. 18.—The sloop} street, tf We | prog , uC - Of Ene Se this famous nas z eveF¥|yijapson, the prominent hydrau-| square inch, J ohinery and Ph ahi or | Egeria, which was recently pur- —————_—____——_ the n . d ta*aalitn are vt % on tf -nert, that a complete hy-| This plant, the first of its kind) ©s, gnc considerable activ! a 8) chased en the. Admiralty as a Sunday’s train from Van Arsdol ra . riday night at 8:30 ius . plant is being shipped|to be installed in British Colum- | looked for as soon as Work 18 ene oe a Pe Sones brought in a good number of oie iia Hall for the pur- | , h Nearer Home ' on the steamer) bia, wae formerly used on re-} possible. In prospecting the) ia _ mee ba conte: VAOh] PAREORESES. Pupgteel is now exe him , : ing what Aamal | Day's Mare vat of ara’ s ‘ vor yse on place! crade work on the streets of Sea- claims, of which there are sev- night and arrived here this morn-|teyded as far as the Kitselas tun- , poe = be le and who should | avert BN ne lel man h’s|# prem 7 nf ek, one and ajitie, Having completed the work/eral groups, the miners claim) !"8. She wae given - big send-| nel, but not open for regular pas- ence = ( led for the asso-| vo. ene ¥ Pot as far)’ ; ee Kitselas of tearing down the hills in that} they have seldom failed to obtain | of from the capital city, jsenger trafile to that point as yet. = i ‘t and TeKenaee | jusgernaut mad Ko Alderman | hall es i tei of w 44-in.|city, it will serve to exploit the} coarse gold, and hydraulic opera- | rererreyer: - ———_—_—_——__—- e e jen! z +} e8 Third airen’ rh ia u Poe ee A a jump, weigh gold-bearing gravels of the Kit-j| tions ar expected to yield hand- Paper decorations, tinsels, ete., See Sweder Bros, for holiday arge = Free ; Newton's ey! c ? yee Hilditeh { step cen Agee operated by alselas district | some returns, for houses, stores, etc, Wallace's. | tailoring, d24 railr ==s5 Bho, \ it Ward's Candy the legend OU i6 tons, ' a = 1 the window, tf is now legible. ' rr cok iwcimgaancimeat aeniadi cen